Age of Adepts

Chapter 688: Haunted Groups

This is a dull underground cave.

The ground is full of damp, dark black soil, sparsely lined with some bizarre monsters.

The rock walls surrounding the cave have been perennially soaked by rainwater erosion, and most of the loose sandstone soil has been stripped, leaving behind only hard-healing rock walls and sparkling moss.

The light is dim, even with the bright green light from the slight moss, it is not possible to illuminate this vast underground space, on the contrary, it makes the place look more empty and deeper, giving people a feeling of dull repression.

Light water mists scatter in caves big and small, covering everything here in a hazy mist.

Grimm walked ahead, and the dark red flame boundaries surrounding him echoed the water vapor, relentlessly emitting a loud and gentle noise. Originally wet land baked under the flame junction quickly turned into dry, soft sand, deerskin boots stepped on top, proclaiming a sense of cloud-driving mist.

The dark red flame junction is like a burning red sharp knife, cutting open the mist in front of your eyes and driving the blurred water vapor to both sides of the road. The sporadic strain spreads its teeth dancing claws deep in the shadowy mist, as if it were a horrible demon crawling out of Nine Unseen Hells in a strange posture.

And among the monsters, some ugly twisted monsters are howling and howling...

It seemed to smell life, and a series of monster howls suddenly appeared deep in the mist on the right. Immediately after the mist, a large group of rotten zombies dragged their skewed ankles into Grimm's view, flattening their dirty, filthy black hands and rushing wildly toward the three of them.

These are rotten zombies who have slept underground for years. The original full-bodied body was completely dry at this moment, with deep depression in the abdomen, and thin hair on the head was fading away. Numerous corpses rolled and crept between their hollow eyes, nostrils and mouths, climbing in and out.

Foreign enemies were perceived breaking in, these rotting zombies as guard dogs were unusually agitated, and an empty eye socket lit up a glowing red light, opening their big, extremely skewed mouths to distort their entire faces.


Nearly a hundred rotten zombies are still howling up in spite of the huge power gap between the two sides. As soon as they enter the confines of the flame junction, the entire decaying and sticky body immediately rises up the hydrating vapor, which in turn leads to countless small flames.

Without waiting for them to approach the side of the three, the bursting fire devoured their evil and ugly bodies and submerged them in the flames of burning.

The three of them held their breath long ago and walked in the middle of a human torch with a disgusting face. For those who were too close, Grimm popped a little orange flame. Don't look at the small flames that fall on the zombies, but instantly burn out their tough, hardy skin like old cowhide, and ignite everything that can ignite.

These foundational strengths are at best, but the low order immortal creatures of the apprenticeship are simply unable to resist the dual effects of the flame junction and the 'ignition’ of witchcraft, a howling fall, burned into an unrecognizable coke in a painful struggle and distortion.

It seems to perceive the power of the three, the original teeth dancing claws, and the horrible strains that are a little jumpy to try are also flying their flags. Deep in the mist beyond the sight of the three, the orangutan tree retracted its rootstock, digging around like a snake, drooling its lean branches and disguising itself as a dead tree.

The blood-sucking vine wrapped around the demon tree also retracted the tentacles of withering dryness, applied motionlessly to the tree trunk, and lost its previous activity.

And those giant cannibal whips blocking the way of the three struggled to pull their roots out, slowly creeping into hiding on both sides. At the top of the stem, the sunflower-like flower plate closed the leaf petals, blocking the fluttering face.

As the three approached, the whispering death paradise was instantly cold. The cold-blooded greed coming out of the darkness shifted his gaze and no longer dared to easily provoke these terrible sorcerers.

Grimm looked back at Alice.

Alice shook her head: "No sign of Marie! This is the Garden of the Dead, and it's a great place for vampires to hide. I think that if I were Mary, I would definitely go deeper and deal with that Druid with the indigenous dead spirit here...”

Usa, who has been looking at the surrounding environment coldly, couldn't help but say, “We'd better not go too far. As you can see, most of the dead here are not naturally biochemical, but artificially modified. It also means that there must be a powerful master behind them. ”

“Are you worried it's a fourth-level hermit?” Grimes thought.

“Well, it's not like you can't see the situation here. A third-degree wizard can't make such a big fight, can he? I'm sure it's a powerful spirit of the fourth order that connects the basement here to an alien space, and the lower order spirit here is the outpost that it lays out on the periphery. If we go too far, we are likely to provoke each other, creating unpredictable risks!” Usa obviously had some fear of this place.

“Do you feel dangerous?” Grimm left Alice the problem again.

This time, even Usa focused her eyes on Alice.

Destiny Witches are good at getting lucky and avoiding evil, and if the future is really dangerous, they will certainly feel something ahead of time.

Alice pulled a crystal ball out of her arms and tossed it in her palm for a moment, shook her head: “It's risky, but not dangerous! Even... even..."

She hesitated for half a day and Alice didn't know how to describe her feelings.

“I have a feeling this underground trip is going to be great for us! ”

Grimm and Usa sighed in a dark sigh of relief.

“In that case, let's move on! I'd like to see what the real owner of this area looks like…" Usa's opinion as a 3rd level witch is obviously very important.

After all, Usa was at the heart of the battle to fight the Druid elder.

While Grimm also has the ability to summon 3rd order thyron, the cost of each summons is too great. Moreover, in the face of an elder of the third order Druid, he would not be given enough time to complete the summons.

However, as they continued to move forward, the three men who had broken into the zombie territory were soon confronted with a new biological invasion of the dead.

Grievances, evil ghosts, and ghosts are like a group of translucent ghosts, hidden in a mist, unable to help but chirp and scream. Compared to the spirits of the wizard world, these spirits of resentment created by biological souls are few evils and a little more ferocious.

They burst out with an amazing laugh, dancing all around the dark red flame. Some spirits who couldn't hold onto their ferocious grievances tried to rush into the dark red junction, but instantly raised their heads and screamed even more terribly, turning back towards the outside.

Unfortunately, there is a lack of physical disguise and their core of resentment is directly exposed to the flame line. Not more than three times, a grievance spirit of advanced apprenticeship power burst into ashes with great mourning.

What happened to the dead in the front also made the resentment in the back understand the horror of this dark red junction, which is more rapidly wrapped and more cynical, but still dares not step halfway into the flame junction.

But it's not all low-ranking grievances that can appear here, and as a seductively scented chirp of laughter, a beautiful girl in a hot, low-chested, light veil begins to emerge in the mist.

They giggled, chasing each other, occasionally flushing out of the mist, leaving only a glance of the spectacular shock in front of the crowd, smiling again and hiding deep in the mist.

That exhilarating delicate face, that tall white round chest hill, that mind-boggling smile, that illusory hot body...

The three men beneath the flame barrier were simultaneously smiling with disdain.

By their side, a strange magical glow is pouring in, looking at the pattern, which is exactly the sign of the frequent activation of 'enchantment'.

These enchanted witches can also be considered high-ranking spirits and reach the first level of strength. However, the day after tomorrow's production caused them a great loss of intelligence and apparently they could not compete with first-order wizards. If you were a first-degree wizard, and saw Grimm and others, how far away would you have gone? How could you be so unknowingly deceiving yourself in front of a high-ranking wizard?

Their self-righteous charm clearly did not shake the hearts and minds of Grimm and others, so the witch leader who was invisible behind them appeared arrogantly after some disturbance.

A Class 1 Premium Enchanted Girl!

The spirit of this shemale chief is undoubtedly more elaborate than that of her own men, and there is no other shemale's sense of vain vagueness. Dressed in a light green evening dress, she stepped on a sophisticated, transparent crystal pump, stepped on a void and stepped out of the deep darkness.

“Little handsome, your body is so strong and powerful...” The head of the witch said with a sweet soft, soft, soft and wet voice, a pair of deceptive snow fiber jade hands slowly rubbing her body, licking her red lips, the charming face of the Dungeon City appeared a strong valley arrears of fire: “Hurry up... use your hot passion * warm my lonely body...”

To be honest, if Grimm is just an ordinary traveler, this moment must be a soul distraction, and the whole person walks into the arms of the shemale chief as silly as a string puppet.

But unfortunately, he's not!

Even the two witches stood behind him, making it difficult for him to pretend to be enchanted.

“Shall we dodge something for you and this guy?” Alice giggled softly and obviously found this scene particularly funny.