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After a few days of weather and snow, it didn't come much, but it soon became a sunny day.
700 knights, unmatched from the side of the Central Alliance, rush to the thin snowy ground, and snowflakes fly away.
The snowflakes that scattered like a thick mist bloomed little rainbow flowers, taking in the morning sunlight.
The Central Army, which was facing the river and forming a form, was able to give out its side completely.
Beyond the northern helmet that protects the nose and eyes, Albrecht's blue eyes blaze, and his tight-mouthed mouth does not seem to show mercy to his enemies.
Albrecht leans to his side slightly and prepares to swing the axe. Soon enough, the Linderhorn is crushed by the enemy.
Kwajic! Boom! Boom!
Linderhorn lunges at his enemies mercilessly. Above the horse, Albrecht swings the axe up and down.
I cut off many people as if they were just cutting through the air. Three people had their flank completely amputated, cut from the armpit to the neck, or half of their face flew away. You die screaming, spraying a portion of your body into the air.
Albrecht drops back down again, in the upright position. You cut through the helmet like a signpost and cracked the enemy's head completely open.
Kwazzik! Phew! Phew!
Followed by 700 knights, the enemy invades. If I had formed a form in front of me, it was completely exposed, so my enemies were like leaf swept away by a broom.
The parable is that he stabbed the soft innards while avoiding the hard shell of the turtle.
If I get caught in Albrecht's axe, everything breaks apart, whether it's a helmet or a shield or a human body.
You heavily swipe up from the right, take another down, and lean to the left to raise yourself. I slaughtered the soldiers and cleared the space, beating them around and around. Then I opened my heart wide and burst the thunder toward the sky.
“Look how the King in the North fights! ”
People won't be surprised when the sky is surprised and the earth is surprised. The shallow snow shivers and raises the powder.
Enemies smash the buttocks of Albrecht's battleship and scold him. I lost my sense of direction in front or back, and tried to escape in a daze.
Knights stabbed their enemies with spears, wielding axes, swords and maces, as if they were wolves following the king of the mountains.
The soldiers were trampled on by horses, badly wounded by the weapons the knights wielded, and screamed bitterly.
“Keep sweeping! Follow me!”
Albrecht shouts once more loudly. When the knights heard the roar of the falling world, they stopped killing and gathered to their master.
Albrecht's charisma surpasses that of a true mortal in battle. Its presence overwhelmed tens of thousands of soldiers on both sides.
Across the river, Einhardt, dressed in golden armor, simply stares at Albrecht with trembling eyes.
It was the first time I have seen battle in the Besser River, and I have seen it from afar on a mountain.
Albrecht's presence was unusual from afar, but from so close, his whole body trembled with agitation.
The king was in the shape of a human being, but anything that came out of him was not human, but charisma of a person born with thunderbolts in the sky.
Albrecht leads his knights and sweeps away the long stretches of enemies along the river. He was 30,000 troops, focusing more on splitting up than an extermination. Above all, the goal was to lead our allies first.
Randolph makes a swift command, riding a white horse.
“Let the First Men depart! Go get the stake! ”
As Randolph gives the order, the soldiers begin to jump off the bridges that are here and there, without crowding them at once.
In front of them were dozens of Northern warriors wearing Nordic helmets like Albrecht and carrying circular shields, followed by dozens of soldiers.
“Don't rush them all at once! Stand by! Stand by for doubles! ”
Even if you planned ahead and trained your soldiers, the battle raged and turned into chaos, and the Knights, including Randolph, ran wild and repeatedly proclaimed the same command.
The soldiers saw the fighting knights on the other side of the river, especially their king, and it seemed to be boiling with blood, but the commanders on the leash wouldn't let go, so the boy got on board.
Northern warriors dive into the Dara River at the end of the bridge. He bravely ran to the steeple by the river as he ran through the river coming to his calf in a splash.
When the enemy resists in the first place, he sprinkles it, ties it to his stake, and the soldiers behind him try to pull it out together. However, the enemies seem to have lost their will to fight while being attacked by the Lizen Knights.
The warriors of the North come to the stake and line up here and there. The infantry commander shouts out loud when he signals back.
As the infantry pulls the rope, several of the lowest, triple pegs are pulled out. Then the pegs above collapsed. Repeated several times, a quick breakthrough formed.
Northern warriors clear their pegs and pour into the breach. Swinging an axe at the impaired enemy, you split the helmet open and chopped its head off to kill it.
Seeing him, the soldiers behind him rush forward. Soldiers with multiple spears throw their spears to the side of the river instead of the men pulling the rope.
The soldiers who followed pick them up one by one and follow behind the Northern Warriors.
“March two and three! ”
“2nd and 3rd place! ”
Soldiers untied by Randolph's command rush to the bridge. A few of them fell into the river.
“Phew! Phew! Help me up! ”
“Asshole, you can search me later. ”
The infantry commander and the soldiers around him draw the drowned out. I was delayed for a moment, but it wasn't a big accident to cross the bridge.
Knights scatter their enemies to the flank, the Northmen clean up, and the soldiers finish.
In other words, it was simple, but if an inexperienced army did this, they could be wiped out by force like Kiyom, the hero king.
The Northern Army deployed as many troops as necessary to make a breach, and then it poured in that direction one after the other.
Similar sights appeared on various bridges. It was done by Randolph on the right and Hermann on the left, not the left.
Herman runs in front of you with his sword. You let go of the Dagger for a moment and pull out the stake by yourself, without straining the rope properly.
The peg is tuckered and cool, and the peg above it collapses powerlessly. Northern warriors and soldiers rushed in, roped up, and pulled down the stake. As the breach was set, it poured in.
Hermann had to keep the soldiers in order, but he ran to the front, causing chaos for his allies. But I left the command to Richard, to make sure he wasn't thinking too much.
Richard shouts for more dispatches, but Urgent shouts in haste.
“I'll cross first! We must take care of the king! ”
Richard looks at the Jurgen and nods. Yurgen leaps across the bridge to the other side of the river, shouting at the top of his lungs with tens of centuries of knights.
Balthazar is distracted. It's only a matter of knights who have suddenly attacked from the side, but they are relentlessly allowing the enemy to do so in front of them.
I had to decide whether to stop Doha's enemies or the knights first. In fact, the answer was fixed. If we can't stop the enemy knights, even if we stop Doha, we'll be wiped out by enemy knights soon enough, so we had to stop them first.
“Gather the lords! I will carry out a knight charge! Gather the lord and the knights! ”
Balthazar howls and shouts. Direct knights spread their horns and relayed orders to the lords and knights, but it took them a long time to gather them, spreading them wide across the river to stop the enemy's waterway.
Their left was already completely blown away, so turning meant no more fighting, but we had to stop the Doha somehow. Balthazar knew very well that he could never face Albrecht in the field.
Battle may be interesting from afar, but it was a place where all the tragedies of the pay were collected up close.
The sun was further away than anything else in the world, so the tragedy of human history was not of interest. You climb into the middle sky and shine a brighter light on the world as if you were asking for a better fight.
The cold weather in the early winter is too hot for the soldiers. The riverside has long been exposed to the white snowflakes and crumpled dirt in the footsteps of the army.