* * *
Unlike when I was on vacation, I used to lead when I went back. There was no difference between the morning road, the road and the time, but it was easier to run a horse than the forest road.
I ran into a lot of merchants while I was driving. People didn't recognize Albrecht because he wore a cape and pressed the hood deeply.
However, the merchants moved out of the way, saying that they wouldn't be able to ride horses without the Knights, so they would be slow people. The wide path narrows quickly because of wagons or carts.
The merchants didn't know Albrecht was king, so they all stared at Albrecht's group.
Albrecht looks closely at the merchants looking beyond the hood. Dressed not as luxuriously as the merchants of Lucretia, and not much like the peasants or peasants.
However, the business was to treat people, so the clothes were not washed and bought in time or covered in dirt.
And in the cart, it was like junk compared to Luxury Luxury Luxury Luxuries of Lucretian merchants.
Apparently, the merchants in Lucretia were mostly small business owners because they had been dragged away and were in big trouble.
Originally, they were farmers or soldiers who fought under Albrecht who went into commerce with great hope for a penny. In other words, they were those who tested their fate.
Some of them will succeed greatly and some will fail, but they were well-read in their own time.
Since Albrecht opened his way to the king, it was a time when he could just take things off and move them around.
Successful people could start a family and, if they did well, start a family or buy an autonomy and become the ruler of the city.
Albrecht wiped out those who were still wearing shabby clothes, perhaps his future descendants were praising him as a great man.
“Huh? I think he's the king. ”
“Excuse me?”
“I think it's King Lysen. ”
A soldier merchant who fought under Albrecht quickly recognized Albrecht's scar over the hood.
Albrecht speeds things up a bit by speeding up Lindehorn because he didn't want to bother you for nothing. Immediately, Rosamund, Randolph and Agnes speed up together.
While Albrecht was packing up the roads, he thought we should make the roads wider.
Albrecht bought a horse for his horse, because he didn't seem to be able to walk on two legs alone, halfway to Wrightingen.
Tiny Randolph was still a little young, and the acolyte had already learned to ride, but there was nothing he could not do.
Now I'm only 10 years old, so I'm sure my horse was scary and bad, but luckily, Randolph was a good rider. And then you reach Agnes and teach her a little Randolph.
Little Randolph, who had been orphaned by vampires, was suddenly taught by a change bag and change bag wife.
He was trained in the warmth of Randolph and his wife, without suffering the brutal labor and persecution of any kind.
But, strangely enough, your skills improved much faster than Randolph taught you.
Since Akiliya's sword and Randolph's sword run so far, Randolph doesn't want to interfere with it. Despite his frustration, Randolph didn't look like that at all.
But little Randolph kept practicing his master's sword steadily and diligently. Albrecht sometimes teaches little Randolph because he looks good.
“Well, what can I say? It's like the Black Wind of Achillia, like the Master's Black Flowing Water. Your sword feels like a fiery flame. ”
Albrecht wanted to make a fool of himself, but it was because little Randolph was familiar with Achilles' Lead Answer training.
I still didn't have the talent, but the diligence seemed good. The people around me were so monsters, maybe that was just plain or talented.
When camping with campfires, Aklia and her little Randolph used to behave strangely, whether they were playing games or practicing swordsmanship.
Albrecht, Rosamund, Randolph and Agnes gladly looked at it.
As you walk down the road, Randolph comes along with a small Randolph goat, so there's no big deal.
It's just that there are no large swarms, and the road has to slow down. But Albrecht liked it even better.
If it wasn't for the king, I would have wanted to travel with people I've known my whole life.
Albrecht walks casually through the cool, middle-aged fields, low hills all around, and long stretches of white mountain range, almost touching the horizon.
It took me ten days to get to Wrightingen from Penbach.
I didn't contact you personally, but how did you know? There were over a hundred knights on the Wrightingen border.
Over time, the sun leans west to emit a yellow blazing light, taking their escort instead of their escort.
Ignoring the turn-off to the left, you continue north, and you see Maria approaching from below the castle.
Albrecht has stationed an army in Wrightingen for the past winter, and the town's population has grown considerably. All the villagers came out to meet Albrecht.
Unlike Rosamund, Maria tends to pay a lot of attention to costumes and hair. The middle-aged noblewomen became maids, and only 50 maids cared for them.
Rosamund did not have a maid or maid, but only had a servant in the castle when she stayed in Calteren.
If Albrecht hadn't handed Agnes over to the escort, there would have been no companion on the battlefield.
Maria was dressed in a purple silk dress and covered in red silk on her head. Silk was embroidered in gold and silver thread, but I could feel the craftsmanship.
I was also wearing various accessories such as rubies, sapphires, diamond earrings, necklaces and rings, and it was glamorous enough to blend in with the skin like white snow.
However, I was so prepared for Rosamund dressed as a hunter.
Carfen, Richard, Jurgen and Einhart are far from Maria, but they all look bored. You seem to have suffered a lot from Mary's outburst while Albrecht was away.
“Your Majesty, welcome. Every day felt like a year. ”
Maria approaches Albrecht with a dreamy look on her face. Albrecht never bothered her excessive glamour, but he didn't blame her. I just got off the Linderhorn without a word.
As the king steps down from his horse, Randolph, Agnes, and a hundred knights come down from his horse in unison.
Achylia steps away from Albrecht and rushes to the small Randolph. She doesn't seem to like Maria much for some reason.
Rosamund was still on the horse. She melts silver and decorates her smooth hair with sunshine.
“I'm back.”
When Albrecht told Mary that he had returned, she jumped into Albrecht's bosom and hugged him. Albrecht just sighs and hugs.
If Rosamund is as tall as the hills of Albrecht's jaw, Maria is as big as her breasts, so she really fits into Albrecht's arms.
Albrecht didn't particularly hate Mary, but she was too childish and overly claustrophobic, and it was somewhat refusal.
Rosamund glances down at you on the horse. I felt uncomfortable with the people around me.
Albrecht slowly pushes Mary away and walks alongside her.
Randolph grabs Lindehorn by the horns, and Rosamund follows him on a horse from a steady distance with Albrecht.
“Your Majesty, have you heard the news? The senator said," I think I'm in a meeting. "He must be my son. Unlike anyone else, the match between you and me is perfect. ”
Maria crosses Albrecht's arms. It was a blatant quote from Rosamund. The fact that Maria was pregnant suggested that Rosamund had a problem.
Mary however, despised that no one had dared to utter a word. Even Carpen lowers his head, pretending not to hear, and shuts up.
Albrecht frowned and said without looking at Mary.
“You'd better watch your mouth. Marie.”
“Yes? Did I say something wrong? ”
Albrecht can feel the hot steam of irritation rising with his head on his spine. I didn't want to say it anymore.
“Congratulations, Marie. I mean it.”
Surprisingly, Rosamund nearby congratulates Maria. Mary turns her head and looks back at Rosamund on the horse, even more tangled up with Albrecht.
“Hey, you know what, Your Majesty? I heard you beat the devil on vacation. There's already a rumor going around. I want to hear more. It's my day, so why don't you slow down for the night? ”
This time he blatantly ignored Rosamund. Albrecht didn't want to keep up with this kind of play, but he didn't want to.
Albrecht despises humiliating people in such a way. If I had a complaint, I'd rather respect a straight shooter in front of me.
Albrecht and Maria suddenly came to where the villagers were, and they took off what thousands of villagers were wearing and knelt down and bowed their heads.
Albrecht stands still among them. And he looked at Mary and said,
“Listen up. Marie, I don't like cowards. Rose is queen one, and you're queen two. He lived with me ten years before you. You don't have to be friendly, but you have to be polite at least. I'll never forgive you for being rude to Rose again. ”
After the king had been thoroughly cleansed, the villagers around him lowered their heads and opened their eyes wide. What's going on here?
Randolph, Carpen, and other officials were forced to keep their heads down and keep their mouths shut due to the uncomfortable energy of the royal family. Einhardt opens his ears for the record.
Maria looks up at Albrecht and cries.
“Ha, but I met the king first. ”
Albrecht frowns and grumbles at Maria's clumsy words. I straightened my arms and let go of my arms.
Then Randolph steps up to Linderhorn, where he is holding his belt.
Albrecht jogs past the crowd to the castle. Rosamund follows. The knights, including Randolph and Agnes, come together again to follow the king.
The knights made the dust grow. Mary, the maids, and the maids' expensive clothes were soiled.
The king's vassals, Carpen, Yurgen, Richar and Einhart, wave their hands to remove the dust.
Mary cries as if she was about to burst into tears.
“Wow, my queen. I think the king is feeling unwell because of the abundance of poison. Why don't you calm down tonight? ”
One of the maids around said. The servant was also the late Earl's wife. Of course, he was a nobleman of the Zigmund clan.
Mary looks at the noblewoman and says,
“Thank you. Earl Rotaringen.”
When I looked at it this way, I felt like my personality was really bad. It was just that his obsession with Albrecht led to an exclusive bath.
Although there was a limit to writing about people's complex personalities, Mary was better than being mean, but despicable, naive and unlucky.
Carfen, who was watching Maria quietly next to her, didn't want to talk much, but approached her and said,
“My queen, may I speak boldly? ”
Mary turns her head and looks at Carpen.
“Go ahead, Archbishop Kalnitz. ”
“Since the Queen has convened, this will truly be the sergeant of the kingdom, and the joy of the king. You don't have to keep Queen Dowager out of the safety of Her Majesty. I think it would be wise to remain calm, as it would naturally appeal to His Majesty. ”
Karfen says if you keep your mouth shut, you'll go halfway. Honestly, Karfen didn't know if Albrecht would really be interested. But I wasn't interested.
It's just that I knew how precious Rosamund was to Albrecht, so I hoped Maria would not scratch it and make a sponge.
Albrecht, who knows what will happen if that monster goes crazy?
Carpen was neither a Northern faction nor a Central faction. I just wanted the kingdom to be balanced and peaceful.
“Thank you very much. Archbishop Kalnitz, I felt dizzy. If you don't become a lung, will you pray to God for you and my love? ”
Karfen just bows and closes his eyes. He was originally a talkative and mischievous person, but not a liar. I can't say no. I have to say yes.
“Very well. I pray to God for the love of you and the Queen. ”
Mary looks satisfied and looks back at the servants.
“Boys, bring the wagon. ”
“Yes, Mama. ”
Then the two maids headed somewhere. Soon after, a wagon rides by Dwarves approaches Maria.
Maria didn't know how to ride, so Vervantos came to Albrecht as a wedding gift.
All of the wagons made of quality black awnings in the Black Lagoon Jungle were galactically decorated with their own ornaments, yet their sheen was truly luxurious.
In this world, wagons, most people still think of wagons. However, the second queen was riding the wagon, and now the riding wagon was trending.
Of course, I couldn't have anyone to make a wagon that requires a fairly advanced skill. Some of the nobles were preparing their wagons individually.
Dwarves don't teach Humans much, but when building castles or crafting things, they often use Humans' craftsmen as assistants.
Craftsmen have learned Dwarf skills beyond their shoulders, and their castles, among other things, have developed rapidly.
Maria was not interested in how the world was changing underwater. Her only concern was Albrecht the first, and the second was luxuries such as precious metals and wagons.
The wagon that Vervantos gave me was Maria's Treasure No.1 because I couldn't quite like it. She carefully grabs the servants' hands and climbs into the wagon.
Immediately, the wagon was driven by a wagon, and the villagers stood up and just stared at the wagon.
They were amazed by the amazing functionality and beauty of the wagon, but they soon went crazy thinking Albrecht had returned.
Although the royal family business had to be careless, it was also a good gossip for people because it was not a world with CCTV.
Since they had already finished their work and left to meet the king, people scattered their horns and headed to new pubs.
Soon after the sun set, people drank honey liquor or beer at the pub and put the royal family's affairs on the table. The moon and stars were interesting to hear from people.
< 203 > End