* * *
It took me a long time to get in shape to prepare for an attack. The more there were, the more they did. When I fought Amazon on the Eastern Continent, I began to form at dawn and spent almost all of my morning there. Even though he was an experienced and trained knight and soldier.
The army of Veles is not easily in shape, as the Knights shout in haste to prepare for an attack.
Continuing to suffer from the rains of the day, I couldn't sleep well, my body was heavy, not muddy, but there were pools of water everywhere.
The soldiers of Velez stumble upon the wet ground. I wiped my elongated palms on my body, but I couldn't wipe my thick quilted clothes well in the wet yard.
The hand holding the spear was also wet, and it kept slipping. I had to hold a spear in one hand and wear a Kite Shield in the other, so it was hard to even wear equipment. The scorn of the infantry commanders and knights continues to resound in the battlefield.
The Anglia army, on the other hand, was progressing much faster than the Veles army. In the first place, he was trained to defend his position even if he died.
As the situation falls, you quickly pack up your gear and head back to your seat. Equipment management was much better than the Veles army.
However, they were not afraid of the Veles army at all, but the Guardian Knight fell and felt more ominous than ever.
Some of them cut the sign and looked up at the sky, please muttering to God that he was okay.
“God bless the Queen and the Guardian Knight. ”
Albrecht was lying in a bed with Rosamund in his tent. Outside, you hear soldiers and archers constantly moving in place. The scorn of such infantry commanders and knights resounded.
“Hurry up and move! You sons of bitches! ”
“The bastard with the legs will explode in my hand before I even fight! ”
Albrecht doesn't even hear the noise in his ears. Elongated blood gushes from the sides of the neck, drenching the pillow and bed in blood. His face was pale with no blood. After a brief collapse, Rosamund wakes up and looks after Albrecht.
I wish I could sew it up, but I couldn't because my body fell off a handful, not because it was torn. I washed my wounds with water and applied the expensive ointment that was designed only for the queen. And I continued to coat the clean cloth.
The water next to the basin turned into dark red blood several times, then repeatedly filled with clean water. William keeps emptying the blood and filling it with clean water.
He looked down at Albrecht with the expression described above, and with an unbelievable expression. I was shocked, and my head was always messed up.
Rosamund wept. I didn't know tears would stop. His vision was blurred and he continued to wipe his tears with his sleeve to take care of Albrecht. Her hands have been covered in lover's blood for a long time.
Albrecht looks up at her lying down. I just stared silently. I felt like I was going to lose my mind and close my eyes. But in the meantime, she felt so lovely.
Albrecht is close to invincible, but always fights to the death when he fights. Although it didn't apply to him every time, death was too familiar.
From birth, death has always followed me like a shadow. For everyone, so did I. When fighting or fighting, I become a close friend, then I become a desired relationship, and then again, now, I become a close friend.
‘Death, what is your face doing? Who I am to you. If you can talk and listen, just say hello. ’
Albrecht knew his own strengths well. And then I was numb to death. I never feared death, even though I would be numb.
While scouting alone, I felt like I was being ambushed, not ambushed. However, the many people he had killed and the soldiers who had died on the battlefield had all died in vain. It was only in dramas and films that the death was intense.
Albrecht thought there was nothing special about him. I thought I could die as futile as they were. Rather, I thought that if I died in the arms of my beloved lover, there would be no greater luxury.
By the time the bloody rags pile up on one side, Albrecht's bleeding has almost stopped. She continues to examine Albrecht's consciousness while healing his wounds. He continued to look only at himself with his half-closed eyes.
“Rose, kiss me. ”
With Albrecht's wild words, Rosamund stares at him for a moment. Something seemed very, very relaxing. I laughed in vain with a almost crying face.
“Don't be ridiculous. ”
Albrecht smiles lightly and says:
“Hurry up.”
She bows and kisses her lover's lips lightly. Albrecht wanted more, but he didn't have the strength. He looked back and said, looking at William.
“Lead the weasels, go to the right side of the lost camp. Get behind the hill. If you endure until the end, and your right side is about to collapse, come out and flank your enemies. ”
Albrecht plans to use the Rangers as reserves in battle. The Englishmen had no knights or mediators to spare. If the line collapsed on either side, it was over.
Although there are few, when struck on the right side at the right time, the effect will be sufficient. In the history of the Earth, like Alexander the Great's Hidden Space, an unexpected attack could defeat a small number of enemies.
The bulk of this era was because it was suddenly unable to change direction. Moreover, the premarital model could have been hit even worse.
In the midst of each dive, we need to reorganize our lines with the commander's command, but it's almost impossible to reorganize our lines with any kind of command.
When excited soldiers, chaotic front lines, and even a few well-formed enemies came crashing in unexpectedly, there was no way.
William is unable to answer quickly, and has been staring down at Albrecht for a long time. Albrecht simply looks up at him with his helpless eyes. He went out after saying something he couldn't do before.
“Please, live. ”
Albrecht looks out, looking back at Rosamund.
“I'm going to sleep. I'm tired. Stay with me......”
Then I closed my eyes. When he closes his eyes, Rosamund feels his heart throbbing. However, after watching him breathe, he tried to calm his trembling heart.
There were tears again. Rosamund looks at Albrecht with his head resting beside the bed helplessly. On a sheet soaked in Albrecht's blood, her tears were added.
I fell in love with him who was drawn to his eyes and scars and fought desperately for himself, and I fell in love with him who empathizes with his beliefs.
She didn't speak from the outside, but killing 4,000 prisoners was a big deal to her. The feelings I felt after that happened could never be expressed in a single word.
Empty, empty, on the one hand indistinguishable, and, above all, disconnected. God has forsaken himself.
Then the deeper the attachment to Albrecht. Finally, a word that shouldn't be spoken as a queen came out of my mouth naturally.
“I love you, Albert. Everyone else can die. But not you. Please live......”
Albrecht could not hear her. I just took a deep breath and crossed the border between sleep and death.
It's a little funny in an urgent situation, but the Veles army has only spent a day in shape. At night, I couldn't attack.
The next day, when the fog lifts, we decided to attack as soon as we could.
The Anglia military remained steadfast. As the commanders were able to sigh a little, they visited the Queen's tent to see the look on Albrecht's face.
There are only a few lamps in the tent. Only the faces of Albrecht and Rosamund are given a deep shade by the light of the lamp. The rest of the room in the tent was dark.
You see the guardian knight lying on the bed, lightly breathing, and the queen with her head on the side of the bed.
She raises her head powerlessly and sees those entering the tent. I can see how much I cried.
Ecbert, Aethelwulf, Harold, and other subordinate commanders and lords looked at each other with their eyes wide open to the worries of the world. Ecbert barely speaks.
“Hey, sis. Is he okay......”
Rosamund smiles helplessly at his loving nephew, though he is older than himself.
Ecbert had his own territory, but he grew up with him when he was a kid. The troublemaker himself, he felt embarrassed and accepted without anger.
Ecbert didn't hate unselfish Rosamund either. She was friendly to knights, soldiers and even peasants. I couldn't understand it at first, but somehow it seemed to shine on her.
Ecbert himself is the heir to the kingdom, but he journeyed through the woods with the commoners along her. The memories were precious memories that could not be exchanged for anything.
The children who tried to make a simple smile and fell, Rosamund took care of them. On the contrary, when Rosamund opened his legs, they held him up.
I heard that catching Goblins that don't exist there was something about poking around in the forest, finding treasure, exploring caves with torches......
Even now, when I think of those memories, I naturally think of a smile. Then came the war. I lost my first battle and was desperate. But I didn't give up, so I repaired my troops.
And then there was Albrecht. He also glowed. I risked my life for my beloved. It was almost a squadron of soldiers.We even defeated the Wild King. I didn't doubt it because I believed in victory. Now, I don't know.
“I'm fine. Thank you for your concern. Thank you for doing this for me and for him. ”
After seeing Roxamund's pathetic smile, Ecbert bows his head. After taking off your helmet and gathering it to your chest, you carefully approach and take a look at Albrecht's complexion for a moment. Your face is pale. You'd believe a corpse if it weren't for a fresh breath.
I had nothing to say to Rosamund. I just said to the one who looks at everything, small.
“May God bless the Guardian Knight. ”
Aethelwulf, Harold and several of the knights in the intestine said so.
“May God bless the Guardian Knight. ”
And they bow small to the queen, then head back out to the tent.
Rosamund watches them leave, looking back at Albrecht.
‘God, please take me instead. ’
She rests her head at the bedside again and looks at her lover without fail.
< 108 > End