During the sight of the castle, I was surrounded by strange tensions. These are me, Dirk, my parents, my brother, Ark, and three former assassins.

Since it has already been paid, it appears only to His Majesty and His Royal Highness as far as it is visible. The escort... maybe three. And then in the corner of the room, the Holy Beast is falling asleep.

"Well, it's rare this time from Miss Rosalind for an errand..."

I've cut the story out of the king. blocked me and my father spoke.

"Mm-hmm. The three of them were Urphanea's agents and assassins of the assassination guild. I want help."

Shin, and a quiet indoor.

No body, no lid. No!

"Stupid lord! You follow me every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time, every time. Things include order, distraction, oblate! Anyway, it's not a good idea if it's concise and clear!!

Ark almost said what he wanted to say, so I don't have anything to say.

You seem surprised, Couscous. His belly-black Highness spoke with a laugh.

"A plea for help to your father. So, what do you want from us? Rosalind."

"... Curtis is His Highness Alfiej. Adèle and Hugh want us to be the Kingsguard knights of His Highness Aldin."

"Nothing good."

His Highness Aldin, who decides to be a super clam.

"Yeah, yeah... can I ask why?

"I guess Rosalind's just a knight to admit it, huh?

"Definitely about competence, push your heartbeat. Adeil is smart, and Hugh is good at socializing and collecting information. Curtis, on the other hand, is super intuitive with combat specialization."

"Then why not the other way around?

"No. I believe this is an extraction that can support both Your Highnesses"

"Okay. Say hello, Hugh to Adeil."

"Oh, uh... Your Highness Aldin, you should think about this a lot, right?

"Hmm? Rosalind is smart. Besides, he's my friend, so he won't give me credit for not trusting him. Wouldn't that be a reason?

"... lost"

"Huh? To what?

It's for the purity of His Highness. To a surprising whiteness.

"Sure, we're better off."

Say hello.

His Highness Aldin shook his hand at the bitter twins.

"Yeah, say hello!

Apparently His Royal Highness Aldin liked the two of them and decided to definitely be my Kingsguard.

"Aldine is fine with this. Conversely, every negotiation is my business. [M] You're a pretty little sister, Lou."

I'm certainly no cuter than His Highness Aldin. I wasn't even angry...

"My sister is the cutest in the world!!


What's wrong, brother?

"Yes, Rosalind is adorable!

"Um, my daughter is the best in the world... no, she's no longer miraculously cute!

"You can't forgive me for what I just said."

What should I do? My brother, Dilk, my parents are hot! No, it's not cute! I don't care where you are! Curtis, tell me what to do!!

"No, our Aldine is cuter! When Aldine comes out with a delicious treat, you leave me half of it!

"That's definitely cute"

Convinced me.


Tearful His Highness Aldin. Are you embarrassed? Your face is red. Lovely.

"Damn... Rosalind even comes to compliment and praise me for doing my best today while I nibble when I make my favorite! Besides, even if you grasp my snack preferences, the first one you make looks anxious about my reaction!

It was broken! Super embarrassing!!

"Brother, stop!

"Damn, don't do it! But you're no match for our Aldine! Aldine can't sleep without her favorite Kuma!

"Brother!? Didn't I tell you that!?

That, indeed, is adorable. Kuma... is it a big stuffed animal?

"Besides, if you have a scary dream, you're coming to tell me to sleep with you!

"That's cute"


She's usually cute. Yeah. Your belly-black Highness, you really like your brother.

"Even my Rosalind! If you dream of being scared, sneak into the futon and sneak out early in the morning! Besides, in the morning, you'll be suspicious of behavior!

"" That's cute ""

"It was broken!! Brother! Don't be a jerk!

Besides, both Your Highnesses are stunning sync! Dirk and his parents are kind of bored, His Majesty is confused, and the Holy Beast, Ark and his former assassins are having a blast!

"Not yet! Aldin's been telling me all this time that he wants to be a good man like my brother. When I said I couldn't do it, I was super cute with tears in my eyes!

"Sure is cute, but don't bully me!

"I would have been properly happy to follow you after that!

"Brother!! No more!!

His Royal Highness Aldin, you're in front of me crying. No, what's this shame play? My brother's feud definitely damages my brother and sister.

"Then how about this! Rosalind desperately embroidered a handkerchief for my birthday present and bled 50 handkerchiefs! You made it for me even though my hands were worn out!

"How do you know!?

"Uh, I'm sorry... I wanted to teach you how hard Rosalind worked..."

"Ka Asama ah!?

You suck at embroidery! Good luck, good luck, good luck... finally the one I was convinced of was the 51st one!

"If it comes..."

"" Please don't!!

Brother, it's terrible.

His Highness Aldin, who earnestly cries out.

"If I say any more, no matter how many brothers... I won't hate you, because I won't talk for a while!

"Oh, Aldin, I'm sorry!

His belly-black Highness desperately comforts His Highness Aldin.

"Sorry, Rosalind."

"... are you always talking to His Highness Alfiej about this?

"... mostly always"

"Here!? How dare you! His Royal Highness Alfiej knows something strange every once in a while! My sister is not allowed to brag!

"... Rosalind"

My brother was unusual and soggy. Ugh... I won't be fooled!

"Ha, occasionally"

"Yeah. Rosalind is adorable"

Nadenade by your grumpy brother. I'm still mad at you! Nadenade or so deceived... deceived... not!

"Oh, ahhh... and anyway! Pick up Curtis, Your Highness!

"I don't know what to do."

"Your Highness Aldin, I'll give you a snack at school tomorrow, so please join me"

"... Plump. And my brother's share."

"You have no choice. Got it."

"Brother, if you want Curtis to be a Kingsguard, I forgive you for earlier. If you don't, I won't talk for a week."

"... you have no choice."

"Uh, okay?

"I can't stand that Aldine won't talk to me for a week"

His Highness Aldin is the weakness of His Highness Alfiej... let's remember.

"What, are you going to be a Kingsguard in exchange for me pudding!?

"What a sarcastic elder"


Sure don't be too subtle. I have no choice.

"My lord Alfiej, besides, I'll give you my improved recipe for a communication tool"

"... I'll take it, okay?

"I have a sense that you asked me impotently for once"

His Royal Highness Alfiej had a belly-black grin.

"I already got the best one, though. Don't hesitate to take this."


I don't remember giving you anything good, so I tilted my neck.

"It's a trust from you. You will not be abandoned if we are in trouble. The best thing for you is the fact that we have enough to keep a dear friend."

"... I won't deny that"

"They will go into our shelter. Nice, Father."

"I don't mind."

"Ah, a reward for the dumb aristocracy sweep, please make Curtis and his family registry"

"... ok"

"Huh? Are you sure?

"Curtis cooperated, too, okay? Curtis, put this on. Don't let go of me."

I gave him all the abnormal invalid ear decorations I couldn't give him.


Blue ear decorations shake. I could finally give it to you.

"Speaking of which, what about the assassination guild chaser?

His Royal Highness Alfiej asked.

"Uh, probably not coming. Because if I want to do it alone, I can crush it. I won't waste my time over there either. Want to crush it for once?

"No, not now. If you want to harm Adèle or Hugh, please."


These two sound like a good combination. Well, the main thing is over. We're going to do some post-processing.

"Dirk, Curtis, Adail and Hugh are going to be working in the Knights. It's even the rest of the intelligence capture!



Copy that.

Dirk, Curtis and the twins reply. It still sounds like a lot of post-processing, but for now, the Knights' hunt for insiders was a paragraph.