* * *
The Lord's excitement subsides after a long time. As Albrecht was reasonably seated, there were not many chairs, so the lords, some of them, sat down and some stood up to start the operation meeting.
Operation maps were not detailed, but roughly roads, rivers, and distinctive terrain.
To understand the terrain, based on what I saw coming here, I thought I'd have to walk around and take a look.
However, we have learned roughly about the deployment of allies and enemy troops. Operation maps of this era were better than none, but they were not that useful.
Albrecht looks at Ecbert and asks,
“How many troops do you have now? ”
“The infantry has 3,000 archers, 500 archers, and about 30 knights. The troops are gathering constantly. ”
Ecbert's words are polite. As long as he already believed Albrecht to be the guardian of the Holy Land, he was of royal birth.
I didn't have enough knights, by the way. Albrecht is a commander who has the advantage of maneuvering.
In the Middle War or the Crusades, he always preferred to lead the knights himself, stab the weaknesses of his enemies, break the formation, and drive them out and finish them off. That was Albrecht's standard tactic.
Based on the operation, he was able to respond fluidly to standardized tactics and situation changes by leading the knights to the front and identifying the weaknesses of the enemy directly from the field.
Problem was, Article 30 was too few to launch a maneuver. Knights of this era were also officers, so if you use them to control unified infantry troops, you may find fewer knights can fight directly.
“How many enemy troops? ”
Again, said Ecbert.
“The Wild King is stationed to the south, with 6,000 troops in total. There are about 200 knights, and there are wildlings, but I think the Guardian Knight probably killed most of them a while ago. ”
“Guillaume's troops? ”
When Albrecht asked about Guillaume, the excitement that was going on earlier weighed down the faces of the innards of the lords, including Ecbert. Ecbert barely speaks.
“Heroes are…… enemies, but really lifelong heroes. He is currently stationed in a place called Northumbix in the north, with 10,000 troops and 500 knights. He was always on the front lines with Anglais' Golden Shield and his army's morale.
It's high. ”
Ten thousand!? Are you kidding me!? ’
Albrecht can hardly bear to let his eyes pop out. I led the world's most powerful knights during the Crusades, so I fought and fought as many of them as I could, but now my forces are too weak.
The North and Central have many who kill the king at their own will, so there was no kingdom capable of gathering 10,000 troops.
The Kingdom of Veles was the most powerful kingdom on the North continent in terms of its size and population. However, it was said that the royal family would inherit the king for generations, but it was only five minutes before the opening, such as the north or the middle.
The apostles did not listen to the king in their ears, but the king was only able to exert influence on his position.
However, when the Hero King appeared and stopped the Bedukind invasion in the north, and summoned them underfoot, a figure of 10,000 appeared.
The number of Crusaders came from countries, territories, and people gathered under the flag of the Pope. Today, it was a good thing to draw 10,000 troops from the northern continent. I felt the will of someone named Guillaume.
Albrecht is troubled. The harder the enemy, the harder the struggle, but now he was being attacked on both sides at the same time, and Guillaume's troops were 10,000. Plus, I didn't have enough knights to maneuver.
Albrecht had never lost a battle before, and he wondered if he could guarantee victory because he had defeated that mighty Amazon.
The situation was more desperate than he thought. I understood why they believed their lies so easily. The moment I really wanted to catch a straw, it was a hot bite to defeat the Wild King alone.
Every time Albrecht went to war, he felt like he was on the test bench.
The Central War was all Zigmunt had to do, and all he had to do was fight hard. But there was a tremor that was the first battle.
In the Crusades, Amas' forces were dominant over him, but they had the most powerful knights in the world. I was able to overcome it with tactical skill and full strength. But for now, I don't see the answer.
All the lords, including Ecbert, were just staring at Albrecht's mouth.
“What's the supply situation? ”
In the war, perhaps, we asked about supply issues that were more important than fighting directly.
Ecbert answered.
“We now have a month's worth of food. However, since we are continuing to impose a penalty in the rear, supply is fine. ”
A dark side of the war has emerged. It was an exhibition. Albrecht was a little depressed, but he thought it was too soon.
If we lose the war, people will suffer more from pillaging of the Wild King and the Hero King. Of course, in this situation, the peasants would be enemies, allies or anything.
To take care of them, I had to win first and take care of them. The absolute prerequisite for breaking the chains of pain was to be victorious.
Regardless of the current problem, Albrecht's fierce look at his natural combat, however, leaves no answer. Then I remembered that there were more archers than I expected.
“You seem to have a lot of friendly archers. I'm from the North, so I've never seen so many archers. ”
Albrecht's words puzzled everyone and only looked at each other. Why are there so many archers? That's how it's supposed to be.
Albrecht seems to have trained a lot of archers, judging by their reactions. I think I heard someday that the Kingdom of Anglia is famous for its bows. Why would he do that?
Maybe it's because of the difficulty importing good horses and the topographical features? Is that why they naturally came up with a pathogen that fits their reality?
Horses hit the eastern continent best, and the second was from the northern continent.
Horses on the Eastern Continent and Northern Continent were already mixing well because the lords and nobles cared about their offspring.
So Albrecht didn't see much difference between the words of the North, the words of the Eastern Continent, and the horses. However, in the case of Anglia at the western end, the situation was very different.
Albrecht recalls a unique, bumpy terrain that he had seen, not plain or hilly. I saw something, but I wasn't sure.
“First, I want you to continue to muster your troops and mobilize them. And the archers forbid drinking and pay particular attention to training. Instead, I don't know how much you're getting paid now, but please raise your pay. ”
The reason Albrecht banned archers from drinking was that the arrows of this age had to be constructed and fired in unison.
When I drank and trained, I could not only see how many rounds they were able to shoot, but how many rounds they were able to reach.
So it was important to ban alcohol and then measure how far it was possible to shoot at a 45-degree angle, increasing the number of times it could be fired with repetitive exercises.
Ecbert was confused. Archer training. Even if he did, what do you mean, no drinking? This was the age of drinking like water. You wouldn't want to fight me if I told you not to.
“Well, why don't archers drink……"
Albrecht looks straight at him and says,
“The victory and defeat of this war rests with the archers. I'll convince them myself, so just do it for now. And I'll dismiss you today. At the next operational meeting, let's come up with a strategy. ”
After Albrecht finished speaking, the lords who were sitting stood up.
Suddenly, the guardian knight who fell from the sky did not cast any divine magic. But he was just a leader leading people. The lords only follow Albrecht.
Albrecht ran to the Burinake tent to see Rosamund as soon as possible. But Rosamund was still not in the tent.
"Where the hell did she go?" ’
It was already night outside the tent. You hear the roars of the beetles crying, the moonlight shining through the world, and there are torches everywhere.
Inside the tent where people live, candles or lamps are lit, and when you look outside, there's a lot of cozy lights in the tent.
Albrecht doesn't know any of that, but he lights his eyes and searches the encampment for Rosamund.
It was night, so there were not many people outside the tent, and when I asked the guards, Rosamund was in the field hospital.
Albrecht ran to you before the soldiers finished teaching him where the field hospitals were.
From afar, I saw that the field hospital had just built a pillar and made a big tent over it, and the wounded lay on the floor instead of lying on their beds.
The injuries were limbless, and there were many people who looked ugly to the public because their noses were cut or their faces were badly injured.
While the torch was lit near the field hospital, Rosamund, who was tied back by the glowing silver hair, was gently grinding a cloth from a soldier's wound with half a jaw.
The soldier just looks at Rosamund and weeps, as if his jaw was half blown off and he couldn't say thank you. Rosamund smiles at the soldier as if he were fine.
He wiped his sweat off his forehead with his elongated sleeves and worked hard to take care of the wounded.
Albrecht is ashamed of himself, looking at her and thinking only dirty thoughts. Although she was weak in beauty, the reason she loved her was because of that nobly radiant heart.
Albrecht quietly approaches and picks up the bucket of water from Rosamund, walking around with a bucket full of blood.
Rosamund suddenly looks up at him as someone approaches behind him and lifts his bucket.
“Thank you...... huh? ”
He seemed embarrassed to know it was Albrecht.
“I'll help you.”
Albrecht also helped Rosamund with an injured man who was wearing bandages with his torso exposed.
“Oh, it's okay. Albert, you get some rest. ”
Albrecht smiles as he looks at her.
“I've heard a lot of monsters before. Don't worry, it'll heal like a real monster. ”
Then, quietly, he grabs a bucket full of blood, goes outside, dumps it on the floor, and picks up the new water again.
People stare blankly at Albrecht. I was overwhelmed by his perfect muscle for a moment, but as he began to help the injured with all his care, I was suddenly moved.
The people were moved by the Queen's good heart and thought that God had sent a guardian knight, who was as good as the Queen.
Chapter 13 Love and War Ends.
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