I wonder if this is how a man who has been cheated on by his real wife feels.

"So, you're telling me not to miss Miss Lila?

"Hmm... that would make me happy, yes"

"Why should I break my heart so much?

Claude calmly asks back while sitting in the executive chair.

Walt, who was taken from the conference room to the office in an instant, has no escape. Kyle stands at the entrance to the office, and Keith prepares tea by Claude. Elephant also held the sugar and sighed from the corner of the room.

"To sum up your story, Miss Lila is black about the sale of incense."


"Whatever you're doing, black is black. And miss it? Magic incense is dangerous for monsters. I knew you'd know that."

"I know! I know, I know."

"In the first place, did I have to give you a claw order? I'm breaking your orders. What are you asking me to do for nothing? Shut up."

This means that there is no word to return.

(I see. It was too a preliminary mistake... no, I didn't forget Master Claude's orders.)

I did what I had to do. Claude's eyes cleared and cooled.

"What is it? Can't you make an excuse?"

"I'm sorry...."

"Okay, that's enough. Keith, I'll leave Miss Lila to you."

Yes, my lord.

I felt a bit bloody.

Whatever the public position, Keith has Claude's trust. If you care about that, you can still put Lila in jail today as a sinner.

"Kyle, can you move too?


"Kyle, you...!

In Walt's story, Kyle must have felt the presence of the fairy. But a blunt and sharp partner like this takes Claude's orders first.

"That's all. Walt took turns with Kyle. I need you to escort me."

"Wait, Master Claude!

"What are you doing?

I was asked back cold and my throat was stuffed with words.

Claude is sweet to his men. But it's not sweet enough that you didn't make a preliminary mistake.

(What are you doing, idiot? Think! I'm sure you're good at this kind of deception...!

It's not as smart as Isaac, or as thoughtful as Elephant. I don't know Claude as well as Keith, nor can I cut him to pieces.

But getting around would be the best.

That's why I'm alive. What should I do without using it now?

"--I can't let Claude do something disgraceful!

Claude turned to Walt, knocking on the desk and saying so.

"Look, Miss Lila is completely black! It's too dark and the opposite is pleasant. Isn't it just being completely guided? If you swallow it, it means that the demon king is on it!? Is that all right? That's not gonna be good!

"If you catch Miss Lila, will you know everything?

"That's the only thing that's convenient for her! And if there's a real replacement, it could be either way."

- Can you help her?

You should properly understand the meaning of that word.

"Look, I just screwed up once. When her parents died in an accident, this happened because I cleaned it up. You can't let Claude make the same mistake!

"That sounds like it, but don't you just want to catch her? More personal than loyalty to me."

"What a fool I am to say, if she is indeed Lord Claude's enemy..."

That's the first time I noticed it. Because I know why Kyle won't resist Claude's orders.

"I'm not interested in a woman who hates Claude."

There's a reason. I hoped so.

But if there's no reason, I'm just disappointed in her and laughing that my eyes were a saving hole.

Straight Kyle doesn't even have that suspicion. I don't think the fairy is Claude's enemy. Otherwise, they weren't fairies in the first place.

Such cruelty is mutual.

"I'm ungrateful. It's not enough to forget who made me human. It's impossible to betray Claude alone."

Claude stares at Walt with red eyes. Don't look away from there.

"That's what I say. She has a reason. I'm all set! For example, that dress of hers at the ball. That must have been Miss Lila I know."

"Why aren't you a fairy? You wouldn't have been at the ball."

"As far as I'm concerned, it's Miss Lila. If it was the fairy, I should have smelled the magic scent on the spot, just like you gave it to me. But I didn't. Probably because I didn't have magic incense. So I just put on a colorless dress and smelled the presence of magic scent. Maybe she and the fairy have different goals and different means."

A fairy who gave her the incense and hoped to help her.

Then her purpose was to run strangely in a colorless dress at the ball.

"I thought you wanted to sue Claude for something."

His Majesty the Emperor is at the ball. The Demon King is very strict in controlling the incense in order to protect the monster.

And I hear you're in love with the Empress.

--If you dress in a colorless dress and act like you are selling a fight to the Empress, you will surely turn your ear. They'll look into it.

"If you need any help, why don't you just ask me honestly?

"That's why I can't do it! Catch her without knowing, yes. Is such an emperor okay? I don't want to end up thinking that Master Claude, whom she asked for help, is incompetent."

Tap the desk again and Walt stares Claude in the eye.

"What do you dislike about what I'm saying and what I'm trying to do?"


Claude, who exhaled a long breath, reassembled his legs and put his weight back on the back of the chair.

You really have a good mouth.

"It's an honor to take your compliments."

"It's troublesome because you just ran off to forget my orders to help Miss Lila, making me think it might be for me if I told you so. - What do you think, Keith?"

"A mistake is a mistake. I can't let you do the same."

Keith, who served Claude tea, said with a smile. Walt looks back at Keith when he thinks so.

Master Keith, I...

"But it was Walt who actually met Miss Lila. I'm sure they have quite a relationship. So Walt continued to vote for the investigation. But under my command."

"In that case, the status quo will not change. I'm not asking you to punish me, but what about preventing a recurrence?

"It's okay. It's not as bad as ignoring my orders, Mr. Walt."

Hey, my spine is stretching with a smile.

"Yes, of course! Absolutely! Oh, my God!

"Wait, I forgot my orders, but don't I forget yours? Isn't that funny?

"Half a year's pay cut, no rest."

Ugu, Walt is stuck, but if that's all you have to do, it's fine. Ignored Claude frowned.

"Why isn't anyone answering? About the value of my orders."

"Well, as for me - no, as for us, we must not end up as a stain on my Lord. Not only is it troublesome to get rid of the killer, but it is also troublesome to burn and scatter the incense. Just like at Misha."

Auguste was concerned that Serena had been abandoned.

From anyone's point of view, the August is not responsible. There is something I should sympathize with Serena's situation, but that's all. I thought so. But now I know how it feels.

Auguste still wanted to help Serena. If Serena had told me, it would have been a while ago.

(But I'm being careful. I want to know before I help you.)

Was the moment I saw myself different real?

"First, let's catch the trafficker Sugar tracked us down. Mr. Elephant, I want you to join Mr. Sugar in capturing him today. Kyle and Walt, keep an eye out for Claude and Eileen. Maybe something will come."


Walt answers mysteriously to Claude's question.

Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow's opera.

This is the seat Walt prepared to hear Lila's reaction in front of the Emperor and his wife. The Emperor and his wife happen to come to the theater where the date is. I tried to arrange such a situation.

"I'm not sure if Count Luvansch will come to explain on behalf of his niece, or if it's difficult for a lady to get caught in a strange face. But immediately after the trafficker who came into direct contact is caught, if it becomes an unofficial contact, someone will definitely come to explain. I'm going to ask Walt to play a play and get me in the loop."

"You're supposed to be suspicious. And I'll let you know that the Emperor and his wife are coming."

"Yes, do something to help or trick them into moving properly. I won't say I can't."

"Of course you can. Because I'm good at it."

Deceive Lila for Claude.

I nodded back to my chest where I was and what I should do.

"How about that? Dear Claude,

"Anyway, what's the answer to why it's more effective than my orders?

"Isn't that settled? Because everyone is sweet to Master Claude. There's nothing sweet about me, it doesn't make sense."

You know, not only Walt with his eyes on him, but Kyle and Elephant nodded so many times as far as Sugar.

Claude seemed happy to see it, so it is the absolute insanity of the workplace that you should not defy the Devil's Servant.