Zigmunt was a great commander and an experienced robber. The soldiers who won the battle were excited and difficult to control, but they were taken care of and divided into groups.
In order to pillage King Leopold's encampment, some bypassed it in advance, blocking the retreat and storming to capture it.
The most desperate human-sounding sounds, such as the frenzied laughter of soldiers, the cries of infants, the screams of women, and the voices of men begging for their lives, filled heaven and earth.
Those who fled the encampment into the forest were no longer the prey of the Knights. The knights do not just kill them by horseback, but throw a rope and drag them around like animals.
In this world, plunder was the right of soldiers and the redistribution of wealth. But at the same time, it was the most horrifying and cruel self-portrait of the world.
Albrecht only silently gazes into the underworld.
“You son of a bitch! Don't set it on fire! It's all ours anyway! ”
An infantry commander yells, kicking a soldier trying to start a fire because he's excited.
These were pillagers, criminals, rapists, robbers, murderers. And Albrecht's men. Albrecht didn't want to be here anymore. I'm up in Schwarz. I want to get out of here for now. I just wanted out.
“What are you doing?! Leave me alone! I'm not just a child! ”
Randolph shouts as he pushes on to the slaver carrying the crying children. The soldiers asked themselves why they did this.
“Master! Say something! ”
What does Albrecht have to say for himself? You simply head away from the encampment with your head down. You hear Randolph's desperate voice behind you.
After going into the forest for a long time, I could still hear the desperate sounds. Albrecht steps off his horse, tied the gopher to a tree, and gathers branches and leaves to light a campfire.
I just stared at the campfire without a word. After looking for a long time, the surroundings became unclear and the sounds sounded delicious. Later, I heard no sound.
The burning flame seemed to gradually change into its own face. Conventionally, he looked at his distorted face and laughed at himself.
What did you expect? You didn't know this was gonna happen? ’
Albrecht only sees his burning face.
If you don't like it, why don't you just kill them all now? ’
Albrecht pulls out his waist sword like lightning and breaks open the fire. Immediately, the fire appears solid, but it burns back up as if nothing had happened. His face is gone.
Albrecht raises his arm between his knees, head to sleep.
Albrecht wakes up shaking in his sleep.
“Master. Master. ”
Randolph raises his head and looks around, and it's morning. March is still cold and uncomfortable, but he seems to be asleep enough to wake him up.
When I woke up, I frowned, but I swung my sword in the air a few times, and it was fine.
“I, Master. It's a nonprofit. You have to go.”
Albrecht ascends to Schwarz without a word. Randolph grips the rope and heads to the garrison.
Randolph looks down and walks quietly.
“The master looks like a beast when he fights, but he usually looks depressed. ”
Albrecht fixed his gaze forward and said:
“I'm not that depressed. Yesterday, a little bit. ”
They just walked for a long time without looking at each other. In the distance, you can see where King Leopold had originally been stationed.
Randolph suddenly says again.
“Well, you have to teach me your age. ”
Randolph looks back at Albrecht, surprised.
“Wow, I thought you might be young, but you're really young. He was a real monster, like they say. ”
Albrecht smiles and looks down at Randolph on the horse.
“Why? Put the horse down? ”
“Haha, why would I let go of the horse? The master is the master.”
Randolph always looked into Albrecht's mood and tried to ease his mood whenever he was depressed or depressed. I was actually relieved and thankful to leave.
And I thought it was better to show him yesterday because I grew up right in the village. Even with the memories of the modern people, he acted like a socialite.
Or should we kill them as the fire said? Friends, enemies? What would I have done without the memory of the modern man? Haven't you already started the Conquest War and plundered countless times? So it's better than that? No, what was better in the first place? I don't know.
One day, I entered the garrison and the knights saluted me out of their helmets, caps, and coils. In their eyes, there was perhaps a sense of awe, even more reverence.
Albrecht steps off his horse and heads to a large tent in the middle of the garrison. Randolph gives the soldier a beep and follows.
The large tent in the middle seems to be King Leopold's command barracks, but it is even larger than the young king's command barracks. It was almost like a palace built from a tent. No matter how many people there were compared to the younger king, it was too big.
As Albrecht enters, the noisy crowd quiets down quickly and gazes at Albrecht in unison. Their eyes were no different from soldiers or knights.
Inside the tent, there was a low altar, and the young king and his mother, who were invisible to war, sat side by side on the throne. Zigmunt stands right in front of him.
This place had no place to sit but the throne. Albrecht enters a group of nobles and stands everywhere.
“Now that our great hero has arrived, let's begin. I'll start with disposal of the prisoners. ”
Seeing Zigmunt somewhere, one person nods and is dragged out. His head was splattered and his clothes torn off.
“Are you Alois von Ethelwald, Lord of Ethelwalt? ”
“That's right.”
“Your body price is 72 gold coins. If you pay the ransom, you're a free man. Next.”
The plunder of the nobles has begun. I started by collecting ransom from the captive nobles. Most of the ransom was paid for by families who were prisoners by taking more tax or selling more valuable items.
If I had to walk more taxes on the peasants who were taken from the exhibition, I wouldn't have imagined it. The tragedy of the peasants is endless.
The noble prisoners continue to come out. Zigmunt confirms his identity and places a body value on the scale of the territory. It varied from as little as 30 gold coins to as much as 100 gold coins. Whenever Zigmunt spoke, the secretary beside him wrote them down hard on the parchment.
Then one person came out.
“Are you Ernfried von Lichtenberg, lord of Oberburn? ”
“That's right.”
“Your lands have been confiscated to the present. The body price is one gold coin. ”
“Now, hold on! What do you mean, confiscated? Why are you confiscating my land? You don't deserve that! This is my land from my ancestors! It's rightfully inherited! ”
Sigmund looks down coldly and nods to the soldier holding Ernfrit. The soldier starts hitting Ernfrit with the club he was holding. But Ernfrit never succumbed to the brutal beatings.
“This is my land! That's my land! You don't deserve it! ”
The soldier's beating continued for a long time. Ernfrit was beaten to death in the end. The soldier breathes. I thought it was really hard to hit a person without hitting a critical point.
Even after Ernfrit died miserably, there was no one to fear here but the king's mother. You just stare at Ernfriet's corpse with a dead look and no emotion.
The king's mother did not want to let him see her, but the young king held her in his arms and somehow raised his head, 'Wow.’ I opened my eyes wide as I watched the scene of people being beaten to death.
“Put it away.”
As Sigmund speaks coldly, a few soldiers come and take Ernfrit's corpse.
“All the lords and nobles here are witnesses. Oberburn's territory has been confiscated by the current section. Next.”
Pricing and territorial seizures, such as the machines of Sigmund, continue for a long time and are only over. Just yesterday after the war, I was amazed when all those practices were dealt with like that. It was definitely well done.
And apparently, after attacking the garrison to systematically capture it, many nobles were captured without running away. It was an experienced robbery.
“From now on, I will be executing payroll and public service awards for the number of days in battle. ”
I don't know about Excel, but Albrecht felt great.
The salary was deducted 40 days from the original engagement date, and since then it has been calculated.
This era was not established, such as the baron, so there were almost as many territories as the city () of modern Korea, starting with the local lord.
However, there was nothing good about it because it was wide and did not have a systematic operation, so it did not make use of it.
After all, even though there were so many lords in the Middle East that they couldn't be counted, Zigmund calculated the number of days in the war and paid the wages.
No one protested or complained. The more I looked at it, the more I felt that Zigmunt was great.
As soon as I finished paying my salary, I started to pay a prize for public education. Most of the families who participated in the battle received a few gold coins.
And there was a prize for the ‘real’ public education. Zigmunt began distributing the confiscated territory to the loyalists who followed him from before the war. Then the eyes of the nobles in the barracks began to change.
“Autovon Lehisheim, come forward. ”
Then a man in a chain of armor and a coat walks boldly forward to Zigmunt. Otto was the same name as Adelmar's Lonely Otto.
“Kneel to the right. ”
As Zigmunt speaks, Auto kneels to the right. Then the nobles in the intestine began to murmur.
“I will appoint you Earl of Grafenhafen. You have a duty to assemble an army in response to My call, to defend the territory, and to be loyal to Me. Do you swear this?”
“I swear.”
Then Zigmund handed him the Seal Ring of Grafenhafen himself. Otto kneels on his right knee and receives a signet ring.
“From now on, you are the Earl of Grafenhafen. The lords and nobles here are the witnesses. Stand up.”
The noise of the nobles grows louder. It is natural to be loyal to Zigmund because of the original Sigmund Temple, but the new territory was one of King Leopold's.
It was originally the war between the young king and King Leopold. King Leopold's cause of war was a split inheritance, and Zigmunt stopped his cause and the war was over.
After the war, Zigmunt himself claimed the true value of the land or the ransom of the prisoners.
Receiving a New Pledge of Allegiance and a New Territory. Nobles are loyal to those who possess their lands. It was like a true king that Zigmunt would take his place and be loyal to him.
There were no formalities. However, everyone knew that Zigmunt was in control, but when reality unfolded in front of them, it was different.
The young king crouches on his throne and is terribly bored. The king's mother was just like that and didn't know anything. I could see their future.
Since then, King Leopold's lands and confiscated lands have been swept away by Sigmund's loyalists. Zigmund seems to have the rest.
The lands Zigmunt possessed or distributed to the loyalists were all so-called Yellow Worlds. The main roads or rivers where merchants pass by were areas where farming was good.
And Albrecht was called.
“Albrecht von Hoenclatter, come forward. ”
Albrecht steps forward to Zigmunt.
“I will appoint you Earl of Oberyn. You have a duty to assemble an army in response to My call, to defend the territory, and to be loyal to Me. Do you swear this?”
The nobles breathed and looked at Albrecht.
Albrecht looks up at Zigmunt and bravely says.
“I am not loyal to anyone but my father and mother. ”
Sigmund glances at Albrecht and says, as if he had anticipated.
“Then you are the Lord of Independence now. Take the Seal Ring. Lord of Oberburn, Albrecht von Hoenclatern. The lords and nobles here are the witnesses. ”
Albrecht walks in and receives a signet ring with one hand. The signet ring shows a thick ring with a small diamond symbol carved tightly.
In the north and middle of the world, there were not many independent lords without a monarch to accompany them, but it was not uncommon.
In particular, Zigmunt was practically a king, but he did not serve the king himself, so technically he was an independent lord. People wondered why he did not kill the king, but they simply called him the lord because he was not the king.
After all, the nobles in the intestines only thought that the great Zigmunt was a knight king.
A few have been summoned since Albrecht to claim the land under oath of allegiance. After the negotiations ended, Zigmunt decided to throw a party. The party will probably continue for a week or so.
And then you go trampling on the rest of the rebels. Albrecht leaves the barracks rather than looking at the scene with confidence.
< 44 > End