Nestled on the river, Till meditates his eyes and waits.

At the foot is a magical scaffold cemented with a blizzer.

I think ice magic is more versatile than I thought.

Would I be able to do that?

You'll have to adjust it well and adjust the power of thunder magic.

So far, all I can do is free up my powers and fly at once, but I'm sure I can stay on the spot with delicate adjustments.

I can't build scaffolding where there's nothing, but if it's on the water...

"It's okay, before your right foot sinks, you just have to get your left foot out"

Oh, my God, isn't that easy?


... Easy?

"Good luck, Master Alice"

"Good luck!

They cheer on me for cruising along the riverbank.

There are two ways to support it: the effect of stirring people up and the effect of putting heavy pressure on them.

Second, I'll turn around behind myself.


"Dear Alice?

"Mr. Alice, what's wrong?

Ilia and Cyra looking strange.

Looking at the two of them, their tense faces loosen.

I felt the pressure on my elbow disappear.

On edge, awesome.

I feel like I can work hard.

Again, I looked at Till standing on the river.

"I will, I will! Till!"

Declare it to Till and take a step on your right foot.

Adjust the sander at your feet and gently put your foot on the water.

It has been a peak of tension since before we fought.

Weigh carefully on the feet stepped out on the water.

- Can you do that?

I felt enough to keep my weight and stepped in at once.


It's still difficult to balance the adjustments!

I can't remember my feet.

Naturally, my body nearly collapsed and let out my left leg.

And I put too much magic into it.

Pushed forward to jump.

I rush out my right leg.

Now it was too weak.

I'm going to sink.

Hurry up and put your left foot forward.

"Because this is just running at full power!!

But I can't stop.

When it stops, when it sinks.

"Till! Let the game begin! Let's do it right away! Come on!"

Try to plead for the start of the game as you run around Till stationary on the river.

It'll be over before it starts!

"He's a noisy guy - Blizer"



Suddenly it would be too much!?

A sleepy blizzer pours around me.


The pale ice becomes a sharp bullet, striking extensively.

But it's a range of junior magic.

It's a magic defense, and you can take it.


Aggressively, he created a strong rebellion and jumped backwards.

Step back out of range and do the attack.

Actions according to intuition.

The other party is not a bandit...

"What's up? It's a long way off."

Tilbel einchaura.

Ice and Snow Witch, was it?

"... to be honest. Your body won't listen to you. I'm afraid."

I tried to be really honest.

No, you're actually right.

As always, while running away from Till, I confess.

"Be honest. But it's Alice, right? Lord, do you think I can't live with someone stronger than myself in the future?


"I can't because I don't have enemies, if I give up, do I turn my back? After all, all the sweet situations that it's allowed?


Again, look to the banks of the river.

At the heart of the matter, I don't like being unable to protect anyone I want to protect.

"I mean it, okay?

"Kufu, are you worried that your concubine might die?

"It was a stupid question."

Kick the water, jump.

Activate attack magic during stagnation time.

Like Till, it is inconvenient because it cannot be double-cast.

"O light blade of heaven, be my sword and tear the darkness! Lightning!"

With your right hand, unleash intermediate magic on Till.

It seems silly to shy away from Till against them.

"- Blizzar"

On my lightning rays, Till stretched countless ice walls.

Lightning was inhibited by its wall and scratched out before it reached Till.

"Well, did you pull out eight?"

I look at the crushed ice wall and Till calls out to me to praise him.

- But this is not the place.

It is the strongest attack.

"Here, beforehand..."



They took it in Blizzar?

With inferior magic...

No, that's true, too, but what versatility it can be used for defense.


Mind the landing, magically offset the fall speed while putting your feet on the water.


And my legs stiffened when I thought about it.

"Hey! Cold cold!!

Soon, the water's frozen, and they're even icing on my feet!

"Now take the magic of a concubine."

Does that mean you won't let them get away with it!?

What a dos!


Now, stand alone!

For that matter, it should be powerful.

Not good!

I didn't even feel like I could take it, even to the extent I just did.

I didn't just rely on simple magic defenses...... skewers!

"I don't like it hurting!

"Well, if you're a woman, that's what happens."

Does it stop?!?

Or it wouldn't matter now!

Till, who is still letting the magic play on his hands, threatens to go.

You're clever!

"Worst of all, I'll treat you - don't die instantly."

And so on, the suspect has testified.

"Wait, wait!!

and the desire is vain, and Blizer is released.

Very slow speed.

For once, so are you going to be concerned?

The opponent had not moved a single step, could not escape the attack and even the strongest attack was easily prevented.

Does man have to resist even before this desperate difference in strength?

"- The answer is, yes!!

Getting sloped is just not cool.

Let them try as much as they can.

Till's ice magic is amazing.

But I feel the possibility of my own thunder magic.

Look at the ice hammer approaching you and breathe.

"Forced! Light Enchant!

- On Till's ice blade, force the lightning imparted.

"- Hmm?"

Now, the later guidelines are the same!


Hit the ice bullet with my thunder magic.

Ice bullets imparted with thunder lose momentum while viewing with rebellion.

But I don't think that's the end of it, Till!

"Go, yeah, yeah!

Push back the magic of Till!



This is the battlefield!

"-Come on, Lightning!!

Continuous activation.

For the scaffolding to solidify with ice, there is no need for a double cast!

Pushed out by my intermediate magic, Blizer, who eventually became a bullet for reversal, hits Till.

But it was easily flaunted by Till jumping.

Till that stays in the air.

"That's about it, folded!

Whatever, I look at Till with admiration, so no matter how amazing Till does it, it's within my imagination in a way!

Then, naturally, we will also deal with the situation of aggressiveness.


You can't just hit it in a straight line.

Release the Thunder in range to Till who escaped into the air.

However, the attack also dealt with Till's failure to guard himself by placing an ice wall in all directions.

- Not yet!

My fantasies about Till are not surprising to that extent!

I can't get my legs out, so I fly towards Till for every ice on the scaffold.

"How about a melee! Till!"

Keep up the momentum and stick it in the til and thunder on your palm.

Thunder palm bottom.

I think I'll make it a trump card, one.

"- Ugh, I don't hate it"


Till, who smiled nearby, missed by paying off an arm that released my palm bottom.

I was completely disfigured.

Leaving me alone, with too much serial activation and limited magic, I'm upside down in the river, but my opponent wasn't sweet.

"Protect 0? Wake up by nightfall."

On the contrary, I let go of consciousness on the spot when I was struck in the stomach with a spilling palm bottom.


"Dear Alice? Did you wake up?

"This place..."

Check around with a blurry consciousness.

Turns out it's in the tent.

I knew the situation somehow.

Ilia is knee-pillowing me for some reason.

"Ha... how long have you been asleep?

Till, it's too strong...

Whatever I did, I felt wasted on my skin.

"We're just about to set the sun, so it's not that long"

"Really, what about Till and Cyra?

"Your teacher is out. Cyra said," Dinner's ready. "

I see, I have to thank Cyra later.

But the audition started in the evening, so, as I do say, it hasn't been that long.


Speaking to Ilia looking down at this one, she leaned her neck strangely.

Ilia cute.

"Was it cool with me?


laughed at!?

"Didn't they notice? Your teacher always seemed happy when he was fighting your daughter."


Because I was too desperate, and I wasn't there.

"Besides, we too, watching Master Alice made my breasts hot with anticipation. The lady is, sooner or later, the strongest successor to the master. I made my thoughts strong."


"You can't think of such a lady as being uncool, etc. Please be confident, My Lady."

"Already... Ilia has trouble because she has a good mouth"

"Oh? Hehe, is it?


I'm in trouble because I have an easy ride.

But, well, I'm here to try and live up to that expectation.

I want to be a proud apprentice, like Till can be proud of.

I won't let Till grieve.

That's all, I vowed strongly to my heart.