Christhalt had his head troubled that day in the mansion's office.

I've been sick a lot since Elizabeth and Leonid came to the village of Nortia, but it's just not about the two of them this time.

That was an aristocratic problem.

"Dear Christhalt, it's time for you to make your decision"

I've been silent for a while, so Daniel, the butler who usually waits for this instruction, just this time, urges me.

From earlier on he has been cleverly holding three portraits against Christhalt using his hands and arms.

With that attitude, it's just the Count Butler who won't even move with Pickle, even though half an hour would have passed already.

No, I'm sure it's to not miss myself, this time with the right excuse.

"Okay. Decided."

"Is it true!?

Mindful, Christhalt nodded.

I couldn't stand the pressure of a competent butler anymore, not because I thought it was time to decide.

- Marriage?

The portrait was depicted as a decorated noble maid, each with a letter from her feverish parents.

Christhalt's troubles were in deciding on his fiancée.

Even though I'm not very aggressive, I've been getting a few friendships for a long time, and they've accumulated.

Whatever you say for yourself, but objectively, Christhalt is a good opponent.

The family is impeccable, and I have no problem with my reputation as a nobleman.

With the failure of territorial management and the many oppressive nobles, the Clouleras territory is moisturized by Christophardt's arms, and lately, thanks to Leonid, security is very good.

- I used to say no immediately, but now you can afford it.

Christhalt, who was young and succeeded to the countenance, was initially desperately vaunted and in motion because of his recognition around him. But it's also a thing of the past now.

I have experience and track record that I didn't have at that time, and for the most part, it's easy to handle.

I had enough time to take a quick look at the face of my neighbor, the former Duke's Lady, who had suddenly arrived and an old friend who had followed it.

Now would be the time to face the fringe that had accumulated.

It is the duty of those who have inherited the title to leave behind their blood muscles.

I haven't been aggressive until now, but I thought so - or it would still be because of the two of us.

- About Leonid, can I be one woman all the way out of sight? Probably not.

But when I look at him, he seems to be singing his life, and I'm a little jealous.

- No, no, no, no, if Leonid impresses you, you're crazy as a nobleman!

It is noble disqualification to follow one woman and force her to come to a neighbouring country.


"So? Which one do you want?

Daniel was glancing at the silent Christhalt again.

"Is this the well-raised Countess? Or the beautiful Viscount Lady? Clever baroness? She is a very wonderful woman, whom I have carefully chosen."

Daniel once again cleverly recommends one portrait at a time, turning the three portraits in order in the air.

The friendship that had come more than once had already been narrowed down to three, with Daniel adding to his family and reputation.

I mean, whoever you choose, the Countess of Clorreras deserves it.

Even if you're not a countess, you're a bourgeoisie with a good reputation in the social world or a good business.

You can decide by the impression of a portrait.

Or by some standard, I wish I could squeeze it -.

"No, I'll meet all three of them and then I'll decide on one"

"... all three, is it?

That's right. Daniel didn't expect Christhalt's answer either.

I heard a voice that looked unexpected.

"That's right. Marriage is very important to them."

Although it is a political marriage, Christhalt wanted the other person to see himself and the territory.

As a tool, instead of suddenly getting engaged to someone I've never even met, I want to get to know each other a little bit, put my mind through them, make love even for a short period of time, and then welcome them in as a wife.

- Is this also the effect of watching those two attack?

No, you're not. Elizabeth seems to be unaware, so it's a step ahead of her in love.

Leonid's just a lousy talker, basically chasing after him.

Elizabeth has a very dull personality when it comes to herself.

- Lately, I've come to feel an uneven vibe from her, though I feel it.


I accidentally loosen my mouth.

How can those two be so funny?

"Daniel, the dates are off so they don't look at each other, and I need you to invite them here. I'll write you an invitation."

"I'm in awe"

Daniel asks nothing about Christhalt's change of heart and the extraordinary consideration of the nobles.

It just went quietly down.

First of all, the first visitor - - Viscount Philana's warrant.

Daniel's story meant a very beautiful, heartfelt woman...

After all, I never visited the mansion.

Instead, the next morning, I come to deliver a letter with an early horse.

Anything was at the entrance to the village, he said, because there was a scary-faced man with a great sword, so he couldn't get in.


Definitely, it would be Leonid on a voluntary patrol.

- I can't help it all. Only that I had no luck......

I politely decided to write a letter of apology.

Second person - - Baroness Lesha.

She said she was a baroness who was actively working on new things, and she thought she was smart and active, and she seemed to fit the story...

- Though I could see you.

For starters, I think it was a bad idea to see Elizabeth as I was looking around the territory.

She said she had a meeting at the ball, and she flew to Elizabeth, "Sister -!" and then Charlotte joined her, and the tea party began.

Though Cristohardt inserted the tea leaves and left them at ease.

Later, the baron sent me a letter of no.

It was a pleasure to meet Elizabeth. She apparently told her parents about going into the kitchen and cooking.

I've made you remember unworthy behavior as a courtier, so I've turned you down.

- I'm sorry...

I also politely wrote a letter of apology.

And the last one, the day Cornelière, the countess, visits...

"Nice to meet you, Miss Cornelière"

"It's a pleasure to meet you. Count Clorreras."

Coming down from the carriage that arrived at the front door of the mansion was a sophisticated courtesan, even from Christhalt's point of view. Beautiful with a calm atmosphere and close in age.

"I don't mind Christhalt."

"Then also Cornelière and me."

"Then we will not hesitate to do so"

"What you call it in the title, you feel the wall."

Even if it's a good idea to grow up, the idea seems flexible.

"Sa, let's talk slowly in the mansion. The reception room is open."

"Yes, thank you for inviting me today"

Add a hand to the Christhalt escort with the trick you're used to.

It's a natural motion, and even this one came close.

- Again, maybe I'll have an orderly lady.

I moved to the reception room thinking it was going to work this time......

"Dear Christhalt..."

As the two of us speak, Daniel appears and hears modestly.

"Leonid did? Tell him to wait a minute."

"I'm in awe"

I hear Leonid's been asking about something.

It won't be urgent, so you just have to wait for one second and take a few seats off where there's a separation between you and her.

"Is something wrong?

"It's not a big deal."

"Master Christhalt is busy. If it's me, please take your seat off. Change the day, though."

Seems like someone who can take good care of himself.

You should take your seat off while apologizing later.

"Don't really worry about it. It's more about industry in the territory."

"You think you're making rare food for anything"

"That's actually the one Sister who came this way..."



It was bad that the story got too exciting.

I totally forget about Leonid and talk to him.

"Dear Leonid, please wait"


- Shit!

I just heard Daniel from the hallway, and I notice a mistake.

I can't wait any longer. Leonid must be trying to force me into the reception room.

- Just about enough. What...

"Excuse me, I'm going to take your seat off a little bit."

There's the first one, and it wouldn't be much of a good idea to let him see you.

Apologize to Cornelière and he tries to get to Leonid.

But I didn't make it.

"Christhalt! Christhalt, you're not here!

When the van and door open, Leonid, who shook Daniel off, shows up.

And then, after a glimpse of Cornelière, he packed it into Christhalt without even saying hello.

"What's going on with what you asked me to do?

"I have an arrangement, but it's going to be about tomorrow."


On business, Leonid leaves without saying anything.

That's right. Cornelière seemed distracted, too.

"I'm sorry, I'm an old friend"

"... my friends, I don't apologize for the sudden visit, and I wonder if you're so smart with Christhalt."

"Right. For once, I'm an earl knight in my neighbor's country, but I don't know what courtesy is. I'm telling you, I'm not listening at all."

Christhalt, desperately smiled.

"Blink, scary face. Maybe he's pathetic in a way, who doesn't even know what everyone's afraid of."

- - I hope you don't talk bad about Leonid.

I suppressed my mouth unexpectedly.

Cornelière is also mean and not what he is saying. Leonid's disrespect for Christhalt is offending me.

I know that, but I felt kind of bad when she was saying bad things about Leonid.

Exactly, everything she says is right... but I didn't like it anyway.

- But this is the normal reaction, right?

Reiterate that Elizabeth is special.

I wonder why Elizabeth can interact with nature, with the church, with the villagers, and with Leonid, when she comes from a much higher status than she is in front of her.

- Apparently, my ideals have grown high.

I don't care about Elizabeth, but I think a woman as tolerant and indivisible as she is.

At least I can't be with people who say bad things about Leonid and the others.

I can't feel good about myself.



Then Cornelière and I stopped talking about it.

Is it a matter of mood, I don't know why.

Maybe it's because I don't see her as an engagement target anymore.

"Thank you for today"

"Ah, oh. Good to see you."

A short tour of the premises of the mansion will escort the young lady in the carriage.

That's when I realized Elizabeth was coming this way with the Sisters.

"Hello Elizabeth. What's wrong with you today?

"Think of the treat as a thank you for the tea leaves in the meantime...... oh, customer? I beg your pardon, Count Clorreras."

That's right, Elizabeth apologizes for looking at the carriage and realizing it was a guest.

"Nothing. I don't mind. Could it be, Mr. Sister from the church where you're good at example cooking?

Cornelier speaks to Elizabeth.

"Yes, I'm Elizabeth, the Sister Apprentice. Yes! How about a treat I made if you like?

"I'm sorry, my father told me not to speak of food outside the noble mansion"

"Really, excuse me. I'm sorry to disturb you, Count Clorellas."

Elizabeth, who was refused, neither pressed nor angry, gently handed the treat to Christhalt and smiled away from both of them.

After all I've noticed, it would be my behavior to read the air.

"... Cornelière, it's good to see you, but I don't think we'll ever see you again"

"Sounds like it, too bad. I'll tell my father the difference in values."

She had noticed, too, apparently.

When I got in the carriage with a smile on my face, I left the mansion grounds.

Kristohardt, left alone, somehow gets his hands on a bag of sweets that Elizabeth gave me.

When you put it in your mouth, sweet but spiceful cookies.

It tasted quite challenging and exciting.

"You're right not to eat."

To those who do not understand Leonid and Elizabeth, this is just what I do not understand.

- Though thanks to those two, I also wanted to face the engagement.

"Even as a nobleman, my consciousness and values have changed, and on the contrary, I feel that my marriage has gone far"

One, whine while eating cookies.

"But okay..."

I don't feel bad.

The new cookies tasted fun.