Akuyaku Reijou ni Nanka Narimasen. Watashi wa『Futsuu』no Koushaku Reijou desu!
Best friends and friends?
"Congratulations, Rosalind!
Milfi and Miss Leticia and... for some reason there was Miss Butterfly. When I asked her if she wasn't Madame because she was married, she told me it was an eternal mistake. Miss Butterfly is not a man or woman. I can't help it because the category is Miss Butterfly.
"Oh, it's lovely! Rosalind would look great in a pretty dress too!
Miss Butterfly, who is cunning. Miss Milfi and Miss Leticia, sadly completely used to Miss Butterfly, are nodding, yeah.
"Sure, wearing a white dress at a wedding means' I'll dye your color ', right?
"Huh? Yeah."
"" Ahhh, that's beautiful!
Miss Leticia and Miss Butterfly are having a great career. Oh, there's Lillian and Lilliana in the back............ dong pulling. Yeah, I know how you feel.
"Rosalie would prefer that dress to an expensive and special one, wouldn't she? But I gave up because I have time... no?
Boulder is my best friend. Sounds promising. I saw the design painting and was so attracted to this princess line dress. But I don't like the look on such a bad guy's face and how many times I've changed colors, and I've given up.
But you are. There might have been some untrained and watching.
"Rosalie prefers those cute things to gorgeous and expensive ones."
"So I asked Master Dirk. Then she told me that Dirk was going to have a wedding just for Rosalie."
My family, Milfi and the others, they were all collaborators.
"Yeah, thanks"
"From me too, let me thank Rosalie. Rosalie, I just hurt people until Rosalie accepted me."
Milfi said. Open your mouth and I just hate it. Laurel's at the Duke's, but they're all romantic marriages. Milfi's mother was a Viscount, so she got poked there. My mother was smiling and shrugging, but not unharmed. So Milfi decided to say it back. There was nothing left to speak ill of Milfi's mother in Milfi's exact poisonous tongue. But there was a problem here.
The poisonous tongue skills that I kept polishing became rampant. When it was, as my parents told me at the athletic party. All I did was make the kids who were brought in as playmates cry with that poisonous tongue. The truth is, I wanted to get along. But I didn't speak well.
I couldn't get along well with anything other than my parents and long time servants who would guess my sincerity.
In that, it was Rosalind who was nicoting how much Mirfi was trying to show off his poisonous tongue...... I mean it was me. Mirfi seemed to feel I had a generous heart, but that's not true. There was no malice in Milfi, and I was used to being a hard to understand sui (poisonous tongue tundra), so I was just noticing the dele behind the tung.
"That's right... that was a terrible attitude and generous of me."
"In Milfi's case, it's because she was used to being a tundra friend, and Miss Leticia just wanted to get along because she liked straight sexual roots, even if she hated them"
I don't want you to beautify so much.
"Rosalind, I don't know... you have a lot of nostalgia"
I did feel nostalgic for accepting Miss Butterfly without any particular discomfort.
"Atashi, I don't care that they said quite a few things... it's not like they won't hurt you. Rosalind... No, Rosalind's family naturally accepted her. Rosalind's dad is handsome, too."
"…………… well"
My father dodged Miss Butterfly's wink attack. My father, whose face is obviously tight. Very rare.
By the way, I think my brother was pulling a dong. I don't think I've gotten used to it lately.
"I'm sorry, Rosalind. Atashi, I confronted Dan when I heard him talk, but that was a mistake."
"That's exactly what he said, forgetting the purpose for the means. It's a serious failure to be a merchant. Satisfying customers is what merchants do. Sure, that rainbow dress looked good on Rosalind. But Rosalind didn't want any special materials or gorgeous dresses. I was just satisfied. I'm so sorry."
Miss Butterfly bowed her head deeply.
"No, Mizuki and the others cooperated, and it was a beautiful dress, right?
I was quite satisfied myself. So you don't need an apology. I chose to convince myself.
"No, it sucks to make a customer compromise. An important wedding dress for the rest of my life...... I can confidently say I was right this time. It's so beautiful, Rosalind. We talked about making that dress."
".................. yeah. Thanks."
"... you've got a good friend, Rosalind"
We are all proud friends.
Almost to Dirk's place. I felt that this wedding was due not only to Dilk, but to everyone.