The Knights Dispatch is also on the third day. Today is the same schedule as yesterday. Training in the morning. Looking around in the afternoon.

Today the members are the same as yesterday.

"A good thing? Today, fu fu fu fu! I'm gonna look around!

"Isn't yesterday's normal?

"If that was normal, I'd die of overwork!

"The Chancellor's office had about 10 times as many paperwork..."



"I won't be with the Chancellor!


"I wish I could catch you and put you all to death."

"Except for a beautiful girl."

Mr. Adeil's gen trick burst into the heads of two idiots.

"Leave the idiot alone!


Me following Mr. Adeil honestly. Isn't that how we treat you? I heard a whine but pretended not to hear it.

A few minutes later.

"Mr. Rosalind! My brother's been compromised..."

"... yeah"

How did this happen? The one who has asked for help is the lady from the tea shop who often goes there. You know I'm strong because I helped you get tangled up in a hangover before. I guess that's why you asked me for help, not a knight.

I look at Mr. Adeil jizzily. Mr. Adeil sighed, but that's a pro. Encouraged a challenging knight with his gaze, he got the information he needed from his sister, who had asked me for help.

"I'll help you with your brother."

Knight Chara, you're glowing. My teeth glowed so much that I could appear in the brushing commercial.

"Curtis, you know what?

"Mmm, unravel."

Super intuition isn't universal either. Sometimes if you're nearby, you'll find it, but it seems like it's basically so easy to notice the danger to your life or the lives of important beings. Heroes detect trouble by further polishing the heavens... but do they say? Looks like he's using it as a force.

"Your husband."

Rabbisha... where did you come from? It's coming down from the sky now, isn't it? What happened to school? Rabbisha has spoken to me without worrying about me, which startles and solidifies me.

"The earlier woman's brother was captured in an abandoned house on this road."

"... uh, how and when..."

That's right. I don't know what to tweak either.

"If I was protecting your husband in the shadows, I would have tracked him down because I heard a scream"

"The school."

"I also use the flying class system. I didn't have the class I needed today."

I had no idea. Our ninjas are sure to grow up and... Huh? I hear Rosalia was aware. Let me tell you something!

Due to the work of our ninja, the case was solved speedily. Ask Adeil and the others to listen to it, and draw up a protocol based on it. Further documents were made, such as the guilty plea and the circumstances when he was captured. Tea and tea treats for a number of people while Mr. Adeil checks. And there's a good one, Rabbisha.

"Your husband's tea and sweets, they're delicious"

"Good for you. Eat."

You were handy today, so you should eat whatever you want. Mr. Adeil has a frightened look while rubbing his tea.

"... can the Lord have tea? Normally the other way around... oh, yummy."

"Your husband is better at tea, so I teach him every now and then. Your husband made those tea treats."

"What? This is handmade!?

"Rosalind's mesh is good too."

"... Rosalind is weird"

I told her with the look on her face that Mr. Adèle gave up something.

"That's just rude! Is the paperwork okay?

"Perfect. No complaints. Fast, easy to read, easy to understand. The boulder is a former prime minister's secretary."

I've been nadenaded my head. Praised!

"Eh heh."

Then he laughed, and so did Mr. Adèle.

Mr. Hugh tried to stroke me too, so I avoided it.


"Rosalind, you're not cold on me!?

"I'm sorry, I don't physiologically accept challenging men."

"That's just total denial! Physiologically, he can't be saved no matter how hard he tries!?

"I'm sorry"

"That's where I affirm!? You can lie to me, deny it!

"Sonna Cotonayo"

"I suddenly became a catacotto! And super awesome reading!

"You said it was okay to lie, so when I said something I didn't have in mind, it happened."

"Super true face! You don't like me that much!?

"I don't like... or talk normally. I have no interest in anything but dilk. Don't talk to me, I'm a jerk."

"Beech, you made it real!

"Oh, you guys, stop that cont..."

Mr. Adeil is pulling. Because you're a twin. Mr. Adèle has a low boiling point for laughter, too. Curtis, Rabbisha... breathe. Stop laughing too much and dying or something. Laugh normally.

That's how the third day of the Knight Dispatch ended.

Mr. Hugh then replied that he would take it home and consider it because he would not dictate as much as possible so he could get along. That's far-fetched no!? And I had tear eyes.

You understand very well. I don't know if it's Curtis.