Despite the abundance of empty castles in the area Albrecht occupied, the Bedouins did not stay in the castle. because they always had to move, and they were ready to run. Instead, they felt anxious when they were inside the castle.
The Horsas are gathering in a crowd around a small village. He pitched a tent, fenced himself in, and planted a garden. The women waited for their husbands, sons and brothers, but they have not returned yet.
Just looking at the ordinary landscape of the garrison, it looked like people who were no different from the North Continent. But they hung the bodies in all sorts of terrible ways, as if they were inaccessible around their encampments.
It was morning after the rain stopped. A rainbow blooms on a mountain far away from the Horsas encampment, and the flies of the field bear the poor dew.
The poor dew is trampled under the hoof of a horse. More than 700 licensed knights are pounding on the ground and rushing toward the encampment. At the front, there is Randolph.
The riders with a flag with a black cross on the white are scattered as one. The knights scatter with the riders. Then he tightened up the garrison.
The women and children who saw them from afar were screaming and throbbing. The knights soon came to the encampment.
“Long live the King in the North! ”
After Randolph was founded, the knights shouted in triumphant prayer for the king's full strength. The flag of the Knights flies with majesty.
Knights trampled people, stabbed them with spears, swung swords, axes, and maces to kill them at random.
After throwing a noose rope and pulling it around a person's neck, many people continued to drag the horse. You hang a rope on a pointed log that has been pierced by a human.
The knights carried out systematic looting in the midst of chaos, not just killing people.
Knights were originally specialists in looting. I didn't have much of a chance to serve under Albrecht.
While many knights were running around the garrison killing people, many other knights gathered people together.
If they can't communicate, they bare their swords and bring in gold and silver jewels, and they give everything to live for. But I didn't want to save them in the first place.
Knights have driven all the people who had spread out around the small town. And I put it in buildings like civilians and warehouses and set them on fire. The Bedouins cried out in desperation.
The knights kept running around killing people, gathering people, scraping food and gold and jewelry, and then putting them back in the building and burning them to death.
How skilled and skilled, the Devil of Hell seemed to need to learn a few lessons. Due to the tens of thousands of Bedouins, all the buildings in the village had to be used.
I scavenged the buildings to make sure there were no hidden loot, put people in, set them on fire, gathered people back together, scraped together the loot, ordered them to organize the loot, and put it in an obsolete building. Meanwhile, the other knights ran wild and killed people.
“Great King Albrecht! All hail!”
“All hail! ”
The more people die, the higher the voice of praise for Albrecht grows.
Randolph leads the Knights through the burning village to see if anyone survived. It was a systematic and thorough slaughter and plunder of what I learned from whom.
Randolph's gaze remains steady. In this era, there was no concept of a cause, but Randolph felt a cause. He didn't know exactly what he was feeling.
I was just ready to kill anyone, even a few, for you. I will give my sword and soul to the king. I will relieve you of your burden.
Dew and Rainbow, Light Fog, Clear Air and Sky After Rain. The world spent its morning fresh, but Hell of Sae was spreading in the Pituckins' encampment.
Albrecht has been working in a field hospital since morning. I removed bandages or cloths from the wounded who were stabbed in the blood overnight, washed the wound, and then changed it to a new one.
The wounded are so overwhelmed that they say they will, but Albrecht presses down on them and heals them.
Rosamund doesn't wake up until morning to see if he's tired. While Albrecht was leading the knights around the siege coin, he seemed to have gone through a lot of trouble gathering the hidden locals and taking care of the sick.
The Jurgen, Hermann and knights who were escorting Albrecht naturally surrounded and guarded the field hospitals. The people who originally lived in the Siegfringen region watched nearby Albrecht from afar.
“What's going on? ”
Then the vigilant knight stopped the man who plotted. Albrecht turns his head to look at you while doing the laundry.
“Well, I, you know, I made it to give to the king. ”
I saw a man who couldn't lift his head properly because he was afraid of the knight. I was holding a big apple pie with my two hands, but I think I brought it to give to Albrecht. Is it a sign of obedience or respect? It's probably an electron.
Albrecht washes his hands in clean water from the basin and approaches him. The man dares not lift his head.
They had nothing to eat and were naked. I've been trying hard to make a living without it, but I didn't think I was going to say no.
The apple itself was precious in the north. Although there were no apples in the north, they were lighter in color and tastier than those in the south.
Moreover, if you want to bake a pie, you have to grind the wheat finely, but the mill was not even universalized. Grinding wheat delicately with human strength was surprisingly difficult. That's why most people like to grind and eat wheat.
Albrecht cut off the apple with his hand and ate it. It was not tasty.
“Thank you. ”
Albrecht smiled and said to the man, The man lowers his head and doesn't see Albrecht's smile.
Albrecht took Vervantos' dagger from his arms, broke it open, and distributed it to the knights and the hospital.
You sit in a corner for a while and watch them eat their pie, and you see Randolph coming back. Blood and soot were all over his face and his coat.
Randolph approaches the field hospital and steps off his horse.
“I'm back, Your Majesty. ”
Albrecht said with a bitter smile.
“Well done. ”
Then he left the field hospital and headed to the place where he collected the loot. There were hundreds of wagons and carts, and looking around roughly, Albrecht was a little surprised.
If only the Bedouins had plundered so thoroughly, there would be so much stuff piled up. And how thoroughly the knights plundered it.
But at the same time, I felt proud. I'm sober now.
It was breathtaking as I paid my wages and got money to get the locals back to normal.
“Bring me Richard. ”
Albrecht told one of his escorts:
Carpen did the whole household, and local households Albrecht and Rosamund did. And Richard was in charge.
I'm a little sorry for Richard, but he's busy trying to save his life from battle. But I thought the experience was building up quickly. Originally, advisors were the busiest and toughest.
Talent capable of both fighting and living was a valuable talent in this world. Carfen is quite capable of completing tasks within the inner circle, but the battle didn't interest him.
Hrrolf and Gunnar led the warriors and kept the peace at all times. A lot of people, like merchants and residents, get into trouble.
The reason there is no one more qualified for security is the Northern Hemisphere Warrior. Northwestern Warriors did not take bribes. Those who regard promises and contracts as life, if they pay bribes quickly, they break their heads. Northern warriors thought it was selling their souls for a bribe.
Wilhelm used to lead the rangers on patrol.
Albrecht strokes his beard with one hand and thinks to himself. He's already taken over for Eugene and Hermann, and Randolph intends to give him Zigmeringen.
Hrrolf and Gunnar later decided to open the land between Calteren and Halstadt as their territory and to open the north of Calteren to the Lysen Knights.
Wilhelm will lay down the territory of the existing Bedouins, where there are many forests. Of course, it would take a long time to develop, but since gems and gold flow, the replenishment would be fast, and most of all, to get as close to Anglia as possible.
All that was left was Richard. Richards was simply snotty, but he didn't want to give him a monfort. I was going to turn it into an Imperial faction made by the great nobles of Veles.
Will they be excluded from the local people? Maybe he's doing something he can't. I'll just sit on the throne of Veles. There is a second time for conquest and a reason to be king.
“You summoned me, Your Majesty. ”
While Albrecht thought of massaging the North with one hand, Richard came. I took a step back for a moment and decided to deal with him from what I had to deal with.
“Richard, dispose of the jewels and pay the knights and soldiers a penny of gold. Unwind the food and feed the people. And escort the original inhabitants of Siegfringen back home. I will rent livestock and food, so tell them to plow their land and go back to their old lives. ”
The knights had to be rewarded a little more than the soldiers, but they didn't pay much for their warfare because they could not afford an Earl or a Baron.
They knew that, and there was no complaint. Whatever it was, the symbol of the rise in this world was land.
“I understand.”
Richard takes orders and goes somewhere with a wagon loaded with gold and silver jewels and a cart.
Albrecht looks away at his back, gazes back to the ground, wandering around the loot and thinking.
There was no need to reorganize the troops as the damage was not extensive. However, many of the local residents wanted to join the war, so they had to choose to be hidden.
Then maybe in a week or so. The plan to wipe out the rest of the Bedouins has been planned for a long time, using Sieg Maringen Castle as a base just southeast of Sieg Maringen.
What should we do about the existing kings and lords who are resisting to the end, anyway? Cowardly, but honestly, I just wanted to die at the hands of the Bedouins.
As long as the territory was not illegally robbed by relatives or high lords, the lords who did not stop the enemies outside lost their rights. It was because the logic of power was a blatantly dominating world.
“Your Majesty.”
I've been thinking a lot, and Randolph calls me. Turning his head, you see a black horse coming.
Sharp and shiny hair, the manes were healthy and soft, and the sticky muscles were clear. What was unusual was that between the eyes and the eyes, there was an elongated white spot in the middle of the head that looked like a snake. Suddenly, it looked like a horn.
“When I was in Halberk, I was born crossing horses from the eastern continent with Schwarz. She's four years old now. I've been training them since they were kids, but they're still a little rough. ”
Randolph was the royal chief knight and shepherd. Separate from the title, it was a kind of position as a servant. I had a strong reputation, but I actually did it.
As a shepherd manager, Randolph was responsible for managing and training horse varieties. Of course, the underlings did the practical work or the chores.
Horses were originally sensitive animals. So in order to use it in battle, I had to train it since I was a child.
It was lighting the ground and letting it cross over there, putting it in deep water, making it unable to breathe, making it run through it with a spear knife, or getting used to the corpses.
Stamina and speed had to be fundamental and, above all, valiant, inherited from the parents' generation.
They were mainly active between the ages of 4 and 5 and 20. Since then, Schwarz has had to retire, which is now 30 years old.
Albrecht approaches and quietly meets the horse that Randolph dragged in. The horse alerts Albrecht. Who are you?
Albrecht strokes the horse's head gently. Then I noticed a white spot that looked like a horn.
Suddenly, I remembered the cow I killed as a child. I felt sorry for him. If I'd woken up sooner, I wouldn't have died so horribly.
“Your name is Lindehorn from now on. Do you like it?"
Would you like that? Lindehorn means Horn. Albrecht smiles a little while before climbing onto Lindehorn's back. Suddenly, Lindehorn stirs up a commotion. I didn't like it even though I was confused.
The knights around you marvel and try to reach Albrecht. Randolph stopped them. He wasn't worried at all. Your Majesty will have plenty to deal with.
“Haha! It's not that rough!? ”
Linderhorn lifts his front foot almost perpendicularly, kicking the back foot as hard as a water nymph, trying to shake Albrecht with a violent movement.
But the opponent was too bad. Albrecht tightens his thighs, pulling his waist firmly and heavily.
Lindehorn was strong enough to be called a natural marble, and he was strong because of his age. Nevertheless, Albrecht pushed and controlled it, and it was not long before he was exhausted.
“Are you tired already? Is that all you got? ”
Albrecht has a good feeling about this. Linderhorn huffs. Yeah, you win.
Albrecht strokes Lindehorn's neck with a smile. The knights around me looked at it with surprised eyes.
Even though I was surprised by the dynamical power of the horse like crazy, Albrecht was more surprised that he had been overwhelmed by force instead of falling there.
Albrecht speeds up and pulls the lever to change direction. So I ran out of the temporary garrison. I'm sorry about Schwarz, but I feel like I'm riding a hypercar in a car that's at the end of its life.
The day before, the rainy fields were damp and glowed with the morning light.
Linderhorn fires his way through the field. Albrecht's blonde hair flies roughly, with a pleasant smile on his mouth. It's been a long time since I was blue and depressed.
< 151 > End