* * *
After Albrecht left the command barracks, Randolph followed.
“Randolph! Gather the knights! ”
“Yes, Master. ”
Soon after Randolph went to gather the knights, a bell rang at the encampment. Soldiers leave the garrison armed and begin their formation. After experiencing the practice, I looked pretty good at it.
Albrecht is fully armed and on to Schwarz. You lead the Knights into position behind the right-hand man.
I can see King Leopold's army from afar. You see a sparkle in their center. The bannerman, Manfred von Banhenheim. Whether Albrecht was left or right, he seemed to be centrally placed to deal with it immediately.
In each other's armies were flags of all kinds, symbolic of family or territory. Randolph holds the flag behind Albrecht, symbolic of Hoen-Carltern. The knights behind them each held their own family's iconic window flag.
The soldiers' training in the field ended earlier than before. It wasn't until the sun was in the sky.
Civilians came out to watch their husbands, fathers, and sons fight in the garrison. They looked at the battlefield, holding their hearts together. If, by defeat, hell will fall.
Spring wind excites the country girl's breasts so that she doesn't fit in. The wind passes through the battlefield like a spear.
Albrecht did not take his eyes off Manfred. Manfred was also looking at Albrecht. Both sides knew that the action of both heroes would result in victory and defeat.
Albrecht thought it was the right thing to do, taking off his helmet and handing it over to Randolph.
“Bring me the spear. ”
Randolph takes his helmet and hands it to you without a word.
Albrecht drives Schwarz into the battlefield between his two armies, flying his shining blonde hair in the sun. Both sides' armies glanced at him.
You get closer to the enemies and lower your spear to the ground. Then I pulled the axe out of my waist and took a big breath. The user raises its arms wide as if it were holding the sky together and yells at the target.
“Manfred! Come out! Let's fight!”
It was not a man-made sound. It was a thunder that seemed to tear the sky apart. Infantries near Albrecht felt their legs relax and had to endure it forcefully.
Manfred glances at Albrecht in an open visor, wearing shining armor in sunlight. Albrecht shouts again.
“Are you afraid? Coward! ”
Nevertheless, Manfred did not respond much. But the knights and soldiers responded. It was the center where the duel crossed. It wasn't a duel until the war, but it was demoralizing that their champion didn't show up when he stood up like that.
Albrecht points to Manfred and shouts again.
“Michael! Ludwig! I killed them all! You've done nothing wrong! Take off the sign of the champion family! ”
It was a blatant insult. King Leopold's soldiers wanted anyone to stand up and fight that monster. The young king's soldiers, on the other hand, felt their hearts throbbing in the image of their hero.
Manfred takes off his helmet without saying anything and hands it to his assistant. In a one-on-one duel, it was a good idea to take off your helmet because you need to keep your eyes and ears open.
The deputy said, surprised.
“My lord! There's no need to confront him! We won the war anyway! ”
At the age of about 30, Manfred, with a scar that crosses his face in long oblique lines, looked at his assistant with a distinctive, oblivious eye.
“Whether you like it or not, you'll have to face him one day. It would be better to kill him now and end the war. ”
The deputy received the helmet with trembling eyes. Yeah, well, if it's your party, you win. Michael was the strongest in the anti-Henheim family, but armor swordsmanship, the family's vision, will definitely not be able to withstand a monster like that.
Manfred steps off his horse, waving his red brown hair around and walking out between the foot soldiers.
Albrecht stares straight at Manfred as he walks out. The body armor he wore looked like a work of art, engraved with beautiful symbols, even though it was guarded.
And there is no shield. He holds a sack of Longsword. The blade was thin and long, and it seemed unusual just to look at.
In the middle of the battlefield, two knights confronted. Neither side's army spoke. You hear the wind sweeping through the grass, the sound of birds from the far woods.
“I'm just saying, pack the sign. Michael was decent. Ludwig wasn't very nice. ”
Albrecht suddenly said. Manfred replied indifferently.
“That's all they were. Who do I blame?”
“That's all anyone in your family knows how to say? ”
Without answering, Manfred lowers his stance and holds Longsword in both hands.
Albrecht steps forward and swings his axe across with one hand. Manfred draws his sword with minimal evasion.
Albrecht also avoided lightly, but surprisingly Manfred dug further into Albrecht's arms. You stabbed Albrecht with a half-sodding.
Albrecht was startled and had to twist his body wide to avoid it. Then I was pushed back. Manfred chases you closer. Albrecht wields an axe with both hands, stabbing or not, and swings it as fast and strong as a flash of light. At that instant, Manfred quickly steps back and dodges. The axe cracks open the air.
"Fuck, you're doing it. I guess we weren't the only ones fighting over cans. ’
Manfred has just dodged Albrecht's axe, but he feels its power. It was much faster than I expected and cleaner.
I thought I deserved my family, especially Michael. I've risked my life for every duel, but I haven't felt it in a while. I felt my heart beating for a long time.
Everyone on both sides was watching the duel. The nobles, knights, soldiers, and civilians all saw the same thing and their hearts thumped.
This time, Manfred approaches first, swinging his sword from top to bottom and lightning with a slash. Albrecht swings his axe with one hand, avoiding the side. They were both skilled at evading and attacking at the same time.
Manfred soon switched to half-sodding and dug back into Albrecht's arms. Albrecht tried to grab the blade with his gloved hand, as if he knew. With its own power, you can hold the sword long enough. After that, he tried to feed the bashing.
Suddenly, Manfred is about to stab Albrecht in the head with a half-sword. Albrecht quickly turns his head. Then I swing the axe again. Manfred also quickly retreated.
The blood splits around Albrecht's eyebrows. I felt like shit. I was frustrated by using some strange technique, not risking my life like Michael.
Whether they used strange techniques to kill each other or fight honestly, it didn't matter, they just felt dirty. Albrecht's blue eyes gradually turn into a beast.
As Albrecht seems to be pushing, the young king's army is overwhelmed. On the contrary, King Leopold's army was excited by the feeling that they would win.
Manfred strikes the sword like lightning as he approaches. Albrecht shrugs and wields his axe like a glow with both hands.
Manfred has a big heart. It's too late for half-sodding or backward avoidance. The sword is drawn as it is. Around the time Manfred's sword touched Albrecht's shoulder, and split his armor and Gambison into pieces, Albrecht's axe slammed into Manfred's side.
The soldiers, who were watching the duel, scream.
When it seemed like they were exchanging weapons, everyone shouted without their knowledge. What's going on? Who won?
A lightning axe cuts through the metal armor and sticks it completely into Manfred's body. Manfred staggers and tries to get into position. But the body couldn't have listened.
Albrecht pulls the axe from Manfred's body.
And he swings his axe and cuts off Manfred's arm with his sword into his armor.
Manfred's kneeling posture collapses.
King Leopold's army is dumbfounded. I couldn't believe it when I saw it. You just won, didn't you?
Manfred still looks up at Albrecht with his heedless eyes.
“Do you have any last words? ”
Albrecht looks down at Manfred with his axe in both hands. Manfred looks up at the sky and says,
“Blame who......”
Albrecht swings an ax at Manfred's neck.
King Leopold's army remains frozen and stunned. I watched.
Albrecht pulls out the spear he left on the ground and sews Manfred's head together. Then he rides to their left, shouting in front of them, with a spear in his head.
“No one else can do it! ”
King Leopold's army is as quiet as death. Everyone stares at Albrecht with their eyes dazed and horrified. You keep shouting as you run towards the center of the enemy.
“No one else can do it! ”
Albrecht keeps riding his horse and calls out again to the right side of the target.
Then he threw his head spear to the ground.
As if this battlefield were his chambers, Albrecht ran at will, returning to his own army and running ahead of his soldiers from the left. I could see the familiar faces that had been eating with me.
“Hans! Lucas! Raise your shield higher! There will be advancements! ”
I ran to the center and kept shouting the names of the people I knew.
“Adrian! Sven! Fight bravely! I will fight with you! ”
I reached the center and cried out, looking at Zigmunt far away.
“Blow the trumpet of march! Advance all troops!”
Sigmund looks at Albrecht with a face that cannot tell whether he was shocked, moved or surprised.
Albrecht was a demon from hell to his enemies and a general from heaven to his allies.
When he reaches his right, he sees the Wittenheim soldiers.
“You have paid for your blood! Survive and claim your rights! ”
Their squad leader, Gunter, chants the title of Albrecht instead of the answer.
“Knight King!”
Then the Wittenheim soldiers followed and again the soldiers around shouted, and later all the soldiers, including the knights, shouted.
“Knight King! Knight King! ”
The trumpet of advancement sounds. The soldiers advance swiftly, making use of the knight king.
King Leopold's soldiers have been completely discouraged from fighting. Albrecht shouts at Randolph as the two armies approach.
“Randolph! Bring the knights! ”
Randolph leads the knights straight after Albrecht. The knights have already become a pack of wolves following the tiger. They ran toward their leader's back. My breasts were beating and I even saw madness in my eyes.
Albrecht leads his knights on a raid from the right, and before he arrives, the enemy abandons his spear and begins to pull out. There were no exceptions for senior soldiers or infantry commanders.
Zigmunt gives an assault order. Soldiers rush forward screaming with all their might out of line.
Some brave hostiles have defended their ranks, but their progress was ruined before they even got involved with the runners.
Albrecht gives the order to unravel the wedge and have the knights pursue the enemy at their discretion. Unilateral slaughter has begun.
King Leopold was not to be trusted. Apparently, there were a lot more of them. You can't even fight like this and you're screwed? Does this make any sense?
I asked the deputy to hurry up and do something about it, but the deputy asked me what I could do. A short distance away, a monster, called the Knight King, rushes towards him. I panicked and turned my horse back.
Several brave knights stopped Albrecht, but they were unable to slow down and the axe cut off his head or his helmet split open.
King Leopold's horse is a horse that the king rides. Even if Albrecht pursues him, he may not be able to catch up. At that moment, Randolph leaps past himself and rushes forward like lightning.
“Randolph! Kill the king! ”
Randolph runs like a glow, catching up with King Leopold and sticking a spear in his back. The king fell on his horse and rolled the ground roughly. Albrecht comes closer and sees that the horse he was riding with was struck down by a fall.
The Young King has won. No, it's a zigmunt. Albrecht quietly looks down at King Leopold's corpse.
Chapter 5 Who's War Ends for?
< 43 > End