Although I've been late since, I've come to school. There are no hangovers, no mood discomforts. Supposedly because Dilk put it on me while I slept with all the abnormal invalid ear decorations.

I regretted it. I had a liquor platter in a light mood, but I flashly softened it too much. That's not me. Alcohol is scary. That's a devil's drink. It's a dangerous drug that leaks the truth.

But the dilk is too sweet for me. She was stripped naked to stop me from taking it off. Besides, I left it that far and eventually took it off. Me. He is an idiot.

I'll give it to you, I don't want it. I've wasted my real life leaking it. What Dirk doesn't hate is salvation, but I can't wait.


No! If I remember any more, I'll just have to take the day off from school and keep rolling in my room!

"Rosalie, what happened? If it's a problem, talk to me. It's a slight force, but it helps."

An angel descended on me, a boring freak in the classroom. Milfi is worried about me, but I kind of think about whether I should talk about yesterday's ugliness.

"Is Rosalind here!?

There was the late one. He is a comrade who understands me now. I am one of them. We decided to skip class. I have earned credit for my next class, so I don't have to take it.

I ended up worried. Milfi was going to join me and talk to me in an empty classroom.

"In the meantime, did the late one work out?

"Oh, yeah... but that... has been happening since yesterday when Fizz was... drinking."

What the fuck?

It seems Fizz has changed from yesterday to a man who will never forget the words of skinship and love. That hasn't happened before, so the late one stays.


When I told Milfi yesterday's story, I swelled my cheeks and stuck them. Lovely.

"Next time you invited me, too!


I have just sworn to sobriety. But I couldn't beat a preppy angry Pretty Angel.

"One, I'll invite you if there's any next. But I'm scared of alcohol. It's the devil's drink."

"? What do you mean??

I exposed last night's ugliness. I guess the late ones, who are one another, know how I feel. He nodded at me over and over again.

"Did you, Rosalind... but unlike me, you must have been adorable... Rosalind has a mellow Mr. Dirk in his eyes..."


Nodding Milfi and the late. No, well... I'm not wrong, but how do I know?

"No, it's not weird what you think!? I didn't happen to be hated in Miracle, but I got tangled up on drunk and sexually harassed and said wagamama!?

"Well... I think Master Dirk would have been happy with that wagga mom. Think about it by reversing your position. What would you say if Master Dirk got drunk and said he wanted to be more with Rosalie?

I fantasized about the intoxicating dilk that said I wanted Rosalind to hang on to me.

"I'm so happy. Knock it down. Oh well... so you were in a good mood..."


The late lady seems to be thinking something too.

"The change in Fizz may or may not be my fault..."

The late lady fell and lay on the floor. Hey, what's up?



"Well... I told Fizz I wanted to flirt like Rosalind and the others..."

I'm sure that's what caused it.

Besides, I drunk him yesterday and asked him out, what Fizz wanted was' someone he could love like Dirk and Rosalind '. I mean, Fizz really wanted to flirt, too. If the late lady finds out she wants flirting too, then she must love you with all her strength.

"Does the late want you to go back to your previous fizz?

"Ugh... no... if you don't like Fizz... I'd rather keep it up"

"So, it's settled."

She's cute at the end of the day when she says she wants to flirt with Fizz even though she's ashamed. Gotcha.

"What was Rosalie's problem after all?

"I want to be drunk, sweet on Dilk, and I want to die of shame. I want to erase my memory."

"... Master Dirk seems happy, don't you have to worry about it?

"I can't! I care!

"So do you avoid Master Dirk? You can always stay at home."

"... no. I want to stay with Dirk. endure embarrassing."

I came to the conclusion that I had no choice but to endure. Milfi and the late one sparkled at me when I just stuck with the imagination of leaving.

"She's cute."

"That's cute."


"Rosalie, I'm done! She's adorable!

"Rosalind is adorable!

"Yeah, yeah!?

Me getting sandwiched and awakened by a friend. I can hug you both from left to right. Why!? I don't know!

Ten seconds until Dilk, who responded to my soggy feelings, broke in and slapped his neck. Needless to say, it was difficult to explain.