Dear Rosalind and the others who triumphed while transporting meat. Silver giant knights walking with tons of meat are surreal, but they're starting to bother me. I was just looking at it thinking I wouldn't be surprised anymore.

There's a crowd at the entrance gate to the castle town... something's wrong.

Master Rosalind lowered his flesh at once and evacuated his companions to the shoulders of the Silver Giant Knight.

"Meat ooh!

"Give me the meat!!

"Meat, meat, meat!!


A poor knight was hit. The killer... the killer...


the terrop and the women when the demons colored by the fancy stars. I didn't think I'd be surprised anymore, but apparently some of the Wolfanese citizens mobbed for meat. Dude, this is it!

The knight is also exhausted and not deterred, and is deprived of meat.

Are you going to lose to the Wolfaneer women like this?!? Master Dirk rushed to speak to Master Rosalind.

"Rosalind! You're not stopping me!?

"I don't want to harm women, and I'm scared. I don't feel like I can beat that temper."

Nor does Master Rosalind, the boulder, feel he can beat those impatient women. I can't either. What's wrong with this?

"... Rosalind, that's good wisdom, huh?

"Hmm? All right. I got an idea. Hello, Loud Say hello"


Master Rosalind's voice echoed around him. Hal has wind protection spirits and indications...... hmm? Is Rosalind a two-attribute protector? Shh, wow......

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming together. We're going to carry tons of meat. I would like to hire an aunt to process it because it would be a waste to let it rot. I will give you 20% of the processed meat. We will reward you for that. How about that?"

The women began processing meat. The riot was suppressed with a single voice that facilitated Master Rosalind's driving.

Regardless of Rosalind and the others, it would have been a problem in the future if the knights had been defeated by the general public.

"That's the amount, and you're just fine. Let's carry it crispy. It won't all be judged, so distribute the rest to the King's Capital and neighboring villages for a meat festival!

Master Rosalind seems generous enough to give the meat to the people of Wolfaneer. What a loving daughter. It is the qualities that the Virgin deserves.

The residents of Wolfaneer in particular reacted.

"Whoa, whoa!

"Long live the Virgin!

"Long live the meat festival!

"Meat! Meat! Meat!"

Noisy Wolfaneer knights. Cristia knights and adventurers who can't keep up.

Was the food distress in Wolfaneer that serious? I checked later and it was in a more serious condition than I expected. Let's just say it's natural that Rosalind, who generously fed them meat in that situation, should be worshipped by them as the Virgin.

Dear Rosalind, who carries even meat. Silver Giant Knight on Warcraft, Spirit and Crystal Dragon. Everyone carries meat in silence. It is an impossible sight.

Master Rosalind was watching it, but he took out the communications device and contacted

"This is Rosalind. We've got a problem."

"This is Alfiej... what are you doing at the castle gate?

"The knights of Wolfaneer were attacked when their aunts turned into Amazonas named Mother to fill their belly children."

Very accurate status report. Sure, that was Amazones by the name of my mother.

"What's going on with Wolfaneer?!?

Prince Alfiej, who received the report, shouted. Really.

"I think so too"

"Shh, I'm sorry... it must be because of the continuing food difficulties..."

Prince Jutiez, who seems really sorry.

"As it is, my aunts mob up (I was nasty), so I'm supposed to let my aunts process the meat and split the meat as consideration. Meat is processed and preserved, and meat is also supplied to the people. It's a good thing!

"... what's going on with Rosalind's head? I don't think that's a duke's idea, is it?


"Uh? Really? So, because of that, I want vegetables, too. Don't you have a brother? I thought I'd make a lot of vegetables with my brother."

"What do you do?

I hear Rosalind's brother was near Prince Alfiej, and he engaged the call.

"I make a lot of vegetables that I don't like. Huck, I hear this land is good for you."

"I see."

Vegetables that Master Rosalind doesn't like? I don't know what it means to make vegetables I don't like on purpose.

"I'll have Koo pick you up. I'll be waiting for you in Yugdrasil."

Copy that.

Dear Rosalind back at Yugdrasil. Rosalind's brother on the back of the dragon also arrived.

Each appeared labeled Half-Dragon Cow with Rosalind's brother, Rubert, and Rosalind's Fire Protection Spirit. I don't know where to scratch anymore! With the protection of the Dragon Spirit... and three attributes! Impossible!!

How far is that a fact!? I can't judge you at all!!

"Do you want to do it?"

"Come on, Valkyrie"


You don't like being shouted your name, Master Rosalind, who flaunts your face. Magic is amplified, and vegetables are formed one after the other from seeds that Master Rubert has lost. More vegetables will be seeded and increased one after the other.

How much magic can make such impotence? Can she still do this?

"I don't know if I can do this."

Vegetables as far as I can see. The wilderness of nothing transformed into a vegetable field at once.



I say eat the vegetables orally. Talking and moving around. Same vegetables I was singing and dancing with earlier...... what is it??

"Pfft. You've grown well, vegetables. No transport required because it moves on its own. I'll take care of myself and grow up, so it's okay to be sloppy! Besides, it also tells me from me at harvest... they are really groundbreaking vegetables... I wonder why I can't eat rosalind"

"I... ate the petite tomatoes I grew on so much hand salt... yummy but sad!! I swore to my heart that I would never eat again!

Sure, talking vegetables grown cute are hard to eat. They're totally traumatized. I don't like it, or I guess it's a vegetable I don't want to eat.

Master Rosalind and the vegetables marched and were very popular when they returned to the castle gate. The Wolfanese women left with processed meat and vegetables with a full smile. The vegetables were delighted to say "watashioishiiyo" even though they were put in the net. It was sad why. I don't want those vegetables either.

At last, Master Rosalind returned to the castle.

"Gentlemen, it's a meat festival! I can make you gravy!!

"To! To!

"Meat ooh!

"Meat meat, meat meat! Meat together, meat meat!!

"... is Wolfaneer okay?

"Come on..."

As usual, there was an impressive temperature difference between the Wolfaneer Knight (during Meat Fever), who was too tense, and the Kristia Knight & Adventurer, who couldn't keep up.

I want to think that most of this is a fabrication story. I've decided to think of it as some kind of story.

For that, there are real talking vegetables. They come to celebrate, a bunch of crystal dragons. They lurk at the impossible, and I wonder how far the facts are!!