* * *
With the sun comfortably touching the world, the breezes of the mountains tickle your skin. The weather in June makes you feel good just to be still.
I was wide steered and had a glutton down on both sides, and the wind blowing from a distance stroked the grass. I heard the cry of a frog or a swamp in the distance.
Achillia in a hood sits in front of Albrecht, and Rosamund walks alongside Albrecht.
Diego is right behind you, followed further back by Randolph and Agnes.
Achylia merely squirms in Albrecht's arms, and Rosamund does not take his eyes off Albrecht with a soft smile. Albrecht smiles and looks at her.
Many merchants were on their way, recognizing Albrecht, making way, bending at the waist or kneeling down to show him an example.
The road was wide, but it quickly narrowed as you pulled over to the side of the wagon or cart. Albrecht doesn't feel like traveling, so he talks to the cloth merchant.
“Is there a path around here? ”
The merchant, who knew Albrecht would pass himself by, knelt furiously and trembled.
“Well, well, well. ”
The merchant momentarily pauses and his mind is muddled. The roads were originally dangerous but were used by merchants to avoid tolls. So there was nothing good for the lords to know.
But what kind of safety could we not say? The merchant ridicules you, hoping that the sole of his tongue will spare him.
“Well, there's a passageway nearby. Well, after the second head you see there, there's a path. It goes south, and if you go straight down, you get Oberburn about four days away. ”
I was glad to hear that. Albrecht nods again.
“I'd like to buy a cloak. With a hood. Make me five extra blankets for the camping trip. ”
Then the merchant, who had no reason to stay beside the merchant, stopped the merchant merchant.
“Bring me five of your finest bees! Come on!”
“At this rate, it's dark. ”
Albrecht adds, and the merchant gives you a frantic nod.
I was just asking for a way to buy a cape, but everyone around me was busy wanting to see what was going on. It was because each and every one of the legendary giants aroused curiosity.
Later, the staff took out five large capes made of soft and tough fabrics.
Albrecht could have just left with his cloak, but he couldn't have done that.
I don't think you'll get it if you ask for it. Albrecht threw me about five or six gold coins.
“Take it. It's for the cloak. ”
The merchant, kneeling with his torso bent, was distracted as the gold coins fell to the ground.
Albrecht gives his cloak to the group and puts it on himself first. Rosamund pushes his horse a little closer, opening his cloak and arranging it for him.
Albrecht did the same for Rosamund and took Diego with him. When I took Diego, I felt a little awkward.
I was so angry about the marriage, it reminded me of the way I treated an old friend.
Diego was on his way back to his territory without taking any advantage after the situation was settled.
After all, it was true that I only came to serve as a bridge between the north and the middle.
Albrecht takes a peek at Diego's face, putting deep pressure on the hood and running back to the horse.
I ran past people for a long time, heading to the faraway mountain range.
As time passes, the crowds rarely hear, the sound of live birds and woodpeckers, the sound of trees being swept away by the wind, and the sound of a stream flowing far away surrounds the group.
When the secluded nature surrounded me, I felt like traveling.
As I take a leisurely walk along the road, the sun sets and the world begins to turn dark.
Albrecht and Diego, who are familiar with the journey, look around and find the right crevice. A large, fluffy rock protrudes out like a roof, perfect for camping.
The group gathers firewood and sets the flint on fire to start a campfire. Albrecht, Rosamund and Achylia use a campfire, and Randolph and Agnes use a campfire. Albrecht calls out as Diego tries to use his own campfire.
“Come this way. Diego.”
At Albrecht's words, Diego smiles a little, then takes the firewood and joins Albrecht.
The Crucible Milky Way revealed a glimmer, and soon the constellations flashed from the window of the Crucible Milky Way.
The half moon lit up the world with a light that was soft and gray, and the night clouds stood still and floated around.
Achilles leans in between Albrecht's legs. Rosamund leans back against Albrecht's shoulder and gazes at the campfire without a word.
Albrecht glances back at Diego across the campfire. I can feel the hairs of a seasoned knight just folding into middle-aged age.
“Hey, Diego. I'm sorry about last time. I was a little upset. I didn't mean it.”
Albrecht said he was sorry. Then Diego smiles, looking at the campfire.
“Amigo, friends don't have anything to be sorry about. ”
In Diego's good answer, Albrecht felt as if a pile of dust had been swept from the corners of his mind.
Albrecht no longer spoke. Suddenly, I remembered the first time I met Diego. His face was thin and covered with fur.
What made him a friend? Thinking about it, I thought it was a good impression that when I took Elena's group out on the road, they risked their lives and stood in front of themselves. In fact, the first encounter with Randolph was similar.
‘Kill me if you want me to. ’
Albrecht smiles faintly, recalling the moment he first encountered Randolph.
Somehow, the human overcomes the fear of death, leaving a deep impression on Albrecht, whether he is strong or weak.
I felt that the difference between courage and recklessness was not divided by risk, leaving a dictionary meaning.
Depending on how pure and just the purpose of the act seemed to be, courage and recklessness seemed to divide.
How beautiful is a human at risk of death with the expression of good will. Albrecht looks back at his past days as a bear.
I risked my life every battle or battle, but did it really come from innocence? Or was it just a puppet of the devil?
An owl cries out in the dark mountains, and the campfire dances to the edge.
Albrecht looks at the campfire and plunges into the swamp of thought. I felt comfortable somehow.
The night of June was crowded outside, naked, but it was not cold thanks to the cloak I had bought during the day.
After escaping the troubles and traveling with my loved ones, I felt something I couldn't say because I was sitting quietly by the campfire and resting.
Achilles gazes up at Albrecht, rattling.
“Albrecht, aren't you going to teach me martial arts? ”
Albrecht looks down at Achillia, away from his thoughts. I said I would teach him, but I didn't have a clue how to teach this little dwarf girl.
“But why do you want to learn martial arts? ”
“I don't know? I want to.”
“Hey, Achylia. Martial arts, in other words, is an effective killing technique. Do you understand this? ”
Achylia stares at Albrecht silently.
“I don't know about that. Can't you just teach me? ”
Albrecht is troubled. Leaving behind the skill of killing people or not, I wondered if there was a sword that matched Achilles' body size.
Dwarves are powerful, but their weight is also important when wielding weapons. To cut through thick quilted or chained armor, I needed clean, weighted swords, not just by force.
I don't recall a weapon worthy of Achylia. I mean, isn't that just a tackle?
Anyway, the power is good, so you can use people's Longsod or Ammingsod. However, considering the size of the body, it seemed that the chest would be completely different from the sword itself.
“I already have a sword. ”
Achylia looks at Albrecht and says, "I don't know if it's a ghost or not."
“Where? I don't see it. ”
Achylia steps away from Albrecht's arms and stands near a campfire. Then he pulls a sword out of the front pouch, like a Dorax-Mont pouch, unique to the dwarves.
The people around you who were listening to Albrecht and Achillia's conversation were furious. Oh, my God, what is that? Where did you just get that?
Like the armor of Achylia's Black Albrecht, it was glowing golden and glowing with the light of a campfire. It was a sword made of Orchid.
It was like a layer-like shape of the Earth, never seen in this world. The handle guard is wrapped around a beautiful piece, and the length of the blade is a bit long for Aklia to use, but there's nothing she can't use.
Albrecht stares at Achillia's sword dazed.
“Is that a duck corn? ”
Achylia nods.
“An old friend of mine, Iliya, made it. I heard you made some extra armor. I heard the rest of the debris was mixed with the Dragon's Shoulder Bone and made a dozen sacks. I don't know. Is that what you're wearing on your back? ”
To be precise, it was the body of a dragon and the cartilage of its wings. The dragon's wing cartilage was closer to metal than bone fractures, and was very resilient.
Perhaps, in order for the large and heavy body to spread its wings, it could run from the cartilage of a creature whose constituents or properties were common.
Aklia swipes her sword with one hand. Somehow, the form was reasonable. It seemed to be the scorn of someone familiar with the sword. Suddenly, Achylia's arms blur.
Albrecht embraces Rosamund in horror.
“Tsk! Come on! ”
The movement of Achilles' rays was invisible to all but Albrecht and Randolph.
Randolph gets up from his seat in surprise and protects Agnes. Rosamund, Diego and Agnes didn't know the language.
Achilles' just turned black, very clean and fast, swinging across the campfire, and it seems to have been cut off for a while. Then Rosamund, Diego and Agnes open their eyes.
"What the fuck! ’
“You, you! Where'd you learn to do that? ”
Albrecht yells at Achylia in disquiet.
“I never learned. It's just, you know. Black as the wind. If you listen quietly, tell me where to go. We'll follow you there. ”
I thought it sounded silly, but Albrecht seemed to know.
The sword is slow and uncluttered if you swing it forcefully. Albrecht realized that when he first wielded his sword a few times.
But like Achylia, swords are the wind. You can't learn swords by listening to them.
I just learned how to blow the muscle at a certain point while in the right position and using as much force as possible. I used not just my arms, but my shoulders and back muscles, abs, etc., all over the body.
In fact, there was no point at all. Albrecht himself was just a natural swing, and it was complicated to put into words.
Albrecht calmed his surprise and told Achillia.
“Let's have a duel. ”
Then I got up and picked up some nearby logs. One he holds and one he throws to Achillia.
Achylia looks at Albrecht with one hand, taking a light stick.
“Put the knife down. It's dangerous."
If Achylia had just run to Albrecht with the same sword, Albrecht had no way to stop her but to hurt Achylia.
I traveled lightly, but I didn't know that there would be a horror in killing Achillia because I had miscontrolled my strength.
Achylia put her duck corn sword in her pocket and swung her wand through the air unconsciously a few times. The hissing sounds seem to tear the air apart.
The campfire is burning well, with a loud thumping sound, even though it has been cut once. Rosamund and the rest of the group are interested in an unparalleled duel.
The owl in the distance stopped crying, opened his eyes wide at night and watched the duel.
< 181 > End