Rinhua said.

"Using bills to restore God's power, sss!


Let's use those 5 · bills!

Aside from Rinhua, the Japanese gods, Takashi, Tian and Inari, also came. Inari, don't tempt me with your mofuwa tail! I only stroke Dilk's tail!

You're all working seriously. I was taught to make it, too. ink and slide the brush as you look at the example. While I put my heart to it, I felt nostalgic for doing it in school.

"Bye, suss from yourself"

Rinhua pasted it into the deco. I thought it was like Kyo-O-Sea, but I weighed myself down because it wasn't a deceptive occasion.

"It feels like it's going to stain..."

Shiva is grumpy. The effect seems to be poor.

"I got mine, too!

Heavenly put the bill on Shiva's back.

"Something seems to fly through the sky..."

Are you out of your mind? Something Shiva...

"Rinhua, Rinhua"

"Yes, sss."

"Shiva, that's crazy, isn't it?

"Huh? What... Yep!?

Rinhua, who was concentrating on writing the next bill, was stunned.

Shiva's nose was getting higher.

I saw Chirali and Heaven. Heavenly is usually handsome and her nose is about a little elevated. He was pointing his envious gaze at Shiva.

"Huh? What?

Shiva, who noticed our subtle gaze, roars away.

Hmm? Bass??

"Shimura, do it! Ugh!"

It even had splendid wings.


Shiva screams when she notices the feathers. Hand over the mirror. I looked in the mirror and Shiva screamed.

"My nose, my nose!!

Too bad! If it was an eye, it would have been a scene of some fame. (laughs)

No, no, I'm upset about things and my thoughts buzzed the day after tomorrow, but you're not.

"... If it's because of Heaven's bills, why don't you strip them off?

She hastily tries to peel it off, but because it was affixed to her back, she can't peel her feathers in the way.

"... jealous! Trying to lose that great nose is blasphemy to Tengu!!

"" Huh?

"Ha ha ha!"

Rinhua and I were stunned. Setsu smiles bitterly. Inari laughs. Heaven is crying. To Tengu? Tengu...... Tengu is normal, but Tengu is basic, his nose is expensive, right?

Shiva has been made a meaningless statement. She is oronic at the crying heavens she gives. It's fresh for Shiva to dick around. Wow.

"Heavenly sounds are nosy in Tengu. So temporarily, I envy Lord Shiva, who became a Tengu nose."

"Don't say nosy!

Heaven cried. Not really. I peeled Heavenly's bill from Shiva and pasted it on Heavenly. I didn't save anything.

Rinhua's was also peeled off and pasted on Heavenly Chan.





"Huh? What!? Something's changed!?

I gently gave Heavenly a mirror.

"Congratulations, Heavenly"

Heaven's nose was getting higher.

"Thanks! Thanks Rin!!


"Did you have a nose?!

I was delighted with the height of my nose with the tense heavens.

"Yeah yeah... nothing happened with just Heaven's bills, but when I put my own bills on it, my nose got higher... I mean my best!?

"Apparently, Rinhua's billboard will further enhance its original power."


"No, because I'm here. This one has a lot of magic."

"I see, sss."

While Rinhua and Setsu spoke calmly, Inari apparently finished writing the bill and affixed it to Shiva.



"Huh!? What!? Now what!?

Me and Heavenly, who were interested in dancing high up their noses, hardened, Rinhua stiffened her face, and Ba smiled bitterly.

I gently handed the mirror to Shiva.

"My hair! Hair!!

I'm sorry to hear that again! If it is an eye… hereinafter abbreviated. Bloody golden hair was growing on Shiva's forehead. I would like to name him Okohikan.

When I applied Rinhua's bill at the event, it was lighter. If it's just fox ears and tails, it's adorable, but it's obviously a moo-zo subtle cute system. It is swollen.

"..................... you know"


"Don't play with people!

"I'm sorry!

"There is absolutely no color for reflection!


"" Huh?

Setsu-san put a bill on Shiva's back. Something I've seen somewhere... ah, a dog-like dragon from Neveren O Wing Story. When I applied Heavenly's too, my feathers wore off. My nose didn't change. My bill (and it's swollen) was also affixed. d flashy illuminated drill sword mountain head. Too bad it wasn't a thread.

"Whatever. Come on!!

Shiva really cried, so the experiment is over.

Result = Rinhua's bill works. However, don't mix other gods or my bills. Danger. It is no longer discovered that mega deification.

My bills alone make it a shining drill. Again, is my magic = drill!?

Successfully created adorable fox ears & tails with the bills of Mr. Tsuruga and Inari. Next time I want to seduce Dilk with this.