The next day, Rutger came.
“I have a meeting today and I have to go there. May I escort you? ”
I thought Albrecht was sick of it.
“What happened to Diego? ”
As Albrecht speaks, Ludgor's gaze cools.
“Where might you be living well? I don't know.”
“Don't you know? What happened to the jewels? Did you take it because you killed him? ”
His fury growls in Albrecht's blue eyes. I thought it would explode if I had the detonator.
Rutger shakes well. Albrecht has seen far exceed the human standard.
I've hired knights in the Thief Guild several times before, but I couldn't handle two or three mercenaries as armed as the Knight himself.
In the beginning, knights had the advantage of mastering advanced skills known as horseback riding. It was not weak in the hippocampus, but there was always a human category.
Even a knight could fight and lose if a mercenary with more combat experience is armed to his level.
But Albrecht was different. No matter how well armed and combat-experienced, even three, four, and five mercenaries were slaughtered as if they were as natural as drinking water.
Rutger felt he could die here if he did something wrong. Albrecht was not just a treasure. She's a predator. She doesn't know when to bite her neck, even if she seems to be listening.
On the other hand, I admired it. Albrecht didn't just use a sword, he killed a man in many cruel ways. I felt a tremor when I saw her throat ripped out and her airway, esophagus, and tongue.
He was cruel, but a pervert who enjoyed it. His nickname in the city was' Meat Scarf ’. I liked to take people's intestines out and strangle them. Albrecht thought he was one of his own.
Elisha hugs Albrecht in the back, feeling an unusual mood.
“Do you want to rest today? Will you just stay with me? ”
Albrecht holds her hand in the back. She knew she was using herself. But of course, I thought, what do you think? I like her, but I can't ignore the feeling of guilt that's rising from my mind.
You see a pendant lying around the table with all the other junk. Yeah, Penbach, Erik, I swear... I don't know. It's all annoying. But something inside seems to be bothering me. Irritating.
“If you go to a meeting, you might see a young man named Diego. ”
Ludgor looks confidently at Albrecht and says,
“What are you talking about? ”
“Well, I don't know. ”
‘Fuckin' asshole. ’
Albrecht gets up without a word, puts on his clothes and puts on his sword. I told Elisa.
“I'll be back.”
But I didn't kiss when I went out with him as usual.
* * *
The city of Lloyd Beck () was dominated by three merchandise doors that citizens called "the Great Gate." In fact, it was said to rule, but it was slightly different from ruling the territory like a lord.
On Earth, there were many "brothers and sisters" under the Merchant Gate as a kind of large enterprise. So, they kept their troops on the level of protecting their family members and property, rather than protecting the security of the city.
Most citizens were directly or indirectly connected to the Great Gates and consequently appeared to maintain security.
The problem was that the reality was essentially nothing like the government that governed the city, and that the public part had been left to the citizens' will from time to time. A single example was guarding the gates of the city.
People who voluntarily took over the public domain became powerless and became naturally corrupted by the Thief Guild - Violence.
Together, the Great Gates could suppress the Thief Guild at any time, but the merchants were always as busy competing and fending off each other as they were. And they even teamed up with the Thief Guild to get the upper hand in the competition.
The Thief Guild was always in chaos and repeated its fragmentation if it wanted to be unified, so they did not see the Thief Guild as a great threat.
But it's been a problem since Rutger showed up. He quickly accepted the city's burglar guilds and turned them into one. But not as fragmented as before. Rutger pressured the gates with a unique brutal technique and resourcefulness, and the latter formed a union of primordial oils.
You've only managed to squeeze Luger, but you can't bring him down. Then Albrecht showed up, and the situation reversed.
There were two groups fighting in the open field. A cold wind in November blew through the buildings, sweeping their clothes and hair and shaking them together.
One was dressed in fur, leather clothing, one old man and one middle-aged young man who looked expensive. In the back, I saw dozens of attendants and dozens of good armor.
On the other side is Rutger, and behind him is Albrecht and dozens of other activists. Activists were mostly armed with weapons like daggers and shortcodes, wearing tunics made of gambison or cloth.
From afar, the leader of Ludgor will look like Albrecht. It was because of all the people in the field riding alone.
Albrecht wears a sword, and he holds a Siegfried Lightning Axe in one hand and stares intensely at the other. But the inside was a little different.
‘He'll come in armor. If I'm wrong, I could die. ’
The reason Albrecht was able to easily slaughter the mercenaries he had dealt with at Rootker's request was that it consisted mostly of one or two real skilled and supportive mercenaries.
Large gates were an important property to safeguard – including real estate and experts such as docks and warehouses – and there were more than 100 people stationed there, so it was difficult to cover more than a week or two a day. After a month, it could go bankrupt. He was already bleeding financially considerably.
That's why we had to disperse them everywhere, and Albrecht took care of them one by one.
From Albrecht's point of view, every man on the other side was a skilled man. You seem to be good enough to deal with the knight alone. I was confident that I would win when I fought them all, but I thought I was going to be seriously injured. But I wasn't scared.
At that moment, I saw someone who made Albrecht's eyes wide open. It's Diego. I didn't recognize him at first because his appearance was different with his head and beard neatened and neat.
Unlike his bright and pure personality, he was surprisingly solid like a soldier. He was unarmed and wearing a high-end tunic looked like an attendant in one of the great gates. He stares at Albrecht expressionlessly.
The heavy winds blow and the sound of workers working on the docks is distant, but the two groups stare at each other without a cough. Then Rutger moves first and walks into the middle of the void. Then the party members of the Great Gate walked out in the middle.
Ruetter said it was not a sales smile, but a peculiar smile.
“How are you guys? How's business? ”
A middle-aged woman wearing a fur hat in high-end leather clothing said.
“Something's not working out with some son of a bitch. ”
Ruetter still smiled.
“Is that me or our knight? ”
The middle-aged man did not answer. An old monk in a fox fur dress said.
“What do you want? ”
Rutger spits on the floor once, then opens his clothes with a bold exaggeration.
“Let's divide the area. ”
As Rootker's words fell, the young party who was watching the conversation from the beginning said. I turned blonde to all-bag, but it was cold and cold.
“That's not going to happen. There's nothing you can do to align yourself with us. ”
Rutger looks at the man, grinning brutally and says,
“When I killed your father, I gutted him and strangled him. If I kill my son like that, I won't be able to tolerate it. ”
In Rutger's parental bath, the young party unexpectedly appeared. He hated his father, he hated him, he didn't like him.
“My father fucked you through the back hole, so you deserved it. Well, is there anything wrong with pooping right now? ”
Luger's smile disappears. I looked intimidatingly at the young blonde dancer. The young party glanced at Rutger and glanced at him.
The old man who was staring at them said.
“Enough with the fighting. Let's get down to business. Okay, so what happens when you divide the zone? ”
Ludgor turns his gaze at the young party and looks at the old man.
“Ceasefire for now. ”
“Truce? Not the end? ”
“Shouldn't we divide the territory and see if you keep your promises? ”
The middle-aged man said as if he was overwhelmed.
“No negotiations. We don't need to waste any more time. Go.”
The middle-aged sugar lord reached out and dried his hands as he tried to return. And then he said to Rutger,
“I'll talk to the other party members about dividing the territory. And I'll give you a word. ”
“I'll give you three days. ”
Finally, Rutger's words lead both sides back to their herd.
Albrecht hears everything they say, but he's not interested. Only Diego's gaze lingers.
Why is he there? I don't think you betrayed me. No. Betrayal and all. I'm not Ruettiger's bitch. ’
As soon as I finished thinking, I drove to the Great Gate. Both parties were baffled by a sudden situation. The mercenaries at the Great Gate quickly pull out their weapons and block their presence. Albrecht stops in front of them and shouts, not caring.
< 21 > End