* * *
After killing a vampire, the villagers crawl out. Albrecht ordered the rest of his men and men to clean up the town.
“Look! The king has defeated the devil! ”
“Where are you! Oh, my God! ”
Albrecht hangs a corpse with a deformed, flying head and the corpse of Janos in the middle of town.
People forget to clean up the town for a while, and everyone is gathered to see the devil's corpse.
I don't know if Janos' razor-sharp hands and nails, and vampire or original human, but a corpse hardened in grey skin, was enough to surprise people.
It's just a corpse because it's already dead, but people stare at it in horror.
“I know! That's Nachsara!”
Then, a middle-aged man in a shabby outfit shouted, pointing to a corpse whose skin had hardened to grey. The crowd turns to the shouter.
Seems like a villager. Hundreds of people wink at each other as they look at each other. But once I spit it out, I just say what I know.
“My grandmother told me when I was a kid. The Bible says that a man who kills himself will die a cannibal without going to heaven or hell. I heard that my skin burns when I get sunlight and I can't rest on the roof. ”
People turn their heads again to look at the corpses on the poles. But the sun is still shining, and the body is not burning.
“That sounds like crap. ”
“What!? My grandmother is a liar!? ”
“No, it's sunny, but your skin isn't burning. ”
“Well, that! ”
Then the person who explained about Nahsherr kept his mouth shut to see if he had nothing to say.
But people only questioned the man's words, as if they could all agree that they were some kind of evil.
Albrecht listens to the man intriguingly. It was because science thought that old times would often be passed on as private narratives, because of the bad times.
Of course, it may not be accurate, but I thought it was worth taking a look at. Orcs and Goblins were an important part of the cross.
Albrecht was born to fight, so he thought about how to fight monsters naturally.
Different from ordinary people in combat. I thought I needed a proper tactic. Though inaccurate, I decided to gather private narratives.
But it was my job to go back to Wrightingen later. First, we had to deal with it from the beginning.
Albrecht drives the Linderhorn to the center of the crowd. When the people see Albrecht, they kneel down in unison, lowering their heads off their helmets and coils.
A legendary hero, a legendary king, has personally put the devil to death to save himself. People only felt more awe than gratitude.
Albrecht looks down at the people on the horse.
“The dead want to go to the funeral, but as you know, there is no sacred corpse. Gather them all together and burn them. And immediately, you must all wash your bodies and purify your unclean energy. ”
It was minimal defensive work. Of course, due to the time when Albrecht didn't know anything about germs or infections, Albrecht had simply turned to dirty energy.
Albrecht thinks for a moment. I thought about cleaning up this town and the Stragglers problem.
Many of the remnants who were defeated in the Battle of Wrightingen have flowed elsewhere. Monsters are monsters, and we needed to get rid of them.
I'd like to call in some troops by Randolph or Diego, and then I'll suddenly have a job on the road.
I didn't want to. Shouldn't the king be guaranteed a vacation?
I was wondering what Albrecht should do. A soldier caught my eye while I was thinking. He was the first soldier to swear at the man who painted the dust.
The soldier looks quite young, considering he's just had a grown-up ceremony. Basically, he was tall, and his body was strong and his arms looked tough because he ate military food.
The golden, brown hair had bread, and his face was sinful, so the soup was flowing, and his quilted armor was all scattered.
“You there. ”
The soldier kneels and heads down, unable to respond directly to Albrecht's designation.
I look up and see the king looking at me. You look around for a moment to make sure you're pointing at yourself.
The legendary king was right to point the finger at himself, and the soldier trembles with almost impunity.
“What is your name? ”
“Goose, Goose! Your Majesty!"
“Yes, Goetz. I saw your courage earlier. I have a favor to ask of you. Will you listen? ”
“Ha, cheer up! Your Majesty!"
Please, I couldn't resist. Goetz didn't know what to do.
Albrecht said please, not order, because he wanted to continue his journey.
If I ask Randolph or Diego, I can no longer travel with them.
“You go to Wrightingen and deliver my orders to Earl Jurgen. Send 300 Knights, including the Hervin Knights Captain. ”
Goetz was just anxious for a tremendous errand he had never imagined. Soldiers were lost in the minds of 3 million Eurgens, Erbins, and knights.
“You need a sign to deliver my orders, don't you? ”
Albrecht says so, and separates his Illudian from the Sodbelt. Then I gave it to Goeths.
“No, Master! You can't do that! ”
Randolph is furious with his presence. That's a sword!
As well as Randolph, Rosamund, Agnes and Diego's reactions were no different.
Because the Shin Sword Iludia has already left its value and is symbolic among the people. It was not something that could be valued by money You'd leave something like that to a lowly soldier like that?
Only Achylia glances at the situation in Rosamund's arms.
“I-I 'll go back! ”
Randolph pauses Albrecht, unconscious. The reaction was even more severe because he was a Randolph who liked poisonous swords.
Albrecht smiles and says to Randolph,
“I told you once in the East Continent, didn't I? You can get as many good swords as you want. Take care of yourself first. This journey with you is more precious to me than this sword. And Goeths would never betray me. ”
Albrecht is beyond convinced and says as if it were a prophecy. Randolph stares blankly at Albrecht, and takes out his Illudian.
“I'd rather you give me this. Please, Your Majesty. ”
Albrecht shakes his head.
“Does it make sense to give me your sword when I give you my command? The king has his own way of doing things. Don't take it any further. ”
Even if there was a king's own way, it was too disruptive. Randolph wanted his horse to be as good as Carpen. But it couldn't have happened right away.
Goetz doesn't know what to do, just lying flat. Oh, I just want to be scrubbed in here.
Albrecht suggests again to Goeths that Ilydia.
“There are only 12 in this black world. One of them hasn't found its owner yet, and 11 have only me and my best men. And the sword that killed this Black Devil. If you need anything on your way, show me this sword and tell me you're delivering the king's order. And ask for anything. Anyone who defies will be put to death with this sword. ”
Though limited to the task, Illudia was a sort of kill license issued by the king. It was too much mission and authority for a soldier to handle.
Nevertheless, Albrecht thought it was not a particularly difficult task and merely a difficult soldier because of his identity.
“I don't like to say it twice. Pick up the sword. ”
Goetz's whole body trembles with no subject, barely reaching out his hands to receive Illudia.
“You choose who you want to go with. If you do so successfully, I will reward you accordingly. From now on, gather your colleagues and get ready to march. Come and let me know when you're ready to go. ”
The soldier embraces Ilydia and rises to the throbbing bridge and calls out a few names.
Then several soldiers stood up among the crowd. Goeths quickly leaves the intestine with them.
Randolph looks anxiously at the distant Goeths and their soldiers. Albrecht slapped Randolph on the shoulder for no reason.
Then he leads his group out of the gutter. Then people continued to do what they were doing when they got up.
You sweep away the dead flies that cover the ground, and gather the dead bodies in the cart in vain. I demolished disgraceful structures made of corpses like chickens and goats.
People came in to clear the palace. When I saw a horrible scene that I couldn't afford, I was mentally shocked.
But I've given him mentorship, remembering that Albrecht is with them.
Over time, the sun begins to set, and the sun sets over the town like a curtain. Albrecht and his group stay in a spacious empty house.
Tomorrow, Albrecht decides to reassemble the soldiers by first sending Randolph and Diego. At this rate, it was just a number, not an army.
After having the structure and organization, when the command came, it was only by moving like one body that the army was called an army.
Besides, if you leave the soldiers alone, they're like wild animals. Not as cruel as the vampires, but they were cruel enough.
Soldiers made their children tear open a corpse's boat and find gold or a ring or something.
Albrecht's group simply eats and goes to bed. Achilles falls asleep between Albrecht and Rosamund.
Rosamund's heart trembles and turns out to be from the shocking events he saw during the day.
Albrecht wiped his wife's shoulders and back without saying a word. Rosamund regains his stability as his tremors subside.
Outside the house where Albrecht's men are staying, soldiers stand guard.
The moonlight comes and the darkness falls on the town. In the center of the village, there were still no vampire or Nachsherr necks hanging, and blood stains were still everywhere on the ground.
Despite the eerie atmosphere of Zamot, people find courage in Albrecht. Evil things no longer invaded people's minds.
Albrecht gets up the next day and rides around town with Rosamund.
Under the command of Diego and Randolph, people were gathering the bodies and burning them in one place, drawing water from the well and nearby rivers and cleaning up the village against them.
Albrecht gave an order to burn the clothes he had worn and sent soldiers to buy clothes from the merchants.
People didn't know why Albrecht did what he did. But it didn't matter why.
They thought God's lineage and legendary king would do it, and that he would cleanse the evil energy.
Albrecht looks around for a long time and suddenly remembers he can't see Achilles.
“Rose, where's Achilles? ”
“I don't know. I haven't seen you all morning. Where'd he go to play? ”
The village lady overheard Albrecht and Rosamund's conversation with Bourne.
“You mean the dwarf girl? I saw them at the crematorium earlier. ”
Albrecht nods at her and heads for the crematorium with Rosamund.
We pass through the buildings and head east toward the town. Before long, the smell of all the grilled meat shivers. And I saw Achilles with the children a little farther away.
“Uh, I don't see her. ”
Young Randolph looks over the pile of dead bodies. They weren't just mutilated, they were dead from terrible torture.
Randolph and his friends return to town early in the morning, when the town is unusual. The town is a mess, and Randolph goes to his house, but he doesn't see her.
The adults say the followers of the Devil were taken. The Devil's followers were in a pool of blood, and the grown-ups were scrubbing the water. He told me to go to the incinerator to find a dead body.
Young Randolph's rag-like clothing is already in tatters. The children look at Randolph with anxious eyes.
“Well, there. Randolph, I never had a mother. But I think it's okay. ”
“I don't have a mother either. ”
“Me, too."
The children comforted me, but I didn't know what to do. Rather, I wish I hadn't poured oil on the fire. Randolph continues to scavenge the corpse as he listens to his friends.
“Shhh. Go away. Now we have to burn it. ”
An adult incinerating the body approaches Randolph and says, Randolph looks desperate.
In a world without human rights, there could be a lot of consideration for children. For children, adults were always scary.
Achylia sneaks up and grabs Randolph's bloodied hand gently.
“Ah, Achilles. ”
Randolph looks at Achillia like a baby angel. Achylia looks at Randolph with jewel-like blue eyes.
“I can see the souls of dwarves. I saw your mother go to heaven with a happy look on her face. Randolph asked me to tell you he wants you to be well. ”
I've never seen Randolph's mother, but Achillia said so. It was a dwarf's lie.
At that moment, the young Randolph frowns and starts to cry. Aklia gently hugs Randolph.
Albrecht turns his head, silent. In any case, the human world doesn't seem to be suited to dwarves.
< 186 > End