I was flabbergasted. I was trying to help a bloody adventurer. So I painted the strongest thing in the world as Tsuyoshi told me. Sometimes I can't move because my magic took root... but maybe even if I could, it would have hardened.


Maybe something I saw just before was bad. I mean, it's Jend's father's fault.


I know your sister is strong, but I didn't really go on crusades or anything, so I don't really know how to fight.


And look, I still care about the figure, but I also had an image of Valkyrie.


So here's the result of an exquisite mix of images… here it is.


You can't help running away from reality! In the meantime, I need to do something about the crisis that's looming on me right now!

Rosalind (false) that I created using Tsuyoshi... No. Shall I make it a false rind? It's a long time, and it's obviously fake.

I don't know, just my face, Rosalind, my sister, and my body is probably Jend's fatherly nice buddy (i.e., muscle mucky) and armed like Valkyrie. And for some reason, "Rosalindo!! I only talk." How did this happen? It's only blasphemy against your sister. Your sister makes a scene, but maybe she'll forgive you... but Mr. Dirk will kill you. Mr. Dirk won't allow anything to blaspheme your sister.

But just now... I could help an adventurer who was about to be hit by a demon. Thanks to the fake rind.

Fake rinds have been knocked down with a single blow with their bare hands. Your sister is not such a benefactor. When we see each other, let's just get grounded. I'm sorry, sister. I don't think your sister is a prodigal man. Your sister is much prettier, sweeter and cuter.


I restored my magic with magic restorative medicine and divided the wound medicine that was brought back to me by my overprotective sister to the injured adventurer. The wound healed beautifully and she thanked me.

I was mainly thinking about how to mislead a fake rind to Mr. Dirk, or apologize, and it was lifted to a fake rind.

"Wow!? Oh, I'm not hurt."


Nodding. I wonder why we can't have a conversation. Hello, the curse of Valkyrie? When he made sure I wasn't hurt, False Lind mocked me.

I only have a bad feeling about the way it fits, the way I remember to take charge.

"No way..."


And the fake rind blew up. It came even further down the hierarchy. Even though the basics of being lost are to wait, it can be as good as it gets. When I scolded the fake rind, I was squished.



Fake rinds only look just like your sister. Your sister is weak when she puts you down.

"One, watch out for the next!


A fake rind that nicks and snorts. I'm not a bad kid... maybe.

After a while, the communication went in… or suddenly I was surprised to hear a voice from the ear part of the suit.

"Po... zazz safe!?

"Sister!? I'm safe!

It was hard to hear, but it's definitely your sister Rosalind! You're here to help me!

"Shh... zah... to help... zah... from!

When I was happy with your sister…, Tsuyoshi made a scene.

'Mother, Tsuyoshi has done a fine job!


"Mother, mother ah!!

For some reason, tsuyoshi and fake rinds made a scene. Or mainly the tsuyoshi are loud.

"Mother, Mother, Mother!

"Tsuyoshi, shut up! There's Mr. Dirk too, isn't there? Apologize for being sorry! Shit, the enemy is concentrating!? Hang up!"

Apparently, the fake rind's noise has brought the enemy together. Somehow the fake rind is outnumbered... too many! I'm building bombs out of paintings and attacking them, too, but not like this...

The suit shines white. The senses have been sharpened and the force has boiled.

"Your husband!?


I nod to the fake rind that it's okay. Now I'm sure. I paint it exactly as I imagined it burning on my head.

"Come on, come out!!



Yes, I painted Jend's father and Lucille Lucille. I've been looking at it just now, and it's all over the image. He defeated the demons one after the other.

"............... Was it just Jend's father?

Massive carcasses of demons rolling on the ground and my paintings running around. Yeah, overkill is exactly what this is about.




They know what I painted. [M] And Jend's father (fake) and fake rind, who were running around, came this way.

I was handled by fake Lind and Jend's father. I only have a bad feeling about it.




"Wow, no!!

And I was forced to move again. I'm sorry, sister. I... can't seem to get the stray iron rule, "Wait on the spot when you get lost". They were transported to two muscular muckies while escaping a little reality.