* * *
Albrecht hastily turns his horse. Linderhorn runs into the paved streets, and the knights rush to follow the king.
The streets weren't as wide as the center, so the streets quickly became disordered as the riders ran at once.
“Ouch! Wait a minute! ”
People stand on the side of the road avoiding the knights. Fortunately, none of the stalls that stretched were broken.
Albrecht journeyed down the street with a glittering blonde glow at noon in the sun. I jumped onto the main road and ran straight to Grand Grossburg.
As always, the sun follows Albrecht, no matter how desperately fast he runs.
As the king hurriedly ran down the road, the window of the building or the people on the side of the road looked at the king in a daze.
It was because I had never seen the king so embarrassed by his silent confidence.
The best horse, the Linderhorn, ran faster, spreading the word to the people. The Second Queen is in labor!
Almost as Albrecht reached the castle, a huge gate descended on the moat like a bridge, and countless people were returning and forth.
Albrecht shouts in a hurry.
“Out of my way!"
It wasn't as loud as it sounds when I was in battle, but it was enough to make it fall between the ordinary people.
The merchants, artists, servants, nobles, and staff on their way out of the castle were surprised.
Some were shocked and smashed into the buttocks.
Albrecht pushes himself into the castle, ignoring those surprised.
People shocked, made way for the king, and were careful not to fall into the moat.
Albrecht ran straight into the fortress across the outer court. Through the gates of the Resistance, people were moving differently from the outside.
The guards and guards seem to be strengthening their guard, not the other way around.
“Your Majesty!"
One of the guards looks at Albrecht and shouts.
“Where is Maria? ”
“He's at the Sultan Palace. It's been 30 minutes since the onset of labor. ”
The Sultan Palast, the home of Mary, was named after the White March.
Instead, she had a brief conversation with Albrecht when she was a child, because the only topic on which empathy was formed was the White March.
Because of this, the Sultan Palace was decorated in white overall, and various stone statues were abundant in the garden.
Albrecht had to run through the garden for a long time after entering the Sultan Palace.
I didn't notice any neatly trimmed gardens or grass. I hurriedly got off the horse to the place where Maria was staying.
The courtyard was filled with artists, architects, gardeners, and other craftsmen sponsored by Maria.
As soon as the king arrived, they behaved in a hurry. Albrecht hurriedly enters Mary's dwelling.
The building where Mary was staying had a separate garden, and the marble corridor was just outside.
A white and tall pillar extends long on the outside, and several elongated grooves encircle it.
At the end of the column were different pieces, including horses and tigers, soldiers in battle, Albrecht, dragons and dwarves.
The craftsmanship was as sophisticated as a dwarf. It was made by the artists Albrecht had just seen.
Even though the maids saw Albrecht as usual, they did not hide. They just keep their heads down, constantly carrying a basin of warm water or blood.
At the end of the hall, a middle-aged servant came out.
“Your Majesty! You can't come in yet! ”
“How's Marie? How's she doing? ”
“I don't think she's had much labor yet. I will come out from time to time and inform His Majesty of the situation. ”
“Oh, yeah. Yeah, let's go inside. ”
The servant bows to the king and goes back into the room. Albrecht came and went at the door with a beard for no reason.
Then you hear Maria screaming beyond the visit.
“Bring me the king! I'm fine! ”
“No! Ma'am, no man should enter the birthing place! ”
There was also a husband next to his wife, who gave birth to the world, but there was a myth that when she gave birth to her husband, she would deny him. Different regions, different cultures, but in the north and the middle.
“It's all right! The king sent you! It's okay!”
“Mama! Please! ”
Albrecht unwillingly shouts from behind closed doors.
“Marie! I'm here! I'll be in as soon as he's out! Don't worry! I'll be right here! ”
“Your Majesty! Heave-ho!”
There were some things that should not be the best man in the world. Albrecht leans a little closer to the door and enters the garden ten weeks later.
The high winds of the plateau blow, as the castle was higher than its surroundings. In fact, it was the wind that blew from the castle of Rosamund.
Albrecht was struck by a cool breeze at the end of February and looked up at Rosenburg, a distant rosemary castle.
Albrecht was troubled by his expectations of becoming a father, the burden of being a father, political issues, and the thought of two queens.
However, the blue eyes were not shaken, and there was only a deep sense of seriousness.
People praised Albrecht for being the world's greatest knight, the most powerful monarch, conqueror of iron and blood, murderer and guardian of the Holy Land from God, but in the end, he was only human.
All those years of misery and suffering and bloodshed, Albrecht made an iron man, but the Wheel of Destiny was still spinning.
Albrecht looked up at the sky for no reason. The puddle clouds were floating peacefully through the blue sky, and the ignorant sun shined on human history and walked the promised path of time.
“Your Majesty!"
A short meditation of Albrecht was completed by Richard, Einhart and Salvatore who had just arrived.
Albrecht turns slowly to look at them. Albrecht, who was in the garden-variety forest, felt something out of the ordinary.
Albrecht speaks calmly to his side.
“There's no need to panic. We just have to wait. ”
People, including Richard, were a little baffled by Albrecht's calm reaction.
With the parties so calm, they were embarrassed by the commotion. However, Albrecht's ambience made people feel strangely unspeakable.
It was like a man who transcended the world. It seemed that the heavenly dragon had just arrived in the human world, sitting in the garden and resting in peace.
Einhardt hurriedly steps away from Albrecht and his men, taking out the paper and starting sketching it with charcoal.
Albrecht simply glances at him and turns his gaze back to the garden. And then I thought to myself with my beard.
The maids continue to travel back and forth through Maria's room in a bankrupt manner. It seemed like two completely different worlds were touching each other with ten runs between them.
The garden seemed like a world beyond human mortality and the corridor was a clear reality.
“Squirt! Squirt! ”
The relative time has passed, and Albrecht hasn't been waiting long, but I think the child has already been born.
Now Albrecht is brought to life by the cry of his newborn child. After ten weeks, I entered the corridor. Soon after, the servant girl came out.
She said with a bright face.
“Sundanese! I've never seen such Sundanese in my life! The queen is healthy and the baby is healthy! ”
Childbirth was one of the most dangerous things in this age. Since there were many mothers and babies who died during childbirth, childbirth was a joy in itself.
Nevertheless, Albrecht glanced at the servant house and said with confidence.
“Is it a boy or a girl? ”
Then the servant girl's expression was a little stiff. However, he forcefully laughed.
“It's a princess. Her big blue eyes, I'm sure, will make her a beauty out of it later. ”
The courtesan, as well as Richard, Einhart and Salvatore, carefully looked into the king's eyes.
Albrecht nods without changing his face.
“May I come in now? ”
“Of course. The queen awaits. ”
Albrecht follows the servant into Maria's room. In a room full of white marble, Maria lies on a large bed. The bed was small because the room was so wide.
As the king entered the room, the maids hurriedly bowed their heads and stood against the wall.
They were all wearing white aprons and hoods, covered in amniotic fluid and blood. It doesn't look like much.
Only a middle-aged woman, a nanny and middle-aged woman, stood beside the queen, wrapped around a princess in a silk sheet.
The princess was still crying loudly, and Albrecht approached Mary first.
Her sweaty, black hair clings to her face, and she breathes.
However, I did not seem exhausted or exhausted as if I was going to lose my mind.
Albrecht smiles naturally and gently touches her face.
“Your Majesty……"
Maria smiles as she looks up at Albrecht. Suddenly, I was surprised by myself and covered my face with both hands.
“I'm not cremated! Come back soon! Yute! Get the cosmetics! ”
“Done. No need to bring it. ”
Albrecht spoke to a servant named Uther, and gently removed her hand.
Whether she had the strength to bear a child or not, Maria rebelled a little, but was not a worthy opponent.
“You look the best right now. Don't cover for me."
Albrecht said softly. Then Maria looks at Albrecht shyly.
Albrecht sat beside the bed and continued to gently stroke Mary's head and face.
Maria looked at Albrecht with her dazzling and loving eyes and thought she could have children for this moment several times.
Albrecht hung Mary's face and head for a long time, looking at the nanny.
“Show me the princess. ”
Then the nanny carefully pushes the princess out in front of Albrecht. Albrecht carefully accepted the princess. It wasn't a metaphor, it was just Albrecht's palm.
Albrecht accepted, and the princess stopped crying like a lie. You sigh a tiny breath of liquid and look toward Albrecht with your eyes still open. He had blue eyes resembling Albrecht's.
Albrecht carefully lowers his gaze to the princess with Mary. Then Albrecht said,
“Nice to meet you. Eliza.”
The princess's name was Elizabeth, which she had named beforehand, considering when her son would come out and when her daughter would come out while she was pregnant.
Parents and children have a special relationship that leads to the millennium, but Albrecht says it's good to see you.
Beyond all political interests, this moment was because I was truly pleased with my daughter who had just joined me in the world.
“Well, there. You have to breastfeed. ”
The nanny told the king and queen very carefully. Albrecht nods and hands Eliza back to the nanny.
The word nursing home literally means a nursing mother. Most of the time, she breast-feeded Elijah, but Mary lowered her head and breastfed Elijah because she liked to suckle her mother's milk when she came out soon.
Albrecht looks at Maria's breastfeeding for a long time and wakes up.
“The maids still have work to do, so I'll be going. I'll see you at night. ”
Albrecht kisses Mary lightly, then leaves the room. Richard, Einhart and Salvatore await you outside. They look at Albrecht's face as if it were a weave.
“Why are you all looking at me? Don't even think about it. It's a slope.”
The reason they looked carefully at Albrecht's face was that there were problems with Rosamund, and problems with his successor because he was not his son.
You are intelligent people, so you quickly understood what Albrecht meant. Albrecht is escaping Maria's palace with them.
Albrecht suddenly looks up at the sky. The sun was still not far from the Mediterranean.
This means that Mary had a baby just hours after the onset of labor. Albrecht doesn't know much about childbirth, but he thought it was possible to give birth so soon.
After all, one of the four brothers and sisters was added and became five. But Albrecht was still the only man.
The name of the new family was Elizabeth von Hoenclatern. He was the firstborn son of the great First King of the Lysen Kingdom.
Albrecht walks the corridor slowly, unlike when he came. I just saw her. I wanted to go back and see my daughter again, but soon I stopped.
Even Albrecht, who was a tomb and extraordinary part of the world, could feel his heart beating. I also felt eager to work.
Suddenly, not long ago, I remembered the students of the Knights Academy. If Albrecht hadn't picked it up, they would have starved to death, and if they had survived, they would have lived a life of thieves or tragedy.
It may have been their luck, but they were also the first students to benefit from Albrecht founding the Academy.
Ultimately, Albrecht worked hard in order to create a better world for the next generation.
The sun still went my way diligently, slowly. The reason the sun walked slowly was probably to attract the next world.
Chapter 29: The End of Why Your Heart Beats.
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