Akuyaku Reijo Ni Koi Wo Shite

Those who are moving towards convergence

Now that rumors have spread, Lion has become a hot topic not only in the kingdom of Granfram, but also in the surrounding nations. In the previous battle, he successfully attacked the kingdom of the United States and took pride in capturing Olivia, also known as the war goddess, as a prisoner. In spite of being surprised by this, she is in doubt as soon as she returns to her country.

What kind of movement will be shown in the future? It is also of interest to countries other than the parties concerned, Gran Fulham and the United States. The situation on the continent will change greatly depending on that.

Rion himself was now looking out of the window from Kamark's castle, in a seemingly invisible manner.

"Do you feel like you're great when you look down from a high point?"

Aeriel calls out from his back.

"Do you think Eriel?"

"I've thought of it as a child."

Seeing a small person moving around from a high place makes you feel like a resident of your own world. Airiel says that. It's more like a child seeing a toy than a desire for power.

"I see. I don't. I feel a little glad that everyone is working hard."

While looking out the window, Rion talks about this. Eriel gently hugged her back. Leon was pleased with the answer.

"……What happened?"

"Take care of this feeling. Don't force yourself to hate people."

Eriel is looking forward to everything, including Rion's feelings. Many died in the fight against the Kingdom of Merica. Leon thinks it is his fault. Oddeye is a sign of ominousness, that it has become reality again.

"... There's so much going on around me. The messenger of the Kingdom of Merica slipped and said," I'm called the Son of Disaster. "

"Rion saved a lot of people. If disaster strikes, it's against the enemy."

"I hope so"

"Yes. Bandou people are glad that Lion has made life easier. No one has ever thought of Leon as a disaster."

"But eventually I got involved in that bandeau."

This time the situation was too big. If you fail, it may really be a war. If that happens, Bandou's current prosperity will soon disappear.

"I'm not the one involved yet. It's not a fight."

"But the kingdom may move in a hurry if you keep this."

"Rion must know how to stop it."

"... If you fail, you die, and you can't fulfill your promise of revenge."

There is a way to use the situation as it is for revenge. With the help of the Kingdom of Merica, destroy the Kingdom of Granfram. It's a great opportunity to get revenge, but it will really involve Bandu's people.

Rion is worried because she can't do that.

"It's to protect your loved ones. You can just throw away revenge."

"I can't do that. I have to take Vincent-like enemies for myself and for Eriel."

"……is it wrong"


"I'm more important to Rion than to my brother. Even though my brother could be convicted, I prioritized my feelings for Rion. I'm the perpetrator. "

He admitted to oppress Mary. This small crime leads to national treason. Eriel knew the possibility would be. He noticed that the Inspectors had used Airiel and Vincent to condemn ordinary students.

Aeriel's sins aren't limited to helping ordinary students. There was also a desire to be a sinner and be able to be united with Lion if he was not a fiance of Prince Arnold.

"... I'm the same who killed Vincent, so I have to make up for it."

You cannot blame Rion for knowing Eariel's sin. Despite regrets that Vincent could not be saved, he is delighted to have his sister Airiel as his wife. Rion also satisfies her desire by Vincent's death.

"Is that atonement good enough to save people?"


"Lion's liking. You can abandon your life to protect your loved ones. I'm happy if I can't take revenge."

"... I want Airiel to live."

"Rion, you are the world where I live. If you lose the world, I can't live. I've promised already. I'll be with you when you die."

"……Do you get it"

Leon looks back and embraces Airiel from the front. As they are, their faces approach and their lips overlap-just before Rion's movement stops.

"... for something?"

Rion notices that he is disturbing the atmosphere. It is Sol who, when asked by Leon, appears from behind the door.


"What is a peep? It's a bad taste."

"... Do you want to ask?"

Sol did not question Rion's provocation and quietly answered her question.


"What are you going to do now?"

"... I will probably go to the royal capital. Even though I was expecting my grandfather to notice, there seems to be no fantasy brain."

"Fa, fa?"

"Forget. The capital doesn't know the truth anyway. If you don't, you have to teach."

"If you go to the royal capital, you will be killed."

"Did you eavesdrop? I'm not afraid of death. I've got permission from Eriel."

"... I see. I understand."

At the end, Sol accepted his words and Sol left. I was so full of chest that I couldn't talk anymore.

In this case, Rion's runaway was clearly overkill. With that in mind, I came looking for Lion to try to speak out, but by accident I heard something unexpected.

To save people, Rion is ready to give up his life. Knowing this, Sol knew his stupidity. I should have seen it all the time. Rion's actions were always to save people, while saying different things in words.

Nevertheless, Sol's own stupid misunderstanding of Leon's meaning meant that he could not endure. I couldn't support Rion, who was trying to give up his life for others.

Sol finally acknowledged that his thoughts were the same as those of Cassis. He wants to be recognized by Rion, but he is regrettable without his power.


Even in the royal capital away from Bandhu, there are those who want to be recognized by Rion. Prince Arnold is one of them. However, Prince Arnold has a different meaning in wanting to be recognized with others. The Prince, Arnold, wants to be recognized primarily by Rion.

Prince Arnold is not confident that this hope will come true. But I can't do it unless I try it. To do so, we must now resolve the suspicion of Leon's rebellion. I was working hard for that.

"We should fire the army immediately. This idea remains the same."

"Isn't there a rebellion fact? If you do that, other nobles will have unnecessary doubts about the kingdom."

"I can't doubt the rebellion of Viscount Frey.

"That's why I'm telling you to show proof. There's no evidence that you've fortified the territory's defenses. It's open to messengers. Aren't merchants just beginning to come and go? Only in this castle. "

"Merchants come from the Kingdom of Merica. Our merchants have not set foot in Bandeau."

"It's because the state has banned it. Merchants have been complaining about it. It seems that only Merica merchants are making money, and it is said that they are on the side of Merica."

"What is it?"

"Do you not know such information? Is Japan's intelligence service OK?"

Prince Arnold accuses intelligence chief James of Rion's provocation. I don't know how many such exchanges are. Secretary-General James Intelligence and Prince Arnold oppose it. The composition of a recent meeting has been like this.

As for the situation, Prince Arnold is gradually dominating. At one point, traffic to Bandhu, which had been cut off, is now recovering considerably. From those people, Bandou's tension is not transmitted at all. Conversely, there was a growing question of what the kingdom was making.

Information that is intended to flow. Rion was also moving to clear the situation. The dissemination and manipulation of information is now a resist art.

"His Highness of Prince Arnold"

The commander of the knight broke into the conversation between them.


Tension runs on Prince Arnold. The fact that the commander of the knights intervenes here indicates that they may have colluded. This is the worst situation Prince Arnold has imagined.

"If there was no rebellion, why wouldn't Viscount Frey not enter the royal capital? Why would she hide her captive Princess Olivia?"

"Viscount Frey does not say he will not come to the royal capital; he just says he wants time to focus on territory."

"Do you believe it?"

"Listen to the contrary. Why don't you believe?-It's true that you drew into battles that you didn't really need to be involved in. Viscount Frey has achieved an unparalleled achievement in his mission. Loyalty is unquestionable. ''

No one can object to this. This is even more so if you are a knight commander in charge of the army.

"... What about Princess Olivia?"

"I wondered about it and asked me a lot. Some soldiers certainly took prisoners, while others said that was not the case. What about the Kingdom Knight Corps?"

This is true, but the soldiers are just telling lies. Some of the soldiers who are grateful that Leon has saved their lives are trying to protect them.

Prince Arnold knows, but takes advantage of the fact that he is testifying.

"They say that the messenger of the Kingdom of the Merika has been taken prisoner.

"So why is that kingdom saying nothing? Or is it negotiating underwater just because I don't know?"

There is no such fact. He knew it wasn't, and Prince Arnold spoke.

"Isn't the negotiation taking place in Bandhu?"

"That's a guesswork assuming Princess Olivia is in Bandhu. It doesn't answer my question."

Prince Arnold, who was in a position to ask questions, is standing by to ask questions. He is a knight soldier who has been interrupted, but will soon be pushed into Prince Arnold.

"... Is it too late after Bandou was robbed by the Merika Kingdom?"

"I don't think you should be imitating the violence of Viscount Frey in order not to be robbed?"

"You may be betrayed already."

"That's a guess. It's hard to come to a conclusion, so let's change the question. Can we win?"


"Are you confident that you can win that Rion Frey?"


Prince Arnold's question seemed to be outside the expectations of the knight commander. I can't say the answer right away. Then Prince Arnold hits him further.

"As a reminder, returnees from the Kingdom of Merica are better off the battlefield. For them, Viscount Frey is a lifesaver. I don't think so. "

"... that man"

The King of the Knights knew why Rion had let go of the soldier he was leading. I believe that this is to cut the kingdom knights from the inside, but this is wrong. Leon has no intention of fighting. This is exactly the opposite reason that untrustworthy soldiers cannot be put on territory.

Aside from the anger of the Knights, the feelings of those listening were shaking. Many were supporters of the suppression. But that's the fear of Leon's power. Prince Arnold's question as to whether he could win was spreading anxiety in his feelings.

The trend is over. Many have forgotten, especially the chief of intelligence and the knights. The words praising Prince Arnold's wisdom were not just flattering.

Prince Arnold originally had the power to do this much with his tongue alone. That doesn't mean the situation has been resolved, but it's impossible.

"In the end, you have to talk to Viscount Frey."

The Guard Knight, who had been silently listening, opened his mouth.

"I have an idea about it. I go to Bandeau."

"" "!" "

The surroundings were colored by Prince Arnold's statement. Everyone knows that the relationship between Prince Arnold and Leon is far from friendly. Many believe that this was a resentment of Vincent's murder. For these people, Prince Arnold's statement was a summer bug that flew into fire.

"It is not enough for the Crown Prince to move himself. I will go to Bandeau."


This time Prince Arnold was a surprising turn.

"It's okay to talk to him and stay away from the royal capital for a long time. I'm the best of these."

Prince Arnold is surprised, but the commander of the Knights of the Guards is right. The feelings of those around him are determined in the middle by the commander of the Knights of the Guards going to Bandeau.

"Then, Commander Knight. Can you ask?"


This was also just listening, the king has spoken here. They had intended to do this from the beginning.

"So this is the end of today's conference. Everyone was struggling."

"" "Hah!" "

There are some agendas that still need to be discussed. But the meeting is over for the moment that the King has closed.

"Arnold. There's talk, so a little left."


Detained by the king, Prince Arnold remains in his seat. The commander of the Knights of the Guard does not seem to move around. After all, the king did not try to speak until others had left. It's a three-person talk.

"How much do you know?"

"... is that about the fight against the Kingdom of Merica?"

"I see. I understand. Let's talk for a while."

"I believe that in the battle there was someone who leaked information to the Kingdom of Merica, and I think it was the intelligence commander and the knight commander."

"Why did you think so?"

Nothing surprised the King. The King also thinks so.

"When I looked at the report, I found a false statement. Since the report was submitted under the joint names of those two people, I was suspicious there."

"Hmmm. Why did you decide to look at the war report?"

"At first I thought that it was caused by Rion's personal feelings, but some people said that Rion would not involve many people in such a thing. , The reason is different, then the event just before, it can only be thought that something happened in the war with the Kingdom of Merica. "

"I see. That's fine.


"How did you intend to reign? You didn't think you only needed to be a knight and an intelligence chief?"

"Yes, but anyway, I think that their disposal should be in a hurry, and that's pretty much the rest."

"Are you trying to pursue them with such a sloppy idea?"

"It's not bad. I thought of it in a solid and really easy way."

"... Let's say, what's the way?"

There is no such method in the king's head. The king is quite surprised in the heart, thinking that Prince Arnold came up with a strange idea he could not have imagined.

"Leave it to Rion. The knights and the intelligence department, if it's Rion, wouldn't it be good? He has moved two organizations."

"... sure, easy?"

The king's answer is foolish. Next to that, this is also a slightly surprised face of the Guard Knight. However, the commander of the Knights of the Guard quickly turned into a happy look.

"It's easy if you leave it to Rion and it's easy because you just leave it up."

"... I didn't expect you to hear that answer."

"Is that so?"

"But ... well, yeah, that's what it ends up. You have to talk to it."


On that day, the commander of the Knights of the Guard stood in the royal capital and headed for Band ド ゥ. He had decided beforehand with the king. I was ready to leave.

The shocking event of the Band ド ゥ revolt is a step towards convergence. No one knows at this point that it will cause new confusion in the kingdom.