* * *
You bring the people to Hermann's hold, and Albrecht enlarges his territory by dispatching soldiers.
Finally, you enter the operation of pushing the snowed soldiers out of the city.
Of course, the soldiers complained. Albrecht shouts at the soldiers who have driven them out of the city.
“We are here for holy vengeance! The goal is to reopen the pilgrimage, not hurt innocent people! ”
The soldiers didn't have a clue. But no matter how much they flip their eyes, they press it with force.
There is nothing I can do against Albrecht's knights and soldiers, the world's greatest army. There are over 900 knights who have left everything else.
Albrecht's armies differed from the rest of my crusade by a few proper knights.
Albrecht's soldiers slammed against the wall at the gate and threatened the others, saying knights had come and gone ahead of him.
Philipp watches Albrecht's sheep on the wall. Hestein has been watching from far away in the city.
Carfen looks at Albrecht as he flinches.
“Live outside the city for a while! We will release the supplies and feed you! If you promise not to harm the citizens, I'll let you in! ”
Critically, when the feeder brought up the food story, the soldiers were no longer able to make it.
They burst into a frenzied excitement, grumbling at Albrecht as he stood between them.
Albrecht glances down at them, turning his horse and entering the city. First, the citizens will release the supplies.
The supplies were all that remained after the turn of Amas' Garrison. It was not lacking.
However, Albrecht was a little disappointed. I saw the soldiers go into the house and kill the men and rape the women with their own eyes.
It was one of the most brutal self-portraits of this era. What was even more surprising was that it often happens not only in the East but also in the North. No, it's happening everywhere these days.
I could not punish them for their contemporary values. The age has not yet come to make it possible.
Even Albrecht, however, compromised reality and did his best within the limits of reality.
I fought bravely against 30,000 elite troops without fear, but I felt powerless.
Albrecht has ordered knights and soldiers to release supplies and feed the civilians. Then, again, he ordered the civilians to recover the bodies and bury them. If you leave the corpse alone, you'll get sick quickly.
I didn't know who they were, so I thought they could give me medicine for weeks, but I was just thankful they saved my life before. They even gave us food, and they wanted nothing more.
Albrecht looks down at those citizens and looks depressed. Senior knights were looking at Albrecht from afar.
Senior knights grumbled at the soldiers who depressed their masters. How dare those punks!
After the battle of Eijas Plain, the Knights freed hundreds of thousands of prisoners for no ransom and listened to Albrecht's insides and became loyal to Albrecht. However, there was a sign that loyalty would lead to hyperloyalty.
The knight's knight knight knight, tied each of them up nicely, and one of them said he was a senior knight leading them. And again, leading a few high-ranking knights was a senior knight.
Albrecht, deputy commander Randolph, and Herman, the infantry commander of the Knights, Diego.
It is divided into senior knights, senior knights, and flat knights. It seems to be the first knights, but the knights were also changed at that time.
However, after experiencing the practice, it became a naturally efficient configuration.
In fact, it's almost the same as the infantry knights, but it's just as different as the knights.
Twenty-five senior knights gathered at night to open a campfire and talk.
Originally, they used to gather like this and spend time joking and joking around. But that night, a senior knight said something dangerous.
“As soon as I get rid of Philip and Hestein, the Crusaders are just in your hands. Let's kill them.”
You're good at killing people. You're illiterate, so you just have to kill them to solve them.
Franz was startled and said to the senior knight,
“Ulrich! Watch your language! ”
Then I quickly looked around for anyone who could hear me. Then, this time, other senior knights said, not someone named Ulrich.
“What is the need to refrain from talking? If those bastards have an army, they'll only connect the chains of pain you've been talking about. ”
Franz grips his shoulder.
“It's not for us to judge. Shouldn't we at least inform Deputy Randolph? ”
Then another senior knight smiled and said.
“Randolph, the kid doesn't know how to fight, but he doesn't know anything. I'll just run to the captain and tell him. ”
Franz looks concerned at his fellow knights. When I lit a campfire at night and talked about it, I heard all kinds of things.
He said he was going to kill the headmaster and fuck Randolph, that he would win if he wrestled with Hermann, etc., but it seemed dangerous when ordinary people heard it, and it was just a bunch of wild jokes, not serious jokes, rolling in the battlefield.
But those stories were practical. Looking at their eyes, no matter to what extent, there was a mixture of sincerity.
“These guys, we talked about something, and now they're seeding shit. ”
Then Albrecht walks out of the darkness outside the campfire. After that, Randolph stares at the senior knight who called himself a child.
It's a charming quote from the knights. Randolph doesn't seem too upset about it, but he can't help but get a little cranky. After all, they were also friends of Randolph.
“Come on, boss. ”
Senior knights stood up in a state of panic. They looked at Albrecht with a fucked-up look on their faces.
“Eavesdropping is a rat's errand, but what can I do to stop by? All right, everybody, just sit down. ”
Albrecht sits by a campfire. Senior knights sat down, looking at each other. Randolph continues to stare at the knight who called himself a child.
Albrecht, sitting in his seat, stares at the campfire for a long time and is speechless. Senior knights were uncomfortable, as if sitting on a thorn box.
“Looking at the campfire so quietly reminds me of a trip I took to Penbach from Lloyd Becky. ”
Albrecht had not spoken for a long time after saying this. Senior knights are still uncomfortable, but looking at Albrecht's complexion doesn't seem to upset you much, but it calms down.
Albrecht opens his mouth, staring at the campfire silently for a while.
“I have nothing more to say. Like my sister said, the Crusaders only came to seek vengeance. If you take vengeance on the Holy Land, you will be given your land. We can't keep the army. The Knights will remain, but those who go will go and those who remain will stay. Of course, they give allowances to those who go. ”
The knights simply shut their mouths and listen to Albrecht.
Nevertheless, Albrecht did not know in detail how much land he could give them all.
I could give you land the size of a territory, or just a few furnishings. Either way, I was going to give the land to all the senior knights.
“Think about how you will rule when you receive the land. Think about it. The rest, I'll think about what we're dealing with. ”
Albrecht no longer speaks. And there was no one to talk to. You hear only the sound of beetles and the sound of firewood blazing.
Senior knights thought of Albrecht's words. In the beginning, it was a crusader who fought to advance.
The biggest symbol of advancement was the land. But strangely, they did not reach out much and were not so pleased.
Like Albrecht, the senior knights silently stared at the campfire. You're really going to get your land. You made it. And then what?
“Can I have a little campfire with you? Grooming.”
The investigator, Carpen, who I saw during the day, walked out of the darkness and said, Without Albrecht's permission, he sits with his body bent among the leading knights at his disposal.
Senior knights saw it with a look on their faces, but they couldn't use violence because their leader was in front of them. Do you know him?
“Oh, wow. Would you excuse me? Knights, step aside. ”
Then you shove the knights to the side with your butt. What the fuck?
He brazenly warms his hand against the campfire, hoping it would make him feel more comfortable.
Then you just look up and down at Albrecht, and you look at Randolph next to him. Suddenly, his face was slightly stiff. He saw the lily ruby embedded in the sword's pommel.
“Hey, little knight. Where did you get that sword? ”
Randolph stares at him and says,
“One more time, kid, and I won't stand for it. Investigator.”
At Randolph's words, investigator Karpen looks at Randolph and opens his mouth.
“Little, little, little, little, little..."
Randolph is not angry and stunned by the unprecedented nature of the investigation. Senior knights were also embarrassed.
Albrecht said.
“I got it from killing a man named Michael in a duel. That's what you gave him. ”
When Albrecht said that, Carfen stopped saying "kid" over and over again. And I looked at Albrecht.
“Michael. I know that guy. Oh, my God, he lost the duel? People say you're the strongest in the world, I guess you're right. If Michael wins, there's no question. ”
Albrecht looks at him and says,
“So what do you want to say? Investigator Carpen.”
Karfen doesn't answer right away, opens his base without saying anything, and then says,
“Just, uh, trying to owe you one. Let me follow you. ”
“Why should I? ”
“Well, if you don't like it, don't. But I'm gonna follow you. ”
Albrecht looked at him with a look on his face. Then I saw him in a chain of armor and said,
“Do you fight? The investigator was wearing some kind of armor. ”
Albrecht says the investigator does not respond quickly, but smiles at Randolph.
“Kid, you got a fight? You want to bet on me? If I make you miss your sword, give it to me. ”
Randolph stands up with a hollow smile and draws his sword slowly. The sword glows with a campfire light, and it gives me the creeps. It was a good sword.
“Investigator, it was a mistake. You said it first. Don't blame me. ”
Karfen stands up smiling and draws his sword. His black teeth are out and about.
“Kid, don't cry about taking your toys. ”
Senior knights stood up and surrounded the opposition of two men. They all watched an interesting spectacle.
They knew how strong Randolph was not to be young. I'm interested to see how Randolph plays the investigation.
Albrecht stood up and watched. I didn't think Randolph would lose. It was because I knew what Randolph was good at. You can't beat Randolph with your skills.
Even if that investigator fights, he doesn't seem like the best man to beat Randolph. Rather, Randolph was thinking about stepping up at the right time in case he made a mistake and killed the investigation.
One was a good-looking young man, well-groomed and equipped, with a clean concert and a fine sword, while the other was plain build, worn chain armor and shabby vest on top, and a sword with teeth everywhere.
Randolph's eyes are good, and Karfen's eyes are playful and confronting each other.
< 73 > End