Hi, I'm Rinhua. Right now, the first stray squirrel of my life. Unlike Rin, I'm not directional tone deaf!

Rosalind asked me today, and I'm looking for Master Lou, sss. Mr. Lou is currently studying as the next Duke and is studying plants in various fields in the Territory and Wolfaneer research facilities.

"Rinhua, I'm sorry, but I want it delivered to your brother in a hurry."

"Perhaps, sss."

It was a light-hearted use...

• Rosenberg Mansion

"I'm sorry. Mr. Lou would like to go out to the Rattle family in Wolfanaea today."

Mr. Martha spoke to me sorry, sss. So the Rattle family… to go to Master Seeda's.

- The Rattle family

"I'm sorry. Lou's not here because we've already discussed it. He did tell you he was going to see Lord Diesel, so you're staying at the Chartress?

I could see Master Cedar, but she misplaced him again. Well, there's no choice, is there? I might be moving again, and I decided to hurry up and go to the Chartress... Mr. Dirk's grandfather. But I have a bad feeling about it, sss.

-Shart family

"I'm sorry. Welcome home earlier. You said you were going to the farm in my territory."

I got a bad feeling about it, sucker. Sounds like a sorry butler. I mean, Master Lou, it's too choppy! I left the Chartress mansion behind for now. I remember a relaxed prince from a dragon quest. Goddamn it.

Thinking we should get ahead of ourselves, we activated a communication device a little away from the Chartress mansion.


"Have you seen your brother?

"I can't see you! Master Lou, if I did something, I'd be choked up and I don't feel like catching up!

"Oh, haha... I knew it?

"Rosalind's idiot! You're within the prediction range!? Can't get ahead of me, huh?

"If Gaeta is here, I can check my schedule... I'm on a honeymoon today..."

"Mr. Gaeta is dismissed."

In the unlikely event you hear a Ugh or an Ahem or something in communication, it's a shame. I don't want to interrupt your date.

"Mr. Lou doesn't have a communications device?

"When I called, Martha came out"


It feels like you can't get through without your phone...

"I wish you'd give it to me by the end of the day!

"Wait! Don't hang up!! At least give me a hint, sss!

"We're bound to go to the territory and the Wolfaneer greenhouse, so why don't we just ask for a message to see if we're waiting on one of them?

That's why I asked Wolfaneer research facilities and greenhouses to give me a message and I came to Rosenberg territory......


Greenhouse, it was huge.

Plus, there's no people. I can't ask for a message.

In the meantime, thirty minutes of walking in search of people. I noticed an anomaly, sss.

There is no way.

No, you're not. The road disappeared. When I pretend to be back, there's no way I should have walked. If you rush back forward, there's no way.

And so it connects to being lost at the beginning...... come on, you're lost or horror!! I can't move surrounded by a wheaty field. If you harm the crop poorly, you risk touching Master Lou's scales... what should we do...

When I was on my way, the wheat broomsticks wobbled. I felt that way thinly, but this wheat... it's not moving!? What do I do, I'm scared!

"... Linka?

"Ravi, you!?

Don't be gentle and bluff. That voice...

"... Who's Ravi?

It was you, Chita.

"Chita, you! I was scared, sss! There will be no more roads, Master Lou is not here, and if I hurt the plant, I feel that Master Lou will be rough and no!! Uhhhhhh!!

"All right, all right, calm down, Linka. I'm pretty sure Lou would get rough if he hurt the plant. If you think it's something because the wheat is making a scene... you were right to come and see it."

Chita, why did you give me your head? [M] I feel calm.

"Chita, it looks like the wheats are making a scene, is something wrong?

"Master Lou, there he is. Ahhh!! Whoa, whoa, whoa!!

I nearly calmed down, but my emotions exploded again when I discovered Master Lou I was looking for. I mean, the wheat's moving and making its way! Wheat, I have legs! My face is so real and creepy. No!

"Mr. Linka? Why are you crying??

"............... Come on? He was already crying when I found him."


"... come on"

"... ugh!?

"Yes, I haven't grown up. Because I'll probably drop it when I break out. I'm not sure I can handle it."

The princess has been stuck, sss! And when Master Lou got himself out of the greenhouse, he took the table set out of his bag and served me tea. Apple tee, I guess? It smells sweet and gentle, sss.

"Go ahead."

"Yummy sss... gushu..."

"So, why were you in the greenhouse?

"I was looking for Master Lou, sss. Letter from Rosalind, sss."

"Uh, I see. Good day. Why were you crying?

"Greenhouse, no one... look for Master Lou or anyone... then there's no more roads, left in the wheat fields... scared shits"

"Oh, the customers are rare and the wheats have gathered."

.............................. hmm?

"Is Linka afraid of wheat? Curiosity is strong, but there's no harm in it, is there?

………………………… Hmm?

"... is the wheat here willing to travel on its own?


"You didn't know"

"I don't know, Sz! In my own world, basic plants don't move on their own, sss!

"" Really?

Supposed to be a kyoton, sss! No way world gap!! No, there was a running cactus over here or something!

"Well... is that why you don't like vegetables that move Rosalind either?

Master Lou served Mr. Tomatoes from Poké.


"Delicious, isn't it? I wonder."



"I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't! I... I can't eat such a cute tomato, sss!

"Delicious, isn't it?


"I don't like it even if it tastes good! I don't eat it, sss!!


"... don't tease me, Lou"

What? Karakau?

"Hey, it's a Rosalind kind of reaction. I'm sorry?"

"Bi... it's a beauty shape, so if you think you're allowed to say anything, you're making a big mistake! How awful of you to tease!!

"Ha ha. I'll give you Rosalind's special sconce, so forgive me. It suits the tea."

"... Mogumogumogumogu... well..."

Ha, happy...... super yummy when I eat tea...... tomatoes stopped by.


"Eat up, sucker!

"" Buffoo ""

"I hope you don't laugh. Shh!!

"" Ha-ha-ha ""

"... Tabenaino?

"Don't get on the scones! I would never eat it, sss!!

"" Hahaha!

Much teased, sss.

"Ugh... Dear Lou, bully boy."

"... Mr. Linka is Rosalind's niece, isn't she?

"Yes, sss."

"You think you can beat that brother?

"How convincing!!


Chita, you laugh too much. But I found that I could never beat Master Lou.