“Gee, Knight. Without any contact......”
He seemed to be the commander of the infantry, but he seemed very confused. There has not been a proper hierarchy in this age. But there was a master soldier or recruit concept.
It was not perfect like Greece or Rome. Twelve people in a row had a single form. It could be three lines, four lines, or more. It was different from the summoning system at that time.
After all, it was the squadron leader who led a line of twelve, and the infantry commander who commanded a march, more left, right, and center. When the commander gives the order, the deputy shouts and follows the orders to advance, charge, and retreat.
The infantry commander or squadron commander chose a man they could lead on their own, not the way they appointed above.
Nobles or knights could interfere and replace them, but they rarely do, and that would often ruin them.
With their lives at stake, the soldiers reasonably chose a leader from among themselves.
Albrecht smiled and said.
“I'm not here to say anything. I'm just looking around. If you guys don't want breakfast, I'll join you. ”
Albrecht was on his way to breakfast with the soldiers. Then the infantry commander seemed more embarrassed. It was because the soldiers' meals were terrible to the nobles.
Going to the place of delivery, the soldiers are already lined up for delivery. Albrecht picks up a wooden bowl and goes behind them to line up.
The infantry commander didn't know what to do. If I brought him in front to receive a delivery, he would see a terrible meal quickly, but it didn't seem like he was putting the knights behind the soldiers.
Albrecht smiles at the infantry commander and says,
“There's no need to be so restless. I'm fine.”
The soldiers were all busy watching Albrecht. It was a time when phones didn't exist, so I thought I would have taken a camera if I had one.
Albrecht's turn came to get the soup, and I could see the rationing soldier's hands trembling. And I gave him a loaf of hard bread, and that was it. A bowl of soup, a loaf of bread.
As the infantry commander feared, the meal was indeed terrible. The soup was so dark blue that I doubted what the ingredients were, and my hair looked everywhere. The bread was mildly mild and moldy.
Albrecht's expression was a little frowny. I deliberately went to the place where the soldiers were gathered and wanted to eat somewhere, but the infantry commander handed me the wooden spoon. He seemed to be using it as usual.
“Thank you. I'll take care of it. ”
The other infantry commanders came around Albrecht one day and ate with him. Around you, soldiers flock to eat like clouds and watch Albrecht. They stare at Albrecht with curious eyes.
What kind of person has the title "Knight King"? Did he really win against a hundred people? I heard you dueled out Michael, the Central Invincible knight. How good can you fight? How hard can you cut a man in half vertically with his armor?
Apart from the awe-inspiring gaze of the soldiers, Albrecht regretted it as soon as he took a spoonful of soup.
‘I guess I overreacted. ’
But now I can't be bitten. I squeezed the strength of my breast milk and took care of my face. Randolph is already wasting away by his side. He quickly gave up, but Albrecht could not.
I was eating while quietly removing the hair from the soup and removing the mold from the bread. This was the first time I had suffered.
Mentally, it was a lot harder than the fight in Lloyd Becky. I barely finished, but the infantry commander said a word without noticing.
“Would you like another? ”
The head says, "No. ’But apart from the command of the head, the body already nodded. The infantry commander smiles with yellow teeth and floats another bowl.
Even Albrecht's divine body is as trembling as if his hands were trembling with tremors.
Then one of the soldiers shouts.
“Even a knight king can't die a scumbag! ”
The soldier cries out, and there's laughter everywhere. Albrecht also shouted.
“Harder than dealing with a hundred mercenaries! You're the heroes who eat like this every day! ”
Even though Albrecht didn't feel bad about what the soldier said, he replied kindly and his mouth opened.
“Heroes are different! That infantry commander in front of you can't sleep without three whores in one day! ”
The infantry commander shouts.
“What the fuck was that?! ”
This time, the soldiers smile louder than before.
Soldiers who were completely silent spilled all kinds of gossip. Albrecht only smiles kindly and treats them. Soldiers felt good as the famous knight familiarized himself.
While it was common for politicians and generals in the modern world to dine and show in the soldiers' dining room, this world was certainly unusual in terms of identity society.
Albrecht thought he should at least breathe with people who would fight alongside him, rather than put on a show to earn their loyalty.
Even though soldiers are almost gangsters and interested in sacrificial food rather than plunder, they are still fighting for their lives. I thought I should show a little respect.
You hear Albrecht calling as the soldiers speak for a long time.
“Sir Albrecht! ”
“What are you doing here? ”
“I'm having breakfast. ”
Adelmar looked at this person with a look on his face. And when I saw the so-called 'garbage patch’, I frowned and pulled my cloak and covered my nose and mouth.
“Did you eat that? ”
“Yes. Would you like a bowl of Adelmar?" ”
Adelmar shakes his head and says,
“Never mind me. Anyway, let's go to the command barracks. We must have a meeting. ”
Albrecht stood up and told the soldiers.
“Nice to meet you all. I'll come and eat with you often. ”
Albrecht really wanted to avoid having to taste the rubbish again, but he didn't want to end up short. Once a day, I decided to come and eat with him. You'll feel better if you eat it.
Along Adelmar, Albrecht and Randolph head for the command barracks. When I went to the command barracks, I saw a map on a large table, unlike when I first came here, as well as a long term horse for my troops.
‘Now that it's this big, it looks like something. ’
The map shows King Leopold's garrison not far from here.
There was also Zigmunt sitting at the top, and there were a number of well-sized lords, including Otto, sitting next to him on either side. And there are those who appear to be deputies behind them. Albrecht sits on the bench.
There was no opposition to the fact that the non-lord was participating in the operation meeting itself. Albrecht lets Randolph in and stands behind him.
Once Albrecht was seated, Zigmunt looked at Albrecht and said,
“Lord Albrecht, is it true you fought a hundred mercenaries alone? ”
Asking questions about reputation can be a great insult to the parties. The lords around you are a little bewildered.
Albrecht looks up at Zigmunt and says,
“Why don't you try as a soldier of the lord? ”
Zigmunt smiles and says.
“I'm just saying. If you don't want to hear your reputation, it can't be anonymous if you hear it sounding boring. ”
Sigmund rearranges his face and looks at the map.
“King Leopold's army marches surprisingly fast. According to intelligence, Sir Albrecht has joined the war to believe in his reputation and to make a decision before the other recruits come to our side. ”
The lords all heard Zigmund's words with a serious face. Apart from the current situation, Albrecht thought Zigmunt was definitely a great man.
Using the word "spy" meant recognizing the importance of the information Exhibition. The military academy is a world without proper educational institutions, and having that insight meant that the individual's ability was exceptional.
Sigmund glances at Albrecht and asks again.
“Lord Albrecht, do you think we can win? ”
Albrecht had no choice but to acknowledge Sigmund's capabilities. Unlike before, I took my strength out of my eyes and looked at him boldly.
“I can win. ”
“How? Because you're good at fighting? ”
Before Otto arrived yesterday, Albrecht replied, reminding King Leopold that there may be internal issues as well.
“More than that, they're a mess. ”
Sigmund glows and asks again.
“Why do you say mischief? ”
“King Leopold's army has gathered a thousand men because of what King Leopold has said. Everyone's thinking about their own business, and the fishermen are coming. One foot in, and I'm still thinking about the aftermath of the war. Of course, it will be less cohesive, and I will not put my life on the line to fight harder. ”
Sigmund stares at Albrecht without speaking for a moment. You bend your chin slightly against the armrest of the chair and continue to stare at Albrecht.
“So, what do you want me to do? ”
“They have so many of their own right now, they want to make a judgment call. After that, I hope the Public Works Maker gets here fast. They'll come if we don't find them. Then we must gather troops in front of the garrison and decide. The terrain is slightly higher than elsewhere.Soldiers with families in their garrisons will fight to the death. You can win enough by demoralizing the foam of your enemies. ”
The lords look a little brighter as if they had seen hope or reasonably what Albrecht had said, and Otto looks back at Albrecht.
Zigmunt looks at Albrecht without a word. Then he sweeps his beard gently once and opens his mouth.
“Sir Albrecht. You will command the right. ”
“Great, Great Lord. ”
One of the lords said in a panic.
In this era, right-wing was mostly the position of commander in chief. It was also a place to focus the main knights. The most reliable man in the middle was in charge and was often referred to as the "left arm of the king." "The King's Right Arm" meant the Deputy Commander of the General.
The so-called center and the left act as anvils, and the right act as hammers.
The Lord who was embarrassed seemed to originally be the body of Zigmunt. Zigmunt continued, not caring about the words of the bewildered corpse.
“I'll take the center. The Otto Ball will take care of the left-hand side. ”
Although still a General Commander, Albrecht is a General Commander, and Zigmunt looks like his left arm.
With such a dramatic personnel arrangement, the surrounding lords were more perplexed than Albrecht, who was a party. How do I take this? Do you have any heartache?
Sigmund says, looking at the bewildered lords.
“What are you so embarrassed about? Either way, we're a little short on numbers. The right-hand man should be the most aggressive. It's often said that the position of the Commander is just as important, but I won't have to use it if there's someone else suitable. With Lord Albrecht's skill and dance, you should be able to take good care of your right hand. If it fails, even if I take the right-hand side, it will be the same. ”
In fact, Albrecht knew what Zigmund was talking about. But he thought it was not enough. No matter how foaming the scam was, it took a certain amount of aggression to defeat it, and that's why I looked at Albrecht.
Zigmunt would not have left it to Albrecht if only he believed in his power. However, after just hearing Albrecht's words, he was not convinced, but considered worthy of a battle.
It was bold and daring. Albrecht felt a different thrill than when he fought Michael. Zigmunt knew when the battle would take place and boldly decided.
Michael risked his life, but Zigmunt was responsible for many. That included everything about him.
Albrecht is secretly drawn to Zigmunt.
< 39 > End