* * *
Albrecht told a member of the Royal Treasury who had been calling since morning.
“Take them and get 10 gold coins and give them a business license. Receive a pledge not to run a gambling establishment anywhere and pay taxes in good faith. ”
It is unacceptable for anyone to take a pledge or not, so it was not included in the pledge.
Anyway, this was enough. One vow gives me a reason to kill Albrecht immediately when he breaks his word.
You could have killed him at any time without a vow, but at least if you killed him with an excuse, people would have a different level of reassurance.
Albrecht shakes his hand as if to ask you to leave, and the soldiers march out with the stolen guild members like sheep.
The children who were pickpocketing or cattle, without knowing the water of the world, seemed to be afraid to get out of the castle.
With Albrecht officially licensing the entertainment business, two things could have happened.
One was that they were paying taxes for good money, and the second was that they could expand their business with peace of mind and power.
It would have been nice to do business in peace, but they would have tried to fight and monopolize each other.
Albrecht's intention was to intervene when civilians saw the damage or felt the situation was rather serious, rather than intervening in an incident. Then, after a while, I felt like I could get caught up in my order.
It was also important to make sure that people kept the law clear, but it was also necessary to respect their lifestyle as much as possible.
It was because the rule of law plutocracy produced only law, but it was possible for the good to live quicker.
I thought it would be better to pull the collar whenever I needed to, rather than repeating it all, if I had to have a burglar guild in a naturally populated city.
When all the 300 guild thieves left, only Albrecht, Richard, Einhart, and Salvatore remained in the hall.
Away from the window, you hear the sounds of people starting their work in the morning, and the sounds of soldiers moving around in small numbers.
Albrecht strokes his beard and says without looking at Salvatore.
“Where are the Academy students? Are you in Aseong? ”
Salvatore also stayed in the castle of Rosamund yesterday, but she knew exactly how the resistance worked, unlike Albrecht.
It was because every morning the servants organized and reported what had happened everywhere last night.
Salvatore didn't have to know everything that the king was cranky about, so he only responded when Salvatore was filtering out or asking questions.
“Archbishop Karpen took me out this morning. You said you saw skills.”
‘He wants to see if I can handle the hassle and see if it's fun for him. ’
Carfen didn't actually mean anything by it, but he took him to check on the Knights Academy because he hadn't looked into it properly.
“Where did he go? Let's go.”
“I'm at the foreign battalion barracks. I'll take you.”
Salvatore looks calm, emerald, and finds his way. Albrecht follows, and Richard and Einhardt follow.
As Albrecht passes by, the guards from the gates of the Resistance to the coats of chain armor set Halbert straight.
Guards have been wearing gauntlets and grives that are trending among wealthy knights and mercenaries these days. The equipment level was no different from the knights.
Albrecht continues to walk past them, following Salvatore. Passing through the buildings where the servants live, you head towards the outer wall and you see the dead end of the knights and soldiers.
The knights and soldiers stand in a circle around one place, wondering if something is going on.
“Hey, didn't you do well with the kid? ”
“What are you talking about? What kind of sword is that? ”
“But what's a school? What did he teach you? ”
The knights or soldiers who heard it from afar seemed to be negatively evaluating their students' skills. Why, what do you think?
Carpen stands on one side with several knights. He was wearing a red priest's uniform on his armor and a red hat, called Vireta, to cover only his head a little.
Karfen frowns, his lips twitching at the end of his elongated moustache. Albrecht nods as he approaches.
“Your Majesty, you're here. ”
The knights and soldiers look at Albrecht and grip the helmet slightly, scratching their heads.
Seeing that the world does not have salutations, they each set their own example. Moreover, since they were close to Albrecht, they did not express such excessive examples.
“Why? Like what? ”
Albrecht shakes his hand roughly to greet you and stands beside Carpen. And I saw an academy student in a duel. The student in the struggle was none other than Bern.
Albrecht thought he might be the leader yesterday. However, the opposing team was surprisingly soldiers, not knights. Oh, yeah?
Bern holds a crooked practice sword with no blade and a broken posture to show where it hurts. A blonde, close to white, was stuck to his face because of the sweat.
His face was distorted by pain, and his grey eyes were more desperate than determination.
Other academy students gathered on one side were no different from Bern. It was like they were dead.
Seeing Albrecht coming, Bern urgently shouts at the soldier.
“Vee, you coward! It's against the knights to step on their feet! ”
Then, the soldier standing at ease with his practice sword in one hand shrugged his shoulders, looking at the soldiers and knights surrounding him.
What the hell is going on? What do you mean, you stepped on my foot? ’
Albrecht looks puzzled. Carpen shakes his head and looks at Albrecht and says,
“Fifty students couldn't handle a soldier. ”
Albrecht was shocked and surprised. What have you learned in five years?
In fact, Albrecht's troops were different from the rest of the army. Some have followed Albrecht since the Crusade, and others have followed him since the Conquest of the North.
They were all veterans, all infantry captains. He said he had more stamina than the average person in battle with a hard march, but he didn't believe that one person had dealt with 50 people.
Albrecht felt frightened for some reason. I looked at Bern in a defensive posture. It was like telling me not to come close.
Karfen looks at Albrecht like that, his hands clasp and calls for Bern.
“I think we're done with the duel. Come closer. ”
Bern walks forward empty-handed to Carfen, angry but helpless, his expression distorted as if he were about to cry.
Carfen looks at Bern and says with a serious look on his face.
“Listen up. I still don't know exactly what the knight you spoke of. But it has nothing to do with stepping foot and knighthood. Enemies in the battlefield don't fight for your cause. And don't talk about knighthood with such skill. At least if you get knighted, put it on your mouth. ”
Carpen said sternly. Bern lowers his head deeply, finally weeping.
The reason I shed tears was because Carpen was right and was so embarrassed and humiliated in front of the king.
Carpen was strict in his teaching, although he didn't know anything else. I said similar things to the people of the Van Henheim family the other day.
I just wanted to live like a Human.I didn't want you to be bad at it.
Albrecht steps back, almost hiding behind Carpen. Bern wanted to hide in a rat hole. The same was true of the students who were gathered on one side.
Karfen sighs and turns his head toward Albrecht.
“His Majesty founded the Knights Academy and told me to teach you how not to get hit anywhere. This is my virtue, and the way I see it, I think I'm being beaten up by the bad guys. So would you allow me to take special precautions? ”
“Ha, the dean is the Archbishop. Don't tell me. ”
Karfen nods slightly and looks back at Bern.
“While you are building the Academy, you will spend the night with the children preparing the paladin at the monastery in Kalnitz. I assure you, it will not be easy. Every day will be hell. Will you?”
It was a long road, but it was a long road for Bern, who thought it was the end. Bern frowns and says to Carpen,
“I will. I'll be right there." ”
Albrecht thought he didn't know what he was saying. When I stopped by Banhenheim's territory the other day, I saw the children of the Banhenheim family training at the Royal Marine Corps.
There was blood on the floor of the barracks, and the children who were stripping their torso were covered in scars and wounds.
I felt sorry for the students, but I couldn't help it. It was safer than getting stronger every time I struggled to die in battle.
“I, I have work to do. The Archbishop will take care of it. ”
Albrecht leaves the intestine as if fleeing. Albrecht was so creepy because yesterday's students were talking about wanting to pledge allegiance to the First Queen, Rosamund.
If I had accepted it, it would have been terrible. Albrecht is bored.
Weakness is not a sin, but Albrecht felt unbearably ashamed to admit he was a fool. I was glad you decided to look at your skills.
The students of the academy, including Bern, looked at the king in the distance. In his waist was Illudia.
Originally, the world was a dream high and reality was an obstacle. It took courage to accept reality in order to get out of the underworld.
Even if I failed with courage, the fountain of youth was meant to wash away the wounds of failure.
He gave me a chance to walk the other way, so I could challenge him several times.
Albrecht just wishes he had the courage to do so. But the reality was real. Giving Illudia is an agent's job, and I think I need to hear it from Karpen.
Albrecht and Manuel, the General Manager of the Sewers and Guild Master, discussed the plan to rebuild the slum in his office.
In the center of the office was a large wooden table, with detailed maps of the city.
Everyone stood up and looked at the map, including Albrecht.
He pointed to where Albrecht was going to rebuild with his fingers and discussed where to draw water and how to install the pipes.
Constructors used to use their workers at the beginning of construction, and tribes used to hire people they knew.
But this time Albrecht forced me to use the locals. Construction workers also had to have minimal technical skills, so the constructors looked embarrassed.
Albrecht did not need to convince them as king, but explained why he did it.
He explained that only with capital and the participation of local residents can they live a life of hope, and that in the long run it will energize the city.
The guild leaders of the construction guild convinced them that loans to local residents could be used cheaply to reduce costs.
However, I did not know why the most powerful and powerful king in the world cared about the poor.
I just live in luxury and pleasure. Why? Do those worms even know that the king cares about them this much?
Construction workers were always merchants, so they believed that the world was free.
Feudal lords and merchants didn't understand each other, but Albrecht did. The merchants heard that when a lord or king does something, he has to swear allegiance.
However, it was useless to gain loyalty from the poor, and I didn't think they would even know that the king had done it in the first place.
As has always been the case with Albrecht, the builders did not understand Albrecht. But, not to be impressed, the construction workers were impressed.
Until then, the Feudal Society had only been protected by the lord or the king and paid taxes. It was essentially the same as the gangsters who walked the marquee.
The reason the builders were impressed was that Albrecht had dignity and virtue, but he was actively participating in social policy beyond the role of a typical king.
There has never been a monarch like this. Above all, it was impressive. The meeting continued, and the meeting, which started around lunch, ended only after dinner.
This is how Albrecht lived his life. I often went out and saw how people live, called the relevant people if necessary to instruct them, and pressed down on the situation if it didn't work properly, or rewarded them.
Sometimes they were forcibly, sometimes spontaneously, killing and saving people if necessary, and changing their lives.
People continued to flock to the royal archipelago, and the city grew exponentially.
By the end of February, Albrecht was patrolling the city as usual.
People familiarized themselves, and as Albrecht passed by, they lived again.
Albrecht took his knights to the proper restaurant for lunch, feeling hungry and in the midst of the sun.
At that time, you see a knight hurrying down the main road. It wasn't a knight when he came out of the castle.
The knight rushes to Albrecht and shouts in haste, forgetting the knight's physique.
“Your Majesty! The Second Queen is in labor! I think you should go! ”
According to the knight, Albrecht fled the market. Not only Albrecht, but also Richard, Einhart, the knights, and even the people around him. Only the sun remained calm, slowly drawing the curve of time.
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