* * *
The next day Albrecht woke up at dawn. I went out of the house wearing only a high-quality fabric tunic, trousers, and boots that my father had given me. The cold air was pretty cold, but at the same time it felt refreshing.
The surrounding landscape was absolutely stunning. I'm staring at the lake, and Randolph follows me out, rubbing his eyes.
‘Wow, that's persistent. ’
Albrecht looks back at Randolph. Randolph stares at Albrecht without a word. Albrecht goes back into the house and takes two swords and a shield.
And I went to my horse and saw if he was doing well. And I saw Ludwig's words beside him. I fell asleep and had two horses. I stroked the horses and gave them food.
Albrecht stroked Ludwig's words, checking his condition.
“Hey, is there somewhere you can take a bath? ”
“You can just do it at the lake. ”
“No, you can see everything there. ”
“Then we have to go to the valley. Follow me.”
Randolph steps into the mountain for a long time and guides you to a low waterfall. You see a pool just below the waterfall with some depth.
Albrecht loosened his soda belt and took off his clothes, throwing them roughly everywhere.
Randolph opens his eyes to overwhelming muscles and scars that specialize in the battle of Albrecht, revealing his surprise.
Albrecht soaks and bathes without hesitation in cold water just before the winter freezes. I washed my hair, washed my body, and came out of the water for a long time. I panicked when I came out. What about the towel?
“Hey, you don't have a towel, do you? ”
Randolph takes off his shirt without hesitation and sticks it out.
“Put this on. ”
“There you go.”
Albrecht apologizes, embarrassed.
“I'm not running away. Can you get me a towel? ”
Before Albrecht's words were finished, Randolph ran home and said,
“I'll be right back! ”
It seems like a while before we reach the waterfall, but Randolph gets there really quickly and breathes a heavy breath.
Albrecht wipes himself, puts on his clothes, and throws Ludwig's sword to Randolph.
Michael's black pommel was engraved with a lilac-shaped ruby, and Ludwig's black pommel was engraved with a lily symbol.
“Draw your sword. ”
Randolph pulls out his sword with a trembling hand and looks at it with a dazzling eye.
“How do you feel? Is it heavy?”
Randolph grabs it with both hands, twisting a few times, then swinging it a few times with one hand.
“Two hands are fine, but one is a little heavy. ”
“That's a one-handed sword, so you need to be able to use it with one hand. ”
Randolph looks at Albrecht and nods with a resolved face.
Albrecht taught Diego many postures and emphasized repetitive practice, not to get too involved, since it's a killing technique anyway. And he told me why. You even taught me how to use a shield and told me to repeat.
Albrecht is astonished to see Randolf's sheep sitting on a nearby rock. He showed me just once, but I was clumsy and precise. It was really surprising to think that Diego had been corrected several times.
"Look at this guy? ’
Even more surprising, the beginner's awkwardness disappeared after a few times, and a proper posture appeared. The sword seemed to have its own power.
Randolph was exquisite, but broad shoulders and stronger than the chief's age. I was tired quickly because I didn't have all the muscles yet.
Albrecht looks at Randolph and feels something surging. I remembered that there is no joy in teachers as much as teaching smart students.
“Hey, take a break. ”
“It's okay. We can still do this. ”
‘Haha, this guy. ’
Albrecht feels unusual about Randolph.
“Get some rest. Are you disobeying the Master? ”
Randolph reluctantly puts his sword into the sword and breathes out a harsh breath.
Albrecht asked.
“Hey, how old are you anyway? ”
“...... ”
“But the master......? ”
“Huh! How dare you ask the Master's age!? ”
Randolph flinches. Albrecht thinks he should leave town before his age is revealed. Age is not an important world, but I felt uneasy for no reason. I didn't think I'd have anything to say if I asked my friend to eat.
Albrecht is insecure (?) I turned my back and asked again.
“What are you going to do if you learn black? ”
“I'm trying to protect the village. ”
“Why, who's bothering you here? ”
“That's not it. My grandfather said I was strong for a reason. And the reason for that is I don't know, but I thought it would be a good idea to use it to protect the village. ”
‘There are some people who are just like the wild and fucked-up world. ’
“But no matter how strong I am, I can't stand the soldiers of the lord. Especially knights. That's why I had to learn swords. ”
Randolph thought Albrecht could be a hero after all. Though he did not teach the sword, he thought he might be a hero who would benefit the people who could savor the world. Or, unfortunately, die in vain.
After a short rest, Randolph gets back up and practices his sword. Albrecht had nothing to point out. I got better and better with each swing. Albrecht felt as talented as his own.
Albrecht spent his time imagining in vain that he might have met this young hero one day as a homicidal conqueror if his modern memories had not come into existence.
As dawn passed, Randolph stopped practicing and returned back to town. People were distributing supplies. There seemed to be no conflict because there were so few people in the village.
The men climbed up the mountain to see if they should make a barn or something, and the women started moving supplies. When we saw Albrecht, we all gave a sincere example.
When you went to the chief's house for breakfast and told him that you wanted to keep teaching him the sword if there was nothing else to do, the chief happily knew.
Randolph definitely has a natural talent, so he needs an attribute study to match it.
“Randolph. Let's stop practicing our posture and fight. ”
Randolph swallows his saliva and makes a nervous expression. Albrecht deliberately restrains his monstrous power and only deals with pure swordsmanship.
“I told you not to get involved in that position. Why are you only using a sword like that? ”
Albrecht slaps Randolph with his sword. At dawn today, Randolph was cruel to the first man to learn swordsmanship, but he had the talent and determination to do so.
Albrecht deliberately knocks Randolph out of his seat.
“If this were real, you'd be dead dozens of times. ”
Even Albrecht's harsh words made his eyes more resilient, as Randolph's strong.
After a while Albrecht stops beating, not beating by a duel. Randolph sighs and sits in agony.
“Don't forget, it's a killing technique anyway. So the more people you kill, the better you get. So did I. But you have to stick to the basics. Watch this."
Albrecht makes his way through the trees and into the thin trees. Even though it was thin, it was a tree worth beating.
Albrecht holds the sword in both hands, takes a few deep breaths and raises his concentration. Then, as he explodes, his sword is drawn horizontally, but Randolph's eyes are fast and there is no intermediate process. I just felt like I was doing something, and the tree fell. The cutting edges are clean. Randolph's eyes widen and his mouth is wide open, unable to shut up.
“Even if you wield the same sword, make sure it's clean. There's a level to it. Cutting flesh and bones together with armor is never easy. If you rely on your strength, your sword will soon break and you won't be able to do much damage. ”
Randolph nods vigorously, keeping his mouth open.
Albrecht rested Randolph and practiced posture again. Randolph starts practicing with his sick body. He brandishes Albrecht's words and swings his sword in his head.
Randolph swings his sword a few times, then tilts back and swings. It's much cleaner. It's fast, accurate, and powerful. Definitely a genius. Albrecht smiles at you.
It was lunchtime after resting, practicing and repeating. Albrecht strapped a soda belt to Randolph's waist before he went down to eat.
“This is yours now. You need to be in good hands. ”
Randolph feels a good weight on his waist. I had a smile on my face. I looked up at Albrecht, and I could feel his expression of gratitude.
While it may be forbidden to give swords to amateurs because sword is a sport in the modern world, swordsmanship is a survival skill and a black survival weapon here. Albrecht gave you a sword to feel responsible, thinking you wouldn't use it against Randolph.
When they came down to town, most people went to work on mountains or lakes, and I saw some chicks tidying up the garden or kids running around.
They look at Albrecht and Randolph coming down the mountain. And when they saw Randolph wearing a sword around his waist, they all opened their eyes wide.
I knew he was learning to use a sword from a knight, but the boy who was used to wearing it on his waist made me feel strange and strange.
The little ones rush in, and you talk, too.
“Wow! Captain! Are you a knight now? ”
“Can I touch the sword? ”
Randolph shrugs, but struggles to make a solemn expression.
“No. I'm not touching you. ”
Albrecht smiled, feeling nostalgic for some reason, after the little boys said they were in charge. In particular, I remembered the guilt of Yurgen.
It seems that Jurgen was brave and did the right thing a few times. Aside from what I told my father, when I asked Erik to bring me a knife to do harm, I remembered that I dropped the child's hand with the knife.
Expression was only a child, but it was definitely a path to good faith.
‘How are you doing? ’
Albrecht folded his thoughts, ate at the chief's house, and taught horse riding in the afternoon. Unlike swordsmanship, the horses were all around the town, so people looked at them.
Although the path was narrow, I could not run as much as I wanted, but I taught him how to run slowly, run fast, and then stop. Surprisingly, I had a talent for riding, but it seemed more than sword.
"Oh, my God, who is this? ’
Albrecht, who has lived by the sound of being a monster all his life, feels that Randolph is just as much a monster as he is. However, there was only a overwhelming difference in natural physical ability.
“Hey, isn't there a vacancy here? ”
Randolph, who rides a long horse, listens to Albrecht, looks at him once and drives his horse unanswered.
"You white bastard!? ’
Albrecht hurries after Randolph, riding his horse. After going into the valley, the mountain range rises to the low and several times, a large clearing emerges.
It was an unbelievable talent for the first rider to ride a horse without fear, even though the mountain was low.
“Hey, talk to him and go. ”
“I'm sorry, I feel so good. ”
Randolph gives you a beautiful look. Randolph had never felt this way since he was born. I had no idea such liberation existed in the world. And as I interacted with the horse, I felt unhappy to be able to move together. I felt like I could go to the end of the world just by feeling.
Albrecht tried to teach me how to handle weapons on horseback, but Randolph seemed so happy that today he just let him ride.
“Master, does he have a name? ”
“I got it from killing a guy named Ludwig. What's his name? ”
“Can I give you a name, then? ”
Albrecht nods.
“Blitz, from now on you're Blitz. Nice to meet you."
Blitz seemed to like Randolph, too.
Albrecht, by the way, had no name for his words. I had some kind of communication with the horse, but I thought it was a means of transportation. I only saw them as livestock that bought new ones if I needed to.
After seeing Randolph speak, Albrecht apologizes for something he said. He died when he was attacked by a dagger at the Lloyd's Market and traveled with him. I felt sorry for something.
Albrecht said as he stroked the horse's neck.
“You are now Schwarz. ”
Schwarz was a black horse, and Schwarz simply meant "the sword." You seem a little reluctant. Schwarz snorts at Albrecht.
Since then, Albrecht has been teaching Randolph everyday. Randolph gained a different set of skills each day, and Albrecht needed to use his strength later to defeat him. Later on, when I had to kill a real person, I only had mental education, not hesitation.
It's not bad to hone your riding skills, but Randolph loves riding horses so much, he spends more time with them than with a sword.
Even in the winter, the food was fine because of the supplies Albrecht had stolen. And this town had surprisingly much to eat. Even though I could not build a wheat farm, there were so few households that I could catch fish in the lake and not live hungry if I gathered or hunted crabs, shrimp, and wild animals in the mountains. And now we have livestock.
A life that does not lack food in a beautiful landscape that never tires of looking at it. Albrecht considers sitting here.
Chapter 4 The End of the Road of Atonement.
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