* * *
The rain that began to rain vigorously with the turbulent thunderstorms suddenly subsided.
It was coming down without a sound as if it were scattered, but the amount was not small.
Early in the evening, neither knights nor soldiers came out of the tent except workers who avoided the rain.
Wilhelm had a large army of Anglians and a lot of know-how to prepare for the rain. Thanks to the systematic drainage unique to Anglia, water did not overflow into the tent.
Albrecht had to get back to work de Velez as soon as Zigmunt arrived, so he quickly regrouped his troops and decided to leave the next day.
When the soil is good, it means that it will grow well, but on the other hand, it will quickly become muddy with a little rain. It was a good land for farmers and an awkward land for soldiers.
Nevertheless, Albrecht's determination and defeating Reynald gave him time to spare. You have now breached a new supply line through Lauren at Lewis' high ground.
I was constantly tracking Wigg's movements through my contacts, and I knew that the distance from Ile de Velez was farther than Albrecht.
Perhaps the hierarchy has not yet been established, such as in the Kingdom of Lisen, and Wigg has had a hard time assembling the troops quickly.
It was similar to that of the previous war between the young king and Leopold when it took months to assemble 1,000 men.
Moreover, Wig was not the lord of lords like Zigmunt or Reynald, and he gathered troops under the flag of revenge.
Therefore, it was difficult to gather troops at the same time as appealing for support.
If word of the battle of Remings in Albrecht spreads, it will be more difficult to gather troops because of the warped lords.
What is unusual now is that Albrecht released all the nobles of Veles after killing King Henry.
Releasing them didn't get them anywhere right away, just gave them the freedom of fate. They pitched tents with their families and stayed in Albrecht's encampment.
On the rainy night, tens of thousands of tents lit lanterns or torches inside, creating a view like the stars in the night sky from afar.
The nobles of Veles thought Albrecht had let them go, but they felt like they were sitting on a spike. Why don't you kill him? What do they want from us?
They all rolled their heads quickly with similar anxiety, including Reynolds.
Reynald and his family wrap their heads in a spacious tent. Multiple lanterns are illuminating inside, but they are not illuminating, and an uneasy shade fills the tent.
Reynald was the lord of one region, but unlike Zigmunt, he was cheerful and vigorous. I liked drinking and was a big fan of people depending on their mood.
If it were just a favor, he would not have become a lord, but he was ambitious, and he became a lord by metallurgically swallowing his surroundings based on the support and marriage of his lords.
He made good use of his ambition by connecting it with his personality. You know, asking the lord around you a little too much, and then finally saying, "I've given you that much before, and you can't even do this? It was called ’.
What was really surprising was that, from the point of view of the merger, I had a reaction, 'I think I was wrong.'
We didn't take the land. We took the oath of allegiance. Reynolds was less objectionable because he liked them. Reynald merges the lands in this way.
In some ways, it was essentially similar to the ring business, but there was no nobleman who disliked himself.
It was always popular with the nobles, whether they had money or not.
But the days of glamour are over, too. A monster named Albrecht was just a monster and not a man.
Wearing golden armor, he seemed to be the apostle, no matter what people said. If the glory and absolute power on the battlefield were not apostles, what would that be?
And beyond common sense. Not even a genius can do that.
Taking on him was definitely impossible, and I didn't know when I would be hanged.
In fact, I was the one who was most likely to die after the king, but I was anxious to let him go without killing him. If you tell me, I'll do it, but what am I supposed to do?
At that time, his oldest son, who had been out for a while, stepped into the tent and said to his father,
“Father, father. The lords are gathering at the tent of a man named Richard. ”
Reynald nods, his head wrapped around his head.
“What? Why? ”
“I can't help but think you're under oath of allegiance. ”
Lightning flashes into Reynald's head, lost in despair. Then he got up and left the tent without a peep.
The rain was pouring down on the world. The oiled torches were blazing up and down in the rain.
Turning around, you see a large tent not far from here, and you see the nobles of Veles lining up to enter the tent.
There was a larger tent next to the large tent, and that was the emperor's tent. Richard's tent was as if a child was carrying an adult on his back.
Reynald only guessed what Albrecht meant. This is what the Emperor wanted!
The identity of this world was meaningful only with the approval of the noble society. It was because there was no separate electronic registration system.
Reynald hurries for the end of the line. The once unstoppable Grand Master is at the end of the line, making it seem like something's off, but Reynolds isn't a great man to care about that.
The nobles in the front row greet and pretend to know each other. Reynald smiles, nodding, and raising his hand.
“Come to the Lord. ”
Then the man in the front row looks back and says to Reynolds, Then the other nobles motioned to go quickly.
“Haha, no. No, I think we should wait and think about it for a while. ”
That said, even the nobles didn't recommend it anymore. Then Reynald called out to the people coming out of the tent.
“Hey, guys! Let me see! ”
It was early evening, but it was dark because of the rain, so I couldn't see well around him. Reynald called, and when he found him, the nobles approached.
“May I ask what happened inside? ”
The nobleman just went in and out, covering the rain with his hands.
“It was nothing. I took an oath of allegiance. Oh, but there were zigmunts and Lewis inside. ”
Reynald opens his eyes and bites back.
“Yes. I guess…… a little bit, right? ”
Reynald has spent his entire life trying to swallow Lauren. So Louis and I had a lifetime of rivalry, and it was awkward for him to be there.
Moreover, there was once an encounter with Sigmund in the canyon.
He was a man of the Emperor's imagination, and with 30,000 troops said to have geographic advantages – the actual battle raged for 6,000 to 6,000, increasing Reynolds' reputation.
As Reynald and the nobleman from the tent spoke, the people in the front row approached and heard the story together.
Reynald wonders for a moment, and looks around and asks.
“Does anyone know what King Richard looks like? ”
Then one of the nobles who was gathering said, lifting his hand.
“My uncle took my land and banished me because I'm from Montfort. I heard the Emperor's power has recently avenged and reclaimed the territory. His uncle's family has been torn to pieces by the Illudians. Blood and flesh spattered all over the room. ”
Then the nobles who first heard about it took a breath of vanity. Neither the Emperor nor him is sane.
The nobleman, who was speaking, stiffens his face for a moment, then approaches Reynald and whispers a small whisper.
“By the way, rumor has it…… a bastard. His father had no wife and children, and he had children from the maid. It was officially acknowledged, but it looks like......”
The nobles around you gave a serious look when they heard a secret story about the king. Reynolds' words were important here.
Reynolds smiles lightly as he strokes his hand.
“Oh, I've had many formal bastards since then. Besides, I think all nobles are the same. We nobles need to help each other. We can't afford to be flawed by that. ”
Then the nobles around you thought for a moment if they were right, and just nodded.
Culture, customs, and local attitudes towards stillborn were different, and Reynald was tolerant of stillborn.
Reynald has lost everything, but he hasn't lost faith among the nobles yet.
Reynald looks at the nobles and says,
“First of all, we're all for the new king. There's no other way while the Emperor is staying in Veles.But if we do, we may have to compete with the nobles of the west or the north. It was a good thing. This is where we take the king. Besides, some of them are definitely bastards. We can become royalty and gain the king's trust by holding them back. ”
After Reynald's words, everyone looks at Ooh.
“You're absolutely right. ”
The nobles around me actively cooperated. The nobles who were lost in the chaos that Albrecht forced them to reorder began to walk a new path ahead of Reynald again.
The nobles begin to line up again, and one by one they enter Richard's tent.
Reynald's turn, and he enters the tent. Then, Richard sits in the middle on the long table, and Louis and Sigmund are sitting on either side. It was like an interview on Earth.
“This is the first time I've actually seen it. ”
Lewis speaks in a passing tone. Reynald simply glances at him, turning his gaze to Richard.
“I've come to pledge allegiance to the new king of Veles. I have nothing to do with you. ”
Louis snorts.
“What a rival of my life. The man who has lost everything is so encouraged, the world is truly magnificent. ”
Lewis is sarcastic, but Reynald doesn't react too well.
Sigmund looks at Reynald, elbows on the table and scrubbing his beard with his hands. Sigmund's ferocious gaze often gives Reynald a jolt.
If it wasn't for Albrecht, they'd all be losers in one region, each one responsible for an axis of the national era. It was like a big tent filled with them all in one place.
Richard brushes his flaming hair neatly to his side and wears expensive silk clothes. It was still awkward, but I was starting to build up the quality of the king.
Reynald looks at Reynald with ruby eyes, but the words coming out of his mouth are a bit harsh.
“Is there a reason I should spare your life? ”
Reynald replies without delay.
“The garage overflows for a reason. ”
Richard sneaks his chin as if to ask you to tell him.
“First of all, I still have faith in the nobles of eastern and southern Veles. If I support you, they will follow me. Then you'll be able to stabilize the kingdom that quickly. Secondly, there will be those who fall at the expense of your birth. If I become your shield and stop them, you will also be able to protect your majesty. And thirdly, the two grunts in this room are not reliable. Lewis is dark on the water outside his village, and Zigmunt is not a man. If you listen to them, you'll be lost and drifting in the ocean. ”
It was somewhat rude, but the expression of the people in the intestine did not change. Then Richard smiles and says,
“The second time was worth listening to, but maybe the third time was for the brotherhood. ”
Reynald merely looks down slightly. Richard said by unscrewing the button to see if the silk garment that was guilting his neck was a bit stuffy.
“I see you still have a lot of men left, so the Emperor has asked the two beside you to help him with the horseshoe. You don't have to resist. ”
Reynald did not listen straightaway. Even though he has a slip, Richard is still young and inexperienced, so he thought the Emperor would have put two men up to cover the limestone.
A few moments later, Reynald pledges his allegiance to Richard. Unlike the other nobles, you did not immediately leave the tent, but spoke with Richard for quite some time.
Even the rain that was bubbling soon subsided and no longer rained, and the sky cleared the clouds and sent out flashing stars. But then there was a commotion outside.
“What's that? ”
“Oh, my God! ”
“Oh! God! ”
“Your Majesty! ”
Reynald, Richards, and others quickly left the tent, wondering what was going on. Then, I opened my eyes wide and froze with an unbelievable sight.
Aurora, colorful, was overflowing from the sky. A phenomenon never seen before, even civilians, without a knight and a soldier, came out of the tent and looked up at the sky. And they all look dazed as if their souls had fled.
Richard hurriedly turns his head toward the Emperor's tent. I saw Albrecht in a purple silk suit.
Albrecht, along with Randolph, Erbin and Wilhelm, could not keep his eyes off Aurora's shivering sky.
It was the night of October 24, when Albrecht proclaimed the Emperor. On this day, people called it ‘the day the tabernacle of the world was opened.'
At the same time, it was called "the day when the emperor came down from heaven."
Chapter 33 Life Act II, the end of World Act II.
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