* * *
Albrecht gets up and leaps out of the window a long time before sunrise. Although it's only on the second floor, the place itself is a few meters higher than the surrounding stable or forge, so it's not as high as he can jump. But Albrecht landed without a hitch.
The front gate was guarded by adult men – men who were selected near the mountain to work in shifts – so I ran to the other side of the fence and jumped as hard as I could to grab the end of the fence with my hands.
The other side of the gate was a steep slope, so it was much higher than a few meters of wooden ledge. No matter how badly Albrecht lands and rolls down the mountain, he may die.
Albrecht's heart beats. I thought about going back, but I jumped down with all my heart. It was not a flat ground, so I fell off the center as soon as I touched the ground. I wanted to roll the harsh mountain, but I could barely hold on to the nearby trees.
From then on, I went down the mountain at a rapid rate. You climb down the mountain much faster than you climb down the mountain to the main gate as soon as the slope is urgent. Then you head straight for Erik's house.
Erik is asleep. You wake the sleeping opponent up, tapping his cheek, because it didn't hit Albrecht's lust. Erik opens his eyes to see what's going on, but Albrecht is furious.
“Are you awake?”
“D, Young Master? ”
“Yes, son of a bitch. How dare you snitch on my father? You can't just die. ”
Albrecht slaps Eric on the cheek with all his might.
Erik is shocked to see his mind slip away.
Erik runs his mouth through the blood and spits out his missing teeth.
Albrecht punches the other cheek hard. And one more. Erik is unconscious.
Albrecht puts Erik on his shoulder and heads to the forest.
Five people were sleeping everywhere in the building. I felt like drinking. Among them, there was Urgen. Most of the children were cared about by their parents, but some were almost children.
Albrecht ties Erik to the post of his hut with a rope.
“Hey, everybody up. ”
Albrecht taps the children who are sleeping on the floor and lights the torches hanging on the walls of his hut with flint stones. Putting the torch in the hut was a danger to the fire, but the children didn't care. The lights have to be bright when you play all night.
The children woke up, rubbing their eyes.
“Uh…… commander? ”
“Yes, you bastards. Time for revenge."
The children didn't seem to know what was going on. I was thinking of playing a new game. But when they saw Erik tied to the pillar, the children were surprised. Both cheeks swell up, almost bursting, and a bloody saliva flows from their mouths.
Albrecht has acted like a jackass and acted like one, but he has never hurt anyone directly. In fact, when Albrecht coerced the colonists, the children acted. Albrecht always sent his children, not himself.
“Yes, commander. What are you...?"
“What? Revenge. No, it's justice. I heard my father was a cruel man once, but punishing a rat rat rat rat like this is my job as lord's successor. ”
Albrecht takes a thick cloth, bites Erik in the mouth, and ties it tightly behind his head to stop him from screaming.
Erik wakes up as his surroundings become brighter and his body is tied up and shaken.
“Ugh… ugh……"
I couldn't open my eyes properly, and I was dehumanized.
“I told you. I just can't die. Hey, get me a knife. ”
“Big boss......”
The children always click when Albrecht's words drop. But no one moves after being frightened by the premonition.
“What are you doing? You didn't bring a knife? ”
Albrecht asked for an impression, and a child brought a knife.
In the middle, the Urgen grabs the boy's hand and drops the knife.
Albrecht stares at the Jurgen without a word. Yurgen shudders, unable to make eye contact, and is afraid.
“You bring it, Jurgen. ”
Yurgen grimaced his lips, looking like he was about to cry. But he didn't move. An older boy, much older than the next Jurgen, picked up a knife that fell to the floor and brought it to Albrecht.
Albrecht looks back at Erik for a while after taking the sword.
In addition to shearing the hide of an animal, it was also a versatile knife. The day didn't stand right. It was rusty and dirty.
You grab one ear of Erik and try to cut it off. I didn't get fired well. I just cut it off like it was a force.
Erik wails in agony, shaking his whole body.
Albrecht cut off his other ear as if it were a tear. I cut off my nose. My hands were covered in blood one day.
The children around me seemed to be frozen from the overwhelming cruelty they had never seen.
Albrecht roughly throws his sword to the ground and stands in front of the children. The children trembled with horror. I couldn't even look at Albrecht properly.
“We have to let him live. I'll have to cut his throat next time. ”
Albrecht washes his hands in a bucket of water and returns to the castle. I have to go back before my parents wake up.
Albrecht can't express himself well, but he seems to have crossed some kind of fence. And now I feel like I can do anything. He has power. Why can't you just use it? Albrecht felt liberated.
You climb the steep slopes of Mt. Hoen-Carltern, head to the rear of the castle and climb a tree. I picked a sturdy branch, stepped on it, and jumped over it. I grabbed the tip of the scabbard with my bare hands. My heart was pounding.
When I was about to go beyond the wooden ledge, I heard thunder like the sky had never been heard before. And I blacked out.
* * *
“Well, you said you were avenging him. Revenge.”
When I heard revenge, I suddenly remembered. At that moment, I felt goosebumps. Erik was the owner of the cow I killed.
Albrecht was crazier than I thought. Why didn't you remember this? It wasn't just a fuck-up, it was a psychopath. With the Urgen in the back, you sprint to the site. It would have taken you a long time to walk there, but Albrecht's running is so fast that he arrives soon.
< 7 > End