On the third day of Ramus' departure, the Crusaders arrived in Lucretia. You couldn't enter the city, and everyone had to pitch a tent outside the city.
In the history of the Earth, there were differences in technology between ancient and medieval regions. However, the walls of the stone walls of Lucretia were not at all magnificent for the time.
Lucretia was at the end of the peninsula, and the tip of the peninsula was a stuffy terrain that made its natural harbour concave.
The area leading to land was twice the height of a man, with walls flattened around the city.
There are defensive towers all over the walls, and there are broad moats in front of the walls.
Both Albrecht and the Crusaders were overwhelmed by the magnificence of Lucretia.
Albrecht, including Philipp, and the commanders and their deputies, came to the gate, and all the party members, called the Merchant Gate, opened the gate and greeted me. One of them came forward.
He was a gray-haired, not very glamorous, but red-looking old man.
In her light brown eyes, her eyes were slightly raised, and she seemed to be playing something rather than looking mean or sinister.
“Welcome to Lucretia. All citizens of the city welcome the Crusaders. I am Giovanni de Contarini, the Danju of the Contarini family. Welcome back. ”
Philip drives his horse forward, looking down at him and saying,
“On behalf of the Crusaders, I, Philippe de Lemmings, thank you for your hospitality and the hospitality of your citizens. ”
The horseshoe was like a king. By the way, 50,000 troops were unprecedented in the North continent, due to the early nature of the unfailing feudal system. As the general commander of that army, I thought I'd get drunk.
Giovanni bows, and the monks behind him bend. Giovanni straightens his waist again, glancing at Diego behind Albrecht and smiling for a few moments.
Diego seems embarrassed and embarrassed. Albrecht takes a peek, Diego says.
“Valentina's father. ”
‘You were my father-in-law.’
When Albrecht looks back, Giovanni looks at himself. He smiled at his mouth and looked a little coronated.
I had a good time with Contarini, the Lord's Day in Oberburn. And I don't know if they're disappointed, but Albrecht was officially involved in the Crusade with two knights at their request.
Giovanni turns his gaze on Albrecht and looks at Philip.
“We'll take you inside. Please come in.”
The knights and soldiers had to stay out of the city, but the commanders were invited.
Albrecht told Randolph and Herman to take care of the Knights and decided to bring Diego in. The other commanders also brought in at least a few deputies.
Upon entering the city, it was almost as clean and glamorous as Lloyd Becky. The capital city seemed to see the Roman paved roads of the Earth, and the buildings were on the second and third floors together.
Albrecht remembers Calteren. I wanted to lay roads on my hometown while killing them.
* * *
The commanders have been invited to the villa in Contarini. The villa in Contarini was more than just a lord's castle. No, there could be a castle built better in this era, including both the king and the lord.
It was a three-story mansion, both sides of which were attached to cylindrical defense towers.
It wasn't as glamorous as modern Europe, but it didn't feel like it was falling behind because of its size, architecture, and artistic and modest style.
After riding through the mansion on a horse through a vast forest garden, you see people coming out of the house. I saw Valentina.
Dozens of the Contarini family were in front of and behind them, all of whom seemed to be more than a hundred.
The servants thought that their monthly salary would be equal to Calteren's one-year budget, including butlers, footmen, horsemen, gardeners, maids, maids, maids, babysitters, and maids. Maybe more.
Suddenly, I remembered what kind of commotion I had when the commander of the military uniform and the general came. I wonder what kind of trouble they're in for today.
Despite everything else, the king and the Feudal Lords felt like common folk compared to the people of Lucretia. Including Albrecht himself.
When I walked into the mansion, it was so glamorous that I couldn't see a thing. Chandeliers, carpets, cupboards, antiques, pottery, everything from trivial to expensive. I could feel the craftsmanship in all of them.
Seeing Albrecht's commanders, Philip is only guarding his body, and the rest of him is wandering around in a daze.
Following Giovanni's instructions, the commanders were escorted to the second floor.
“From now on, they will show you the room and watch. Rest in peace. And I'll have dinner ready for you. ”
When Giovanni followed the male users – Footmen – in luxurious, clean tunics, they raised their heads to show their necks, and led the commanders to their rooms in stealthy movements.
Two footmen stood next to each of the commanders.
“I'll take my armor off. ”
Albrecht walks into the room and takes off his armor. Then a footman opens the door on the other side of the room. I saw a bathtub containing warm water.
The other had towels and clothes to change into. They stand still.
“Thank you. You're free to go. ”
“It's Angelo. If you pull the rope next to the bed, I'll be right in." ”
Then they left their towels and clothes, greeted and left the room in a deceptive manner.
"Oh, shit."
It was customary for male guests to be male servants and female guests to be respected by female guests. The old Rutger was just a bunch of gangsters, so he used his maids.
Albrecht takes off his clothes and dips himself in his neck. The water flows into the drainage tunnel. Albrecht watches the drainage. This was the first drainage in the world.
The inns and the palaces of the lords on the road had to be wiped out with human strength.
How far should I be surprised? This is how level difference works. If guns had been invented, they would have conquered the world in an instant. The Cold Weapon Age was not as powerful as the army because it had a lot of money.
Albrecht looks away from the drain, folds his thoughts, closes his eyes and leans back, just enjoying the coziness of this moment. We'll talk about work at the dinner.
Albrecht took a bath and put on the clothes the servants brought him. It was just right for my body how I knew his measurements.
In a thin, ventilated tunic for summer, I left the room in my boots. While smoking away at Albrecht, I saw the footman, Angelo, who looked like a robot again, in shock.
I felt like I was sitting in the hallway waiting. Albrecht smiles and says.
“I'm going to take a walk in the garden. In the meantime, go rest somewhere. I'm fine.”
“I'm fine.”
The Footmen are said to be the faces of their employees, so they always care about their appearance and their clothes, and they always care about their behavior.
Albrecht doesn't hate or resent him for not listening to him.
Just as the Private said he could be a sergeant and then got scolded by the Private or Corporal, he could have suffered more after hearing his customer.
Albrecht nods and leaves the mansion.
In fact, the garden of the Contarini Manor is more of a forest than a garden.
It was just a real forest because the gardener was only grooming the way people went or near the mansion.
I wandered around for a while looking at the southern trees, and I saw a small pond far away. There are Diego and Valentina.
“Oops. I interrupted. Haha.”
Diego and Valentina look at Albrecht and smile. Valentina holds the baby in her arms.
‘I guess she was born. Well, it's been a while. ’
“Albrecht, come take a look at my baby. ”
As Diego spoke, Albrecht approached them and watched the baby.
Remember on Earth, adults looked like someone who looked at babies, but Albrecht never knew that. It was just cute.
“What's your name? ”
Diego keeps his eyes on his son.
“Rodrigo Dias. ”
Valentina looks at Albrecht and says,
“Can I give you a hug? ”
Then I handed him the baby. Albrecht holds the baby's head and looks at him in his arms. The baby stares at Albrecht's face with scars and no crying.
“Nice to meet you. Rodrigo.”
Albrecht looks Rodrigo in the eye for a moment and hands him back to Valentina. The three looked at the baby silently.
Albrecht saw Diego and Valentina. Their faces were the faces they could make when they saw the person they loved the most. Obviously, it was like looking at the face of God like the words of Les Misérables.
Albrecht leaves them speechless and returns to his mansion. Thinking about it, Diego thought it was amazing.
It wasn't a long-distance relationship, and I couldn't live with my wife. Even craftsmen have to open their hands to get help, but they risk their lives and leave for another continent.
Valentina was great, too, and it seemed like she could stop her husband from leaving, but she didn't.
Suddenly, Albrecht remembered his parents. It's been two years since I left home.
My parents must have heard of me, too, but I wonder what he looked like. Can you make the same face as looking at the face of God even when you see your ugly face with scars?
Albrecht spends his time staring out the window, manipulating his weapon in his room.
Later on, Angelo came in and told me that the dinner was ready.
“Got it. I'm on my way. I ask for guidance.”
Albrecht puts the sword in the sword, straightens out the equipment, and then follows Angelo.
There was an elongated dining table in a large room on the second floor. The room was glamorous, needless to say, and I was looking forward to what kind of dishes it would be.
Without an assistant, there were not many people because only commanders and Giovanni attended the dinner.
Seeing that it's a port city, seafood came out mainly. The wine was, of course, accompanied by various rare fruits that can only be seen in the south, as well as strange dishes baked entirely by young birds.
I was supposed to eat on a silver platter, but the commanders, including Albrecht, were just confused. The dishes were the ones I'd never used before except a spoon.
Giovanni eats with a silver silverware, as if he knew it. I carefully copied the commanders and used dishes to eat.
Philip said as he was enjoying the dinner while having a long conversation.
“By the way, when can the boat leave? ”
Giovanni finished swallowing what he had eaten to cover his mouth with a gentle gesture.
“The ship is already ready. If the wind blows well, we can leave at any time. Summer is generally very north-western, so you can leave at any time. However.”
Giovanni gives you a clue, and the commanders give you a questionable look.
“However, the first transport may not be too difficult, but the second transport may start at the beginning of the fall. We can't predict how the wind will blow at the time, so we might have to hurry. ”
Seeing that the ship was not infinite, Albrecht had to return to the ship after the first transport.
Even if it could be replaced by a human, the wind couldn't help it. The technology of today was just following the wind.
So most of the trade within the North Continent rowed and sailed along the coastline.
There might have been a lot of them in July, but war was always full of holes.
Despite Napoleon's precedent, as Hitler was confident he would not, war has always been a continuous series of variables, and the difference between success and failure depends on how well he deals with them.
There was nothing I could do now. As Giovanni said, we must hurry. The vanguard must leave first.
Albrecht was anxious about something. No matter how good he was at fighting, he couldn't help it if he met the storm on the boat. Though I came with the mind, "If I die, I die," it was different when I came to reality.
Philip nods.
“I can't help it. Then I would like to leave immediately tomorrow without delay. I'll tell the deputy to get the soldiers ready, so please prepare yourself. ”
“I understand.”
Albrecht looks at Giovanni and asks.
“When can I arrange a second transport? Big deal?”
Giovanni thought for a moment and said,
“After the first transport leaves, you can arrive two weeks early, or a month later. Prepare the crew, and even if you start replacing and leaving immediately, you have to look at the direction of the wind to decide. ”
Albrecht thought he might have to wait here for a year if he was really bad at it. What are we gonna do if the wind doesn't blow? Like the amount of enthusiasm, he could not use his strength.
< 61 > End