* * *
They didn't even realize their supplies had been robbed for a week because of the lack of radio. I just thought, ’Why isn't the supply coming?'
I sent soldiers or knights in person to find out what happened, but they were also inspiring news. I finally ran out of food at the Garrison, and then I realized the seriousness of the situation.
No matter how much they plundered, they had 6,000 troops. The amount of non-producing population consumed by 6,000 people three times a day was not enough to cover looting alone.
Eventually, the Wild King's army releases troops and starts searching behind them.
Albrecht has already scouted the area, so he summoned all the scattered Rangers.
Earl Feremond was unable to understand which large bandits were attacking the army supply. Thief, even against nobles, was the most brutally executed.
In this era, there were various methods of death: hanging from a rope, hanging from a rope, or beheading.
In other cruel ways, there were many other ways of execution, such as peeling the skin off the entire body until death, salting the wound, applying oil to the elongated pile to slowly sew the penis, and torturing the penis.
Among the regions of the North, the Kingdom of Aquitaine was best known for its cruelest method of execution.
Seeing that there are many areas of border with wildlings to the south, I just assumed that they developed due to environmental factors. Or, on the contrary, I learned something from the wildlings.
To suppress the wildlings, you couldn't scare them with a simple execution.
The way to kill bandits in the Kingdom of Aqaten was to allow rats to eat the prisoner's stomach. If you put hungry rats in barrels and cover the prisoner's stomach with limbs, the prisoner will slowly die from being eaten by the stomach.
Feremond didn't care how the bandits died. It was just an annoying rain chasing him through the foggy forest.
Ten knights and a hundred soldiers have spread out and searched the forest.
Feremont was roughly following behind them thinking, ‘If rain had been a man, I would have killed the cruelest man right now.'
Then, in the fog, a dozen arrows flew towards the soldiers and the knights. Then, a single arrow flew from the side and pierced Feremond's jaw.
Feremond breaks his jaw, and arrows protrude from his opposite cheekbone. Immediately, I escaped, but with the strength of the arrow, I fell unconscious.
“Gather around! Form up! Shields up! ”
Some knights rush in to look at the fallen Earl, and some quickly give orders to the soldiers, while others look beyond the mist, but see nothing.
The widespread soldiers are in a hurry to gather and form their shields, but more than a dozen arrows fly behind them.
“Aah! Fuck! ”
“Behind you!”
“The bandits are over there! ”
The sound of the rain chasing you down and the screaming of the confused soldiers echoes through the forest.
With an army of more than 100, a dozen arrows couldn't hit everyone.
A few miles from where the arrow struck, the soldiers thought their children had been shot. And I was relieved to know that I was safe.
“Shields up! Shields!”
One of the knights who rode the horses and attacked the soldiers died instantly from an arrow in his temple.
The soldiers nearby opened their eyes in surprise and watched the scene. No, but the arrows are flying backwards and forwards. Which way should I lift the shield?
At that time, a dozen arrows struck the soldiers from the side. The soldier, who thought he was safe, was unluckily shot in the neck with an arrow.
With this situation, the soldiers are in command, and now I don't know, they just lie on the ground or crawl around.
You decide not to let the rest of the Knights through, but you think you should pierce one direction at a time. You draw your sword and run toward the bandits beyond the fog.
However, while I was running for a long time, I fell down and rolled very hard. A Ranger who was hiding stumbled over a knight running to Halberd.
The knight fell from Halberd's neck at the speed he was riding, already incapacitated himself, but another Ranger swiftly approached and put a sword through the knight's neck.
Other knights rushing towards the rangers met a similar fate.
Fortunately, the escorts looking into the Earl decided that their master didn't seem to be dead, so they failed the mission and decided to take him away with them first.
The Earl is hurriedly loaded onto the horse, and he climbs onto the other horse and tries to leave. One of the infantry commanders cries out with a frowny face. In the meantime, I've been holding out for an arrow.
“Knight! What about command! ”
The guard looks down at the infantry commander. What's the command? The other knights have taken a quick look around, but I don't see any knights to command the infantry.
Something didn't feel right. The feeling of anxiety seemed to wrap around his heart.
The knight looks trembling at the infantry commander and says something. A single arrow flew through the mist and pierced the knight's eyebrows.
The infantry commander and the other guards stared at the scene in a large, colourful manner. People who have trained martial arts for decades or decades have just died with one arrow.
The three remaining guardian soldiers are now clueless, and they begin to pull out toward the encampment by the horse carrying the master.
A dozen arrows flew in the other direction. Again, the screams of the soldiers echo through the forest. The infantry commander leans in and shouts, almost prone.
“You sons of bitches! We!”
You hear the scorn of the infantry commander from behind, but the knight is simply distracted, not angry. What the hell is going on? Where are all the other knights?
The knight tries to run headlong, but he hears a horse running on the wet ground with a couple of claps on its side.
Turning quickly, you see a knight running toward you who looks like he's blurry beyond the mist. Are they friendly?
However, the knight who appeared through the mist did not look like a friend to me. Rather, it seemed like he was coming to kill them.
The knight was riding the black horse of Zachman, with wet blonde hair in the rain, and a glittering blue eye was that of a beast or beast.
You wear a shield in one hand and hold a fearsome axe in the other.
The guard pulls out his sword and is unconscious by the knight, who quickly approaches with nothing to do.
Albrecht rides on Schwarz, wielding his axe and killing two knights at once. One person's throat falls out, and the other one has a large cut to the side of his chest.
One of the last remaining enemies chops his head open with an axe. Then he cried out in a roar throughout the forest.
“God save the queen!" ”
A group of Rangers approaching from beyond the fog is overwhelming.
“God save the queen!" ”
The hostiles are still outnumbered, but they've lost all their knights and are already frozen. There was no battle will left to fight.
In addition, Albrecht runs around shouting, slashing Feremont's throat with an arrow in his face.
“Your commander is dead! Drop your weapons! ”
Albrecht didn't say he'd let me live. Due to the nature of the shootout, there was no room for prisoners. One of our operations was to kill thoroughly and destroy the communication system as much as possible.
If this is the case, what can the hostiles do? Many have fled, and many have fallen down trembling. At least one infantry commander tried to attack the soldiers, but it didn't work.
The infantry commander tugs at the foot of the escaping soldier.
“Son of a bitch! You're already wrong! Just fight!”
Albrecht sees the infantry commander encouraging him to fight from afar and runs toward him.
“Brave one! Please go to heaven! ”
He swings an axe and cracks the head of the infantry commander.
The soldiers were no longer soldiers when they lost the will to fight and even the bravest infantry commanders died. The struggle to survive was all they had left.
Albrecht wields his axe and slaughters the fleeing enemies.
Rangers form a siege net and tighten into place. Halberd's axe blades crush the enemy and shoot to confirm with the sword. It wasn't a battle, it was just a repetition.
Rangers killed 10 knights and over 100 soldiers, without a single casualty.
Rain still chases after you, striking the Ranger's helmet.
Too many to clean up the scene, so the crew just took the money from the knights' swords or the enemies' belongings that looked expensive.
The wildling king unleashed more than 100 troops in three directions to search the rear, one of which was completely wiped out by Ranger forces.
Because they killed them all, it would take the Wild King a long time to find out.
But there was one problem with Albrecht, and he knew that an ambush was coming, so he was more than half ready.
In advance, he set an ambush, destroying one search party, and the other two felt bad about what to do.
Even the elite rangers had no choice but to take damage during regular warfare. And it wasn't a regular war unit.
Albrecht wondered if he would continue to do so, or if he would destroy the remaining 100 enemy search parties.
I wasn't worried about stealing enemy supplies, but I was always behind them. It was an imprisonment that was surrounded if it went wrong. Albrecht had to make a decision.
When it was unclear what to do in the future, it was surprisingly easy for me to remember what the purpose was. Albrecht boldly decides to raid the enemy outpost.
Albrecht turns his head and sees his crew resting at the rally point.
At the rally point, they built a hut or something to avoid the rain, and the crew were teasing each other and not even knowing what Albrecht was thinking.
< 100 > End