* * *
During the daytime, Albrecht turned to the captive merchants. All the merchants see is what Albrecht has to say.
Many people wanted to complain about their injustice, but they couldn't stop talking about the knights standing around them like the elders. I was just making scared, horrified faces.
Albrecht sweeps the merchants away and shuts up.
“Erbin, release all but the merchant guild's owner and gasoline. ”
The look on the nearby merchants' faces widens. On the contrary, the families of the Merchant Guild look disheartened and desperate.
It means that it is part of the League of Merchants, including Lucretia, one of the largest cities in the world, to influence the entire South.
Only the south. The coastal cities on the Eastern Continent were also dominated by families, except for the Sanctuary Guardian territory.
Usually they were running from the same merchants, but when they were in danger of dying, they thought they were the first targets.
After all, a member of the Moronini family couldn't stand it, so he said something to the knights.
“It's unfair! Your Majesty! We didn't do anything wrong, you can't do this! ”
One of the knights walked through the crowd and approached the man. The man tries to hide in the crowd in surprise, but they grab him and push him forward.
The horribly expressionless knight grabs the man's collar and tries to hit him, but Albrecht says again.
“There you go. Don't hit me. He doesn't know when he's going to die. Leave him alone. ”
I'd rather punch him. Almost like a death sentence, the people of the League of Merchants were actually about to die.
Either way, Hervin commands the knights as soon as they fall. You start to set people free by distinguishing between the merchants of the League and the merchants who are not.
The freed people nodded their heads to Elongated Knights and Albrecht with a new life.
A long time later, the task of distinguishing the Merchants Guild from the Merchants Guild was finished.
“Send them out of town. ”
The king's orders came through again, and the knights didn't need to use their strength this time. The freed merchants flee the town, running away from the burinake.
Some were dressed in silk, but others were dressed in expensive fabrics, even if they were not.
I left town in a hurry, dressed in rags and chiseled clothes, and without any trouble cleaning up my messy hair.
There was not much reason for Albrecht to release them all, except for the Merchant Guild families.
First, wearing masks and raiding meant that they were aware of what they were doing. After the raid, if they left the cloth with the crest on it, the families of the other Merchant Guild would also be implicated.
Even if the Merchant Guild family had not been directly involved in the attack, the initial instructions were clearly given by one or all of them.
Of course, it was only a symptom, but it was not a world with evidence other than the symptom. Then I had to make a decision somehow and determine the extent and level of the punishment.
They didn't have CCTV, they didn't have genetic testing, they didn't even have fingerprints, so they had to assume they were wrong. I didn't have a database to compare it to, even if I did take fingerprints.
Recently, the Merchant Guild families have suffered heavy losses in dealing war supplies with Zigmund. However, I could not declare war on the king, so I was stunned.
In terms of investments for the future, the losses I took were too great. The problem was that Contarini had fallen short of providing war supplies to Zigmunt, and the Contrini family naturally became one of the largest members of the League of Merchants.
Even though Albrecht didn't know this veil, it was obvious to see who would benefit the most once the contarini was expelled.
When the rival family died, they were the ones who would eat the corpse.
Only a few hundred prisoners remain. They were all the houses of the League of Merchants, the families of Contarini, Michele, Gianni and Morosini.
Many merchants were released at once, and the chaotic scene seemed to be cleared up. Then, even the merchants of the Merchant Gate seemed to calm down.
Then they whispered to each other and began to tease the snake-like tongue again. Albrecht just glances at it. I turned my head and looked at Diego.
He stares this way, obstructed by the knight from afar.
Even if he was not involved in the case, he needed to be excluded, even if he was a friend, just as he was related to the suspects.
Albrecht's bold eyes meet Diego's surprised eyes. Albrecht indifferently turns his head back to look at the merchants.
Then, one of the merchant doors led the labor force and walked out in front of Albrecht. A knight approaches and tries to stop him, but Albrecht raises his hand.
Others looked at him carefully.
“I, Gianni's Demon Lord, Fabriccio, the spiteful merchant, dare to meet the great king of all the licensees, the king of Albrecht. I apologize for the delay in raising the example, and for lowering your waist. ”
A man named Fabricio looks down at his waist, despite his hard work.
Albrecht neither looks at Fabricio nor accepts his greetings. With Ilydia in your back, you can only look at Lake Bitten from afar.
In fact, even if I wanted to raise an example because Albrecht hadn't met me, I couldn't. It was funny that you could only meet Albrecht if you were in mortal danger.
Gianni's weekly Fabricio was wearing a brown hat decorated with jewels in the midst of a mature gray hair.
In the knights' rough, sinister hands, the blue silk garments were shattered and shattered, but in the midst of all this chaos, they brushed their heads with the help of the family members and had their clothes tied at least neatly.
Thick, long white eyebrows were coming down to the end. Gianni's eyes were sagging, but her gray eyes were as calm as death.
Albrecht didn't know if it was smoke or the stability that time brought, but he thought it was even greater.
The flag of the knights, with a black cross on the white, flutters in the breeze.
People of the Gianni family looked extremely nervous and switched sides with Albrecht.
Other families had a nervous expression, but unlike the Gianni family, there was also a strange color.
The League of Merchants was a union of horses, rivaled by each other, or even crippled.
Feudal lords and knights could not understand it at all, but because of the existence of the Eastern Continent, they only formed a coalition with the right interests.
Fabricio said the article approaching him was a sign enough that Albrecht had stopped it.
“As a foolish and ignorant old man, I daresay there is a reason for His Majesty to take us in. In the Old Testament, even if a man dies, he must know the reason for his death so that he can ascend the Judgment Hall without being a ghost. You took us for a good reason, of course. How dare I listen to you? ”
Albrecht can't stand it. He stops eating and laughs. It was because he said it quite rashly and politely, but he laughed at the threat of dying and becoming a ghost.
The threat of mere evil is a ghost, but it also means that even if they die, their forces will remain and Albrecht will be held hostile.
Albrecht, of course, was not afraid of it, but he agreed that he should know why, even if he dies at any point.
I wanted to be as rational as possible for a given reality, even if I could not proceed with a reasonable proceeding like the modern world.
But is Fabricio really asking because he doesn't know? He could have been the one behind this.
The merchants are the ones who sell their souls to the devil if need be, so Albrecht does not hesitate.
Nevertheless, Albrecht showed me the cloth he had received from Herbin because he thought they needed to tell me why.
There is dry blood everywhere, and the shield-shaped crest is red with yellow stripes tied up and down. It was the crest of the Contarini family.
The faces of the merchants in the intestine changed in time. Albrecht tried to read their expressions, but there was nothing he could figure out because he was making so many different expressions.
Only, the merchants turned their heads in unison and looked at the people on the Contari side.
The people on the Contarini side look at the cloth Albrecht is holding as their eyes are opened. Where the hell did that come from? And why is there blood?
Giovanni and Valentina's cat-like eyes glow. Albrecht glanced back at the people and said,
“Someone ambushed the messenger who delivered my order. This sword I'm holding here, they attacked with the aim of Illudia. The messenger is dying with his whole body egged. If the messenger had died, you'd all be dead by now. Ghosts or not, it's none of my business. You have an opportunity to weigh your responsibilities just because the messenger is alive. ”
As Albrecht shows the cloth, the merchants quickly rumble. Those around me were busy whispering in each other's ears for the week.
In the meantime, he rolls his sword and somehow prepares for the conspiracy and plot, and Albrecht looks insignificant. I respect their way of life, but I couldn't understand it.
Because Albrecht was a knight, a lord, and a king. I thought fame was a shameless breed.
If you have any complaints, you may wish to wage a duel or wage a war. Albrecht's plans to use his own hands to kill his opponent are sadder than none. Why does he live like that?
Albrecht raises his hand to silence the merchants. He wasn't finished yet. The merchants all shut their mouths and look at the man who holds their life in his hands.
“You will be held responsible for two sins. First, it is the sin of attacking the messenger and dare to destroy the king. Secondly, it is a sin to kill innocent people and injure them without malice. Both are not light sins, and whether you catch the culprit or not, you cannot escape from this responsibility. Whatever conspiracy you devise, it has nothing to do with me. Whether all die or only a few die, it will be my decision. ”
After Albrecht's words, the merchants dared not make fun of him again. Whether we catch the culprit or not, we can't escape our responsibilities, merely by shifting our power to the endless power of Albrecht.
A moment of silence passed. Lake Bitten is calm, and only the Risen Knights' flags rumble loudly and loudly.
Then a young man courageously raised his hand. Then, the gaze around him was pierced together. Albrecht gestures at the man as if to ask.
“Your Majesty, the evidence is clear to me. The sentence on the cloth is from Contarini......”
“Don't you dare! ”
“What are you looking at His Majesty with such trivial words! ”
“You have nothing to say! Quiet!”
“Shut up! It was you, Moronini, no matter who saw you! You're the only ones here who like knives the most! ”
“What!? Don't mock me when I say it's pierced! ”
“Your Majesty! It was Contari! Kill them all! ”
“Don't be crazy! Your Majesty, it was them! Kill them all! ”
As soon as the young man raised his hand and said, "Contarini," the people of the Contarini were outrageous. And the other merchants were beaten. The intestine quickly became a mess.
At this moment, they seem to be having trouble living and dying. Seeing the fierce hands of the knights earlier, they shouted with all their might.
Erbin looks at Albrecht.
“Just scare him. ”
Erbin nods at Albrecht's words. And then I chose Iliya. In the middle of the day, the Illudian sword becomes a white light.
As Herbin draws his sword, more than 200 knights surrounding the merchants raised their swords, axes, maces, battle hammers, and more.
When the knights emitted an unprecedented amount of unprecedented horrific energy, the merchants kept their mouths shut, as if with a splash of cold water.
Albrecht looks down at the floor, touching his beard.
“Those who have something to say, raise your hand. No, I don't think that's going to work. ”
Albrecht thinks clearly. The merchants quickly roll their heads. Given the king's perception, he was confident he wouldn't simply kill them all.
Then there was only one way left. It was to gather other families as culprits, no matter what means. In order to do that, they started chattering to each other again.
The merchants pour filthy, sticky, nasty, filthy words into the ears of their colleagues. They became small demons, nodding, stirring and gathering opinions.
Albrecht looked down on those merchants. But I wanted to at least give you a fair chance to say it.
Albrecht opens his mouth again. The merchants, whispering and plotting like rats, stopped and looked at Albrecht.
“I'll treat every building in Wittenheim. You pay the price. The parties will each be detained in one building. In a week's time, the trial will take place, so say what you want to say. ”
They seemed to have almost monopolized the wealth of the world, so the cost of the entire village was not a problem.
The real problem was that the trial would take place. On that trial, the fate of the family rests.
And Albrecht turns his head to look at Erbin.
“You go tell Randolph what I've told you. Then Randolph will take care of it. ”
Randolph was sent by Albrecht to appease the villagers. I looked up at the hillside and saw the villagers looking at this place with anxious eyes.
However, after hearing Albrecht's command, Hervin does not move at all. He carefully approaches Albrecht and says.
“By the way, Your Majesty, I have one more news. ”
Albrecht stares at Erbin with a silent look on his face.
“Well, it looks like Queen Dowager has convened. And you seem a little, a lot, a little sensitive. The Earl of Jurgen is demanding that we bring him in, not even for a single second. If you decide to go to trial, it would be better to finish early......”
Albrecht suddenly emptied his mind. Ervin's words do not reach your ears. Hervin bows his head as if he were sorry for nothing.
The Queen's meeting was definitely something to celebrate, but Herbin was from the North. The Second Queen's meeting was not something she would be happy about.
Albrecht looks around for Rosamund. Rosamund didn't notice because he was guarding Goetz in the building.
Again, the merchants caught my eye. The merchants stare at Albrecht as if they were trying to observe the movement of a single crease. Albrecht has a headache.
"Wait, but I'm going to be a father? ’
But it wasn't as good as it looked. How the hell am I supposed to explain this feeling? My mind was confused and confused.
I also remembered the problem of sending the Stragglers home. My head aches.
Albrecht rushes out of the gut. The merchants stare through Albrecht, leaving the intestine.
< 193 > End