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The world was widely known for its western and eastern continents. No one knew what was beyond that. The western continent had a huge jungle that crossed the middle east and west, and it was known to have Goblin kingdoms in it.
It was said to be nearly impossible to cross the Great Jungle by road, because it was breathlessly hot and humid and the Goblins in the Kingdom could not cope with it. So the western continent was again divided into the North and South continents, bordering the Great Jungle.
The continent belonging to Albrecht was the North. They only trade indirectly with the Southern Continent, so they only know the extent to which humans live in the Southern Continent. However, it was well known that silk from the southern continent is more expensive than gold.
Although there were rare – almost legendary - people who made direct trade with the southern continent at sea, it was suicide to sail straight to the southern continent with modern technology. So all the things we do in the northwest of Southern Nigeria were the names we call the North Continent.
The lands of Calteren are in the north-east and the kingdom of Anglia lies at the western end of a basin surrounded by massive mountain ranges. I know it's far, but there's no satellite map, so I don't know exactly how far it is.
Far northwest of the Kingdom of Anglia, there is a place called Dragon Land. It is unknown whether it is an island or a continent.
The royal families of Anglia call themselves descendants of dragons. And the Kingdom of Anglia was famous for its good archery and for its quality jewelry.
The tragedy of the Merchant Guild began here.
“Our merchant guild was run by a merchant named Sylvio. It's headquartered in the south coast city of Lucretia. It is the closest coastal city to the Eastern Continent, and it is known as the largest city on the North Continent due to its active trade with the East Continent. But like cities, the merchant guild struggles hard. All sorts of conspiracies, even assassinations. ”
Elena sits with her knees wrapped around her, still unable to look at Albrecht, and looks back to the ground.
“One day, the Lord of my family was assassinated. Vincenzo the successor immediately joined the family, but Zip had so many rival families that he could not even avenge them. Nobles who can't avenge themselves will lose their reputation. Everyone thought the Sylvio family was falling apart, and a lot of the employees left. The rival families came together and banned our ships from sailing. As the family slowly died, Vincenzo decided to import gems from the Kingdom of Anglia as his last adventure. You were going to get invested once, get your income route, and start a new business. In fact, it's ridiculous. ”
Albrecht thought it was ridiculous. Across the North to secure the import route. Thieves are just a few young men who have to pass by, despite all that. Even if the lords don't commit robbery, how much toll do we have to pay? I just felt like Vincenjo was in such a crisis that he couldn't judge normally.
Vincenjo had the whole estate ransacked. Ten employees left, ten workers to help with the journey, and ten mercenaries.
Thirty people in the world had a huge paradigm. It was never easy to cross the continent while eating and sleeping. It took three years to reach the Dragon's Spine Mountains surrounding the Kingdom of Anglia by procuring supplies in the middle city or town, paying tolls on every territory passing by after defeating the bandits.
The jagged rugged mountains were endlessly spread around the kingdom and the route to entering the kingdom was very limited. It was an exclusive kingdom of Anglia for outsiders, but I was curious to those from the far east, and when I reached the basin of Anglia through the five famous gates, it was a starry place.
It was a cool weather in the middle of the summer, facing the breeze from the mountains and the sea to the west. The people were clean and friendly together, the streets were clean and the surrounding landscape was stunning.
She was a young queen who was unexpectedly less than ten years old when she came to know the king.
He was so cute in the human world that he had silver hair that melted silver and applied it as it is, bright silver eyes like the starlight in the night sky, white skin like milk, and even his brows, eyebrows, and calves that had not yet fallen into the cheeks were so perfect. When she grew up, she would become an unbeatable beauty on the entire continent.
The 10 knights and officials who sat on the young queen with the dazzling beauty were all alike and loyal.
The queen was majestic and compassionate not to be young. I was originally like a girl, but I used to hang out with old chief knights when I wasn't working.
Vincenzo cautiously brought up the business with the queen and unexpectedly gladly gave her permission.
Rough stones, like none other, could buy at five times the price of Lucretia's lowest jewelry.
The problem was Vincenjo's greed. I've invested everything in buying jewelry with as little as possible to get back to.
He stayed ten days and again departed for Lucretia from the Kingdom of Anglia. When everyone left Lucretia, worries and anxiety were shared, but when they left the Kingdom of Anglia, hopes were that everyone would be rich now.
“It's been a good year since I got home. But every city, every village, every city, with stupid mercenaries, talked about Anglia like a legend, and over the course of a year, we had to eat less food and less food. Everyone got nervous, and by the time they were two years old, they had run out of supplies. That's when one of the lords sent a soldier to attack us. A lot of people died. I only got rid of it, but I didn't know when to raid again. When they ran out of supplies and were being hunted, the mercenaries tried to kill Vincenjo and share the treasure. But then, after they killed Vincenjo, they fought amongst themselves, and one of them led us here. ”
Albrecht wondered, as he listened.
“Why didn't you sell the jewels and supply them? ”
Elena looks back at Albrecht, looking down at the ground, smiling and saying.
“Everyone was blind to the treasure. I couldn't sell it. It has to be a big city to get a good price. ”
Albrecht asked again.
“Why did the mercenary follow you? ”
“Because he has the treasure. ”
The lords who seek the treasure seek them out. The mercenaries who fled during the fight may be gathering men to look for themselves. The Merchant Guild is so isolated here.
I did everything I could to grass my mouth. One of them included stealing from pedestrians. I couldn't get anywhere near the other bandits' territory.
After living in isolation, people became more and more like animals. In particular, the mercenaries were obsessed with paranoia and were strongly controlling people. Women have been the Trinket of Mercenaries for a long time. I lived like this for six months. Then came Albrecht.
“You weren't captured. And I was shaking like that because I thought I was the one who was after the treasure. ”
Women were speechless.
Albrecht thought, silently staring at the furnace. After a while, he said as if he had made up his mind.
“Let's get out of here first thing tomorrow. ”
< 11 > End