Today at the Burton Mansion our warcraft... were also practicing offerings with Fumaru, Snow Tiger White Snow, Kaminari Lizard Uemura, Water Spider Mizuki, Crystal Rabbit Kurizuki, Windhawk Hokujo, and Paralysis Snake Midday.

Valkyrie also participates. I use my magic separately on the Warcraft, but the Warcraft can have better magic control than me if they're good at it.

"... material..."

Regardless of the protective equipment, I can't think of the right material for the dress.

"Lord, what's wrong?

Hafumaru has recently evolved into King Kesaran Passalan, so the talking is no longer a catacotto. I talked honestly because Fumaru had asked me the same thing that bothered me. Because the Warcraft are familiar with demonic materials.

"Hmm, you know..."

also told Fumaru about the material, what did he think, Fumaru softly gave me the scissors.

"Lord, hang up"

"Say no!! No, because you don't have to give me your own hair!............ Ha!?

Snow Tiger White Snow You were trying to prune a nice fur in the ballicans. Trying to prune cleverly with that meatball... that's not the case! I desperately stopped it.

Kaminari lizard Uemura... don't try to skin me! Because it hurts! Because it absolutely hurts! I seriously stopped. He ended up giving me a tail. It doesn't seem to hurt. So, is it good...??

Waterspider Mizuki... gave me the yarn. Thank you, you're so beautiful. They can also make yarns that don't neve. It reflects and sparkles in the light like clear water, and it's a strange thread that's transparent.

Crystal Rabbit Chestnut Suki! Don't break it! Don't break your body! Don't sharpen it!! Don't be impotent!! I stopped crying.

Hokujo from Windhawk gave me feathers. There is... don't pull it out, don't pull it out! Don't pull any more!! Just a minute!! No, I used to make woven fabrics out of wings called crane repayment, but I wonder if I can still do this...

Midday from Paralysis Snake gave me a peeled skin. I have a rough idea that putting snake skin in my purse will save me money, but is it still valid over here... no, because I don't want to peel anymore! Don't be impotent!!

My warcraft men are too devoted to me. Whatever you don't have trouble giving it to me, I'd like you to stop literally cutting yourself.

And the next morning. There were fluffy hairs on the front door, fluffy hairs, and sparkly things.

"Hafumaru! Snow White! Chestnut Suki-ku!!

I dashed hard from the morning to find the Warcraft, and I did as I was told.


also fumaru and white snow your being margarita was a shock video. I don't want to see it again! It's another creature no longer!!

Kurizuki was also super shocked that you were cracking.

I, the boulder, am also a cry.

And if I cry...

Tam, tam, tam, tam, tam.

That's why my darling is so pretty.

"Who cried our Rosalind?




I'll raise my hand honestly, Fumaru, Snow White, and Kurizuki.

Ta-da, Ta-da and Dilk's tail carve the rhythm of anger.

"I know you guys care about Rosalind. But if you hurt yourselves for Rosalind, Rosalind would cry like this! Never again!!

"... Yes"


"... più..."

I also found that Fumaru, Snow White and Kurizuki said 'I'm sorry'.

"Yeah... I spoke inadvertently, and I'm sorry..."

"... because if you guys can't do this, Rosalind won't be able to rely on you. Rosalind talked to me. I'm sorry, too, because I blame myself!

"... Lord, I won't do it anymore!

"Guru, Guru!

"Pfft! Pfft!

Fumaru and the others are desperate to reach me. You promised me you wouldn't do it again.

But this inadvertent statement of mine has led to further incidents. I can't solve it.