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If Albrecht hadn't worked his way through the occupied space, it would have been fuzzy to withdraw his feet since he was already starting.
It's already May, because it takes more time to stabilize the occupation than it takes to destroy Heinrich. However, the stabilization work has not yet been completed.
The common way of war in this era was to gather an army, summon a big one and plunder them if they won the battle.
Albrecht's troops were able to run from common troops and configurations of this era, allowing them to carry out lightning fast warfare after an operation.
However, after stabilizing the occupation, the total cost of time seemed similar. If the conventional approach took a long time to assemble and the pre- and post-processing was quick, Albrecht was the opposite.
And as always, if you go into the field, you get unexpected variables. I still did.
Most of Albrecht's knights and soldiers were from the North or Central. Since there is no national concept yet, they simply led the family and joined Albrecht.
Nearly 50,000 people were gathered when I was first in Calteren, except for the merchants.
Albrecht wouldn't let the civilians go with him, so he may not have followed him on the mission, but he started to gather during the stabilization process.
These people were unproductive. In general, this era was fed by demonstration and plunder. But Albrecht could not. I bought them all and fed them. Of course, no matter how much money I had, I couldn't do this forever.
I forced them to settle countless times. I took the volunteers and made them live in Calteren or the occupied area. Helped support farming equipment or livestock by making loans with long repayment periods.
I was fortunate that there were many unexplored lands because security was not in place and people died like flies on a fictitious day.
However, they devised a grand strategy, established standard tactics, and planned the operation, but could not be tied to the people.
Even as his fortunes narrowed down, Albrecht did so for a simple reason.
What was the war for to end the war? At the moment of plunder, Albrecht inherently denied his beliefs.
Everyone wanted to live. Of course, again ironically, killing people kept people alive.
Albrecht traveled through the middle and saw it with his own eyes. The lords, despite their presence within their territory, displayed signs of murder and rape.
There was no notion that it was a crime, and it was like people had no notion of good and evil. They were not people except for the villages beneath the castle. The peasants and peasants were naturally corrupted.
I was stripped naked by the demonstration, but if the lord loses the battle, the hostiles come and get me. He squeezed again to pay for the lord's ransom as a prisoner. Despair plummets to the ground.
If you had declared war on the world to break the cycle of evil and suffering, it would seem there was a cause for Zamot. However, people who understood this did not exist in this world.
That's why people thought Albrecht was a superhero who had surpassed his understanding, or that God had sent him to justice.
I don't know if Albrecht himself is confident enough to act, but Albrecht didn't want to. because they despised the idea of sacrificing cows for their generations.
Those who sacrifice cows for generations thought themselves good, and Albrecht did not make excuses for himself.
What difference would these two make in their outwardly exposed behavior, but they were just carrying the weight of blood. If there is a God, he could die and be thrown into hell.
It became July one day. Now it was a mild summer, but Gelnburg was much cooler and not hotter than other areas.
It was originally a cold region in Calteren, Gelnburg or the north, but it was also located to the east, so the maritime climate was influenced by the weather during the year.
Albrecht stands before Gelnburg Castle in golden armor, without his helmet on.
In front of Albrecht, the Jurgen kneels to the right, and around him stands a thousand knights, all armed.
Until yesterday, there was dew on the leaves of the grass, and the morning sun was shining bright.
“Yurgen, I will appoint you Earl Sternmark. You have a duty to assemble an army in response to My call, to defend the territory, and to be loyal to Me. ”
Stern has long been the name of the whole region, including Gelnburg, and according to Albrecht's newly established compartment, it has been renamed Stern Markra in the sense that it is the border between Calteren and the centre.
It was to appoint an Earl. Randolph and Hermann are solemn on either side of Albrecht, and they look at him indifferently, as if he doesn't care.
More than 1,000 knights in chains, coats of armor, and cloaks were silently watching Albrecht appoint an Earl.
Everyone looks blunt, but I don't know what's inside. I might have been jealous, or jealous, or thought I might have a chance to get ahead.
However, it was not a place to express emotions lightly, even with a look on his face.
Far away around the lake, I was watching people appoint an Earl. He was going to be the owner of a new land.
Albrecht has largely reorganized the territories, bordering mountains, rivers and characteristic natural terrain.
The reason for this was to make it easier for the top monarch to manage the subordinates.
There were already so many military lords that the upper lords could not properly manage it due to the age limit.
There was a complex situation between the two of them, so the war between the two cities was continuous through the Middle East.
The lords had their own honorable duels or wars, dispute resolution, and of course they didn't care about the death of ordinary farmers or peasants.
“Then, in honor of protecting the territories, we must not do any harm, and when punishing them, we must do it in a lawful manner. Do you swear this?”
Existing oaths were obliged to protect the monarch's military service and territory. So existing lords used to squeeze people together to protect my territory.
Albrecht, in addition to this, added the protection of my people in the territory. We did not add obligations, but "honor" was to make them feel responsible and proud because they were stronger than normal people.
It is true that I am uncomfortable if I just erase my responsibilities. That's why the word honor made me proud, a little bit of a liability.
“I swear.”
Yurgen solemnly said. Albrecht took out a thick signet ring. The emblem on the signet ring was angled with a semi-circle underneath, and the stars above it were embossed. Yurgen graciously received a signet ring with both hands.
“With this, from now on, Eurgen von Sternmark is the Earl of Sternmark. The knights here are the witnesses. Stand up.”
Yurgen stands up in front of Albrecht and looks at the knights and says,
“Come forward, Valdomar, Rheinholt, Karlman and Werner. ”
Then, as if the so-called knights were preparing, they came forward. Yurgen gave them the title of baron one by one.
Albrecht, in fact, nominated them. In the meantime, I've been wandering around the territory, testing them to make sure they're safe and in good hands.
They didn't appoint them because they showed extraordinary accomplishments. That's why he was diligently patrolling around people.
In this age, knights believed that learning letters like Hermann would diminish their fighting strength. There were many nobles, lords, and even kings who didn't even know how to write.
Whether it was simple law or simple law, if I made the system follow it, it could only have the reverse effect. because it was an ignorant age, really.
It may take a hundred years after Albrecht's death to evolve into education.
In addition to the obligation to take a step forward, he chose those who were worthy of 'protecting even people.'
First of all, it was actually Albrecht's appointment. The barons were able to serve the knights again.
Albrecht expanded Caltenian territory and subordinated the rest of Sternmark.
Later on, he would set out north to make knights' orders, and the east to set out and lay their lands on Hrrolf or Gunnar. All of this would have been Calteren's sub-territory.
The north was divided into three, Albrecht to the east, Herman to the middle, and Randolph to the border with Veles to the west. They might be the first ducks in the world.
It was a kind of rehearsal for them to watch and learn, showing them that they were willing to spend a lot of time in the occupied space.
It was a completely different matter of ruling than conducting personal combat skills or troops. Alexander did not just kill his generals, who came back from the expedition to rule for nothing.
Albrecht, please, just two things. Duty to protect the territory and honor to protect the people. I wanted to keep two things right.
Lots of dew on the grass leaves glistens like stars in the day. Randolph, Hermann and over 1,000 knights celebrate the new nobles.
Albrecht looks up at the sky. Above the clear sky behind the rain, the eagle flew leisurely without flapping its majestic wings.
Tidying up compartments and making it easy for the high lords to control, it might be a real fixation on identity society.
And over time, the Feudal System might collapse to a rotten, corrupt, persecuting system. No, probably not.
But freedom, equality and philanthropy took too much time for humanity to realize.
Albrecht is the most urgent. I wanted to solve the least survival problem right away. Forbidding indiscriminate warfare, giving order and controlling it.
What Albrecht did was to create a shell for humanity that was so fragile today that it protected it from savages and chaos.
One day, when the baby is ripe, it will break the skin Albrecht made. And I just wanted him to grow up and fly like that eagle.
‘I will bear the blood of those who fought the monsters of savagery and chaos. ’
Albrecht continued to watch the eagle fly through the air for a while.
Nothing much has changed, but in order for the knights to learn a new way of governance, they had to spend enough time.
Albrecht stayed in Sternmark for a year and taught Randolph and Herman how to rule his subordinates.
I decided to leave it to the people in the middle, and went to Calteren to see my mother and Rosamund.
If I interfered too much, I might not be able to learn more about the knights, take a vacation from Albrecht himself, and see how my family was doing.
Nevertheless, Albrecht demonstrated that Randolph and Hermann should continue to watch and learn. Later on, when they fall into the duc or change bag, they have to do it themselves.
“No, we're done talking about this. So if someone's killing people carelessly, shouldn't we just hit them and kill them? ”
Herman scratches his head as if he didn't want to think. Albrecht, of course, did not want Hermann to accomplish something like Zigmunt.
The ducal territory Albrecht intends to appoint will be larger than the realm of the great kings of the North and Central. I didn't have much of a choice because I had to leave everything else to someone I could trust.
Albrecht sighs. The essence is simple, and Herman was aware of that, but he definitely needed to fix something like just killing it.
“No, how many times have I told you? We have a trial. At the very least, call the parties and listen. Then consider it and decide whether you're guilty or not. If you are guilty, punish them for their sins. ”
First, even if the subordinate killed a person, it could have been a reasonable punishment for the sinner, so I had to cover that part up.
In this age without vocabulary, of course, we could not hope for a modern trial. The trial of this age could have been just to determine the manner of execution.
For example, the fact that he killed a person varied from one type to another. If the noble kills the commoner, if the commoner kills the noble, if the priest is killed, if more than one person is killed, etc., the sentence for the same murder was different, including the death penalty, hanging, and burning.
For sins lighter than this, I used to make them pay for things like money, cut their wrists, or something like that.
Of course, it was crazy to wish for precision investigators in these times. Albrecht just wanted to hear at least what he had to say and decide.
“Oh, okay. Okay. Listen and do whatever you want, no. ”
"Yes, fucking listen to me. ’
This seemed to be the limit. Herman frowns and goes into a corner. You seem to be trying to get as far away from Albrecht as possible.
“Oh, you miserable bastard. Call a trial, a trial. Master, I don't think he knows what that trial means. ”
Randolph sits on a chair, elbows up on the table, and scrapes Herman's insides while eating the well with apple peels.
Herman covers his ears. Why would I do that? Don't you just have to protect the lord?
Albrecht listens to Randolph and looks at him skeptically.
“You fool. A trial is a public gathering of people. ”
Albrecht's eyes widen. Randolph knows about the trial? Of course, I wouldn't say it was the modern notion of the Earth, but it could have pierced the essence.
I had to stand trial in front of the people, but the person who gave the verdict was able to show a little fairer.
“And if you decide to kill a sinner, you'll have to throw stones at people and kill them. You idiot.”
I recently got a little out of depression, but I was about to get depressed in a different way. It was a long way to go.
Albrecht stood up without a word and looked out the window. Seeing a clear lake made me feel a little frustrated.
< 141 > End