* * *
Of the 15,000 troops Albrecht led, there were 2,000 warriors and twice as many injured. It was between 4,000 and 6,000 incapacitated.
Orcs have suffered far more damage than usual, though it was devastating.
However, the Orcs were originally 10,000 troops, so they could no longer maintain their army, and they were likely to die as well as their king and be torn into tribal units again.
Victory was a victory, but a desperate victory. No one knew what would have happened if Albrecht had suddenly failed to exercise his powers.
If there's one problem, Albrecht hasn't woken up two days after his fall.
I breathed and sometimes killed, but when I watered, I barely made it to my throat, but I couldn't keep up.
Everyone had to clean up, but the nobles like Randolph, Hermann, and Zigmunt were each too individualized and no one was up or down.
The Emperor's collapse is urgent, but we only notice each other. Randolph steps forward and summons the commanders.
The extremely simple castle, stacked with bricks and shaped like a square pillar, was surprisingly wide on the inside and quite high on the height.
One was large and one was small, but the two were together, connected to each other. The small tower was where the former Holy Spirit used to live, and Albrecht was in a state of rest there.
The room was spacious as a meeting place for the commanders, but it was dark even in the morning because the spear was not properly lit.
Randolph, who called the meeting while the Emperor's seat is empty, speaks first.
“I think it's a priority to transport the king to Poitou. Send a follower to King Richard in Puatu. I've already sent a messenger to meet him in the middle. ”
After the Emperor's fall, it looks like Randolph is in charge of all power. But there was no one who resisted that position.
And there can be no disagreement about the safety of the emperor. Only, Randolph was careful to comment further.
“There's nothing left but victory in battle. We're trying to stabilize Gascony by leaving troops. What do the balls think? ”
Since it was always a feudal society, if it was not the emperor's overwhelming charisma, it was cautious of Randolph to move troops belonging to the territory.
Even the division of troops had to have that kind of power or legitimate right. Moreover, even though he had a legitimate right, he did not know whether the lords would follow him or not.
However, the North was traditionally the emperor's biggest supportive base and direct troops, so it seemed to hear Randolph, the second in the empire.
But it was also possible for the nobles here to approve it.
“How many men do you have left? ”
Herman folds his arms and looks at Randolph, but only at the table. Randolph looks at Hermann and says,
“Since your wounds are 2,000 and your injuries are 2,000, why don't you leave them here to guard and leave 5,000 of the other 9,000 behind to wipe out the Orcs? ”
While the nobles, including Zigmunt, remain silent, Wilhelm surprisingly opens his mouth.
“Maybe we're leaving too much behind. ”
Wilhelm, like Randolph, was a changed white man and married the Empress' brother to the Emperor in the East and West.
However, in the Crusade, he joined as a soldier and wrote the shark because there was a great difference between Randolph and Randolph.
Randolph thought so, according to Wilhelm. You're in charge of Albrecht's position, so you can't make any decisions and push back.
Then Zigmund looks at the table like Hermann and opens his mouth.
“Let's have the casualties take care of the heavy casualties, and have 1,000 soldiers clear the area. If there are any Orcs left, let the other 3,000 conquer Gascony, we'd better hunt them down. Once the battlefield is cleared out, we can join 1,000. ”
Randolph says there are a thousand fewer troops. Randolph just accepted it because he thought it was similar.
“Do you have any other comments? ”
Sigmund replied again.
“You don't decide who you leave behind. ”
“Oh, right. ”
Randolph looks like his face is burning. With the command system already in place, the ability to command in combat has been demonstrated, but the bias is lacking.
In fact, it was a headache and difficult to place the workforce in the right place, although it was not visible. In that regard, Randolph had nothing to do with Sigmund.
Sigmund doesn't look at Randolph pitifully, but simply speaks calmly.
“This is me, ball of Wilhelm, and ball of Hrrolf. Lord Randolph, Lord Herman and Warden Jurgen will escort you. ”
“That would be nice. Do you have any other comments? ”
Randolph agrees, not asking why. He thinks this is right. The nobles simply kept their mouths shut.
“Then I suggest you form an escort and leave immediately. I'll take you to the wagon, so please take care of Herman. I'll go get the Yurgen Warden. ”
Herman nods without a word, and Yurgen is not here. He was currently in the care of the Emperor.
Randolf takes his place after the meeting. Then he leaves the conference room and goes to a place where Albrecht is in good health.
With caution, she sits in a chair next to Albrecht, and sees the yurgen hanging from her shoulders. People came in and didn't even look at me.
With Albrecht lying in bed, Randolph seems to have grown quite thin in two days.
I assumed it wasn't because I had fallen down, but because I had exerted an unbelievable power.
There have been many who regard Albrecht not as a man, but it has always been a metaphor. However, Albrecht, who Randolph saw, was clearly, literally not human.
Randolph suddenly, from the moment he met Albrecht until now, things have passed through his mind like a headlamp.
I taught myself during the Crusade, fought the war for Wittenheim, returned Oberburn, fought the Crusade, broke up, and met again for almost 20 years.
But one thing Randolph realized was that Albrecht was more important than his own strength.
It was no exaggeration to think that people all over the world depend on Albrecht. It didn't seem like anyone could replace it.
What if the Master doesn't wake up? Who is the next emperor? Her daughter becomes the emperor? What about Zigmunt? Should I kill him when I can?
All sorts of thoughts messed with Randolph's head. It wasn't a former innocent Randolph. Like Hermann said, he wasn't a child, but he wasn't very polite about politics.
“Because of me. ”
At that moment, Urgen, who was lowering his head, expressively speaks while keeping his head down.
“I confessed to the Lord and became a commander. If I hadn't snitched, we would have lived in peace in CalTerre. It's all my fault. ”
Randolph glances down at Yurgen, then slowly grips his shoulder.
“Your Majesty will wake up. In the meantime, we must protect you. So eat something. At this rate, the governor will fall before His Majesty. ”
Yurgen was speechless. Randolph says again.
“In a few moments, I will escort you to Poitier. Until then, simply eat some bread. ”
But still, Eugene was silent. Randolph simply taps Eugene on the shoulder a few times and leaves the room.
When Herman has finished assembling his troops, the guards come in and carry the Emperor.
Carrying the emperor away from the castle, soldiers were outside disassembling the Orcs, shearing their hides, collecting their horses and equipment, and guarding the wounded.
As the imperial guard passed by, the soldiers took off their helmets and quietly looked at the emperor.
The emperor's status was also high, but as he retreated to the line of defense, his body flew to protect the soldiers, reaching deeper into his heart.
Some leaned in to see the look on the Emperor's face. The emperor who was spouting his overwhelming charisma on the battlefield, his face turned pale.
The soldiers seemed to have hurt their hearts. I was hoping you'd get up soon.
Soon, the guard placed the emperor on the wagon. The straw was placed on the crate and the most luxurious cloth could be found on the battlefield. However, the owner of the world was too humble to ride.
Around the fortified hill were blood and flesh points and all sorts of things that were cut down or crushed and could not identify their shape. This was a testament to the courage and fortitude of those who defended mankind.
Suddenly it was November, and the lonely wind blew and all of it was gently touched, but it was cold.
Near Foetier Castle, there is a makeshift hospital for those injured by Goblins and monsters.
Rosamund was taking care of the wounded, just like he did every time he served.
Everyone sinned, big or small, but few people continued to feel guilty. Most of them just tried to forget.
Looking directly at the sin he committed, whether it was a meaningless act or a meaningless act, the effort to wash away the sin was sometimes miserable and sometimes devastating. But it was noble.
Rosamund felt guilty for slaughtering the Akitans who surrendered in the Anglia War.
Obviously they invaded first, but killing thousands of people all at once made a heavy acorn in my heart by leaving well.
Rosamund was 33 years old one day, and now he has a lot of pain in the wind. However, the guilt remained in my mind because of the scar.
In fact, he had almost given up, but he thought he would never have a baby because of the sins he had committed.
Whether I had a baby or not, I would continue to volunteer, but I couldn't help feeling depressed sometimes.
Rosamund sits creased, washing his bloody bandages, and Richard and Erbin approach.
“Hey, Empress. I have something to tell you. ”
Rosamund raises his head.
“Huh? Wait a minute. Flora, I need you to take this. ”
A woman named Flora said, stitching up a torn wound from a soldier nearby.
“Yes, Mama. ”
Rosamund gets up and goes to one side, washing his hands in a basin filled with clean water.
After rinsing a few more times with a jug of water, I brushed my hands thoroughly on the white apron covered with blood.
“What's going on? ”
Richard glances at you for a moment and hesitates.
“I heard the Emperor has fallen. ”
Richard is not his fault, but I'm sorry.
“You slaughtered the Orc King and won the battle, but he's fallen and isn't waking up." I'm in a hurry to make my way to Gascone. I think I should warn you beforehand...... ”
Rosamund's beautiful silver eyes gradually lose focus. Then my pretty lips opened up helplessly, and I sat down on the floor.
“Don't, Mama. ”
Richar and Erbin try to hurry up, but they can't touch their hands. The maids rush in and help the Empress. Rosamund's head twitches helplessly.
Richard and Erbin don't know what to do, but he says it quietly first.
“I will run as fast as I can and fetch the king. Don't worry, Your Majesty, you're immortal. ”
I truly longed for immortality to comfort me, but whatever comfort I could find, I couldn't get it into Rosamund's ears now.
“Apologize. Apologize. ”
Rosamund mutters in a dazed voice.
I don't know what you're talking about, but when Richard asks, Rosamund quickly shakes his head. Then he got up and ordered with the expression described above.
“I'll go myself. Master Hervin, pick some knights and come with me. Please prepare several horses so that they can go without rest. ”
Then Rosamund heads to the stable without changing his clothes. Richard is embarrassed and follows, shouting.
“Don't, Mama! Just being here......”
Rosamund looks back and cuts off Richard's words. Rosamund's eyes are steady, and he looks straight at her.
“I'm not in my right mind. Don't stop me, I don't know what to say. Please."
Unlike Albrecht, Richard lost his words in charisma. I felt the majesty of the queen who ruled one kingdom.
Ervin, who was by your side, was merely under the Empress's command. You quickly picked the top hundred of the Licence Knights and prepared to rush off.
They picked a hundred people apart because they needed as many horses and were slow when they dragged them on a large scale. Erbin instructs his followers to pick up the remaining horses.
Rosamund unties the white hood on his head and reveals his silver hair.
The hair tied behind her back is stranded in the middle of work. But no one thought to paint it.
Rosamund hurries south on a white horse. I looked at the Empress as the maids were getting away from me with worrying eyes.
And the knights of the fully armed Lizen Knights ran across those maids. The leaves of the lily tree fall on the ground and are trampled roughly by Rosamund's horse.
However, a silver-colored crow sits on the soft branch of a lily tree at a distance that no one notices.
The crow looks at Rosamund and the knights running south for a long time, and flies up the branches and follows Rosamund from the sky.
< 258 > End