Age of Adepts

Chapter 661: Joint Cooperation

At this moment, the little village of Rutherland has become a meeting place for vampires and blackworms * *.

There is a black ocean creeping through the ground, and from time to time there are blood-sucking bats drilling in and out of the tall canopy.

Under their protection and surroundings, the leaders of both sides are quietly discussing something on the tree hall platform.

Even now that tens of thousands of worm armies have been pulled up and 25 demonized mantis protectors beside them, the worm witch Billis still reveres in front of Mary, the bloody queen, and dares not reveal a look of pride and arrogance.

With these arms-like worm armies and warworms, Billis is fine with singling out all of the Deep Red family's first-degree wizards. But even with such power, he still dared not make it in front of Mary.

In addition to being a second-degree vampire, what Mary did during her apprenticeship in Billis had branded him deeply as a soul. So much so that Billis now sees Mary turning her legs and stomach, sweating her hands and hands, squeezing out a smile, behaving more respectfully than Winrill.

After half a month of sweeping, the nearby Pokémon Village has been visited by almost one person.

As the strength of the two began to soar, some were no longer satisfied with this sneaky little fuss. This time we chose to meet here in order to join forces and build up enough power to sneak up on the peripheral stronghold of that Sky Water City.

Quirlings House, an elf town southwest of Tianshui City.

It is more than 200 miles from Tianshui City and has a resident population of about 400 people. It is one of the satellite towns of Tianshui City and is mainly responsible for providing a large amount of fresh fruit to Tianshui City every day.

Most of the Pokémon are vegetarians and have not touched those greasy meat meals for almost their entire lives, so the fruits supplied by the Quirlings House can also be considered the main source of food for the inhabitants of Tianshui City.

It was with this in mind that, after Mary and Billis met in Rutherland Village, the old fox Winrill encouraged the two parties to work together to take over this important elf town. Taking down the Quirlings cabin will not only dramatically increase the strength of the two, but also disrupt the order of life in Tianshui City.

This is something that must be done for two ambitious witches who want to show off their fists and feet on the West Coast.

Besides, the guard power of the Quirlings cabin, the highest rank, is only two, and there is no such thing as a top three. Attacking such an area does not pose too great a risk to them, so after listening to Winrill's analysis and introduction, both Mary and Billis had to be a little overwhelmed.

Cooperation between the two sides would have such advantages that, once a decision had been taken, it would have taken place almost instantaneously.

This side had just made a pact, and Billis whistled over there and disappeared into the forest with the Rollerbug Army. Mary, on the other hand, also made a big noise of pristine wings. Nearly a thousand blood-sucking bats gathered in a red cloud, close to the tip of the forest sea tree, and quickly flew away somewhere far away.

A moment later, this soft-soaked valley of secluded silence finally calmed down, leaving only a dead silence.


Overseas Island.

The floating giant ship still floats over the island, with the banging sound of the dings, the welding sound of the buzzers, and all kinds of metal collisions and frictions.

The last Great War left too much damage to the Floating Giant or Ming or Dark. For the sake of future war needs, even Grimm can only squat honestly on this island, which is no more than two miles away, slowly waiting for the repair of the Floating Giant to be completed.

At this moment, under the command of geologists and engineers, all kinds of engineering robots repair the damage to the space furnace and inside the ship day after night, repairing those striking battle remnants on the flight deck.

This is a huge amount of work, it's amazing!

Fortunately, before this incursion into Fine's position, there was enough metal ingots and alloy material stockpiled inside the Floating Giant Ship, which would not be helpless. Otherwise, you'll have to go back to Shadow Island and ask for help from the white witches!

And for this noisy environment, the wizards obviously find it intolerable, so they all choose to move over the island. There, use this brief battle gap to continue some experiments and studies of interest to yourself.

On the lower level of the island prison, Grimm was also forced to dig out a small stone chamber and open a temporary laboratory inside.

Now all he needs to do is study the Forest Elves!

Humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, half-humans, dwarves, dogheads, goblins… The same race falls in different regions and undergoes tremendous and extraordinary changes. As a wizard, Grimm thought he had a good understanding of the Elves, but after all, it was just a book from the world of wizards.

Grimm's knowledge of the fairy race through books alone includes the Wood Fairy, the Golden Fairy, the Japanese Fairy, the Moon Fairy, the Grey Pokémon, the Wild Pokémon, the Prairie Pokémon, the Forest Pokémon… and even mutates into an unrecognizable new look when a particular fairy race is in some extreme surroundings.

For example, Dark Elf (also known as Zor), who has lived in the underground world for many years, such as Marine Elf (also known as Naga), who lives in the deep sea, such as Fallen Elf (also known as Sat), who lives in a demonized area…

These elves, who live on the Coke continent, call themselves forest elves because they live in magical forests. They basically continue the elf tradition and are rooted in exceptional arrow skills. All forest elves, male and female, are tall, smart, beautiful, elegant, and eye-sharp.

They love poetry, literature and music.

They are usually located deep in the forest, and the largest clan size rarely exceeds 200.

Pokémon's hidden villages blend cleverly with forests to minimize harm to the forests themselves.

Forest elves are almost exclusively vegetarians, usually gathering only natural fruits to feed themselves, and rarely hunt for creatures in the forest. Therefore, trees would not be cut down like humans and wild grass would be burned to cultivate agricultural land.

It is precisely because they have completely integrated themselves into the magical forest that they have earned the praise and nickname of "Son of Nature", "Friend of the Forest". With this strange ethnic gift, they are able to travel without a trace through the vast forest of magic, full of thorns, bushes, vines and magical plants.

Large forests, which are difficult for outsiders, do not hinder them in any way.

They can even talk intimately to every flower, every grass, every tree in the Great Forest. So tracking the elves in the Great Forest is almost impossible!

Besides the fact that Grimm has basically learned so much about forest elves, it is the approximate occupational classification and characteristics of some elf armies.

Overall, Fine is only a moderate level of development and does not possess the same qualifications as the world of witches. Although the biological hierarchy here is very similar to that of the wizard world, it is far too far behind in terms of gold content!

After several battles, big and small, Grimm also estimated that the biological hierarchy here is nearly half as powerful as the world of witches. In other words, the first-level junior fighter in Fine's position is only slightly stronger than the senior apprentice in the wizard world, barely comparable to the quasi-witch.

In many cases, Fine's 1st rank is no match for even the mighty quasi-watches of the wizard world!

It is no wonder that Grimm was able to fight the second order of Fine's plural simultaneously as a second-degree Primary Fire Witch, and also killed each other.

However, the Forest Elf in Fine's position is not all defective, but also has its strengths and advantages.

That's all the soldiers!

Almost every forest elf, even the little ones with heads that exceed the height of a long bow, is one of the best shooters in the human world. With this peculiar ethnic specialty of archers, the Forest Pokémon have steadily occupied the Coffee Continent and repelled numerous incursions into the Fine Continent.

Moreover, the Forest Elves are a powerful race with divine guardians, and there are a large number of magicians within the kingdom. These temple priests, elf gods, enable most to draw on the divine power of God, combined with their sophisticated natural spells, and thus have some terrible powers.

The last Battle of Cynthia, also in the third order, the elf god made Cynthia beat the Dark Witch Usa to the head. If Grimm hadn't summoned the 3-stage thyron in time, combined with the Magic Cannon on the Floating Huge, I'm afraid that battle would be the last battle of the Deep Red family.

Grim may be able to escape birth, but the vast majority of the wizards who follow him find it difficult to escape the elves.

It is precisely because we have seen the terrible power of the Elf God that Grimm once again travels overseas to seek out the weaknesses and defects of the Forest Elf Clan by taking advantage of the opportunity to hide on an island.

And what he wants most now is to have a thorough and complete understanding of how forest elves work with their body structures and magic organs, and then find the simplest and most practical strategy and means of killing.

Of course, the plague ranks first at the moment!

This is not a private place under your control anyway, even if you beat the Coffee Continent to pieces and drastically reduce the number of forest elves, you will not be distressed.

So Grimm took Toronto to her lab and worked with her to develop a special plague that could be targeted specifically at the Forest Elf Race.