Getting home to prepare dinner and waiting for an hour.

"I'm home."

"Welcome back. Come on!

Welcome Rosawanko! I hugged Dirk, who came home with a lot of momentum. This was a level of shock I suspect is no longer a tackle, but the boulder is a dilk. He shocked me and held me flat.

"... a warm welcome, isn't it?

"Dilkoo, listen to me!

"Yeah? Okay. 'Angao male!!


"It's time to quell Dilk's gaos! I'm not gonna let Dirk flirt with you! Eat while you can."

"... No, I'm sorry already"

Dilk shy of gaos, itch. Dilk moved me back to the living room holding the princess.

"Okay, let's get you down, shall we?

Dirk tried to take me down to my seat, but I refused because I plan to sweeten him with all my strength today.

"Shit. Eat on Dilk's Knees"

Me sticking to the dilk all the time. It's a sweet rosalind.

"..................... no?

I plan to be sweet today, by the way. But if you don't like dilk, you can't help it. I wanted you to listen to me, and I got a natural and sweet voice. Hey, okay? and shake his neck.

"Grr...!? What's wrong?

"... I'm sweet on dilk today. I'm gonna flirt with you!

Me sticking to the dilk. Dilk is distracted, but I didn't think he hated me because his tail was in a mood! My neck is red, is it lit...?

"... ok. Let's flirt."

Dirk laughed and went to his seat with me in his arms, putting me on his lap and sitting in his seat.

"Dilk, uh"

"Rosalind, uh"

We'll feed each other. This is it! I wanted to do this! Oh, oh, healing! Filled! Happiness! Now I'm Leah Charging! I'm chorosalind, so I'm already in a good mood!

"Hehe, it's Dilk. I like it!

"Come on... oh, I like you too... oh, oh, I love you"

Dirk told me I love you. Here you go. Happy.

"Eh heh heh"

I was deleading and Dirk threw me over. What a reward! Something hard happened during the day. That's a reward, I bet!

"So, what happened?

I reported on what happened today. Dirk was relieving me, but my biggest dissatisfaction exploded.

"I know you don't mean to offend Miss Leticia, but I have super, super eyes to see! Because my dilk is the greatest husband in the world! Compared to Dirk, Master Aldin, it's a hiyoko!

"... eh, there?

Important there! Guilt and hitting horses are healed by dilk and any better, but I'm not convinced there!

"There it is! Dilk is my favorite and best husband!

"... yeah. Rosalind is also the cutest daughter-in-law in the world to me. My beloved daughter-in-law."

"Yeah hehe"

Chorosalind was still chocolate. Dirk said it was my favorite thing to do while I was hanging out with him, and I'm already deleaded.

"So today, why are you so sweet when you do it?

"I thought you'd spoil some guilt, some sense of horseshit and some dilk for subtly dropped Moya Moya relief. I'd be in a good mood if Dirk could spoil me a little."

"... I'd love to be sweet on Rosalind, too, so be sweet whenever you want"

What a husband you could be! Dilk is still my best husband!!

"Oh, shall we serve? I'll sleep with complete beastification for you today. Brushing, too?

What a wonderful husband! God no longer!!


The happiness of sleeping sweetly in the dilk that made Sarah even more popular with me...! Wash it, freshly dried cat... black leopard who wasn't is justice!

"Oh, oh... too happy...!

It's a luxury to bury your face in the supreme and mundane and sleep...! Dilk's is also a fu-pump pillow, great!!

"... Rosalind, I'd love to be sweet, too. Sweet again."

They licked my peppers and cheeks. I'm kidding. Dilk's grown up I can afford...

"... yeah"

Dilk is really the best husband I've ever had. But after this, I played a little... a lot of lazy pranks. I couldn't wake up in the morning (in a physical sense) as a result of hitting the switch continuously.

I'm glad I was forced to leave school on a credit basis. Graduation is suspicious, too, me. With that in mind, my love also indulged in the mundane in bed.

I was very happy in the morning sweetening to My Darling, who awaits me if I did too much. Oh, of course I went to school this afternoon.