* * *
A straight line from the chin through the left lip to the base of the eye would certainly be the biggest scar on Albrecht's face right now. But I thought it was okay to win a risky battle.
You try to calm down the excitement and go to the saddle and pull out the first aid kit. I put a cotton cloth on the wound. I was just covered in blood. A few more times, I still bleed from the wound.
Isn't this a big deal? ’
Even Albrecht, who had monstrous resilience, had to deal with first aid. I didn't know what would happen if I bled out like this.
I think I need stitches, but I don't have needles on me. I couldn't bandage the wound because it was the site of the wound. I just put a bandage on the wound. I quickly rummaged through the Medieval Knight's arms, packed a bag of money, and took the sword. I had to go to a civilian or inn and get medical attention quickly.
It was not the modern world with the sign of the Neon, nor the full moon at night, so long as it was not visible for an hour. Now it was only that month.
You look like shit. ’
Luckily, you see the greasy torch in the travel items. I quickly lit the torch and climbed up the horse. But the torch was not so wide. I had to drive the horse to almost walking level.
"Shit. This is how the Knight King who broke Rutger's army gets tossed around? No? ’
I had to find a villager quickly and get help. However, I did not know where to go on this medieval world road.
It was a dark night, so I had hoped that I might find a villager or inn surprisingly quickly because I could see the light from afar. But after a long time, I didn't see any of that.
The bandage on the wound became a blood clot and was thrown to the ground. The torch went out. I tried to raise my eyes as hard as I could to see beyond the dark night, but I only saw a faint silhouette and I was confused whether it was a man, a tree, or an animal.
The problem is that Albrecht can't walk because he can't see a horse anymore. Albrecht makes his way down the horse.
The blood was stiff and the tickets were still flowing, although there was less blood than before. I felt pale without seeing my own face. At that time, a faint light appeared almost on the horizon. I came to you without a hitch.
After a long time, I felt like I was setting a campfire in the woods. And I saw some people who looked like peasants. After a long time, I saw a middle-aged man holding a boy, a little younger sister, and his wife who looked like they were just ten years old. It was five brothers and sisters.
They seemed to be having trouble sleeping, sharing their body temperatures. You wake up surprised to hear Albrecht approaching. When Albrecht appeared in the campfire, the middle-aged couple panicked and the young children cried out in a frenzy.
“Sa, help me! Help me!”
The man knelt on his knees and begged for mercy, and his wife bowed at the elongated waist, embracing the crying infant. The children will be surprised at Albrecht, who is covered in blood on his face.
“I won't kill you. I just need a little help. I'd like to heal your wound. Do you have a stitch? ”
“Yes, yes? ”
The man scolded his wife.
“Bars, needles, needles, get out quickly! ”
The wife looked like she didn't know what to do.
“I didn't get the needle. Nothing.”
The man looks desperate. Albrecht speaks quickly before the man strikes again.
“It's all right. I won't kill you. There's no need to be afraid. May I join you for a little campfire? ”
“Of course! Of course! ”
Albrecht ties the machete to a nearby tree and sits a short distance from them.
‘Oh, fuck. What should I do?’
I didn't think I was gonna die. He was hurt a lot worse when he wiped out Luger's troops. But then George gave me a first aid kit. Oh, I'm nervous.
His wife soothed the crying children by looking at Albrecht for a long time. Albrecht flinches when he sees her and says again.
“Y-you know, the scar... can I see it for a second? ”
Albrecht nods. The wife carefully approached Albrecht. My husband was looking at me worried. The wife looks at Albrecht's wounds for a moment, then goes back and starts rummaging through the pouch.
Then he took out a wooden box and picked up a mysterious grass inside. Then I put it in my mouth, chewed the filth for a long time, and then I went back to Albrecht and took out what was in my mouth and started applying it to the wound.
It's working, right? ’
Seeing that there are memories of modern people on Earth, I have a lot of doubts about private therapy in this world. I used to eat olive oil when my mother was treating Erik. Honestly, why did she eat olive oil?
The wife applied all the chewed grass with her mouth to the wound and tore the tip of her apron and pasted it on top.
“Hey, there's going to be a scar. But it'll stop the bleeding. ”
Albrecht took a bag of money from his arms and gave me five silver coins. It was according to the family's number.It seemed like it would hurt if I gave him gold coins. It was not the right time to give change.
I pay a change when I go to the city or trade with professional merchants. Most commoners used silver coins or fairy tales.
When she received five silver coins, she and her husband thanked her for her elongation. After receiving the silver coins, the atmosphere seemed to have been severely mild. The children stare at Albrecht with their eyes behind their mother.
Albrecht said.
“Do you know where Penbach is? ”
Husband and wife look at each other and shake their heads. Most farmers never left the village in their lifetime, so they didn't know much about the outside. I knew the name of the territory, but I didn't know it well unless it was a traveler or a merchant.
Albrecht nods and asks something else.
“I was on my way south from Lloyd Becky. Is there a village or inn near here? ”
Hearing Albrecht's question, the couple looks dark. My husband told me.
“There won't be a proper village around here anymore. It's all gone to shit. ”
“What are you talking about? ”
“Well, there was a war. King Conrad and King Leopold are fighting while the lords roam around the castle, taking everything and killing everything. ”
“You were on the run. ”
The couple became even more depressed.
“Then why just you? What about the others?"
“When I heard the village next door was in the middle of nowhere, I told the villagers I had to flee quickly. But they all said their village would be fine. They couldn't abandon their hometown. So I'm the only one escaping with my family. ”
Albrecht is now in the middle and northeast. The village of the couple is said to be in the middle to the east. They were on their way to the north.
I heard them say that the whole east and southeast of the Middle East got caught up in the phone, but Penbach probably got caught up in the phone, too. I heard Penbach is from the middle to the southeast.
“Do you have somewhere to go? ”
The couple became even more depressed and shaken their heads. It is not the era of automobiles, and ordinary farmers rarely move around, so there were few nearby villages where relatives lived. I was just heading north to live with no place to turn. It was dark in the future.
Albrecht gets back on his feet and goes to the saddle. From the first aid kit, I packed some contents into the saddle bag and gave the box to the couple. There was wheat and herring engraved on top of the box.
“Take this to Lloyvexi. Then head to the Valdivic mansion and find a man named Diego. Show him this and tell him Albrecht sent you. Tell me you met me on the run and healed me. Maybe we can live with that. ”
The couple received a first aid kit, slightly confused.
“Go, thank you. ”
“Remember, it's Diego. Diego Lines from Vivar. ”
Again, Albrecht and the couple did not speak. Albrecht wears a cape and presses on the hood. I will follow my father's teachings as long as I can afford.
< 28 > End