Age of Adepts

Chapter 798: Apprentice Duel

Although the same family is deeply red, the atmosphere between the two sides is not harmonious.

At the very least, there is no match between this‘ Blood-Sucking Fang ’and‘ Light of Shadow ’.

“Yo, ain't that just gonna take some shitty Pontar? Why did you come back safely from the Black Forest...” Just stepped into the tavern and a soft and sweet voice came from the counter. However, the contents of the speech can't help but slightly change the face of the Shadow Light team members.

“Who am I supposed to be? It turns out that Lord Runs is the most handsome man in the White Tower. Why did you come out here today to drink boring wine?” A horse first walked in front of Pontar with a smile on his face, hey, grinning back.

The man who spoke, though handsome and soft, was an authentic middle-aged man. ‘He’ is dressed in a fine noble robe with a noble crest on his chest, although the content of the crest is sparse and eye-catching.

Since all of the vampires come from the Fine surface, they are pure bloodthirsty, handsome, posy, with light green hair and clear visibility of two long pointy ears.

As noble Blood Pokémon, these outsiders still retain much of their pre-conversion life and perfectly inherit all the strengths and ‘weaknesses' of the Fine Forest Pokémon. They are simply a group of ‘look-alike association members' pursuing extremes, deeply disgusted by all creatures whose appearance is imperfect.

Not to mention green skins like Little Rock, but witches who don't look handsome enough in the White Tower, too, often suffer their scorn and spit. If they weren't the short bloody Mary behind the hill, I'm afraid such a group would have been expelled from the tower by the wizards.

Fortunately, they also knew that they had not taken the initiative to dial powerful wizards like Billis the Bug. In their daily lives and relationships, however, they remain arrogant and sloppy, doing everything in their power to fight the ‘ugly' around them.

Seriously, at least three and a half of the five members of the Shadow Light Squad were evaluated as‘ unsightly ’. Only young and beautiful Ike is judged to be‘ average ', while Shadow Quasi-Wolf Pontar is reluctantly classified as‘ OK ’by virtue of his strength.

Especially for Green Goblin Rock, who is a disgusting mess and thinks it's a disgrace to let such an ugly creature be their companion!

So, more or less, these bloody elves have ‘dealt' with all the apprenticeship teams, and they end up unhappy each time.

Faced with these humiliations from his apprentice's 'companion', Little Dixie Locke's face rose red and his teeth grew straight. After all, the goblins are synonymous with vility and inferiority in most material contexts!

Too short a life, coupled with no inheritance without a knowledge system, leads all the goblins to be regarded as inferior foolish monsters. It is also the weakest, most cowardly of all demons, and the most suitable low-level demon to be tested as a beginner.

Prior to stepping out of his position, Little Rock was proud of his green skin and was proud to be his goblin. It was not until it learned the systematic and comprehensive Monster Book, in which it found the wizards' bitter reviews of the finest of the earth, that it first learned about the position and appreciation of the Goblins in the eyes of many intelligent races.

It can be said that it was this outbreak of anger that caused Little Rock to learn and experiment almost insanely over this period of time.

It wanted to prove itself, it wanted to prove that the Goblins were not as embarrassing as described in the Monster Book. The Goblin, too, is a race of wisdom and knowledge, not a novice gift pack for slaughter!

Seriously, the Goblins do tend to be low-end on the frontal biological chain, the most important reason being their lack of sensitivity to elemental witchcraft.

Take Little Locke!

It is now a senior apprentice, but the magic of its body can only be compared to that of a junior apprentice in the human race. As for the natural element affinity of the Blood Elf Clan, it is even more incomparable.

It is precisely because of the low affinity of the elements that the Goblins were forced to abandon themselves as practitioners and instead study the combination of magic and engineering machinery. Magic is the way they find their own race!

The goblin's body is too fragile, so make up for it with the magic of steel bars and bones...

The magic power of the goblin is too thin, so rely on magic batteries to replenish it...

The sperm lacks the ability to sense and control the elemental particles, so it is filled with a mechanical technique that is responsive…

It is precisely by investing the power of the clan in the study of magic and the manipulation of magic that many goblins find alternative paths to become alternative manipulators of magic.

Therefore, today, faced with the mockery of the Blood Pokémon, only a small 1 meter 1 Pokémon jumped 3 feet tall, waving his fist and hissing: “Duel... duel... I demand duel! I will not allow you to insult our Goblin clan and apologize to me before I have the right to demand a fair fight! ”

A few beautiful bloody elves left at the counter trembled with laughing branches, while a little white-faced male bloody elf, Rens, laughed back and forth.

“Haha… Pontar, I admire you so much. I actually went out on a mission and brought a clown with me... hahahahaha...”

Pontar's face became more blushing, and if Eko hadn't held his arm tightly behind him, he would have punched Rennes in the face with a punch.

Although the other party has only advanced apprenticeship skills, it is impossible to be an adversary of one of his quasi-witches. But the Blood Pokémon are naturally good at fighting, and they don't give him three points in such a narrow, low place.

“How dare you question Little Rock's apprenticeship?” The team's traditionally poisonous Blanco Yin Test speech: “This apprenticeship was given by the master himself, are you suspicious of the master? ”

Heard that several Blood Pokémon have changed their faces.

They also belong to the Deep Red family and naturally know the relationship between Lord Mary and the head of the family. In the face of each other's blatant provocation, they also couldn't help but look at each other with anger, one hated itching.

Perhaps in their hearts, they also really thought that Lord Mary and the owner were in the second order, and it was really hard to say who could have fought alone. So all the Blood Pokémon are a little uncomfortable with Lord Mary succumbing to the Fire Witch.

But such things can only be thought of, but cannot be spoken out, otherwise not only will they be severely punished at the top of the family, but even Lord Mary will not protect them.

“Don't move your tongue here, I just want to say that such inferior creatures are not worthy of being apprentices at all, they are only worthy of being our anatomical subjects lying on the experimental stage…” Lens took a step forward, roaring out loud.

“Then fight it!” Blanco whispered despicably: “You wouldn't dare to accept the challenge of a little goblin, would you? ”


“Okay, we take the challenge! ”

Just as Rens wanted to continue arguing, a cold female voice was inserted behind her back.

Everyone heard the fame and discovered that it was the captain of the Blood Fang Squad, the Blood Elf Associate Witch Celia, who spoke. Celia was also a first-order Elf Archer in the Finn position. However, her power attributes changed too dramatically after she was transformed into a Blood Elf, allowing her to retreat back to the quasi-woman level.

Once she has completed the complete integration of physical and blood forces, she still has a good chance of returning to step 1.

The power she once possessed gave Celia a different mood and vision than other apprentices, so she was not bound by a narrow paranoid aesthetic, her red blood eyes swept quickly on Locke the Dixie, and her slender brows could not help but lighten up.

“Big Sister, is there a problem?” The blood elves beside him came and asked.

“Nothing... Maggie, go warn Rens, don't be careless. That... that green leather guy seems a little weird... don't let Rens embarrass us Blood Elves! ”

“Got it, big sister! ”

With the concurrence of the two quasi-wolf leaders, this duel is inevitable!

The duel court was chosen over the circular square in the centre of the town, where thick green bars were laid and huge torches lit around it, and the ground was spacious and bright enough for apprentices to fight and play inside.

Anyway, with the strength of the apprentices, it doesn't inspire too powerful witchcraft, so this two or three acres of square is enough for them to enjoy themselves. As for buildings or roads damaged during the fighting, they are naturally paid for by the defeated.

“Nor can the duel be fought for nothing, and I'm willing to take out this Firelion's Crystal Nucleus as a bet!” When the two duel protagonists are in place and gathered around the square to watch the bustling apprentice black press, Pontar cannot help but rise loudly.

“Huh, we won't fail! I'll bet on a Dragonfly Crystal!” Celia humiliated herself and responded loudly.

Feilong Demon Crystal refers to the Demon Crystal in a double-legged Feilong body.

Although it is only a first-order monster, it is also superior in first-order monsters because of its thick skinned flesh, highly toxic claw teeth, and better at flying, and its crystalline value is even twice that of a fire lion.

Having been able to receive such a response, Pontar's face immediately revealed an exciting sparkle.

These days, the little goblin Locke showed the strength, and they naturally looked at it as teammates, and they were counting. Little Rock still has a good chance of winning in the face of an equally advanced Blood Elf!

Celia glanced around at the black pressure crowd, her face immobilized, coldly said: “Now that everyone has no objection, I now announce that the duel has begun...”

As the voice dropped, Rens, standing at the corner of the square, instantly turned into a slap-sized bloodsucking bat and quickly approached the other silly little loch.