Akuyaku Reijou ni Nanka Narimasen. Watashi wa『Futsuu』no Koushaku Reijou desu!

An unexpected connection between the green hand and

After the meeting, I opened the door to the reception.

………………… closed.

Yeah, I want to decide I didn't see it. But ruthlessly the door was opened again.

"Sorry I'm talking to you! Many huge vegetables showed up in Castle Town! It doesn't look like the Virgin did it."

I used to be the giant vegetable, but I'm innocent because I've been discussing it. The top of the country will testify to the alibi.

I mean, the killer who made the giant vegetables...

"What did you do, brother? Ah!?

The killer is my brother! Me screamed out of the blue.

"Oh, brother, are you here too?

"Rosalind, what are you going to do? Well, it doesn't seem harmful, and it doesn't seem hostile..."

"In the meantime, let's check with your brother"

, I got Dilk to hold me and move. It's a princess hug! It's fast and scary, so I held you tight! Heh. Dilk always smells good.

"Welcome home, Rosalind!

Oh, this is a bad one. I realized when I saw my brother. The guards are gesturing an apology. Gaeta's not bad. Because it's subtle whether I've been stopped, too. Tosarken is scared of huge vegetables. Well, you have no choice.

My brother's eyes are glittering. Oh... yeah. You had something of interest. Sheeda, you're obviously confused, but did you do something? Or are neither of you connected to the vegetables?

"Rosalind, I'm sorry"


"That... that vegetable is half my fault"

Seeda, surprisingly, she had a hand in heaven and green. But when I think about it, even though Yugdrasil's mana was depleted, I grew vegetables even though they were thin, so it's not strange.

And my brother is so excited about the other person with the same heaven as the first time I met him. Green hands seem to work better when you use magic in multiple ways, so the result is that huge herd of vegetables.

My brother is groaning. It sounds fun and I thought... but it's not good. What the hell, that vegetable!

"... what shall we do with the vegetables"

"Let the neighbor's aunt take care of you."

Seeda asked the neighbor aunts to cut the vegetables in half. The neighborhood aunts cut into sizes that are easy to eat vegetables with great swords. About half the vegetables have decreased, but there are still more than thirty.

"I have no choice. Put it in a bag and sell it to the castle."

"... there's no way you're going in, okay?

"Well, I may not be able to do it all, but I'm going in"

As a result, I got it all in. Thirty vegetables, five meters long, all in. What's going on!? I'm surprised as I finally come myself.

"... what happened to that bag!

"I'm magically expanding the space. But I don't think it's all going in... unexpected."

"It's unexpected!

"I made it myself, but I didn't find out what the limits were... and it would be useful if they cut it to an automatic, easy-to-eat size anyway."

I was overwhelmed. My bag (West Porch) glowed when I spoke too surprisingly and lightly.

"Yep, yep!?


But the bag just glowed. No way...! No way. The vegetables I just stored are cut beautifully!! I took Mr. Westpouch off.

"Look, you don't have to be convenient to me! I'm normally okay with Mr. Bag!

"... somehow"

"That's a surreal sight"

My brother and Seeda are out there. Me speaking desperately to a bag (West Porch) placed on the ground. He also lowered his brother's tension on my oddity, and his brother went back to sanity.

I sold your vegetables to the castle, but my brother brought you back to Christia... not you, how you want to take me home. I'm eager to persuade you.

"No, because I have a sick mother and a little one!

"Sick? I wish I could tell you sooner. Alliser."


Alisa was just sick enough to do something about it, so I healed her.



mother and child to hug each other. The chimitans mix too.

"As it were, your illness healed?

"Thank you, Rosalind sister!

"Rosalind, sister, please freak out"

I was just freaked out, and I gave your brother a freak, Sheeda.

"Seeda, I've been putting a strain on you, but finally my mother can move. Whatever you want."

"Mother... but I promised Brother Michoo I'd protect my family!


I remember hearing that recently... Mr. Michoo?

"Uh, brother, why don't you serve the Duke of the East?

"You met him!? Is your brother safe?!?

"As far as I can tell, he wasn't hurt."


Sheeda grinned, but something was uncomfortable. Bad mouth, but decent, Mr. Michoo. I wonder if I'll leave my brothers in trouble for life... curious.

I just gave Mr. Leol a telecom device, and can I talk to him?

"Call, Leol"

"Holy Virgin, what is it?

"Please stop being a Virgin. Rosalind, please. Mr. Michoo, are you there?

"Yes, I'm here. Michoo, it looks like my Lord needs you. without the crude phase."

Don't say anything extra, Mr. Leol.

"Ah? Am I supposed to talk to this? What can I do for you?"


"It's your voice!

"... brother? Brother Michoo?"

"Ah? Sheeda? Dear Rosalind, what do you mean?

"Did Mr. Michoo know that you guys were having trouble with your lives, Cedar?

"... Huh?

"Seeda, did you grasp that you had so much trouble with your life that you tried to steal it?

"Rosalind, don't!

"We should discuss it properly. Mr. Leol, are you listening to me? I'll work on behalf of Mr. Michoo. So, Mr. Michoo, lend it to me. I'll give you a magical lift."

"Oh, I'll help you with your work, too."

So Mr. Michoo goes to you, Sheeda. Instead, we work in Mr. Leol's office. I'm helping out besides the gatekeeper Tosaken. Dilk in particular has been doing a similar job lately, and Gaeta is strong on numbers. The paperwork was dwindling and I took a break.

"... How many Rosalind and your brother are you?

"I'm seven."

"I'm nine."

Mr. Leol's ears and tail crept. Are you depressed?

"Ha... how incompetent I am"

"... you can't compare it to these two. The majority of them become incompetent. In the first place, Rosalind has been secretary to the Chancellor since he was three years old, and Lou has been secretary to the Chancellor since he was five years old, so things are wrong."



Gaeta and Tosarken were surprised. No, you didn't know that. I mean, you don't have a body or a lid that's crazy.

"Once I add that I am a giver, it is my brother who is purely strange."


"It was you!? Brother, gibberish gibberish!! Sorry, sorry, I forgive you. Come on!!

My brother gave me about a bovine. Ouch plain!

"You're close."

Master Leol is smiling bitterly. This guy, he's completely different from the first one. I'm not giddy right now, plain and tasteful. By the way, Mr. Leor-Felzen. Yeah, Mr. Canata... I'll take care of the scratch!

"You said you felt inferior to the demon, right?

"Oh, I couldn't beat Shrina one thing."

"Hmm... do you want to win?


"By the way, you can win as many mock games as you want, right? We have to choose the means."

"............... no, I want to go positive"

I'm serious. The original person is. Is that why you didn't abandon Mr. Michoo, either?

"Positive attack... right. Whether it's a positive attack or a difference in power, it can be overshadowed depending on how you do it. The point is how to do it. Even I lose 49 straight to Dilk in strength, but I won once!

"" 49th straight win over Rosalind!?

Huh? Are you surprised that way? Your brother and Gaeta seem incredible.

"Well, if Rosalind uses Valkyrie, there's a chance he'll lose... without Valkyrie, so"

Dilk to supplement. Mr. Leol has something on his mind.

"Winning or losing doesn't make sense unless it's a game. I don't know much about Mr. Leol, but isn't Mr. Leol up there for deskwork and negotiation?

"It's... well..."

"Happiness and comparison are the same. There's the top, there's the bottom. If you look too far up there, you'll be humbled. Too much looking down there makes me arrogant. The point is balance. Apprentice above leads to upliftment. Turn around and you'll be confident."

That's hard, how can I pass it on?

"Even though you decided you couldn't win, you didn't stop trying to improve yourself. That will certainly help you. Admit your efforts properly. That way, you won't beat the devil anymore."

Yeah, thoughtful matters. I might have the demons suppressed regularly in the future.

"Thank you, my Lord!!

"Rosalind's good at motivating you..."

"Oh... it's quite a crowd, other than love."

"" It's getting too tight!

I heard Dirk Gaeta Brother talking. Who are the people? I'll just say one word!

"The only thing I want to bring is dilk!

"Ah............ yeah"

"" "" It was a pleasure "" "

I was asked to come from outside of Dirk. Dilk looks happy. If you were interacting with me like that, I'd be sad. I just got in touch.

"Dear Rosalind... we're done talking"

"So, are you okay?

Why is the deceased okay only when he's not okay? Do I hear that? When I picked him up, Mr. Michoo was hissed in our house. Your family is in trouble, too.

In the end, Mr. Michou was dressed to send him, and Mr. Michou didn't seem to notice because he was too much to do something about Mr. Leol being crazy.

Sheeda, your life is also hard due to the influence of Yugdrasil, and I couldn't reach Mr. Michoo... so...

"Hatake will give you our ex-slaves, Sheeda, why don't you come through? I'll give you a magical lift, so let's go to school. I was wondering if you could help your brother with his research."

"Are you sure!?

Mr. Michoo was more annoying. Mr. Michoo, Seeda, you're good, but you can't go to school.

"Best regards"

Mother, please don't sit in the dirt. Mr. Michoo doesn't have to be grounded either. In the meantime, I made you stop. If I do something, why do I feel like I'm being grounded by an animal man?


Seeda, you look lost. Let me push your back.

"Seeda, it's about expanding your future job choices and raising your salary. We get good people. Don't you think it's in each other's interest?

"... ok. Please."

"Negotiations are in place!

So, Sheeda, you're just about to come to Cristia.