Albrecht rides alone to the coastal hill. Blondie blows in the wind, putting the sea in the blue eyes.
And looking at the horizon far away, I thought, imagining the continent I was born to be past the end of the horizon.
I like to compare people's lives to a lot of things. And Albrecht felt that human life was like a journey on a train.
Get on a station, get off at the right time. Everyone dies, every one of us dies. I just got on the train and got off.
What stations are left in front of you? Can I choose? Where to get off.
Even in Oberburn, Albrecht doesn't feel like a stop for the Lyant coastal cities.
Albrecht's stop was always in his mind. Home of Calteren.
It was a grand contemporary mission, but Albrecht was drawn to something, doing what he had to do, and he didn't want anything more.
Oberburn and the coastal cities were just borrowing Albrecht. If you borrowed everything, you should give it back to Albrecht.
Later, what will you do when you return home? Will you just live and die trying to build a land? Or are you going to stand up and scold the world?
The same was true of the Central War, but the Crusade was not originally his war. To roam the world, one must stand up with his cause.
Albrecht leads an army and slowly descends along the coastline. Tyrus, Verdun 49537;, took down the cities of Perpera. No, actually, when they saw the Knight's Flag, they opened the door.
Releasing hundreds of thousands of prisoners would help more than just Albrecht's personal beliefs and practically rule this place.
The people did not view Albrecht's army as a crusader, but as Albrecht's private army.
Then I saw one Albrecht, and I opened the gate. It's not the time for television, and they've never seen Albrecht before, and they've opened the door.
A ruler with strength and compassion. They wanted Albrecht to protect them by force and rule by mercy.
He stayed in every city for several days and told me that Albrecht himself would gather the most powerful people and bring silk and ceramics.
They only see the fat Albrecht. In fact, it was only Albrecht's monopoly that prevented them from trading porcelain with silk at all.
Exclusively, Albrecht bought all the silk and ceramics coming up from the south and released them again, so there was more middle and middle circulation.
The price of silk and ceramics rose more than ever before, and the price went up in Albrecht's pocket. Because it was exclusive, Albrecht also made pricing decisions.
Albrecht himself would have formed a fleet to trade with Salamis or the North, but citizens could still buy silk and ceramics from Albrecht if they wanted to.
Albrecht's goal was to keep people's lives as old as possible, regardless of what religion they believed in, and to keep each other's lives going.
And slowly, very slowly, I planned to build a defense line. He thought he was just setting an example for posterity to follow.
It wasn't the kind of work he could do with his life. Currently, Amas was busy busting houses and Hestein was busy arresting the lords.
Albrecht leaves a small garrison in each of the occupied cities, moving back to the shrine, Zairexl.
The Lyant coastline was flat on both coasts, but the inland was shaped like the north-southwest corner.
As it turns out, the climate in the north and south was completely different, and the common areas in the north and south were that the weather was extremely unparalleled.
The fact that the weather is changing is not an environment worth farming and settling in. They really had no way to live except for trade.
From what I hear, there are only two seasons here: winter and summer. It is winter now, but the weather was nice at the end of November, and it even rained.
The most troubling part of moving an army is meeting the rain. On the other hand, Albrecht marches with an army, and the sky darkens and starts pouring rain.
The ground becomes dry and muddy, and the water runs out when you hit the tent. I couldn't sleep, I became heavier, and my feet fell into the sand, making it hard to walk. The soldiers felt fatigue more than they did during the battle. At this time, it was a hell of a lot more supplies than a battalion.
The rain continues to beat the helmet with the soldier's brim. I was drenched in the rain, but I didn't think a wagon would stop moving.
A dozen soldiers groan and try to pull out the wagon, but they only move a few times and don't think about getting out.
Albrecht glances down at them from the horse, and pulls the wagon out of the horse.
As the knight commander, and now indeed the general commander of the Crusaders, pushes the wagon off the horse, the soldiers panic.
The infantry commanders and knights who were encouraging the soldiers in the procession spit insults at them.
“Come on, Master! ”
The knight didn't know what to do. If it were the modern army, he would have helped himself out of the horse right now, but he was just surprised because he had never experienced anything like this before, and he didn't know what to do.
Albrecht pushes behind the wagon, and the floor Albrecht walks on squeezes out of the wagon like a lie.
As the wagon gets really sore and out, the soldiers are more astonished and resilient than their general commander's sudden actions.
Albrecht moves his muddy bridge back up to Schwarz. I watched the article and gave the instructions.
“Keep the procession from passing through here. ”
“Oh, I see. ”
The knight simply replied with a hesitant expression.
Albrecht rides his horse around the procession of supplies, either drowning or pushing carts or wagons from his horse that may not have made it to the front.
Every time, the soldiers, infantry commanders and knights panicked. Hermann shudders at Albrecht's sheep and repeats himself.
By this time, all the knights had stepped off their horses and pushed the wagon or wagon with the soldiers. The slow pace of march slows down.
I met the unfortunate rain, and it took me two more days to get to Zairex.
In just five days, you can see the holy shrine, Xyrexel, situated just far away, on a hill on the lower shore.
After the rain stopped, the light came down through the clouds and shined a light on Zairex, but it didn't seem like it was on purpose in the movie.
Even people who didn't have a religion could be inspired by something. Many knights and soldiers prayed on their knees.
Albrecht gave them enough time to pray, then moved the army back.
Zairexl has already opened the gates and accepted Albrecht. As Albrecht enters Zairexl, people come and see Albrecht.
Albrecht looks down at them and sees many North continents who came for pilgrimage. Compared to those who started in Ramus, it was a small number.
Albrecht said, looking at a citizen with chaotic skin.
“Where did the prophet say he was ascended? ”
Then he showed me the way in front of him. Albrecht did not head for the palace first, but rode straight for the hill where the prophet Zairex ascended.
Then people, knights, soldiers, all followed Albrecht.
A small hill in the city is visible from afar. Albrecht started walking down the horse from there.
Albrecht climbs that hill. The western lights were still shining through the clouds. It was as if he had served Albrecht in the West.
Albrecht gazes far and wide at the horizon of the sea. Then I looked up at the sky. After the rain stopped, the slow walking clouds were indeed spectacular.
"Ascended here"? It can't be true. ’
Though it was blasphemous to think in the holy place where the prophet was ascended, Albrecht did not mind. And I didn't see it, but I thought it was a world of Goblins and Dwarves, just in case.
Albrecht turns around and looks back. Thousands of people were looking at themselves. Are the sunbathers afraid now? How do you see me?
Albrecht looks at them and says,
“I am the Guardian of the Holy Land from now on." I, Albrecht von Hoenclateur, first decree as the Guardian of the Holy Land, and everyone within my realm will be saved in their own way. ”
Before the Crusades, before Amaz took over, they were getting along well with each other believing in the religion they wanted to believe in.
Albrecht's decree was not new, it was reconfirmed and nailed in his name.
Because people did not know the history of the earth, they did not know how much blood was shed and how tragic religious war was.
None of us knew what Albrecht's first commandment meant.
So, people didn't look surprised either. I just looked at Albrecht, the new ruler, the monarch of strength and mercy, with an admirable young gaze.
And the other thing is, Albrecht didn't kill himself. There was no one here but Albrecht who thought he was no king.
But personally, Albrecht, if he did what he had to do here, he would pass it on to the next person and he would leave again.
I thought a king should be held accountable, not just for his own life, but for his own. Build a family and take responsibility for it.
Albrecht didn't want to do that here. I just thought the Leight Coastal Cities, including the Holy Land, were just borrowing themselves.
“Crusader King! ”
A soldier in the battle of Eijas Plain cries out. Suddenly, all the knights and soldiers shouted.
“Crusader King! ”
As the soldiers shouted, even the strangers shouted in bulk. The sun-god cried out, too. Albrecht steps down from the hill, listening to the crowd's lagoon, and heads for the palace.
Albrecht, who was a king, was not a king here in the Holy Land of Xirex.
< 77 > End