* * *
Justification was nothing, but everything at the same time. Lord, noble, knight, soldier. No matter what statue they had, they were all gathered under the flag of holy garment.
Albrecht taught executives, knights, and soldiers a day in and day out that holy vengeance is a restoration, and that there is no slaughter of the Soldiers carelessly.
Then he urged me to hurry up and finish repairing the walls of Yataq City. Once the wall is repaired, he has to leave a few troops behind and go on his way to save Philip.
Philip will see with his own eyes what he has done, and at times he will take his own course of action.
If that happens, only one out of 20,000 main forces will be separated. This was a political decision, not a strategic decision.
I've heard that 30,000 reinforcements in the North continent may not make it this year.
How far can we go with 20,000? Can I move separately? Is it okay to let Philip carry out the massacre? Do you mind if I kill him and put 20,000 in his hands? Then, what will happen to the Crusaders?
A week later, it seemed like the repairs on the wall would be finished. Of course, it wasn't perfect, it was full of ruins.
Albrecht gave a thousand separately to Diego and had them supplied while guarding the city.
He led 2,000 knights and 7,000 infantry out of the city. The supply ship follows Albrecht along the shoreline. You can still see the enemy scouts watching you from afar.
The troops Amas has dispatched will be the ones that prevent him and Philip from joining.
You could then attack the city and capture Albrecht, but with common sense in this era, you would not expect to work hard to defend a city with nothing left.
Even if you attack Yatai, if Albrecht ignores you and marches on, your enemy commander will fail.
Albrecht was sure that he would follow him to catch up.
Albrecht has hired Randolph and his old knights to scout the area, but he's not making much money just hanging out with enemy scouts.
“I've been a long way, but I haven't seen any enemies. ”
What do you mean, you don't see the enemy? ’
Albrecht is embarrassed. I don't know where the enemy is, and I feel like I should fight without knowing the numbers.
Enemy scouts are still looking at themselves from afar. No matter how well Randolph rides, there's nothing he can do about the soldiers.
They shoot an empty bow, as they did the last time, or shoot arrows from a distance, raising the pills.
Problem is, the knights have a real pill and the fire is burning in their eyes.
“Don't react! It's a trick!”
Albrecht ordered the overwhelming charisma, but the knights were ready to make a splash.
Albrecht had to run around the procession screaming at the knights.
The next day, I saw the enemy's example from afar. Unlike the soldiers you encountered in the river, everyone was well equipped and orderly. Sue looks like Albrecht.
I did not advance, but I was already in formation. Albrecht hurriedly gives orders to get in shape.
Unlike ever before, hundreds of archers poured out from the ranks of their enemies and attacked them as horsemen archers.
The damage was not substantial, but it could not be ignored. There are soldiers fallen by arrows everywhere.
Despite the situation, Albrecht was frustrated that he couldn't respond because he didn't have an archer. I just held up my shield and stopped it.
As the knights protrude in response to the archers, the enemy's heavy artillery sweeps away their base like a flame.
“You're welcome to die. Give the order! ”
“That's right! Give the order! ”
The Gear Knights are impatient and confronted Albrecht. Albrecht, of course, explained to them many times why they shouldn't go after the archers, but there was nothing they could understand, the fighting machine.
Albrecht takes the axe from Herman, points to the knights.
“One more time and my axe will kill you first. ”
The knights are still grumpy, but Albrecht's axe works wonders.
Albrecht shouts out in a line.
“Hold the line! Never react! Defend the ranks!”
Albrecht repeated the same command dozens of times.
Unlike the game, there are no unlimited arrows, and even though the bow is strong, it is difficult to shoot ten times at a time. It was because my muscles couldn't take it.
In the end, the enemy's archers only sprayed the arrowheads a few times, but Albrecht's forces held their form steady.
From afar, the enemy's headquarters remains motionless and watches Albrecht's army. The confrontation between the two armies continued into the night.
After lighting torches throughout the camp and alerting the soldiers, Albrecht goes to sleep. He's been asleep for a long time, and the soldiers outside scream.
“Charge! Charge! ”
Albrecht jumps out of the tent with his axe. Enemy heavyweights wield bent swords and sweep their allies away.
Albrecht felt the lava starting from his chest explode through his head. This is a tactic!
“Bring me my horse! ”
Albrecht runs toward the enemy cavalry with an axe unarmed.
“How rude! ”
He slaps the axe with an enemy shield, but the axe shatters the shield and cuts off its arm and stabs it in the chest.
The knights mount their horses and attack the enemies, leaving them unattended. Then the enemies begin to pull out.
“Where are you going! ”
Albrecht pursues the enemy cavalry unarmed. The knights followed. It was originally a dark night, but it was not so invisible because of the torch of the enemy and their seriousness.
Albrecht strikes the head of a fleeing enemy cavalry as he runs, rushing toward the enemy's seriousness.
Enemy sentries stare at Albrecht and the Knights that follow. You heard it was an ambush. I didn't hear it was an ambush.
Albrecht flies blonde at night, bashing the sentry's head in and raiding the enemy's camp.
“Rude bastards! How dare you wake anyone up! ”
Albrecht shouts out loud, and the startled hostiles rush out of the tent and pick up their weapons.
Albrecht thrashes, tramples and sweeps the hostiles away.
For a long time, I used my enemies unwittingly, and I could see the commander and his knights from afar. The enemy commander yells at Albrecht.
Dozens of heavies rush towards Albrecht in an instant. Albrecht howls at them with words he can't understand.
The knight who came running from the front was embarrassed when the unarmed came alone.
“You little rascals! ”
Albrecht strikes the axe from top to bottom. The enemy knight picks up his sword, but the axe slashes it open from its shoulder to its opposite waist.
The horrifying sights open the mouth of the enemy cavalry. The commander seems to have lost his words.
Albrecht continues to slaughter heavyweights. With each ax, the cavalry is killed by miserable mortals.
In an instant, more than a dozen paratroopers died without a single blow to the head, axe to the chest, amputation to the arms and legs, or dismemberment to the chest.
By this time, the enemy knights have begun to evacuate. The commander's been out for a long time.
Albrecht continues to run toward the enemy commander, as though he is still furious.
Albrecht was also extremely annoyed by the roughing of the enemy's archers.
I was just being rational as a commander. However, the attack on the enemy caused him to lose his mind and explode.
“You woke me up! I will pay for this!”
The enemy commander looks back and sees Albrecht chasing after himself, screaming like a wall of clean air. I stopped incontinence and ran screaming.
Then Randolph hears himself calling from behind, and Albrecht snaps to his senses. Looking back, Randolph is chasing himself from afar with several knights.
I quickly turned my head and looked around the scene, but the knights were slaughtering my enemies.
However, even in their premarital patterns, the enemy was gradually in shape. The enemy was 10,000 troops.
Albrecht says he's completely scattered one side, but he can't sweep the entire area without an infantry. The commander seems capable of taking on other aspects of the enemy.
Albrecht hurries towards his knights. Among other things, I ran towards a knight who was stranded by the enemy soldiers.
“Stay away from my knights! ”
Albrecht shouts as if it weren't human, and quickly scatters as he wipes out the hostiles. You leave the man to strike and kill, and the hostiles do not dare come close to you because you are so overwhelmed.
Albrecht takes a deep breath and screams like an explosion.
“Follow me! ”
As the world's trembling battle ships erupted, Albrecht began to swarm with the Knights who had lost their minds and slaughtered his enemies.
Knights have begun to form at the head of Albrecht. And from the side, you rush towards the enemies who were heavily equipped to deal with the knights.
“How dare you go after my knights! ”
Albrecht swings his axe at the speed of his enemies. It was not a man, it was not a beast, it was a hurricane, or a natural disaster itself.
Enemies who had just begun to form were shattered and the formation collapsed. And began to be slaughtered by knights without hesitation.
That night, with an unplanned assault, Albrecht defeated his enemies. The enemy is serious, and supplies remain intact.
After the night of the massacre, the next morning, Albrecht sat down and regretted wrapping his face around his hands.
‘I am disqualified as commander. ’
Although the results were good, I felt that I was really disqualified as a commander for losing my mind.
If the enemy was guarding thoroughly, the knights could be in great danger, too.
In the history of the earth, I understood a little why I was caught by archers every time I was attacked. It was not a ruse that a man could endure.
Albrecht saved on the need for archers. He made a commitment to train archers no matter how much he took when he had the chance.
I look up and see the knights and soldiers clearing the battlefield.
Supplies were plentiful this time. It's new, but it appears that a significant proportion of mercenaries are in the enemy's anatomy.
That's why they always carry money or silk to pay mercenaries. Those, of course, are from plundering the coastal cities.
Albrecht tells you to pack up your supplies and start marching again. I had to join them sooner than later.
Unexpectedly, two days after marching after the battle, an envoy came from Amaz.
< 66 > End