Age of Adepts

Chapter 765: Advancement and Ambush

unprecedented difficulty in advancing in the Flame Cavern!

Beyond the imagination of the alchemists, the Deep Red family has placed a staggering number of metal puppets in the underground tunnels. They have no element attack capability, but with their indestructible metal bodies, coupled with speed-fire sperm guns that can destroy everything, they are enough to destroy any intruder who dares appear before them.

Moreover, in addition to revolving sperm guns, they are equipped with sperm mines, sperm rockets and sperm sprayers.

Under the armament of these magical weapons, one man holds the post and ten thousand cannot pass.

The fantasy of the Alchemists of the Demonic Forest Hut trying to clean up the entire underground tunnel with cheap elemental summonses also vanished.

Shooter magic is by no means invincible, but the price the Alchemists pay to destroy them is rising exponentially.

In the beginning, Wizard Singh also spelled out a marksman's magic with a Wizard-grade Soft Mud Monster. And the goblin mechanics behind the cloaking scene instantly adjusted the gear and attack pattern of the archer's magic so that it could never happen again.

In the next battle, the Alchemists will have to pay three to five times as much to take down any key access node deep into the ground. Especially in some underground stone halls, formed mechanical teams appear.

There are not many of them, just five or six of them.

But when they come together, the burning metal bounce forms a terrible barrage, and any moving object that appears in front of them is instantly torn apart. Powerful metal bullets can even hit back multiple times in a lava firestone coagulation tunnel, making it even more difficult to predict each other's ballistics and trajectories.

To the rear, the Alchemist Wizards, after summoning up the Wizard-level Elemental Slaves, also need to put on them a Magic Shield that can resist physical attacks. Otherwise, a fragrance oil rush into the other party's range, is directly shot off before it reaches the other party's side, and can only become a ridiculous target for the other party to practice fixed shooting in vain.

After several consecutive shocks, although up to 17 marksmanship devices were successfully destroyed on the Deep Red side of the family, 42 bottles of Wizard-grade summoning agents were also paid by the Wizards of the Magic Forest Hut. And they're only 75 meters away.

When I think of the long four or five hundred meters behind me, even the rich alchemists breathed heavily.

Even though the landlord has some surplus grain, he can't waste it like this!

However, even if the scene is so ugly and the wizard beasts under his command are so weak, this group of alchemist wizards still does not have the impulse and meaning to fight with their bare arms.

You know, in the wizard community, alchemist wizards are often classified as auxiliary wizards along with pharmacists, enchanters, and appraisers. Their own combat capabilities are very weak and almost exclusively supported by witchcraft agents.

So over time, they have developed a special group of fighters who are unwilling to take risks and to face their enemies.

If people usually fight, they either rely on severe poisons, or on summoning agents to submerge their enemies with cheap summonses. And most alchemists like to hug in order to avoid being directly beheaded by people breaking into their sides.

Faced with these witchcraft marksmanship, the Alchemy Wizards, with their witchcraft defensive witchcraft, are absolutely capable of rushing into the marksmanship with a stormy metal barrage. At that time, they naturally had more and better chances to wipe out their enemies one by one and save a few bottles of wizard-grade summoning drugs.

Unfortunately, if they do that, it means they have to put themselves in some kind of danger.

Once something happens, they run into the enemy and risk a direct crash!

So, with the urinary properties of the alchemists, as long as there is a 1% risk that their lives will be threatened, don't think they will break out. Hiding behind summons elemental slaves, although the price is a bit high, you don't have to fight for yourself after all.

Two harms take it lightly!

The alchemist wizards at Magic Forest Hut are reassured to continue to waste it.

And in the darkness of their invisible underground melting hole, a group of long-awaited vampires are cursing in depression.

I have seen a shrewd person, but not such a shrewd person!

What else would these egg-free trash wizards do besides summon some elemental servants?

Soros leads several second-degree vampires in silent lurking in the shadows at the top of the melting hole as he curses angrily.

The enemy is pushing too slowly and too carefully, undoubtedly leaving the vampires wanting to sneak up on a handful of them. Narrow, hard underground meltways make it hard for enemies to advance, and vampires to sneak up on them.

Soros had to secretly summon the Gerger witches who had left behind the witch tower, giving him the opportunity to take away some of the shooter's magic and weaken the resistance in the first half of the melting hole, which finally placed the alchemists in the basement stone hall where they chose to ambush.

The enemy in front of him collapses step by step, although the price already paid is too expensive, but victory is on the horizon after all, isn't it?

The enemies in the underground stone hall have been cleared, and the alchemists in the demonic forest hut are now entering the line, starting to clean up and detect every inch of space here.

Thirteen first-order wizards split into teams, some dedicated to summoning insurmountable element slaves into the curved lanes in front of them, and others to summon powerful high-order earth elements to begin repairing the topography of the stone masonry hall and creating conditions for the passage of late large troops.

Although there are already many slaves who consume the elements of death in battle, at this moment, the witch beasts and summoning beasts surrounded by many wizards remain dense and numb.

The Alchemists have already reached the perverted level of protection for their own safety!

This is already the second underground stone hall they occupy.

As before, the sweep of the sweep, the sweep of the sweep, and several other wizards are dedicated to passage security.

The alchemy wizards let go of their minds and began to shift their attention to attacking and exploring the underlying melting tunnels.

Yet somewhere above the head beyond the sight of an alchemist, a natural stone hall ceiling depression, a fist-sized stone with a strange pattern moved slightly, revealing a small space behind it.

The vampires of the four-headed bloodsucking bat gently climbed out of it and hung it upside down in the shadows, squinting their scarlet eyes and watching coldly as the alchemists kept busy beneath them.

This tiny stone groove space was carefully dug out by the goblins, and the stones that sealed the hole were even engraved with mysterious symbols that avoided detecting and hiding breath. This gives them the chance to escape the spiritual scan and witchcraft detection of the Alchemist without risk.

Now, they're just waiting... for an attack signal from a witch tower.

Then it's time for them to kill and slaughter these goddamn enemies!


Inside Lava Hall.

A platoon of neatly lined marksmanship stood quietly waiting silently for a battle order from the witch tower.

Marie stood proud in her bloody tight leather armor and listened to the ears and ears of the ears coming back from the underground melting tunnel. And in this noisy and indistinguishable loud sound, Mary's specially constructed hearing perception distinguishes and filters out an ultrasound signal hidden in it.

“The enemy has been ambushed! Tell the defensive forces to fight back! ”

Cold narratives turned Marie Prism into a palm-sized red bat, slapping the wings quickly and rushing silently into the dark underground melting tunnel.

“Hurry, hurry, hurry... Notify me so that all Archer's magic starts fighting back immediately...”

Scorpion Lion leader Karon immediately followed Mary, passing the order down a layer.

Within the underground melting tunnel, the blood red bat of Mary's incarnation is like a bloody lightning bolt gliding fast through the dark underground space. When she encountered the magic that was blocking her way, she didn't even have the ability to say hello. She passed through the void beside the other side and headed somewhere far away.

Her appearance was as if it were a quick signal of attack, a machine scattered all over the canal quietly waiting for the enemy shooter's magical eyes to light up, put away the defensive alert mode, changed back to the morphology of the human machine armor, and began to follow Mary to the upper level of the canal.

In a blink of an eye, Mary arrived at an underground stone hall where there was intense fighting.

Three marksman artifacts and twelve wizard-grade elemental slaves are storming against each other, while two artifacts and several times their corpses are lying on the battlefield corner.

The sudden arrival of Mary undoubtedly attracted the attention of both sides of the battle, but Mary seemed unaware of the fighting underneath her. From the center of the battlefield, the high body gap between the belligerents crossed and went straight into the pitch-black lane behind the beast.

It's a 2nd order powerful wizard!

It's the vampire wizard on that list!

Several alchemist wizards who have been using projection techniques to observe distant wars shout almost simultaneously.

Damn, that horrible second-degree female vampire is coming straight at them!

“Afraid of what? She is the only one, so many of us are still afraid of one of her district vampires...” Grade 2 Roy dissatisfied with a few reprimands, the alchemist this only stabilized.

“Let the witch beast and servant below seal her retreat, and we'll kill her here! ”

As Roy screamed, several alchemist wizards hurried to give battle orders to the underlying witch beasts and elemental slaves, which began to hasten to set up temporary defenses.

When a group of colorful witchcraft agents burst into the center of the lobby, the bloody lightning Mary figure was already in view at the far end of the lobby.

“Chestnuts, rookies, I will bring death to you! ”

As she screamed and made a declaration of battle, Marie shook her wings straight at the enemy.

And her gaze quickly locked that robe's most gorgeous, most cold-blooded magic forest hut leader, Roy, a second-degree alchemist.

The battle broke out instantly!