Akuyaku Reijo Ni Koi Wo Shite

New Event: Kingdom Ball

Many people dressed in beautiful costumes are gathering in the large hall in the castle where the ball was held. The size of the venue, the number of people gathering there, the luxury of food, etc. are all orders of magnitude different from the events of the Kingdom Academy.

It would be so. This is a real, and also a king-sponsored, ball.

There was some debate about holding a gorgeous event at this time when monsters appeared in various places, but there has been no major damage so far, and self-restraint of national events is a situation Finally, the opinion that the people felt the seriousness of the event and made people uneasy was finally passed, and thus the event was held as usual.

This ball is an annual event. At a ball with a significant number of nobles in the kingdom, the aristocratic daughters have been preparing for this day long ago. Cancellation is sometimes difficult.

Anyway, the ball is held and many nobles are having a good time. Of course, it's the King's sponsored gathering of most of the top nobles, just chatting. In front of the king sitting on the throne at the back of the saloon, many people are lining up to greet, and those who have finished it go to the seats of higher-level nobles who are closely related and talk about something. Some stories are not just chats. The ball is also a place of diplomacy with other families for nobles.

However, it is only in the upper part of the venue and in the back. The last seats near the entrance are the noblemen who were barely allowed to participate. There is no chance of having an audience with the king, and he cannot go to the dance hall on the Theravada, only to taste the atmosphere of the venue.

Even if you want to enjoy a luxurious meal at least.

"Rion. The only thing that eats like that is nothing."

You get angry like this.

"But I only have to eat. I can't drink."

"I enjoy conversation."

"Who is it? No one is the baron at the end of the aristocrat, nor will he talk to the Baron."

"Yeah ... I don't know anyone."

When Aeriel, a former member of the House of Lords, looks around, no one knows. In the first place, Eriel's acquaintance cannot be at the last seat.

There is no sign of anyone talking. Then there is no feeling from themselves. At the moment, Lions did not need to get along with others.

"Do you want to raise again? I left a record that I attended."

"No way until the Majesties leave."

It is rude to leave the association before the king or queen. I can't get outside to get out.

"Huh. Why do you call me like this. It takes two months just to go and go."

When anyone around me hears, Rion tells her that she's peeling her eyes. It is an honor to just be on the roster's list of attendees. For those who are at the back, it's a boring party, but it's a good thing.

"I can't help refusing that."

"Oh dear"

It was an invitation from the royal city for a rainy day ball invitation, which was also the direct invitation of the Queen. Rion did not want to leave the territory, but he could not refuse. It's called an invitation in the first place, but it doesn't confirm attendance. Participation is decided when the invitation is issued, and should be called a summons rather than an invitation.

"But it's boring."


Aeriel agrees with Rion's words, despite being rude.

This boring party is the first for Aeriel. The ball where Eriel participated in his childhood was not such a full-fledged ball, but the place of the ball for Aeriel, who was also the upper seat as a daughter of the Marquis family, was a place where people who appeared one after another It was a busy place where we could talk and dance with each other.

I have never experienced a situation where no one else can treat me.

If you're really bored, just talk to anyone because it's good. So the situation changes at once. The current situation is the same as the school cafeteria. The consciousness of those around was gathered by Rion and Aeriel.

Rion is dressed in a knight's clothing that is simply braided with silver thread. Airiel in a pale, pale green dress with a clean silhouette.

They are far from luxurious, but no matter what they wear, their beauty can't help but catch the attention of others. Nevertheless, the atmosphere they wore together did not allow others to talk to them lightly.

An even more surprising event occurs in such surroundings.

"Is there anything wrong with Baron Frey?"

The maid who suddenly appeared calls out to Rion. Despite being a maid, the appearance of the older woman made me feel dignified that I could not imagine as a servant.


"The Highness of the Queen is calling. Please accompany me."


Surrounded by Rion's words, she was surprised at her words and looked away, but she kept her eyes on Rion without giving any eyes to those people.

"I'd like to talk a little bit.

"……Is that so"

Lion's gaze turns to Eriel. The queen's place is next to the king. Going to the queen's place means going in front of many nobles. Many people will know the face of Aeriel.

If you know that the daughter of a former lord has become a baroness of a local lord, some will look with disdain.

Leon was worried about it, but Eriel nodded lightly and agreed. For Ariel, the status of Rion's wife is not a shame but a pride. It was not a political marriage, but a sincere connection with a loved one.

"I'm sorry, but I'm going forward."

Telling Lion this way, the maid arrives and moves forward. Rion and Eriel followed.


The maid who came to pick me up seemed to be in a decent position, and the closer he was to the Theravada, the more he could approach and the easier it was to proceed. Leon understands that the maid has the power to make the upper nobility clear the way.

It's just easier to go, but it's not very pleasant to see the girillo from both sides.

The gaze of the surroundings that should have been completely used is strangely annoying. Considering why, Rion first noticed that she hadn't looked much like this since she arrived at the territory.

Finally, the throne and the queen sitting next to it were visible. At the same time, a voice similar to a moaning begins to leak from the surroundings.

Closer to the throne are the higher-ranking nobles. Many people know about Aeriel.

Why is Eriel, who should have been enslaved, in this place? They have such questions, of course. And those who know not only Aeriel but also Rion are so surprised that they have settled.

Rion and Aeriel went straight under the Queen, without any glance at the solidified.

Rather than hate those people's gaze, I was more aware of the warm gaze that intersects them, the gaze of the Marquis and Wynheel.

Airiel's expulsion from the House of Lords has not disappeared. He couldn't show his behavior as if he had a connection with the House of Winheels.


The Queen, who finds Lion, is calling out loud. From Rion's perspective, it's his last name.

Receiving that voice, Rion and his men stepped forward a little before the queen.

“…… I ’m sorry to see you.

The voice calling for the Queen's Rion has attracted much attention. By the time Rion gave such a greeting, the people around me were curious about what was going on.

"Yeah, it's been a long time. It looks fine and it's better than anything.

"Yes. It looks like I can finally grow to human height."

"Well. Did you care about small things?"

The queen smiles happily in Lyon's words. It seems as if he has forgotten to hide his mother-child relationship.

"That's a bit. I think a man is better than a small one."

"I want kids to stay small."

Her Royal Highness forgot to actually hide.


"Oh, that's when I first met you, it was really small like a child.

"I see. I was already an adult."

"I'm an adult right now. I've heard I got my wife."

Queen's gaze turned to Eriel. Aeriel was behind him, but came to the side next to Rion to greet him

"Nice to meet you, My Highness Princess, my name is Eriel Frey."

"Hello, hello?"

"Yes. I'm Baron Frey's wife, nothing else."

"Yes. I thought it would happen, but they are really good looking together. So late, congratulations on your marriage."

"Thank you"

After receiving a blessing from the queen, Aeriel smiles happily and turns her eyes on Rion, who stands beside her.

However, his gaze returned to the queen immediately. Not like Airiel, he stares at Queen's face, and then turns his eyes to Leon's profile.

Airiel has noticed. Rion's profile looks just like that of the Queen. The colors of the blue eyes are the same, as if they were transferred as they were.

"Aeriel. I truly bless your marriage as the Queen of this country."

Again, the word of blessing given. But this time it was not just a blessing, but Eriel knew. I wanted to tell you as a queen. That's it.

"Yes, with my husband, as a minister, I would like to respond to the favor of Her Royal Highness."

What the Queen wanted to convey was certainly transmitted. Airiel replied.

"Yes. I'm expecting."

"Then, Her Highness. We are this."

Rion, who doesn't know the queen's feelings, is in a hurry to leave.


You can't stop here, even the queen. Rion is only one baron. Even having a direct conversation with the Queen is unusual.

"Oh, wait a minute."

The king was the one who detained Leon. Regardless, the King cut off his conversation with another halfway up and came before Leon. This is already unusual.


Extra attention is not what Rion wants. Rion replied without intentionally hiding the embarrassment.

"Well, don't hate it. It's an important story."

Neighbors are confused by Rion's attitude and by the king who allows it lightly. Although both of them care about their surroundings, they get attention this way. Is this also evidence of parents and children?

"Maybe it's a monster?"

"I'm sure it's true. That's right. I first appeared like you, so I wanted to listen."

"Does that appear elsewhere? What's the damage?"

"No big damage, but I can't ignore it. I wanted to hear your opinion on what to do."

The remark of this king is also surprising. It cannot be common sense, for example, the king asks the Baron for his opinion.

"My opinion ..."

Rion did not reply immediately. There's nothing good to say. The worst if it could be adopted by the king. There are others who are in charge of national affairs. Even asking Rion for an opinion right now doesn't seem right.

"You should ask others more than me."

Rion's conclusion was to leave the trouble to others.

"What did you say?"

The king is angry, thinking he has been denied his question. Rion keeps talking without worrying about the king's reaction. I think it's faster to keep explaining than to keep my anger.

"He knows monsters far more than I do, and he knows what to do."

"... Is there such a person?"

As Leon had expected, the king ate the story.

"Yes. I am here."

"In this place? Who is it?"

For the first time asked by the King, Rion turned his gaze in a direction he had long avoided. This is where Prince Arnold gathers.

"I'm there, Miss Maria Theodor."

Leon's finger was pointed straight at Mary, who was next to Prince Arnold.

"... Wait a minute. What are you talking about?"

"I once sinned. Not only was the crime of assaulting the execution ground, but also much smaller."

"So what are you talking about?"

"I've seen a notebook of the cherished notebook of Miss Maria. The first page, part of it."

This is a lie. Rion snoops on much of the information in her pocketbook. But I can't understand that. And Maria can't complain too much. If you know the contents, Maria will be in trouble.

"... what is that?"

"The word genie was written. What might happen in the future?"

"What did you say?"

"I didn't know why it was written at that time. It's rare for a woman to like a fairy tale."

"What do you say now?"

"I'm thinking now. She knew the demon, the man who controls it. Perhaps she's like a legendary hero."

The surroundings were engulfed in a bustle. Someone who curses Rion without saying anything stupid, one who is amazed at the return of the legendary hero, and one who asks Maria to know the truth.

Rion's thrown bomb exploded brilliantly.

"Silence! I don't want to calm down! I'm right before your Majesty!"

Shouting loudly is the Guard Knight. He screams to silence his surroundings, and turns his eyes on Rion indescribably. He knew this would happen, and thought that Leon had said it.

The King replied, replied by the commander of the Knights of the Guard, where his surroundings had calmed down.

"Is the story of Rion true?"

This question is for Maria.

"that is……"

"Do you know the appearance of the demon?"

"It's ... yes."

"What should I do?"

"The devil I will defeat with my friends. That is my mission."

Maria affirms, without thinking, that she was shaken by Leon. It is a matter of decision to go to defeat the evil spirits. I think the current scene is an event for that.

"What is a legendary hero?"

"What is that legendary hero?"

"Are you a different world?"


Maria didn't think she would be asked if she was a different person. Maria's reaction is that of a completely starred one.

"Is that so ... Are your friends there?"

"Yes. I'm a fellow fighting with me. There are others."

"Do you need Arnold?"

"Arnold is one of the most important people among his friends."

Maria went this way as a man, but the king acknowledged that he needed the power of Prince Arnold. Prince Arnold's personal valor is well known to the king. It is a matter of course that you need that power to fight the demon.

"Okay, so let's talk about future measures even tomorrow."

"Yes, I understand"

This allows Mary's activities to be publicly recognized and free to act. It is the beginning of the activity of the main character Maria. If it's a game.

"Well ... hey? Who is Baron Frey?"

"I'm back now. It's hard to stay in this spotlight."

The Queen replied grumpyly to the King's question.

"Did you forgive it?"

"Yeah, because people were actually saying bad words."

"that person……"

When the queen gives forgiveness, the king cannot blame him. Originally, I am not going to blame you for returning home. Only you are angry with the cunning that escaped.

When this happens, Maria's story seems suspicious, but Maria himself acknowledges. The King concluded that this was the case.

Rion successfully escaped by pressing the demon to Maria, but the King cannot give up on this. Above all, the world couldn't let Rion go from the story.