* * *
The battle that began in the morning ended late afternoon. The sun began to set, and just as the beginning and end were connected, the sunset flooded the world with purple and dark blue and bright light, just as the dawn came.
The soldiers led by Randolph had to clean up the bodies, clean up the battlefield, and hit the tent, even though they didn't have the strength to snap a finger.
Herman sent medical supplies and sent soldiers to help clean up the battlefield. But still, Randolph and Hermann had each other's backs. Now even the command barracks were two.
As Randolph put it, Hermann thought he could win enough.
In fact, he fought, or nearly pushed, 16,000 enemies on the hill with 10,000 troops.
At the exchange cost, if Hermann's troops had helped him from the front of the hill or the other side, he might have captured the Wig if he had been able to capture the target completely.
In fact, Randolph's maneuvers were almost an art form. What kind of army surrounds an enemy like a sewing needle?
Wigg also pushed all the knights into the forest as his left wing almost backfired. It would have been completely surrounded if it weren't for the overwhelming dominance.
Herman is Herman Boulevard. I was like, ’What did I say? Only the unfortunate soldiers left to die and gain influence on the target's seriousness and surrounding area.
If I could guess who was right and who was wrong, I could talk all day, but in the end, I had no answer.
It was preferable to just accept the reality and plan for the future at this time, but the Empire Army was in no condition to do so.
The knights came down from the horses and helped the soldiers. I wouldn't have done this before, but it changed because I learned the virtues of a soloist from Albrecht.
You gather the warriors together and heal the wounded. After losing weight, many died during treatment.
Hervin sits around his deputy and several knights resting.
The brown hair looked red with sunlight, and the scar on the right cheek, which was drawn down, did not look awkward as it settled on its face naturally with time.
Seeing Erbin so quietly, I thought I shouldn't do this. Then I saw a sunchick from the Academy in his eyes.
It was officially called a probation technician, but in fact, it was like riding a horse.
He was not such a sunchick because he had experienced two major battles up until this battle, including the Lemmings battle.
“Hey! Did you say Bern? Come here.”
When Erbin calls, Bern turns to walk past the field hospital with a basin full of blood. I found out that the summoner was a knight commander, so I sprinkled blood on the floor and ran off with the basin.
Erbin wiped his face and neck with a damp towel, looking at a bald blonde Bern. He also had a sunny, white blonde glow.
“Go to Ile de Velez tomorrow morning and report on the progress of the battle to the Emperor. ”
Then Bern looks a little puzzled with his face scorched and his hair on his face with sweat.
“Didn't Prince Randolph send someone after the battle? ”
Ervin was about to say something, and I thought it was pointless to tell him. But then I changed my mind again. Doesn't everyone know the truth anyway?
“You would know if you had eyes and ears. There's a battle between the Randolph ball and the Hermann ball. There are two heads in the army. Soon you will be in great ruin. You two will be embarrassed to ask the Emperor for help again after you've both commanded the Emperor to lead the army. ”
I went out on a mission with troops from the monarch, and it was like admitting my incompetence to the monarch again.
Even if Randolph sent someone to report it in combat, there's no way he could have reported it in detail to the currently returning tail.
Bern just bows and shuts up. It was because I didn't think it was a big deal.
Erbin wetted the towel back into the bucket, salted it again, and wiped the back of his neck or ears.
“So you go and tell the Emperor exactly what is happening. You will learn something at the Academy, so tell me carefully. ”
It was beyond the command system, so Randolph could be offended if he knew. However, the Knights were always a direct unit of the emperor, so it was not a formal problem.
“Very well. May I take my friend, by the way? It's called Fo-Fo. ”
The deputy next to Erbin frowns at the words of Bern.
“The son of a bitch is missing. ”
Bern lowers his head to see if he can get in trouble again. Man, I shouldn't have brought that up.
While serving as an apprentice knight in the Knights, I was told it was a long day. It is often said that if I did not do what I was told to do correctly, I was beaten every time, and I was insulted every time I made a mistake.
The knights in the vision and the knights in reality were so different, Bern was very difficult at first. What I learned at the academy, I thought was useless in practice.
However, it was Bern that became stronger and stronger when it was tapped, so I gripped it and endured it.
The Knights are finally a place where people live, so I became familiar with my senior knights once I got used to the work and took care of it.
However, senior knights and executives, including the knight commander, were still untouchable.
I started practicing twice and lost a lot of students, but I was still just a sunchick in front of the executives.
Erbin gladly stares at Bern. I didn't expect it at first, but it was because I grew up to be a useful talent every day.
Above all, there was more room to use it than most ignorant articles.
Bern thought learning at the Academy was useless, but he thought he taught well at the Academy from above.
“Done. Don't be so mean. It's safer for two to go than one. You can take your friend. As I said, if it's sunny tomorrow, eat your breakfast early and leave. ”
“Thank you."
Bern bows down and quickly leaves his post. It seemed that the position with the executives was uncomfortable.
Ervin looks at Bern like that, just smiling, and starts scrubbing his body with a towel. I can't believe you took my friend. I never imagined that. I thought there was definitely no concept.
The next day, when the sun just reached the horizon, Bern and Fo-Fo left for the road to the south.
Unlike the way the army used to go, they used to run horses along their usual route. I ran for a while, and I drove slowly again.
One day, it was a sudden morning, and Velez's field, covered in tiny grass, glittered with dew.
Bern takes in the unobstructed view for a moment, then turns his head to look at Fo-Fo. Even though he ate for a meal, Fo-Fo looked like a baby because he was less fat than before.
“Hey, aren't you even thankful? ”
“Thanks to me, you're sucking on honey. ”
“What is this honey? I couldn't sleep because of you. I thought you were joking. ”
It was true that he was very tired because he had a fierce battle the other day.
Bern laughs for a few moments in Fo-Fo's mind.
“Hey, imagine what you're really doing right now. Clean up the body, gather up the heavy artillery, we should scout around, how much easier can it be to walk this slow? ”
“That's right. But I wanted to sleep more. It's fucked up."
As that cute and innocent Fo-Fo naturally took his twinkling out of his mouth, Bern felt something new.
While Bern is sentimental, Fo-Fo looks at Bern and asks.
“What do you think of this battle, by the way? ”
“What do you think? ”
“No, you know what? If the Emperor had abolished, this battle would have been over by now. ”
Seeing that Bern is a fierce follower of Randolph, Fo-Fo was cautious. But Bern didn't think much of it.
“What do you think? He's probably sleeping comfortably with his head on a pole right now. ”
“Well, that's what I'm wondering. How is it different? Mr. Randolph didn't do anything wrong. He even fought on the front lines. I don't think it makes a difference just because you're strong. Something's different.”
Whether it was because he was still young, or because he was a student, Fo-Fo was full of inquisition. I learned about strategy and tactics at the Academy, but it was really useless.
For example, infantry dust was how to configure and knight charge was how to configure left and right.
It was not yet time for books such as maneuvers, sieges, extinctions, and wedges.
Strategy, the costs of tactics, are on the scene, not in the book. The best of them was the first emperor, Kaiser Albrecht.
Bern wonders for himself, as Fo-Fo says. I'd like to go and ask him, but I don't think he'll be insulted and beaten again.
Fo-Fo ponders carefully, and Bern decides whether to ask the Emperor himself.
The two of them are lost. After a long time of thinking, I walked down the street again, watching the field.
Fo-Fo is dangerously drowsy on the horse. Bern grabs hold of Fo-Fo's horse and drives it steadily.
As the lunch approaches, the two pause and take out the hard bread and wine to eat. After a little rest, I got back on the horse and went out on the road.
After going down for a long time, you can see the forest far away. Strangely enough, monsters started appearing in the world, and there was a camp around the forest where people lived.
Starting with the fewer than fifteen, there were dozens of people living in groups. As you continue south along the road, you see some camps along the road.
People in the camp were dirty, guilty, but well-armed, some wearing gauntlets and metal boots. I thought they might be mercenaries or adventurers.
Inside the camp, you seem to be working hard to dismantle Goblins, Orcs, and Werewolves.
I scrape the fat off the leather and process the medicines, but the nasty smell and the smell of the medicines piercing my nose vibrate around the camp.
After two knights pass by, you look at the people at the camp with caution.
It was not so vigilant, but just a look that stemmed from the discomfort of the existence of a knight. What is he, a knight at such a young age? Are you a nobleman?
Bern and Po-Fo, who glared at people's eyes, were not as strong as they were when they were young.
Perhaps it's because the body is naturally sharp with two large battles.
Several of the crowd nods slightly or grabs the helmet, and Bern raises his hand slightly. It was a sign of no hostility to each other, rather than a greeting.
When the armed men encounter each other, tension or unwanted air is created around them. That's why it was good for a simple foreigner to lighten the mood a bit.
Bern and Fo-Fo continue on their journeys, just looking at the people in the camp.
It looks like it's getting dark and I have to camp overnight, but the camp is constantly being trampled by the roadside. It was safe and good to spend the night with people.
But he couldn't speak out because he wasn't trustworthy enough.
Fo-Fo approaches the camp with three or four tents inside, fearless or with a short fence.
“Hey, who's in charge here? ”
A man in the middle of a pile of Orc Hide looks up at Fo-Fo and Bern.
“Chief? There's no such thing? ”
The person next to him pounces on his colleague.
“Asshole, being in charge is a noble word. The commander. ”
It was different, but Bern and Fo-Fo were just silent.
“No, then call the commander from the beginning. One moment, please. Hey, boss! The knights here are looking for the commander! ”
“What article? ”
Then in a tent, a tall, bearded man appeared to walk out.
I was wearing pants and boots with my torso exposed, and my torso was full of chest hairs and scars everywhere. The body seemed to be in good harmony with the flesh and muscles.
“The lords here want you to call the commander. ”
The man approaches and looks around at Bern and Fo-Fo on the horse.
Then, seeing the black cross on the white symbol of the Lysen Knights, he was furious and quickly bowed.
“Oops! Oops! I didn't know any Licence Knights lords. These guys need to be a little ignorant. ”
“We're not a story yet. An apprentice knight.”
Needless to say, Bern has honestly identified himself. Then the walking man stared at me as if to say what he meant.
“? ”
“We're Academy graduates. Currently serving in the Licence Knights. I'm on my way to the Emperor on a mission from the Master. It's been a long night, but can you stay the night? ”
The strutting man frowned, not answering quickly, and tried to interpret Bern's words. Then the impression cleared up and he said loudly.
“Oh, I know! No, I know! Student! Yes, student! You're from the place where the emperor collects children and teaches them to knife! ”
Bern simply shuts up because there were more than one or two things to correct.
“Yes! Yes! Come in! What am I supposed to say? Anyways, aren't you the kind of people who work for Narat? You're going to the Emperor. You have to help him. You have to help cancer! Come in!”
The man speaks softly and swings his elongated arm as if to ask him to come quickly into the camp.
I didn't look down on Bern and Fo-Fo because they were students, and I felt relieved that they weren't just formal knights.
You get out of the horse and into the camp, and the smell of nasty but nasty medicine grows stronger.
There were harpoons, hooks, short spears, bows, jungles, sickles, axes and butcher knives all around the camp, and auxiliary tools such as nets and traps were lying next to them.
The knights' weaponized whale oil has rusted all over the place, and the long knob is covered in blood. I was horrified.
It was more like a hunting weapon than a combat weapon. I thought they were hunting Orcs, Goblins, and Werewolves.
Fo-Fo grabs his nose without even knowing it. Why did you ask me to stay here?
The camp commander takes you to the campfire, smiling heavily at those cannons. The yellow and dirty one seemed to be crawling around pretty soon.
“Stop smelling like that. That way the monsters won't attack at night because they're scared. Kehehe.”
A monster raid? Maybe Bern and himself were attacked while camping in the streets?
If Bern and Fo-Fo are on the front lines of the war against Veles, the filthy, stinking camps on the side of the road are the world's fastest-changing frontiers.
Soon, the camp commander led the two to a blazing bonfire.
“Hey! Get me a drink! Meat! It's been a long time since I've had anything to drink since I was a valued customer! ”
Bern and Fo-Fo didn't want to be treated like this, but they sat down because they were guests.
The Crucible Milky Way floats in the sky, and the stars sparkle faintly. I haven't even had a drink yet, but it was a night that seemed to be getting drunk in the moonlight for some reason.
The magic contained in the moonlight naturally broke the vigilance of those fighting on their front lines.
< 245 > End