* * *
There was an unexpected accident, but nothing much happened. It's just that the conversation between Albrecht and Rosamund is gone.
Once the body armor is wrapped in silk and the leather strap securely secured to the saddle of Rosamund's riding horse, you begin again.
Albrecht feels guilty about something, and Rosamund follows behind him a little further.
Do you hate me? The animal called man was an animal that a woman would not know unless she spoke. I felt a sense of self-esteem.
They were just heading downstream along the river without a trace. Based on the location of the sun, it seemed to be heading northwest of the Great River.
But is this the right way? ’
Albrecht glances back, and Rosamund looks at himself, then quickly bows his head as his eyes meet.
“Hehe, hehe. Are you sure this is the right way? Where does it come from here? ”
Rosamund did not respond immediately. After a while, he said in the voice of the ants crawling in.
“If you go this way, you'll get Glansters. If you keep heading northwest, you'll find Somerset, my lieutenant. ”
Albrecht feels that Rosamund does not hate himself or feel uneasy. Thank goodness.
They walked silently again for a long time. Then Albrecht thought he needed to know what was going on. I glanced back and asked again.
“Well, who are the two kings? Why the sudden attack on you all at once? ”
Rosamund also did not respond immediately, but the middle tum is shorter than before.
“One is called Guillaume of the Kingdom of Veles, and one is called Lemon of the Kingdom of Akaten. They're my distant relatives, who have been claiming their succession since I became king. They didn't get along very well, but this time they came together and attacked Anglia. ”
Although the world was not dictated by vocabulary, the principle of male first-degree inheritance or first-degree succession was common.
Apparently, Rosamund was a woman, and it seemed like the two kings had passed away claiming succession.
“The king, Guillaume, is also famous for defending against the invasion of the Bedouins to the north. Brave, wise and praised by men as the king of heroes, I call myself the king of all knights. His Golden Shield is famous for stopping any weapon. ”
"Hiya!? How dare you kill the king of knights?! ’
Albrecht was mistaken for some reason when one of his titles overlapped with a king called Guillaume.
Rosamund also explained the king named Lemont.
“The king of Lemon is fiery, cruel, and aggressive. It's also famous for bringing a beauty into a bed once a day, and the next day she's dead. ”
Rosamund shudders as he talks about the king named Lemon. I haven't told Albrecht, but it was King Lemon's army that fought this time. He turned on the lights and searched for himself.
Albrecht thinks of a bear. It seemed to be a clue.
First of all, the two kings didn't get along so well, but if one of them won the battle against the queen, they were more likely to disagree.
Above all, the Kingdom of Anglia faces the sea to the west and is surrounded by rugged mountain ranges with dragon backbones all around.
If so, once you draw the enemy deeper and make the supply line longer, you may fall apart on your own, or even if you don't, your combat strength will naturally drop.
We don't know much about the situation here, but if it's supplied by boat from the sea facing west, we stand a chance.
However, we don't know how much strength Anglia has left, and we may already be able to recover a large force once in a battle. Above all, what cause do you have for war in another country?
Albrecht thought about his principles. It is my honor and duty to protect the innocent and weak, the teachings of my father.
But he put a clue on it, "As long as he could." Can I afford it now? I didn't know.
First, I thought about taking Rosamund to Somerset to borrow a bow. And I saw the end of the forest far away.
Even beyond the forest, Albrecht and Rosamund had to follow the river for a long time. Then I finally found a way to look like a leader.
While they were camping, they were just heading north-west without a hitch, and they saw a village that had collapsed in the middle.
The bodies of men and women were lying around, and the flies began to twist, and it was miserable. I didn't really see any survivors.
Particularly, the doors to the monastery building were locked from the outside, and when you opened them, you saw that most of the villagers were burned to death as a group.
Albrecht closes the Monastery door without a word. Turning back, Rosamund stands dumbfounded with a shocked look on his face.
I fearlessly fought in the battle myself, but I didn't seem to know much about the horrors of war. Besides, I've never seen anything like it with my own eyes. It's shocking.
Albrecht approaches her and shrouds her shoulders. She leans on Albrecht powerlessly.
The two take the horse back out to the northwest.
In Anglia, Glanster is a hillside area, and never-ending coverage of blurry terrain that cannot be seen as flat.
That's why it seemed to reach far from the outside, but I couldn't see rocks or distinctive terrain until I got nearby. It seemed like a good place to ambush.
After a long journey with Rosamund, you can see the village being plundered from afar. The flames rise and you hear the screams of the people and the fangs of the soldiers.
It's too far to go back, and it doesn't look like you're hiding. It seemed better to just break through and continue toward the destination.
Albrecht loosened the sod belt around his waist and gave it to Rosamund.
“Uh, what are you gonna do? ”
Rosamund looks at Albrecht in embarrassment.
“First of all, you're wearing this. Use it when you need it. I'll be right back. Where are you hiding? ”
Then, without looking back, you run towards the soldiers who are looting, wearing a shield and carrying an axe.
A knight from afar sees Albrecht approaching, shouting for Albrecht.
“Who are you? Who do you belong to?" ”
Albrecht runs on screaming.
“I am Albrecht, Knight of Calteren! Out of my way!”
The knight didn't know what to do with this embarrassment. What are you doing here in the North? And what are you talking about? Out of the way?
After leaving everything else, Albrecht's energy is no joke, and the knight feels something strange.
“The infantry captain! The infantry commander! Where are you! Now is not the time to rob! Catch him!”
The knight races through the town with his horses.
The soldiers were annoyed when the knights interrupted while having fun raping and butchering, but what should I do?
I don't know why the knight did it, but I've begun to gather my gear, my weapons, and follow orders.
Albrecht was almost there one day. The soldiers were confused. What is this?
“Fools! Who do you think I am? ”
Albrecht thrust himself into Schwarz like a lion into a flock and began slaughtering with an axe.
Dozens of soldiers begin to form, smashing into pieces after one crash.
The knight who was in command of the soldiers was speechless. What the hell is this?
“I said get out of the way! ”
The soldiers still believe in the numbers and somehow see the spear breach with Albrecht, but they are only brutally slaughtered.
Albrecht lunges back and forth, frozen behind him, running toward the knight staring at him.
Albrecht steps on his stirrups and slaps the axe as hard as he can.
The knight fidgets and holds back his shield.
“What a nuisance! ”
Albrecht smashes the knight's shield with a mighty fist, cutting off his arm and splitting the helmet, head and armor to the lower belly. The heavily armed knight is almost perpendicular.
Albrecht runs on for a moment, his eyes flashing and he looks back, and the soldiers meet.
The soldiers settle down, panicking, and start flooring their legs to see if they can't keep up. They barely stand up, drop their weapons and start running for their lives.
Albrecht drives Schwarz through the town and drives them out completely. He sees a wagon stockpiling plunder on one side.
Then he just swung the axe and drained the blood. There was blood all over the clean circus.
Albrecht runs slowly to get to where Rosamund was, but Rosamund is already entering the village.
She opens her eyes, startled and slowly approaches Albrecht.
“Y-you, what the hell. ”
Albrecht smiled and said.
“It's the Albrecht. ”
Rosamund continues to stare at Albrecht with his shivering silver eyes, forgetting what to say.
After staring at Albrecht for a long time, you shake your head and start exploring the town. Albrecht follows.
‘I have to get through this quickly. I don't know when he'll be back. ’
Albrecht was not afraid of dozens of knights, but he couldn't be sure he could fight his way to Rosamund.
Following her around the village, she is miserable, as expected. I saw men and women lying around, raped women, children watching shocking scenes in corners, and men who were about to die.
Rosamund drives his horse faster, shouting as he runs through town.
“I am Rosamund, Queen of Anglia! I will protect you! Follow me! Everyone who is hiding, follow me! ”
Albrecht was embarrassed. Of course, when you take people to their destination, it was obvious and slow to catch up.
But at the same time, I felt something strange. In this shitty world, I've never seen a monarch think about his own people.
Whether her actions were realistic or not, she came to a fresh shock. Can you do this? Your life depends on it.
Albrecht first decided to just watch her sheep.
< 88 > End