Hi, I'm Rosalind. No, I'm already in a hurry, Clarin! No way. Hate speech. I'll do it when I get my hands on my kid, thinking I was definitely on guard! and it might have been nice to have been able to stab the nail.

And I was invited to lunch... but I feel magic in the soup. Brainwashing magic pills?

I hold hands telling Dirk not to eat soup… somehow, I can now communicate easily just by touching it. You can block it, but if you're caught off guard, your emotions will leak in vain. I mean, I've been setting it up because it's just so soggy. Let's do it.

Clarin is so cocky. Oh, the glasses. Maybe the pope's tight. I know how you feel, but you can't if you give me that blatantly disgusted look.

Clarin started eating other than soup because it was instinct. Did you split it up?

The four popes were somehow similar to each god. The Pope of Wu is white with complete brain muscle. The moves and magic are grey. Knowledge is black. Why are you so sure, Sainthia is also kidnapping the giver from Clarin. Because I hear the main culprit is the Pope of Knowledge. I will only find out to what extent the grey is later.

"Master Brave looks strong! I'd love to make it work!

The pontificate of brainy martial arts became the Pope of moves. The pope of moves resembles Shiva because of his appearance, but the contents look like Matomo.

"I just wanted to say that I don't mind, but I'm not good at physical surgery. Oh, how about we play against my husband? My husband is physically capable, and he can't win by using magic. My husband is a former knight. He's very strong."

"Oh, my God! I'd love to make it work!

Dilk holds hands, what do we do? I've heard that.

"It's been a long time since I've seen your husband brave."

Dirk also agreed when he said that and smiled. I'm a little happy. Ha! You found out it's true! Shame on you... and the Pope of Wu talking to the wolf.

"Then hurry up!

"Wait! Not until you hear the brave man!

Pope of moves in haste to stop the Pope of Wu. Are we close? I was kicking your ass.

"... Isn't it smoother to talk about how the Pope of Wu feels?


The silence seemed affirmative. You guys are struggling with something, it was a sinking face.

Inside the temple of Wu, there is a fighting field, where we will be fighting.

"Good luck, you"


I asked you not to kill me instantly because I'm probably going to set you up here instead of hugging you and being useful... Take care, and give it back, Dirk went to play a mock game.

Haven't been amused by Dirk's bravery in a long time, he was attacked from behind. Mmm! As calculated! Come on, how do we do it?