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The Wild King Lemon was born the bastard of Boemont, Lord of Telez. My mother was a wildling.
Telez territory is directly south of the wildlings' realm, where they have been invaded endlessly.
Since sexual coagulation was not yet developed enough, it had to be crueler than them to suppress the cruel wildlings.
The brutality of the wildlings and the Telez family was as if the vipers and poisonous frogs were competing to make each other increasingly toxic.
No one knows how long the Telez family has been developing atrocities. However, the cruelty was long enough to soak in their blood.
When humans commit cruel acts, they not only destroy their opponents, but they also break their own human boundaries. Beaumont has crossed human boundaries since before Lemon was born.
Lemon had not been beaten or abused by his father since he was a child. Just like a servant, I lived in the castle doing chores.
Then, when I was about 10 years old, I asked my father who my mother was. Then, Beaumont took Lemon quietly to the castle's basement.
Deep underground, there was a miserable man, whose body could not already be called a human being, tied to a chair.
Lemon thought he was dead, but he was alive. He said, "That's your mother."
He then taught torture techniques by demonstrating them in person. I urged Lemon to give it a try. This type of education continued every day.
Sometimes she mumbled, but surprisingly, she said, "I love you," not "I want you to kill me." I wonder what that meant.
Finally, when Mother died, Lemon crossed human boundaries with unbearable pleasure.
Lemon continued to grow in size as he got older, and when he finally became an adult, he was twice as big as any other person.
When I went south to punish the wildlings by my father's command, I was worshipped by them with extraordinary violence and cruelty.
Then, you lead them back to the territory, and you destroy it. When I finally killed my father, I felt an unspeakable pleasure. It was not a pleasure when revenge was achieved, but a sexual pleasure.
Lemon has already come too far to know the love of a normal man and a woman. To him, women were like dolls and neurostabilizers playing with them.
If he could not ‘play’ with it regularly, he would not be able to live.
And now, in his eyes, he sees the best toy in silver-haired armor.
Lemont has been under the control of the bandits for weeks. Before your allies can form, you order an assault while wielding a giant mace to kill the soldiers.
Almost halfway across the sky, the sun sweeps away the fog with its soft hands, while Albrecht watches for enemies approaching from afar.
The allies were already 4,000, and the enemy was originally 6,000, but hungry and mentally damaged.
Albrecht thought it was a good battle to win without having to fight in the favorable terrain.
Allies focus their archers on the less-than-favorable side of the ridge, with the center in front of the nearly crimson shape of the ridge. Albrecht felt there was something different about Anglia's commanders.
If you shoot in the center while defending your interests, it was a natural placement to be crucified.
It looked simple, but it had been scouting the terrain for a long time and deploying troops appropriately to the terrain.
Considering the underlying commanders who won the battle and didn't win, Anglia's commanders were definitely right.
As long as you have good vision, you can see the enemy's face. You want them to slowly form, and then rush forward. Albrecht was startled. What the hell are you doing?
The Wild King yells at the whale, and you see him slaying his soldiers from behind. The soldiers marched forward to live, and the infantry next to them marched forward, because they had to keep up their pace.
You can see the enemy's left and right commanders are bewildered. But they quickly rushed the knights to their advantage, whether they were very ignorant. Without opposing the wrath of the Wild King, he made a wise choice.
As time passes, the central soldiers of the enemy rush into the muck, plunging into their calves.
Albrecht looks at them and thinks this is something else. From the Central War to the Crusade, we have always faced stronger enemies than ourselves in disadvantages.
I squeezed my head as hard as I could, thought of the operation, and fought ahead of Albrecht, encouraging the soldiers, and risking my life to fight even though I am close to invincible.
But this is something. The enemy was just, defenselessly, coming to die.
The hostiles huddle together in sweat, their hair sticking to their faces. Many threw down the spear that was in the Huffman's hand, and some looked up and were devastated by how many Anglia soldiers were left. And just stand there dazed, alternating front and back.
There were those who thought to look and go again.
Albrecht doesn't pity them, but his heart is just raw. I didn't feel like fighting. You only look at them pitifully above Schwarz.
“Drop your arrows! ”
Harold, commander of the left wing, shouts. With the same blue eyes as Albrecht, he glances coldly at the foes in the middle.
Harold's deputy shouts, and as each archer shouts again, the archers put their weight on the bow.
Ecbert, the right-hand commander, then ordered the archers to keep their weight on.
Immediately, you heard the sound of preparation and aiming, and more than 500 bilateral archers pulled the demonstration at a 45-degree angle.
A single shot was fired against the center in the form of a cross. Albrecht lowers his head.
After a few moments, you look up at the center again, and the enemies are bluffing because of the muck. The heat in front of them piles up the bodies, making it impossible to move forward any longer.
They knew they'd die if they didn't. If you retreat, the Wild King will kill you, and you start running back and forth.
There were a lot of soldiers who fell on their feet to see if they could run, tripped over a corpse, or tangled and fell on their own. Enemies leaping out of the muck with their hands and feet, placenta.
Albrecht simply bowed his head and spoke to the central commander.
“Bastard Aethelwulf, leave me ten men and divide your forces for good. ”
“I understand.”
Aethelwulf sees the state of his enemies as well. That's why I knew there wouldn't be that many troops in the middle. I received Albrecht's order and immediately summoned the number of each infantry unit and sent it to my advantage.
The knights who were waiting to charge in the enemy's favor, were not fools. It was less profitable than the center, but it was also dense. They just kept seeing the Wild King. You're really going at it like this?
The Wild King, who was shouting whales from afar, swung his iron mace at the Knights of the Left wing. The commander of the left wing charged unwillingly.
Despite the lack of sand, the Anglia army is on the ridge.
Enemy knights lose their charge before they even get close, tangling with each other, and the archers take the lead in a single shot. Suddenly, they tangled up and fell down with the horses.
An Englishman's infantry approaches and cuts the faces of the fallen knights with a hook-like weapon. At least the knights on the horse walked down and drank.
They bashed the knights' heads in without cause. From decades to decades, martial arts masters have been beaten by peasants.
The situation was the same for our friends on the left. Nevertheless, the Wild King continued to charge at the soldiers with his iron mace.
Albrecht looks away and says to Aethelwulf,
“I'll turn back and fight the wildling king myself through the woods. ”
Aethelwulf stares at Albrecht in panic. I've already won enough. Why?
Rosamund, who was next to Albrecht, was also embarrassed. She said with a worried face.
“I don't know, but I think we've won enough. I don't think you need to fight. ”
Albrecht reaches out and gives her a light kiss.
“I'll be back.”
Then you run a little behind them and head into the woods. Thick, tall trees run through dense forests. By the looks of it, the enemy was already a mess. It was no battle.
Albrecht runs for a long time before shouting.
“William! Bring out the weasels! Now!”
Albrecht has already set up rangers deep in the enemy's backwoods.
William leads the rangers out of the woods to raid the enemy's rear. One of the crew shouted, even though no one had ordered it.
“God save the queen!" ”
All the rangers shouted together at his cabin.
“God save the queen!" ”
Albrecht didn't want to bring Rosamund into this fight. You simply silence yourself and rush out of the forest into the rear of the enemy.
Enemies flee with their mouths wide open to the random Demon King knight.
Albrecht breaks through and roughly kills them, rather than dealing with them. In fact, the rear of the enemy has only a few men left.
In fact, the Wild King was charging at the top of his lungs, leaving no escorts.
He rides behind him on his horse, waving his iron mace like a madman without knowing if he's lost his mind or if Albrecht is coming.
Albrecht could not comprehend the frenzy of Lemon. What could have done that to him? It was unknown. I just wanted to end this madness.
Albrecht shouts at the Wild King.
“Lemon! Look at me! ”
Lemon is a little distracted, but he hears a familiar sound and looks back. I just stood there dazed, staring at Albrecht, and my neck flew away.
He remains alive for a short while, muttering with his face to the ground. There was no wind in his lungs, no sound.
Albrecht snatches the nearby soldier's spear and sews Lemon's head into it. Then he ran, looking up at the spear with his head raised high.
“The Wild King is dead! Surrender!”
There was still unilateral genocide and beating on the battlefield. At Albrecht's cry, even the most intact enemies drop their weapons and surrender.
The enemies were mostly covered in mud. Huffling and exhausted, I can't seem to escape.
Albrecht throws a spear through Lemon's head to the ground. Lemon's face falls into the muck.
Chapter 14 The end of someone's window.
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